Monday, June 24, 2024

Astrology Report June 22 - 29, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Saturday, June 29, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrich with the astrology report for the week ahead. it is now the 22nd of June. The report will include the 28th of June. So, throughout this week, we have a lot to talk about.

Right now, we just had a Full Moon last night. At 1° (degree) of Capricorn, this had a lot to do with business matters. Maybe the business matters of family or within family or business in general. But the focal point or the spotlight really is on family, with the Sun, and Venus and Mercury, all in the sign of Cancer.

We have a lot of family matters to tend to during this Capricorn Moon sign. Also, there is a Green Light during the Capricorn Moon. It ends with a rare opportunity. So, keep your eyes and ears open for what that might mean. But I would look to the energies of the Sun and Pluto. That can be tough to take. It is an aspect that forces issues. To press on and make important points, important decisions. I wouldn't jump into anything no matter what the pressure is.

The Sun, and Pluto energy typically present power struggles. So, if you jump on board with someone, they may be too controlling. They pressure you to focus on what they want and extract your talents and your energies for their purpose. You could lose out in some way in the end. If you follow what is good for you and ignore those that are trying to twist your arm, you can find that there is some power in here. That would be good for what it is you need. When life slows down or becomes uncomfortable, simplify things and be patient. You are changing and growing in ways that you can scarcely perceive. So, stay involved in your everyday routines. Only force a change on yourself when it feels like you are stuck in some way. But take care of what you need. Do not let anybody force you into anything.

That Capricorn Moon will run right through Sunday 6/23, until 11:05 PM. That is the last aspect of the Capricorn Moon. That says there is a Neptune quality with it. It brings a rare opportunity. Mercury is square to the Lunar Node, while the Moon is in Capricorn. What this means this is on Saturday night, that is tonight, there is an important social aspect that connects the Moon for a family introduction or recognition of some sort. The activities with the family. Allow the family members to engage with your guest. A recent contact with Venus implies a possible romantic connection. A contact with Mars can imply that you have been motivated to bring people together for quite a while. So, if you have an invitation to a gathering, go ahead and accept it. There could be some very interesting opportunities there.  The Moon is void of course from 11:05 PM, it is a short one, until 11:14 PM.

Then the Moon enters Aquarius. That Aquarius Moon is with us for a couple of days. It goes through Monday and Tuesday and into only very early on Wednesday. But it doesn't particularly end well. It is very cranky, and it has some difficulties with friendship.

The Aquarius Moon has a quincunx. I call this “life's messy clean it up” aspect between the Sun and the Moon. So, it sends off the impressions of the Full Moon in such a way that it wants you to organize clean up, and gather your work assignments. This is an Aquarius Moon sign that wants to focus on friendship. But something out of the blue pops up and there is a topic brewing with trouble within a friendship. So, use your most agreeable tendencies to smooth over problems. You do not want to lose a friend over an insignificant misunderstanding.

That Aquarius Moon is square to Mars. This is Monday evening at 6:58 PM. It can be very cranky, especially in response to a misunderstood situation. Bike riding can be very hazardous during this period, as well. So, you want to be careful.

The Aquarius Moon also has extremely quirky energies when it is square to Uranus. This comes up at 6:29 PM on Tuesday evening. So that is accident prone. It is also a time when the Moon wants to connect with Mars to get things going and moving in the right direction. But it might be just getting things moving. Not necessarily in the right direction, but a direction guided by someone else.

There is void of course Moon from 1:55 AM only until 2:07 AM. That is on Wednesday morning.

Then the Moon enters Pisces. There is a Green Light during the Pisces Moon starting at 2:07 AM on Wednesday morning through Thursday and into Friday morning. The aspect that we can see on the 26th is Mercury trine Saturn. So, think about how your family can benefit from the kindness of others with an understanding of your situation because they have been through it. So, there could be something that helps you along.

Then in third on Thursday, there is an aspect between Mercury and Venus that is absolutely lovely. It is a parallel, it is long bonding during the Pisces Moon. So, you can meet somebody, and make a connection that is very sensitive and caring. The influence of Mercury and Venus is largely gentle, it is also really creative. So, with this creative streak during the Pisces Moon, maybe you want to spend some time alone and express your creativity.

So, for Thursday night, the Moon’s final aspect makes a conjunction with Neptune. That is at 4:44 AM because Neptune is so late in the sign. Making void of course  Moon periods short. So that Void of Course Moon during Pisces, lasts only until 4:51 AM.


Then the Moon goes into the high energy sign of Aries. This will show a Last Quarter Moon on Friday evening in the sign of Aries. It is time to collect your items from a project or a stay that you had recently.  

Also, look back over the past two and a quarter years for ways or methods that worked for you in the past; you had success. You can repeat that again. It is an excellent track to revisit now to do a similar act to gain a success once again.

The last aspect on Friday night is a Quarter Moon, so stay tuned for the Aries Moon to bring even more excitement over the next weekend.

So that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also find it. It'll be transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Kimberly. And thank you, Victor and Julie, for taking care of us and making sure we go on the air when we're supposed to and have fun. Over this weekend, there should be some very good social opportunities to expand your social circle. Okay, that is it for the week.

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