Saturday, July 15, 2023, to Saturday, July 22, 2023
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM
There really are no Green Light periods this week.
Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have a lot of Pluto going on. The Moon signs are going to travel from Gemini to Cancer, Leo, then Virgo before it finishes up this week. Each time we see the Moon at the final degree, which is the marker for the nature of the quality of the Moon sign. So, in Gemini, the last aspect is what we would be measuring. The last aspect would be quincunx to Pluto. A quincunx is life's messy, clean it up. It is 150° (degrees). There are two ships that pass in the night. Often there is something that bumps in the dark. Something that you have to attend to and clean up.
When the Moon in Gemini is making a quincunx to Pluto, you might be cleaning up your relationships with your siblings. or your communications. Maybe your emails that you have sent out, you need to rework or redo. You might find out they did not send. I do not know what it could be. Any number of things.
Pluto is at the 29th degree of Capricorn. It has been there for a few weeks and it is square to the Lunar Nodes, which makes it extreme. So, Pluto is hard to take. You do not get off easy With Pluto at the helm. it is not going to let you off the hook for past errors. it is coming up with a new Moon on Monday, opposite that Pluto. it is like wow! You have got to be very careful how you deal with things. Make sure you are tying up all the old loose ends. Paying your debts. Treating people with respect or it will come back to haunt you. You can also see. Well, we have the Moon in Gemini quincunx Pluto today, at 11:48 PM. Or AM rather. which is the last aspect of the Gemini Moon, and then it is void of course until 1:13 PM.
The Moon will enter the sign of Cancer for a couple of days. it sees the New Moon on Monday. That Cancer Moon is sort of likened to pea soup. Thick and heavy and difficult. That is for Saturday and Sunday. we are in that dark phase of the Moon where we really do not see what is going on around us. it is hard to make solid decisions that are well informed as well informed is not the nature of a dark phase of the Moon. You are not well informed; you are in the dark. So, you want to wait until there is more light. That is after the new Moon occurs. That will be on Monday, after the Sun and the Moon separate a little bit. So, we will get to that.
The Cancer Moon sees an aspect between Venus and Neptune, the quincunx. This one is not so kind to the artist, or friendly in relationships. It could be sloppy and haphazard. You may want to rethink how you are presenting some of the things in regard to your family members in particular.
the Cancer Moon will continue through Sunday. That Cancer Moon is it is good for gathering with people for family events. maybe some food and some sharing times with the new babies and the new puppies and all that sort of thing would be good. It is also a very political sign that Cancer Moon. So, there might be a lot of politics to discuss in any of your social gatherings. the Moon, rather the Sun comes into that new Moon phase, in the dark of the phase is early on Monday. The New Moon is at 2:31 PM.
Just before the New Moon is a Mercury and Jupiter square bringing much to argue about and mentally pushing the limits. over assimilating and over interest in things. It could be pushy and bullying, overconfident judgments, and too many opinions. So, you do not want to make any broad statements that you may not have the facts to back up. This is not your most reasonable configuration. It tends to be known at all.
So, then the new Moon comes in. Here we are on Monday during that Cancer Moon. It is on July 17th. It is at 2:31 PM. It brings potential for enormous change and evolution. The Moon is right at home in its own sign there reflecting the potential for a deeper connection to our innermost needs. So, make sure you check in with those around you. What do they need? what do you need? make sure you are looking out for your own best interest, and not just following the pushy demands of others.
It is a powerful new Moon in opposition to Pluto. it triggers the onset of COVID-19 from the summer of 2019. So, whatever that could mean. Take care. the viruses are still floating around. A lot of people have problems with long COVID symptoms. So, you want to take extra care. It definitely can be deadly.
The New Moon is square to the Lunar Nodes. That is what makes this so difficult to handle, to manage. It is also dancing with the underworld. This Pluto has been in and out of this late degree for many months. We are going to probably have to deal with this in a big way for the next couple of weeks. So just hang on. Do the best you can to keep things cleaned up. It tends to leave a bad taste in your mouth. But you do not want to lose faith. There are a lot of things that you can create and push through. Dig deep into your own creative self to find a way to reinvent and recharge from the deepest place of your being. That Cancer Moon makes its last aspect to Pluto at 11:05 PM on Monday beginning a void of course Moon until 11:39 AM Tuesday.
Then the Moon enters Leo on Tuesday at 12:39 AM. It will be there for a couple of days.
