Sunday, August 25, 2024

Astrology Report August 24 -31, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Saturday, August24, 2024 - Saturday, August 31, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology Report for today, the 24th of August. Happy Birthday to my friend Maurice Costa, who is 96 years old today. It is a lovely Taurus Moon. It is wonderful to have a birthday like Maurice's. So Happy Birthday. And happy birthday to anyone else who is having a birthday today.

The Taurus Moon is lovely. It is good for family, for gatherings, for food. Food first. That is what Taurus is famous for. Always bring some food with you, and you will always be able to work your way around any other type of persuasion that you are interested in gaining.

The Taurus Moon is with us, with the Sun trine the Moon tonight at 10:22 PM. Or last night that was 10:22 PM. The Sun and the Moon were in a beautiful trine.

Then all day, Saturday, we have that Taurus, Moon sign. Mercury and the Sun are aligned in a parallel. That alignment allows them to gather information, make a plan, and make a good route for their progress and goals during a Taurus Moon. It may include gathering or raising money, which would be pretty good energy, good luck with that.

Vesta is about investment. It is also about property. Anything that you want to do about real estate with Vesta going into Virgo on Saturday, today. You can find that there are reasonable housing options.

Then Venus, also for today, is aligned with the Lunar Node. That is a very powerful position for Venus. Venus has been showing her stuff with a female presidential candidate. That is perfect for Venus' energy that is so dominant these couple of days for that convention. It brings a lot of power to Venus. Venus is love. It is money. It is also alignment with others. Feeling satisfied, feeling agreeable.

You can also see that Taurus Moon… Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra. So, it is quite happy in this sign of Taurus. It really can help you to accumulate what it is that you want, you need.

The last aspect of the Taurus Moon is sextile Neptune. Neptune calls the shots, because it is at the last, very last tiny bit of Pisces. So, we have to give Neptune a kiss before the Moon leaves any sign. This is a good one, which would indicate that all day, Saturday and Sunday are Green Light days. So that is for any goal that you want to put your plans behind, you have a Green Light to move forward.

The Gemini Moon comes in at 11:03 PM, on Sunday. Then the Gemini Moon will be with us until it enters the sign of Cancer on Wednesday, the 28th early in the morning. (That’s the day that Mercury turns direct.)

The Gemini Moon is very concentrated again, on Venus. Venus does a couple of things, making a nice trine to Uranus. Uranus is about friendship. It is about sudden union. Or any type of relationship that starts up in a sudden way. Also, friendship and money matters could be something that is high on the task list for that Venus trine Uranus under the Gemini Moon. Which says there are two or more stories to be told during that Gemini Moon sign. So, if you hear something or say something, gossip flies around during a Gemini Moon. So be careful that you check your facts before passing a story on.

For Monday at 5:25 AM, the Moon is square the Sun. This is a Last Quarter Moon at 3° (degrees) of Gemini. So, the Last Quarter Moon is when you reap the rewards of your efforts. Also, it is a time when you pay up or you get paid for whatever it is that you did. You can request your pay. You can also get in contact with those that you need to in regard to paying up or getting paid.

Venus is trine Uranus. That is on Tuesday, early morning, at 3:23 AM. This one is lucky and happy in nature. As relationships go, people come together quickly and they could pull apart quickly as well. So, you have to be careful about being over committed with this Venus and Uranus in aspect.  


Then we have, as the day moves on, the Moon will conjunct Jupiter. Also, where it is in that configuration with Uranus and Jupiter and Mars. Then it moves on to conjunct Mars. So that is going to be at 7:49 AM Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini. Then the Moon is conjunct with Mars. That can be argumentative. That is not until 7:59 PM.

So, there is a whole window in there, 12 hours of a window where things are rocking and rolling based on the designs of the Mars and Jupiter conjunction that we have had recently. It is been a really crazy, crazy time. This is one of the worst Mercury Retrogrades I have ever been through. People are backing me up on that. They are all saying that.

