Monday, July 1, 2024

Astrology Report Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Saturday, June 29, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Saturday, June 29, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is the 29th of June and the report will go till next Saturday. That would be the 6th of July. With the Happy Fourth of July on Thursday and a New Moon on Friday, in the sign of Cancer.  We have a lot going on with Neptune and Saturn. It is a big deal. The two of them transit together in the sign of Pisces. They are both making a station, which means they are standing still and turning retrograde. Saturn does it today, at 3:05 PM. It will be retrograde until November 15. The Neptune station on Tuesday is soon to follow.

When these two planets do something together, what they create is a very weak link. If you are trying to accomplish something, get something done, it definitely could cause a bomb, a failure. We saw that last night or Thursday night in the debate. That definitely for one candidate, it was great bump up and the other one a great bump down.

The Saturn station will run until November 15th. It will turn retrograde and only appear to travel backward, from now until November 15th. Then Neptune does the same thing. It is only an optical illusion but that illusion presents the planets' energies differently. As it we are leaving them behind.  Neptune is at a standstill on July 2nd and will retrograde until December 7th. So, we could expect quite a bit of drama then. The month of November is election time. So that definitely speaks to what is going on. An interesting point that I found was that Neptune was at the degree where Saturn is now back in December of 2020 when Joe Biden won the election, and President Trump disputed that election back in 2020, late fall.

Also, I found some notes when 1965, 1966, and 1967 Saturn was in Pisces  1965, 1966, and 1967. There are a lot of interesting connections between these events. The biggest deal about Saturn and Neptune is that their midpoint, that is where they meet in the middle at almost 25° (degrees) of Pisces. Well, that is where a Lunar Eclipse takes place on September 17th. So, all eyes will look forward to seeing what this all means for September 17th, when all the cards are on the table, and everything is out in the open. It becomes clear as a bell what is going on.  As was the Moon Pisces during the debate Thursday night was a true example of how matters do not land in a place where you expect. Very often there is something that is very favorable and something very unfortunate.

The Moon in Aries is with us here today, Saturday. It rushes to highlight that Saturn station at 3:05 PM today. Saturn sits still. It waits to see Neptune do the same thing on Tuesday. This pair seeks the lowest level. It represents our weakest link. The Lunar Eclipse is marked by these Saturn Neptune stations. With their midpoint, as I mentioned, it leaves a red flag. Extremely serious topics are the most current.

So, as I said, the September 17th Lunar Eclipse is what we are going to keep our eye on. That could be when all of this political drama unfolds and is laid out. Maybe some of these things are answered. What we are doing and witnessing at these points in time is going to become clearer when all the cards are on the table.

Mercury and Pluto aligned today. They are looking for some very critical information. It is a temporary thing. It is like they grab what it is they want and they run off. They do not say a lot. There are no gracious moments around it.

Venus and Ceres, the caregiver caretaker finds that you might be caring for yourself when you had more enjoyable plans laid out for yourself. But, now you have to stop and take care of yourself.

I know there is another round of COVID going on. So, you want to be careful with that. I do not think COVID is as dangerous as it used to be, but it still can eliminate you from activities with others.

The Moon and Mercury square off. It examines its negative report. That is the last thing that the Aries Moon is doing. So that begins a void of course Moon from 12:56 AM Sunday morning until 8:00 AM Sunday morning.

The Moon goes into Taurus. Taurus Moon is looking for the Neptune station. So, if you are paying attention, you may witness confusion cover-ups and poor report cards which could release all sorts of negative information.

The Moon is going through the sign of Taurus. Taurus is where the red carpet is rolled out for the Moon. So, it is the best sign for the Moon could be in the sign of Taurus; this is where it is exalted to its most honored position. So, you can gain what you need with your powers of persuasion. You may do that on Monday. Your motivation is geared up, is ramped up when the Moon is conjunct with Mars. That is in the middle of Taurus, which can be a very precarious position for causing problems. And for another use of that energy, you may find you are up for a large task. You can find ways to make money as well with these large tasks. Turn trash into cash.

We have that Taurus Moon going through the sign on Tuesday, as well. So, food first. You like to have very good food when the Moon is in Taurus. You are hungrier than normal. You get fatter than normal.

Neptune is there to receive all of these nice Taurus energies. Tuesday at 6:40 AM Neptune turns retrograde until December. So, while we are on the heels of a Neptune retrograde, you may be tempted to take the short route, shortcuts, which can be rare and derail your true goals. So be careful about that.

Mercury is trine Neptune. It is the frosting on the cake with fantasy. So, use your imagination in a way that supports your plans for change. But do not take any wooden nickels. That is the last thing that Mercury does while it is in the sign of Cancer.