Mercury and Uranus are forming an aspect, but so is Mars and Saturn. They briefly align for a temporary arrangement to halt a plan that may have supported a vision at one time. So, this aspect attempts to actualize a long-planned project, but soon it will move on. So, you want to gather what you can. What do you want to save from this, before moving on? It is also useful to rebuild or reinforce an existing structure. That is on July 18th.
Mars is involved with an aspect with Chiron too, which is the healing quality of all this. So, there is always something that can be used for the purpose of healing.
Mercury and Uranus come in on July 18th. This calls in favors. This aspect allows for some great thinking outside the box. Write all your thoughts down. Look for the brilliance because it can be fleeting.
Wednesday, the Leo Moon is with us. It is creative. It is busy and has a design. It wants to redesign; with all the Pluto energy it transforms as it digs into the presentation.
Moon is conjunct Mercury on the 19th, on Wednesday 7:22 AM. So, it does color the nature of the morning. The Moon and the Sun align as well. So, your audience gets it. They see you. They hear you. Your creative plan is reaching your intended audience with that energy under that Leo Moon. So, you can expect a long-term plan can be designed on this day. But there are many wrinkles that you need to iron out before all is said and done. Because the Moon will quincunx Pluto in the sign of Leo. So, there is that kiss to Pluto. It has to constantly do that dance.
The Moon will make a conjunction with Venus. So, it holds it with great love. This is on the 20th on Thursday at 10:08 AM.
Venus will go retrograde next Saturday. So, this is an important aspect to see, what it is that it is asking for? What is it that you love? What is it that you want to love? How do you want to present what you love to others? That Leo Moon is about the show. The Moon's last aspect in Leo is quincunx Pluto. (No surprise there. 11:30 AM.) That is on Thursday. Then it is void of course until 1:12 PM.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Virgo for a couple of days. That Moon in Virgo will make a trine to Pluto. So, there is a good stretch in this very difficult period.
However, there is a very difficult aspect between Mars and Saturn. It is an opposition. It will be on the 20th. This aspect can bring some frustration and disappointment. some anger. Also, there is a difficulty when you have people standing in your way. You might get very short tempered and you might take your frustrations out on others. There could be a lot of deceit that goes along with this aspect, especially with Saturn in Pisces. People have unfulfilled desires, and they can disappoint others as well. That aspect is at 4:38 PM. So, it governs all the day on the 20th on Thursday, and leading into that even from Wednesday. That can have an influence on that as well. You want to be really careful. Do not run with scissors. Do not be neglectful in your car when you are driving. Do not be handling your phone or be distracted in any way. Stay on point. Stay focused.
The Virgo Moon on Thursday continues on through the rest of the day into the day on Friday. That Virgo Moon makes a sign, a high sign, to the Sun ans Venus making an aspect on Friday, July 21st. So, this might be a little friendly note.
Also, the Moon is trine Jupiter. That would be at 2:30 PM on Friday.
The last aspect that we can expect for the Virgo Moon is also going to be a trine to Pluto. but not before the Sun is opposite Pluto. That is Friday 11:52 PM. This generates strong biological drives. It is also an issue. There are issues of power that may be very uncomfortable and may cause you to need to avoid others in regard to confrontation. Do not get into it with anybody. Do not react to people driving crazy. There is a lot of competition with this aspect Sun opposite Pluto. unconscious behavior reveals underlying motivations. There are a lot of hidden agendas. Watch out for body language. You will be able to read what people are thinking and feeling. There are secret messages to be interpreted as in code breakers. Lots of sexual attraction and sexual energy. Jealousy is the name of the game. This is particularly a problem combined with that Venus station. That standstill that we have coming up next Saturday. There is a necessity to share and trust. But this goal is unobtainable. So, you want to be cautious. Take things with a grain of salt. Be respectful and move on. That is it for the week.
It is quite a busy, heavy, difficult week. We will get through it. With that new Moon, you can invite new possibilities in regard to family safety, and security. And those things that you hold dear in your heart. Okay, that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this at my website, Kimberly Chin is nice enough to transcribe the report for us. That will be posted either later today or tomorrow. You can call me if you want to discuss astrology at 617-558-7233. You can also listen to this report again for two weeks on WZBC’s archive [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. Go to the 9:00 hour on Saturday’s Expanding Awareness. halfway through at 9:30 you will find this astrology report. That is it for the week. Have the best week. Be safe and be happy and be healthy. We will talk again next week. Thank you.
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