We have also for Wednesday… The Moon's last aspect during that Gemini Moon is early in the morning. 3:13 AM Moon square to Neptune. So, anything that you had planned on doing, as with, sealing any kind of deal, may not go well at all with that Moon square Neptune. That is very difficult energy, and there is some lies in there. Things are… you are being misguided. You have a misinterpretation of the facts and the text and things that you are trying to accomplish and accumulate. So let things go.

I would say you have a better option with the Cancer Moon. That starts at 4:47 AM on the 28th. That is Wednesday. This is the day that Mercury turns direct at 5:13 PM, on Wednesday. So, this is a better day for choosing any kind of business or agreement with others that might extend a term.

However, Venus is in an aspect that enhances the quality of the beauty of things or the agreeable nature that we can find during that Mercury retrograde.

But what happens is that it goes into a dark place where it is not good to take any action in particular. Because Venus is about to leave the sign. That would be on Thursday morning when the Moon enters the sign of Libra, which is a much better place for Libra. Venus is the ruler of Libra. So that is a comfortable place for Venus. If there are things that you agree to, you’ll find that the Mercury direct station brings a good clue that things are starting to move in the right direction.

Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, 5:13 PM and at 21° (degrees) of Leo. So that is a good signal.

Then Venus changes signs on Thursday, 9:22 AM. The first thing it does is make a beautiful trine to Pluto. She knows how to get some money out of Pluto. So, she will get Pluto to release the purse strings, especially under the Cancer Moon that we have for Wednesday and Thursday. Cancer Moon goes right through Friday, most of Friday morning. The Leo Moon comes in at 1:09 PM on Friday. So, the Cancer Moon is excellent for bringing people close to you, to your inner circle. Who you trust and those you would like to collaborate with.

 The Moon is in Cancer until 1:09 PM on Friday.

Then the Moon enters the sign of Leo. The Leo Moon is not necessarily engaged with anything. There are no planetary bumps going on. Nothing is really being activated. There is a Mars and Pluto aspect on next Sunday, but that does not have much of an effect on Friday afternoon or next Saturday. So, it is a pretty good day and evening if you want to get together with friends or a new love. A lot of romance in the air during this week. But also, a lot of good stuff about cleaning up messes and agreeing with others to make things more harmonious. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, at And you can call me at 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this, as I said at Thank you Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Julie Stoller. And Thank you Victor.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 17 - 23, 2024. Saturday, August 17, 2024 - Saturday, August 24, 2024


Email: The phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


It’s the 17th of August and Saturday. The Moon is in Capricorn. But that is going to change at 5:44 PM when the Moon enters Aquarius. So, the Capricorn Moon is tending business. Something is going on between the Sun and the Moon. It is a quincunx at 9:33 AM 8/17. That is an aspect that I call “life's messy, clean it up”. Something occurs, you have to drop everything else that you are doing and clean up a mess of some sort.

When the Moon is in Capricorn, the focus is business. It could be about family business. Or could be about decisions about managing your parents affairs? Or what is it that you want to do with the family business? It is also about government. The Capricorn Moon is with us. It will be void of course at 4:43 PM.

A void of course Moon means that this is the last major aspect that the Moon will draw to any planet before it moves into the next sign. So, it is free-floating. It has no agenda. The Capricorn Moon that was sextile to Neptune indicates, this was a good one. This was a Green Light, this Capricorn Moon. So, if you have something that you have been trying to finish up or do, this last little bit of the Capricorn Moon is going to be a good time for you to do that up until 4:43 PM Saturday.

Then the Moon will enter the sign of Aquarius. That Aquarius Moon will be with us right through Monday; when the Democratic National Convention begins.

There is also a Full Moon on Monday at 27° Aquarius. The Moon does not leave Aquarius until Monday evening at 6:52 PM.  But many things are going on during this Aquarius Moon sign. One of the things that is notable is that retrograde Mercury is going to square Uranus. That is the thinking planet. It is going to be upset by information and activities. This would be difficult while trying to navigate traffic of any sort and attempting to move forward. If you are trying to get out the door, remember, did you do this? Or did you do that? Mercury retrograde that is  square to Uranus may pull you back into all sorts of different directions. It is very ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder, and cannot hold your focus. That is for Sunday morning. Of course, you can try to sleep through it. But there are things that will probably wake you up and get you out of bed sooner than you had imagined.

