Friday, August 9, 2024

August 3 - 10, 2024 with Green Light Days by Dietrech Pessin Saturday, August 3, 2024 - Saturday, August 10, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is quite the week ahead. We have all kinds of big deals going on.

We have a Leo Moon today. It was quite busy right through until Monday after 5:00 PM.

There is a New Moon on Sunday. Venus enters Virgo. Also, what we have…  that is going to be also on Sunday night. Mercury turns retrograde on Monday, early morning. So, there is a lot going on. A lot to think about. A lot to be very careful and thoughtful about how you proceed with all the things that you want to do. Even just packing your purse to go out shopping, you just want to be mindful of how you are doing things. Driving, watching out for the other person. Do not be so anxious to pull out ahead. Someone could be trying to speed up from behind. There just could be very accident prone all through this up and coming week, especially as this Mercury Retrograde comes upon us.

For the Leo Moon for today. It is not a bad Leo Moon. It is pretty complimentary in regard to how you would like to be able to use your creative energy for a project. Or [for] something that is going to brighten up your life.

Sunday, it is a happy day with a cheery New Moon in Leo. It looks like there is good food from Venus coming up in Virgo. Many old friends to bump into for interesting conversation on Sunday.

That New Moon it is really interesting. It takes place at 7:12 AM. It will be at 12° (degrees) of Leo. It will feature many exciting topics from all corners of our lives. You can also see that it is boosted here by Jupiter, who likes to expand things and pump things up. Bring things into a greater arena than what normally we would have. It is funded by Venus, making her last extravagant purchases before leaving the show, a sign of Leo. So maybe she wants to buy a new dress or do something very extravagant. Could even be thinking about plastic surgery or something that is going to beautify or completely redo your front lawn. Something expensive. But there could be a problem with Venus’ choices because Neptune is at the final degree of Pisces. Pisces gives her a pinch before she leaves the sign.

So, it is famous. Neptune is famous for some very sneaky problems. So, you might want to be careful about how you intend to mark your path. But for those who are trying to mark their trail, the New Moon has some benefits. The New Moon did have a push or will have a push from Mars before Jupiter grabs the megaphone. That is fine, as Mars can be a little too coarse. Jupiter expands the knowledge and kind of straightens it all out. If you wish to gain ground with something, this New Moon holds a good seed for your plans. So. it could be fun. Whatever you plan on doing on Sunday, enjoy.

Venus is in an aspect. Cannot see the problems that are coming up and mounting ahead. or simply just goes into denial. That may work. If you need a nap to try and clear your foggy head that may help.

Venus is at its last little minutes and degrees of Virgo, I mean of Leo, before entering the sign of Virgo. That is at 10:22 PM Venus enters Virgo until August 29th. That hooks up with what Mercury is up to because mercury is going to go retrograde on Monday morning, and go direct on the 28th of August.

So, with Venus being in the sign until the 29th of August, it seems like they are trying to catch up to do something together. They have a plan.

Mercury does turn retrograde at 12:55 AM on Monday. we are under that influence now. So, Mercury Retrograde, do not buy new things under that retrograde. Also, it is that kind of sign where information and messages get twisted and clumped up into other packages that may not necessarily be relevant. you can find that it can be loud and critical.

This particular Mercury Retrograde is hooked up with Mars and Uranus. So, they are very involved with this event. So, there definitely could be some surprises. You want to avoid traveling around a lot. Try to stay put out of your car. Even though this is at 12:55 AM it is going to have an influence over the whole day on Monday, and also Sunday evening. So be careful going home late Sunday night. You want to avoid major meetings and agreements. Also avoid purchases with that Mercury retrograde.

We have with the Moon, still in the sign of Leo until 5:16 PM on Monday. That Leo Moon is happy to be aligned with the Sun early in the morning, which can help plans to move forward in a practical way.