Then it goes into the sign of Leo at 8:49 AM. It is there for the next 23 days. That would be on July 2nd until the 25th. It plans to make a big show of itself and be loud about it. So, it is exploiting any good news and yelling at all over the world.

The Sun is in a dividing position when it is square to the Lunar Nodes. There it is on July 2nd on Tuesday. So, this is about a shift in the landscape and a focus. It focuses its attention on the activities coming up in the fall. There is going to be a Solar Eclipse in October, on October 2nd. So, at this time, the Sun is leaving behind the stories of the spring, and producing new stories that are coming up for the fall. This is about relationships forming for growth.

The last thing that the Moon in Taurus will do is make a nice sextile to Neptune. That brings a Green Light. So the Green Light beginning at 7:15 AM on Tuesday. It runs right through until 11:42 AM, also on Tuesday.

So that is your golden period this week would be to take advantage of that Taurus Moon for money, position, comfort, and anything that you want. Whatever your desires are, that is a really good spell to take advantage of.

The Moon then goes into the sign of Gemini at 11:49 AM Tuesday. It is there until Thursday July 4th, at 4:51 PM. The Moon in Gemini is trine to Pluto which is saying, okay, open the door for me. What I want, I will tell you exactly what I want; please approve and stamp of approval for what it is I'm asking for.

Venus is trine Saturn. This says this is a stable and reliable relationship. It is about family and bonding. It can bring people together to maintain the integrity of family unity.

Then the Moon aligns with Jupiter in Gemini for a powerful message. It allows the ability to expand on a recent episode that defines the current landscape. This certainly appears to be political. Jupiter often appears to be political.

Also, with the Moon and Gemini, it is going to see Mercury, the ruler of Gemini opposing Pluto. So, Mercury is in the sign of Leo. So, it definitely wants to shout its winnings loud. But opposite Pluto, Pluto saying, Hold on. There is a nervousness and hesitation that surrounds decision-making with Mercury, opposite Pluto.

Then we move down the line in the Gemini line. There is a square between the Moon and Saturn on Wednesday 9:57 PM. So, this is tough when we are in this really heavy Saturn period right now. Having that Moon square Saturn can increase your aches and pains and shorten your experiences with others. You could feel more tired and more frustrated. The situation feels dire, but this too will pass.

But I do notice arthritis flares up in a big way when all this Saturn is happening. And knee troubles and bones, aches and pains galore. Then problems with authority figures; have problems with trying to get it right; father figures and father issues. Even if your father has passed on, the father issues linger. These Saturn highlights can bring those back up loud and clear.

Thursday, During the Gemini Moon the Sun is parallel Venus. This is a beautiful aspect. This is typical for bringing people together to get married. It can bring a lot of love and a lot of fun.

Mercury is parallel to Jupiter. That is expanding the fun. Taking you out of yourself, taking you into an environment that is happy and light.

Then the last thing the Moon in Gemini does is at 4:43 PM. It makes a square to Neptune. So, I would say make a really solid plan for your July 4th evening, as Neptune is casting a veil over anything preferable for a spin with fantasy or there can be a trick.

There is a Moon sign change at 4:51 PM. The Moon is in the sign of Cancer by that time. That ends a void of course Moon period that began at 4:43 PM. The Cancer Moon will be with us through late night on July 6.

The Moon will square the Lunar Nodes. This is an indication that emotions are high. There is a New Moon coming up on Friday at 6:57 PM. This is an important New Moon. For one it sets a storyline in motion for the Solar Eclipse in the fall on October 2nd. It is also dead serious about its mission with Ceres. Ceres is in the picture now. Ceres is that weeping mother, grieving mother. She is sitting exactly opposite the New Moon in the sign of business, big business, government and family heads. So, Ceres is caring for and caretaker. She is addressing the most dire needs such as food and water. Essential supplies are needed here that are required here. Such as food, insulin, oils, diapers, and more. All the products that people depend on, and of course, the funding to go along with it. So, a lot of that will be the topic of this New Moon on Friday.  

Then throughout Friday night, the Moon is in Cancer. So, stick with family. That is the best way to go. That Cancer Moon is with us through Saturday. Its last aspect, making a beautiful trine to Neptune giving us a Green Light during this Cancer Moon that starts back on Thursday at 4:51 PM. Green Light through Friday. Green Light Saturday until 11:47 PM. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me as 617-558-7233. Kimberly Chin will transcribe the report. I'll post it on Sunday. And you can also replay the report with Victor's show, Expanding Awareness. Look for the 9:30 part of the hour to replay it for two weeks. And that is it for the week. I want to thank Julie Stoller for helping us out. and Victor. Take care. Again, my number is 617-558-7233. Thank you.

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