The Sun is doing a big deal with retrograde Mercury on Sunday.  I think this Mercury Retrograde has been far worse than the ones I've experienced; I want to say my whole life.

Mercury is tied in with the activities of Mars and Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. Now Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, which means it refers back to matters under anything that is in the sign of Gemini or Virgo as well. So, when Mars and Jupiter line up in a sign of Gemini we can expect a lot of particularly gossipy things, and less fact-checking going on. More time sorting out problems and less time advancing your goals. Increased anger is a lot of what that brought about, and very short patience. So Mars conjunct Jupiter and square retrograde Saturn was extremely difficult. It has actually finished up. The exact aspect between Mars and Saturn, finished up on Friday. But we still can feel it in a very strong way because one of the things that is going to happen is that Jupiter will enter its square to retrograde Saturn. That is on Monday evening. So, they are holding that space for what is going on there, how things are going on.

The Full Moon comes in at 27° (degrees) of Aquarius. This is at the midpoint of Neptune and Pluto. So, Neptune is the culprit for so much going on. There is so much COVID and other viruses spreading. Pluto is about power and control getting along with others is more of a push-pull experience than cooperation. So, it is a very difficult time. People are not happy with the way things are going. So, the Sun and Mercury alignment can bring you some greater insights about what it is that you are trying to figure out in your life.

As Monday comes in, the Aquarius Moon sets the stage for the people, by the people. It is a Moon sign that defines Democracy.

There is a happy note between Venus and Jupiter. But it is too much happy, over-the-top that tends to flop.

Then Venus opposes retrograde Saturn, on Monday morning. So, trying to control the spending, and talk about spending. Think about where you want to spend your money, and where you want to put it, so it makes the best use of your efforts. There are also topics about appropriate relationships.

The Sun is square Uranus. Also, that is on Monday. Sudden abrupt change. This could bring something spontaneous and some type of sudden, abrupt change to the events that are going on Monday. So, I would say there is a caution in there. especially when it is coupled with that Full Moon coming in at 2:26 PM when it is exact, and it is square to Uranus. So, it is a really difficult Full Moon. Many events could disrupt plans and take you off your track. Relationships with others can be a huge problem.  


There is Jupiter square retro Saturn Monday evening. This is one of the most important aspects of the cycle between Jupiter and Saturn. During this transition, you may have difficulty trying to manage your personal goals and your responsibilities. You find that tensions rise as you feel the need to break out of old restraints.  Although your tolerance level may be low, it could be advisable for you to cultivate the assistance of others rather than meeting them head-on by yourself.

So, there is a little more to that. The benefits of the transit are that you are forced to take action in restructuring areas of your life that may have become stagnant or tired. So, this could be very beneficial. This is the setting for major changes in personal lives, government, and the continent.

So, the Aquarius Moon is ending at 6:51 PM, then the Moon enters Pisces. It will be there until Wednesday evening.

The Pisces Moon on Tuesday is aligned with Saturn, mostly looking for serious things. There is very often some type of sad story that can be exposed when there is a Pisces Moon. It is kind of like something to cry about, but being used by others is a theme with a Pisces Moon.

So, you can also expect that when you are initiating anything, it may depend on intuitive insights and gut feelings. So, people may say, Where are you getting that? you can say, I can feel that and that is why I am moving forward.

On Wednesday the Pisces Moon is in aspect when opposing Venus then square Mars. People are just not getting along.

There is an aspect on Wednesday, the 21st, between the Sun and Neptune. It is a quincunx. This one says there is a blind spot. something that comes out and causes some type of disruption. It could be weather, in a big way weather. It could also be secrets that the Moon is going to uncover when aligned with Neptune. So that quincunx is something difficult comes up. “Life's messy” in a big way. You have to stop what you are doing. get off the road, deal with a problem. Can not move forward with your plans.

The Aries Moon comes in after a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon at 5:55 PM. That Pisces Moon and Sun make a quincunx.

Then the Moon enters Aries. It will be in Aries for a couple of days. We are talking on 7:01 PM.

