Sunday, December 24, 2023

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin December 23, 2023 - December 30, 2023


Saturday, December 23, 2023 to Saturday, December 30, 2023


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Good morning. Have a Merry Christmas. We are going to have quite a week. there is a Full Moon the day after Christmas. The Full Moon is tagging Uranus, the planet of sudden abrupt change. So, this is not a very power-packed fact kind of Full Moon that is going to be action-oriented in a big way.

Another thing that is huge about this Full Moon is that the Lunar Node of the Moon is where Eclipses occur. In October, it was October 14th, we had a Solar Eclipse. That Solar Eclipse point is activated now. and continues exactly will be set off with the Full Moon. That Full Moon will be this week on Tuesday. It will take place at 7:33 pm. It reaches back to its mama Moon, which would be on June 29, 2022. That is when there was a New Moon near the same degree that this Full Moon happens. That is at 4° (degrees). This Full Moon will happen at 4° degrees of Cancer 58’ (minutes). So almost 5° of Cancer. Then last March, there was a First Quarter Moon.

So, at a New Moon, the seeds are planted. When we have ideas when things begin and things start. Then 9 months later, in March, March 29th, we will have the First Quarter Moon. This would be the time when we are actively involved in the process of moving forward with those things we dreamt up on the New Moon. Now at the Full Moon. That is on the 26th day after Christmas at 7:33 PM. We have all the cards on the table. Everything is out in the open. Full Moons, represent a break in the stride. So, if we are looking around the world for wars and activities going on, we might see where there are major changes. The Full Moon could mark the end of the matter. Please, God, it brings peace. It could. Heaven knows what it could bring. It is going to be a big powerful play with an Eclipse being reactivated from October.

Now I realize that that Eclipse occurred a week after the October 7th onset of the war with Israel and Hamas. But the Eclipse governed the nature of that timeframe, and that energy that was going on at that time. So here we are with a Full Moon that is addressing this and those activities and that action. So maybe there is some success in creating a pause and a ceasefire. That would be the most wonderful thing that could happen. Peace on earth, goodwill towards men. That is what this Christmas holiday is all about.

So now let us have a look at what we have for the week.

What we have for today, December 23rd is a Taurus Moon. The last thing that is going to happen, it will talk to Pluto. Well, Pluto is in a position where it is at 29° of Capricorn. So, every time the Moon passes through any sign, it has to kiss Pluto before it leaves the sign. So, it has to pay its dues. pay its tolls. Answer to. Pluto is quite the boss and bossy. It is a very bossy planet. Controlling. That is the nature of Pluto's energy. So, when we have this Trine that we are going to have, Moon trine Pluto, during the Taurus Moon. You might get a bit of a Green Light that allows you to move forward with your goals. But you have to pay the piper. So be prepared to have a bank account or a loan, whatever to pay for things. That will be the nature of this Taurus Moon sign. Taurus Moons, are about food first. So, you might be hungrier than normal. You might be spending more than normal if you are going out shopping. So, you want to be mindful that you will have to pick up the pieces for that later on.

The Moon is conjunct to Uranus. The Moon conjunct Uranus will have happened earlier this morning. So that would allow for some unusual things to occur. Interesting ideas and thoughts. Spontaneous quality to that. Mercury went into the sign of Sagittarius early this morning, December 23rd. So, Mercury is happy there. Mercury is happy anywhere. It digs up, talks to, meets with. Is very interested in absolutely anything you have to say. So, Mercury in Sagittarius is more chatty.

It will also later make an aspect to Pluto. That would be later on today. That Mercury and Pluto aspect is about things. Maybe Mercury found something in a drawer and it wants to ask, but whose is this? What is this? And where can I get more of this? Maybe wants to know that. Mercury is opposite Vesta. So maybe it is looking for some kind of property? Where did you buy this property? Who is your realtor? That kind of thing.

The Taurus Moon goes in through the night tonight into Sunday. There is nothing notable except for the fact that the Moon will make a trine to Pluto early in the morning. Then the Moon changes signs.

The Moon is never void of course in the sign of Taurus. That is because it is exalted there. That means they roll out the red carpet for the Taurus Moon sign. So, it can do anything it wants to do.

