Monday, July 29, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 27 - Aug 3, 2024 Saturday, July 27, 2024 - Saturday, August 3, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


So, the Aries Moon was in the sky when they arrested the Mexican drug kingpins. it is a very active aggressive Moon sign.

It is one of those get up and go, let's do it, let's do it quick kind of thing.

Not a whole lot of forethought goes on when the Moon is in Aries. It is impulsive. That is with us until 1:23 PM today. And that is when the Moon will go into the sign of Taurus.

So, what we have before that. My data has been all jumbled. I do not know if anybody else has been having problems with their applications. But with the Taurus Moon, we have a Quarter Moon coming in. That is a Last Quarter Moon. That will be at 10:51 tonight. So, if we are using our energies during this Aries Moon sign between now and then, you can find that you can succeed with the Aries Moon despite the objections of others. If you know exactly what you want to do and how you want to proceed, I do not think you could let others stop you.

So, if you feel you want to sign things, you could possibly go ahead with that. If you feel that things are going your way, you can be too aggressive during an Aries Moon sign. It can be inappropriate. So, you want to be careful if you are in social settings, not to offend others. That would have a lasting effect that you do not really want. You do not want a lasting effect of any insults that you may be throwing out there.

The Taurus Moon comes in today at 1:22 PM. That Taurus Moon is going to square Pluto which is that power hungry guy. Then it comes into its Last Quarter Moon at 10:51 PM in the sign of Taurus. It is a money Moon, Taurus. It is also a food and gathering Moon. This is a good Moon sign for social engagements that involve picnics and friendly family gatherings, and that sort of social type of things. Especially with the Moon coming into an aspect with Venus late night. That would be lovely for a date night.

But Last Quarter Moon is when you are actively involved in the process of letting go. This would be about cleaning up stuff from the past. If you have money matters, bills that need to be paid from the past, this is a good Moon sign to do this. Also, it is it is also good for collecting money that is owed you. So, if you have to contact people that owe you some money, be gentle. This would be good until the Moon goes into the sign of Gemini. That would be on the 29th at 5:27 PM 29th is on Monday.

So going back over Sunday. Sunday we still have a rather social energy with the Taurus Moon sign. The Moon will line up with the planet Uranus as it goes through Taurus. It reaches Uranus on Monday morning at 11:47 AM. So, if you are traveling in one direction, in mind or energy, or some other direction of your efforts or your projects, you may find that you are going to pivot. You are going to turn around and go in the opposite direction, with Moon conjunct Uranus. It can also be a lot of unique and unusual type of information and activities that you can become involved in. Usually has to do with technology In some way.

So, we have also for Monday, the Moon will go into the sign of Gemini. But before that the last aspect that the Moon makes, while it is in the sign of Taurus, is sextile to Neptune. So, it is really an excellent day on Monday, Sunday and Monday for signing anything, agreeing to anything, starting anything. If it is an old matter, like if you wanted to restart teaching, for instance. and you had been doing it all your life and took a long break. you may find that it is a good time to start that up.

Again, if it is brand new, you may want to wait until after the new Moon that we are going to have next week.

So, the Gemini Moon comes in 5:27 PM on Monday. It will be with us until…  Let's see. Until 11:18 PM on the 31st. So, the Gemini Moon is talkative. Things move very quickly. Information moves quickly. So, if you say something to someone, and then you think, Oh, I shouldn't have said that. It might be too late to take it back. That is how quickly information will fly around.

The last aspect of a Gemini Moon this time around, it is going to be square Neptune. So, there are blind spots all over the place. If you are traveling, just be really careful that your mirrors... If you are traveling by car, make sure you can see clearly about those that are coming up beside you, behind you. There are all sorts of things that are hidden with this Gemini Moon sign. Because the last aspects square, Neptune is a great big blind spot.

Then we have the Cancer Moon coming in. That is great for family. It starts at 11:18 PM on the 31st, which is Wednesday. The Cancer Moon is for family, for home. For projects and involving homemade projects or family projects, family businesses. We have that that Cancer Moon until it enters the sign of Leo on the 3rd at 7:09 AM.

But for the 31st that Cancer Moon sign. Let's see where am I here. I'm losing my information. The Cancer Moon will be hosting an aspect between Venus and Uranus. That is at 9:26 AM on Thursday, August 1st. It is a square. So, this is when friendship or associations disagree. The choices you make. Like if you bring someone home to meet your mother. Mother may not like them at all. It could also disrupt friendships in a way that could be permanent in some way, Because both Venus and Uranus are in fixed signs. And that means things get stuck.

The aspect that the Moon has while it is in Cancer, reflecting on the home and the family. That is where bringing someone home to the family might be disagreeable to the family.

Then August 2nd. We have that Cancer Moon is also changing signs.

Let's see. It will go all the way to trine Neptune. Making that a good Moon sign for gathering, passing on your information or your talents to others, when its trines Neptune. it is also really good for resting and sleeping.

Then we have on the 2nd of August, Friday. We have that Moon in the sign of Cancer. It will go into Leo. the Leo Moon sign will be with us right through next weekend. Leo is about showing things off. If you have any projects or talents that you want to put out there, that is when you want to do that with a Leo Moon. Which comes in not until next Saturday at 7:10 PM. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also listen to it again. And the Expanding Awareness show, Victor’s show on WZBC 90.3 FM [Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks. And you can call me at 617-558-7233. If you want to talk about your chart or class, give me a call. 617-558-7233. And back to you, Victor.

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