The Moon enters Virgo at 5:16 PM. That Virgo Moon is a terrific work Moon. So, this is where you want to get the most done. Apply most of your energies during this Virgo Moon. It will run from 5:16 PM on Monday through Tuesday. It will go until it enters the sign of Libra at 5:31 AM on the 8th, which is Thursday. So, we have it with us for quite a bit of time through the whole middle of the week. So, you want to use that Virgo energy to get a lot done.

Tuesday we come into the 6th of August. Happy Birthday to my dear friend Scott Stanley in Arizona. He is my publisher and has been a dear friend for many years.

The Virgo Moon on Tuesday becomes more busy later in the afternoon, when the Moon is square Mars. So be really mindful about pulling out of your driveway or turning onto a street. Cars are not necessarily looking out for you. The drivers are not looking out for you. There could be angry people in the checkout lane. So also avoid getting pulled into someone else's drama.

Then on the 7th Wednesday, Happy Birthday to my dear friend Dr. Richard Close. A lot of birthdays in the beginning of August, as there always are. Even Vicky Lin's birthday comes up on Thursday.

For Wednesday, the 7th we have that Virgo Moon, which is busy. It is a little bit slowed down by Saturn early in the morning, but picks up some of its intention and direction later on in the day. It does not seem to get a whole lot of opposition from working hard and planning ahead with its efforts.

That Virgo Moon sees Venus and Mercury aligned together. They are conjunct at 11:12 PM. This is one of my favorite planet combinations in Virgo. They can plan to make work lighter with more hands. There are often introductions to new people when this pair combined. So, I like this very much. It makes for a pleasant environment. It makes for a lot of laughter and happiness. So that is great for August 7th.

Then on Thursday, the 8th we have the Moon slipping out of Virgo into Libra at 5:31 AM. Happy birthday, Vicki. This supports the Libra people in our lives. In the news, Vice President Kamala Harris is a Libra. So, this is a good sign or a good day on Thursday for advancing your goals. After we have had a New Moon, and the Moon gets a little bit of light in the sky, you can see the Moon in the sky. Then it is a time that you can make plans to move forward with your goals.

But one of the last things that the Virgo Moon is going to do is oppose Neptune. Neptune is a problem maker these days. So, if you are particularly mindful of your belongings, you should be okay. But if you are not, you could lose something either big or small. So be careful about wandering around without paying attention to what you have or what you should have.

You can also find that sometimes people have a little too much to drink at lunch. That can often bring a problem for the rest of the workday.

The Moon enters Libra at 5:31 AM. That is on Thursday, the 8th. It is there until Saturday evening. The Libra Moon on Thursday, is particularly interested in making plans with Pluto. Trying to appease any of Pluto's demands and interests. Also aligning with Neptune making some type of concession. There are things that are hidden with that Libra Moon and its connection to Neptune.

The Moon is lined up with the Lunar Nodes. That is later at night on Thursday and into Friday morning. So, the Lunar Nodes are about the coming and going of people in our lives. This has to do also where the Eclipse take place. The Lunar Node is very close to where that Eclipse will occur, the one that is coming up on October 3rd. So, this is kind of a big deal on Friday, Thursday night and Friday. With having that Moon line up with the Lunar Node. It might bring some important information out in the open.

On the night that is on Friday that Libra Moon is with us to trine Mars. Gives us a lot to think about in the morning, in the start of the morning. Very motivated in the morning. Gains approval from Saturn and Jupiter in the afternoon. There is an opportunity to address the rules of the game when both the Sun and the Moon move into a very precarious position with Saturn on Friday. So that is when you get that scrutinizing look from someone in a position of scrutinizing. You have to deal with answering to others for your actions. So be careful. Play by the rules. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, I want to thank Julie Stoller for standing by and helping whenever we need help. And also, for Victor. We will be happy to see Victor tomorrow. And also, I want to ask anyone who wants to have a reading, a consultation give me a call at 617-558-7233. And you can ask me about classes as well. So again, the number is 617-558-7233.  That is, it for now. Thanks a lot. Bye.

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