But the Moon does change signs. Goes into Gemini at 3:14 AM Sunday. It will be in the sign of Gemini for Sunday, and then for Christmas Day as well. That Moon will set off the Full Moon energy at 7:37 AM when it makes a quincunx. That is 150° degrees to the Sun. That always marks some kind of event. Like maybe you fly out of bed with some kind of urgency on Sunday morning. You have got to pick up something. Fix something. The dog wants to go out really bad. Something. The cats are tearing your hair apart.

Then the Sun and Saturn make an aspect. This calms things down a little bit. Lots of information is coming in. People are calling and checking in, running around.

Monday We have Christmas Day with the Gemini Moon. Multiple things going on. Multiple people engaged with others. Maybe you are trying to track down some people that you lost contact with.

Venus and Neptune make an aspect on Monday. This adds to the pleasantries. 12:14 PM, but it does govern the whole day. Venus and Neptune are dreamy. They also have the quality of being extremely romantic. So maybe somebody brings a new partner to the table for Christmas.

  Monday into Tuesday. The Gemini Moon is still with us. Mercury and Venus make an aspect early in the morning on Tuesday. So, it is about getting your thoughts straight in a pleasant way, so that you can go about your day with a nice attitude.

The Moon is quincunx Pluto at 8:44 AM. So that is the quincunx is 150°. That one is particularly difficult when it is trying to get people together to move on with the day. Like, get dressed for school or something. Or pick up your ride.

The Sun and Uranus are making an aspect. So, Tuesday is the day of that full month. So, anything that happens on Tuesday is going to be rather important. It leads into the events that would be on September 24, 2024. So, it is attached to that as well.

So, we have an aspect on Tuesday. Also, between Venus and Uranus, which is about leaning on your friends for support. Having got together in a way that supports one another. The Full Moon is at 7:33 PM. Then we have an aspect between Mercury and Ceres, which is the mother aspect. This would be later on Tuesday night. So that Full Moon energy stays with us. It does not separate until that would be on Friday night when the Moon and the Sun make their final quincunx before leaving that Full Moon energy.

Wednesday, Cancer Moon, sees Mercury and Neptune making a square. So, it is confusing. It is also dreamy in a way that maybe you are having a hard time getting up. Maybe you will be late.

There is the Sun Trine Jupiter. That is a beautiful aspect. So, this helps to recover from whatever the Full Moon dished out the day before.

Mercury and Mars join up. This is at 7:30 PM. It is high energy and could be very argumentative. You are going to feel that as well, as the optimism that the Sun Jupiter brings on Wednesday.

Then we go into Thursday. Cancer Moon.  Cancer Moon has to answer to Pluto before it leaves the sign. That would be at 5:57 PM. It answers to Pluto on Thursday.

What we have for Thursday's major energy would be Mars square Neptune. So be very careful driving. Also, be very careful with your family members. If you have an older family member that needs your help, and is confused or feels as though they need more support. Don't argue with them. Get along. Take care. Be nice. Be loving.

Moon in Cancer changes signs after its opposition to Pluto at 5:57 PM Thursday.

Then the Moon enters Leo. The Leo Moon will be with us through Friday and into Saturday as well. It is leading into Jupiter. Jupiter standing perfectly still. It is going to turn direct. It is been retrograde for several months. So, Jupiter is the big cheese that is calling our attention.

As we have Friday's energy coming in, Venus and Pluto have an aspect. Where there is an emotional base to what all this control stuff is all about. It is very emotional.

Then Venus walks into its new sign at 3:23 PM Friday, when it enters the sign of Sagittarius. Where it will be for a couple of weeks there. That is at 3:23 PM. Venus enters Sagittarius. So that would give a nice energy, playful energy during the Leo Moon on Friday evening. So that is it for the week.

Have a very Happy Christmas and enjoy your family. We will meet again next week and talk about what we have going on for next week. So that is it. Take care.

Victor:  All right. Thank you so much.  I don't know what the date is, but it’s January 6, 2024, that Dietrech will be discussing the year ahead astrologically so stay tuned for that.


Thank you Julie Stoller for all you do to help us keep it together.

Thank you Kimberly for your transcriptions.

And of course thank you Victor and to all our great listeners.  



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