Then Thursday, we have that Aries Moon mostly looking at the Sun leaving the sign of Leo and entering the sign of Virgo. So, it wants to get down to business. align with its coworkers, and gather cooperation with all.  

The Sun, as soon as it does that, makes a quincunx again, to Pluto. That is 150° (degrees). That is what a quincunx measures out to be. So, there is a sort of a head-to-toe kind of interaction that is split by some distraction. Some major distraction from a powerful or intentionally powerful source.

Then Venus and Mars are square. So, this makes it very hard for people to get along in general. These are the softer sides and the aggressive sides are at odds with that aspect right into the late evening of Thursday night going into Friday.

We still have an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon is looking to align itself with Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer. So, there might be something that you can discover or uncover, that can help matters in particular, to ferret out some of your physical problems. Maybe you want to make a plan with a new doctor or therapist that you have been referred to.

That Moon is late in the sign of Aries. It is void of course, from 7:12 PM on Friday until 8:00 PM on Friday.

Then the Moon enters Taurus. It will be there through next weekend. That might be a little bit of a happier spot for the Moon to be. It is it is considered exalted when it is in the sign of Taurus, the best place it could possibly be.

That is it for the week! This could allow your affairs to advance more smoothly and more profitably.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also find it transcribed by Kimberly Chin, also on my website. You can give me a call at 617-558-7233. I want to thank Julie Stoller, who is always in the background, helping us.  And Victor, back to you.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 10 -17, 2024 Saturday, August 10, 2024 - Saturday, August 17, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead, from August 10th through the 16th. We start out with a Libra Moon, which seems like it should be kind of friendly, but it is not. First the Moon was making a 150° (degree) aspect to Saturn, Friday night, last night. Then the Sun came in to do the same thing, making that 150° aspect to Saturn. The Moon and the Sun positioned on one side of the Zodiac and straddling this point. Both are pointing towards Saturn. So, it is sort of an aggravated assault, so to speak. It is not comfortable. It brings up a lot of difficulty, especially with those who are in charge. Could be authority figures. Could just be somebody at the top of the top of the list. The last word, so to speak. Mars and Pluto are in there, along with this Libra Moon that we have today, Saturday, August 10th. Mars and Pluto form what is called a parallel. They are lined up together, and they are holding strong. They are holding tight right through the aspect that they are going to see on the 14th, which is Wednesday. so starting Saturday all the way through Wednesday, there is sort of boots on the ground, is kind of the feeling of this Mars and Jupiter aspect. They really are a powerful pair together. They also can cause a lot of anger. they are in Gemini. Mars in Gemini can be a little bit too vocal, a little bit too short tempered. Jupiter is also in Gemini. Jupiter belongs in the sign of Sagittarius. That is on the other side of the Zodiac. So, to have Mars and Jupiter line up together in Gemini, it just. They are not making the same kind of sense. They are in opposite courts. They are not friendly. They are friendly to each other. They are making a plan that does not necessarily agree with the rest of the world.

The Libra Moon continues all the way through today, Saturday, August 10th.  The Moon sign changes at 6:33 PM when the Moon will enter Scorpio. But there is a void of course Moon from 5:36 PM until 6:33 PM when the Moon goes into Scorpio. That void-of-course Moon is in contact with Neptune, after a contact with Uranus. So, there is Uranus and Neptune. Expect sudden, abrupt change. Confusing things. About relationships, people are not getting along. It is very hard to manage personal relationships with this particular Moon in Libra that are in 150° quincunx angles. “Life's messy; clean it up.” That is how I describe a quincunx.

So, then the Scorpio Moon comes in. This is on today, August 10th. That begins at 6:33 PM, and that will continue. That is a long one. We are going to see the Scorpio Moon, even through Sunday and Monday, going into Tuesday, until 6:00 AM on Tuesday.

So, the things that we will see happen during the Scorpio Moon for Sunday. We are going to see, possibly the Moon, having something to say about money matters. Anything about holding, holding your belongings. Anything having to do with inheritance, other people's money, shared resources. Matters that require research and investigations. These are Scorpio things that are not necessarily easy to deal with.

