Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Astrology Jan 21 - 28, 2023


Saturday, January 21, 2023, to Saturday, January 28, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Good morning Victor. We have so much going on. The planet Uranus is standing perfectly still at the New Moon today. Both of these things today: that the New Moon is in Aquarius and Uranus rules Aquarius. Uranus is about sudden abrupt change and kind of political action; where people unite, joined together protest. All that sort of an unusual and bizarre things is in order for this Aquarius Moon sign. It rules anything alien or alienating. Expect the unexpected. That is what you can tag. You can hang on for this New Moon, and for Uranus as well. It may feel like impending doom. It is just that it is so, absolutely filled with that kind of possibility where modes of behavior are strange and you do not know what you can count on. There are a lot of things that are debated along the way. You may try to hold your opinion, your train of thought, and join some sort of activated activation group as well anyway.

There is a lot going on with the New Moon. New Moon takes place at 3:53 PM in Aquarius at 1.5° of Aquarius. Uranus turns direct at 5:58 PM in Taurus. almost 15° of Taurus. That is a really loud degree because it is 45° away from 0° Cardinal, which would be 0° Aries, 0° cancer 0° Libra and 0° Capricorn. That is called the World Axis. So whatever statement Uranus is trying to make it is likely to be loud and joining others, as it makes this change direct. It is been retrograde since last August. It will not go retrograde again until next August. So, I would say, you could join with friends. Aquarius is the sign for friendship. Uranus rules unusual friends, people who are maybe not your usual type of people.

The plans for Saturday night could be very tempting to go out and eat a lot of food. With the cost of eggs so much it is going to put the cost of all food products up because they put eggs in everything. There is sort of like no break for what is going on with prices. We can plan on this Aquarius Moon giving us a boost when Uranus does turn direct on Sunday. That would be at 5:58 PM.

We have later on the Sun and the Moon are parallel during this Aquarius Moon, where they joined together for a common cause. Also, the last thing that the Aquarius Moon is going to do is make an aspect to Uranus. So, it is going to pull that back right into the game as well. That would be Monday at noon time straight up at 12:00. The Moon is then void of course until 12:35 PM when it enters the sign of Pisces.

The Pisces Moon is going to be the best option for planning your goals. It starts on Monday 12:35 PM. It will be a Green Light right through until late on Wednesday morning. So, if you want to send something, call something, set up something. A lot of things are done behind the scenes and behind closed doors. You might find that you are at an advantage. Rather there is a disadvantage going on, but you can have something you can benefit by, from this unfortunate element from the Pisces Moon. Like maybe you wanted a position and you were turned down for that position. Then the person that got it did not actually take it. So, they call you up and ask if you still are interested in taking that job. You could feel trapped with the Pisces Moon sign. So, find a way to like go up, with prayer and meditation. Reach out to friends, who can be a support to you. Also, family members that are kind and compassionate. We can also expect something really kind of lucky out of this.

Go through Monday with the Pisces Moon. It is a Green Light. Then Tuesday at 8:30 PM, the Sun is sextile to Jupiter. That is a really good aspect that bridges the gap between you and others. Whatever it is that you want to do, you get the support that you need. So, take advantage of that on Tuesday. It governs the whole day Tuesday. But the closer you get to it, and that would be 8:30 PM maybe 7:30 or closer. You could have a very lucky thing for yourself that occurs.

Then Wednesday the Pisces Moon as is with us right through until 1:47 PM Wednesday. But there is a Green Light that goes right through until 11:11 AM. That is because the Moon makes a nice 60° aspect to Pluto. Pluto is governing all the Moon signs these days because it is at the very end of the sign in Capricorn. It is at 28° of Capricorn now. On March 23rd, it changes signs and goes into Aquarius. So, we have those months, where we are going to see Pluto having the last word.

The Pisces energy changes on Wednesday, when the Moon goes into Aries. So, this is uplifting. It is not a Green Light though. You probably you know are frustrated. Boy has that been the name of the game. Frustration. Disappointment. That is still in the air and especially on Wednesday. Wednesday, we get ready for a change when Venus will change signs the next day, on Thursday. The Wednesday energy is filled with forward action. There might be some people losing their head over things. or trying to run up the hill, then they may not get as far as they would like.

The Pisces sign is welcoming Venus into it. Where Venus is at its best. Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces. Planets have their best places and their worst places to be in the Zodiac. And there are better places.  So, this is where Venus is at its best. So, Venus is likely to be helpful to others and be kind all around. But it is still not a good day for making decisions or signing contracts. That Aries Moon will cut things right off and the Moon is square Pluto. So, you pay dearly for whatever it is that you are doing.

Then Friday the Moon is void of course at 4:00 PM. You can also see that Void of Course Moon be very, very impatient right up until 6:42 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Taurus Friday. That Taurus Moon is calming. With exception the Moon is going to join up with Uranus. That is not for another day beyond the Moon.

The Moon conjunct Uranus will be. let me see if I can find it. It is next week. It is parallel on next Saturday. There it is. It is Saturday 10:36 PM. So, you want to be off the road and probably be tucked in. We will talk about that next Saturday.

As far as Friday night, there is a nice aspect the Moon makes to Venus. So, nice company, nice food for the Moon in Taurus. It is persuasion. The powers of persuasion win. And always food first. Couple everything with a meal and there you go for a good result. Okay, that is it for the week ahead.

You can find a copy of this at You can find the link the transcribed report there. Thank you, Kimberly Chin for that. Also, you can give me a call for a one-on-one session, and maybe a one-on-one class. Although wait a couple of weeks for that one. I think it is archived at WZBC (90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts) for two weeks as well. So that is it. Victor, take it away.

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