Scorpio also indicates that your intentions may not be totally honorable. Things may not be on the up and up. You may be doing something you should not be doing when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is a time when tasks can be accomplished in secrecy. So, look around the corner. See what is going on or underneath the bed. If you are in trouble, you may need assistance to get out of a mess you got yourself in. When the Moon is in Scorpio in this kind of situation, someone important to the proceedings may be absent. So that person that you are looking to help you get out of a jam may not be available. Or the person you need to question or clarify something. You need to do more research. That is what Scorpio is famous for: research. And investigate. Look into things way more deeply.

So that Scorpio Moon goes through Sunday, and it is in there on Monday. There is a Quarter Moon. That happens at 11:18am, on Monday, August 12th. That Quarter Moon is at 20° of Scorpio. So, it is a First Quarter Moon where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with things. You can also expect the Scorpio Moon to make an alignment with both Jupiter and Mars. So that speeds things up and gets things going in a way that moves the topics of your concern along. If it is about money, if it is about estates, if it is about family matters. Also, that Scorpio Moon goes through overnight into Tuesday, all the way till 6:00 AM. The Moon will oppose Uranus, one of the last things that it will do, which is about sudden, abrupt change. So, if you hear things that go bump in the night, you are going to have to jump up and take care of it.

The Moon is making an aspect to Neptune, which says these things are confusing and hidden. So, the Scorpio Moon is a tough one. It will last all the way into Tuesday morning.

Then we get some relief. We get the Sagittarius Moon sign, but then that Mars and Jupiter aspect come in. That is with the Wednesday energy. Mars and Jupiter in the sign of Gemini, I think they are troublemakers. I think that they are causing troubles, getting their forces geared up. It is like boots on the ground kind of thing. It may be very political. A lot of that mud-slinging that goes on in political competitions. So that would be typical for Mars and Jupiter that align in Gemini. That aspect goes through Wednesday. We will see where Mercury will change signs and go into the sign of Leo. That is at 8:15 PM.

Mercury is the talking planet and the thinking planet, in the sign of Leo. We can expect to be able to show our creative side. Maybe there is something that you own that you want to put out there. Presentation is extremely important with Mercury in Leo.

Also, the Sun and the Moon are making a beautiful 120° trine during the Sagittarius Moon sign on Thursday. So that is an element of harmony and compliance with surrounding situation on Thursday, August 15th. Going through a change of signs that comes in. The Sagittarius Moon sign sees an aspect between Mercury and Neptune. It is a quincunx. Life's messy, clean it up between the thinking planet and the confusing planet. So, this is like, be really careful with that one if you are traveling, if you are driving, if you are going outside. Maybe, if you are taking a flight somewhere, be very careful that you have all your papers in order and that you get on the right plane. It is a very funny, strange aspect with the Mercury is retrograde, backing up into the sign of Leo. So, this one is particularly showy when it makes its plan to escape the things that Neptune is trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes with that aspect.

The Moon goes into Capricorn. That is at 1:50 PM on the 15th. That is on Thursday the 15th. That Capricorn Moon is with us all day on Friday as well.

The aspect that comes in on Friday is Mars square Saturn. Mars square Saturn is very difficult. It is an aspect that is filled with restrictions and limits. Mars is trying to move forward and press forward. Saturn says, oh, no, you don’t. I've got the big stop sign. You are not going anywhere. So, this Mars square Saturn is difficult. It also causes muscles to contract. If you are doing exercise, you want to make sure that you stretch nice and slowly, first. That you do not wreck your muscles with Mars square Saturn. Also it is a break-your-leg kind of thing as well.

The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn with that, which is the ruler. Saturn rules that sign, which says that Saturn has some say over what the Moon is doing while it is in the sign of Capricorn. That is Friday, August 16th. There is a really lovely aspect between the Moon and Venus, and then also Mercury and Venus. Those two aspects make for a lovely afternoon on Friday and evening. So, this would be the time to engage with friends and lovers. Do something that is going to be lighter. Make a change for the week. Make a better change for the end of this week. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also hear the recording there as well. Also, WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] will have it for two weeks. Look for the 9:30 hour to play that. And what else can I say? Call me up at 617-558-7233, and that is it for now. Okay, back to you, Victor.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: