Sunday, June 16, 2024

Astrology Report for June 15 - 21, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Saturday, June 15, 2024 - Saturday, June 21, 2024


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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. That is for June 15th through the 21st. The Moon is in Libra today on the 15th. Happy Father's Day tomorrow, with a Libra Moon to enjoy the sweeter things in life.

We have the Libra Moon changing to Scorpio early morning Monday at 2:38 AM. It will travel through Scorpio Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday until 12:32 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Moon will welcome the Sun into Cancer for the Summer Solstice on Thursday at 4:51 PM. Our focus will turn to country, family, and home for the next month.

The Sagittarius Moon sign is with us all day Friday until the Moon travels into the sign of Capricorn. That would be at 7:08 PM Friday when there is a Full Moon.

 The headliner of the week would be a Full Moon Friday night at 9:08 PM, at 1° (degree) of Capricorn. This first degree of Capricorn speaks to major events associated at this time.

So, on Saturday, June 15, the Moon will line up with the Lunar Node. That is a very emotional Moon. It is sort of bigger than life. It is in the sign of Libra. So, it wants to partner and pair with others. The notes are about the coming and going of people in your life. So, this would be enjoyable for Saturday and Sunday activities about bringing new people into the family fold, however, there are likely to be strong emotional responses when interacting with others.

That Libra Moon will be with us also on Sunday. There really are just only a couple of things to note for Sunday’s Moon sign. The Moon is quincunx Uranus at 4:44 PM. So, if you are grilling, if you are doing anything with the barbecue, be very careful about sparks and flames. This is a very spontaneous, sudden abrupt change of events that the Moon can bring with the planet Uranus. Your interactions with others may also prove to be unpredictable. The Sun and Moon are 120° trine in the evening. Sunday evening. That is good. That is a nice, harmonious aspect. During this time Venus is square Neptune. So, attention may be drawn to art, pleasure, and romance. But it is not safe. This is because Venus square Neptune does not have a good sense of what is suitable when it is best to back off and not play so hard. With that Venus and Neptune do not gamble. I would say do not shop. You would lose your money, that is for sure. Do not trust those that you do not know, and that you do not understand.

That Moon in Libra continues and watches Venus leave the sign of Gemini and enter the sign of Cancer. That is at 2:20 AM on Monday morning. So Venus in Cancer is much more focused on home, family, and security. Less likely to be spending all the funds the way it did while in the sign of Gemini. So, this is a good sign for Venus as a money planet it can help the economy as well.

There are many planet aspects for the 17th, Monday. Early in the morning, Mercury is square Neptune, so you’ll be more careful because your perception is off. You are confused. You are being told stories. Be careful not to tell any yourself.

Mercury will be at 29° Gemini square Neptune at 29° Pisces. This Neptune is calling the shots in all of our affairs.  It is like a magician that hides the truth and conceals its behavior to allow for its tricks. It is safe to say that the aspects that Venus and Mercury make to Neptune are not healthy and come with great caution. Mercury while at the last couple of minutes of Gemini. Mercury enters the sign of Cancer at 5:06 AM on Monday and turns our thinking in the line of Venus’ lead that focuses on family for its security.

When Mercury catches up with Venus and we may experience a sweet thing. That would be at 8:42 AM, Monday. That is a loud and clear degree of the zodiac at 0° of Cancer. Mercury and Venus are enjoying some information and bonding. Maybe there is an announcement. Maybe there is an engagement and there is an announcement of an important type.

Mercury is quincunx Pluto, it is late night 11:13 PM Monday. Mercury quincunx Pluto is likely to bring something up and out of the blue. Maybe it is something that wasn't supposed to be talked about. It could be about money. It could be about a social situation or a political situation.

Then on Tuesday, the 18th of June, the Moon is in Scorpio. That Scorpio Moon sees a quincunx between Venus and Pluto. So, this definitely could be about jealousy and about losing your money. Or having to pay up for something that you were not expecting to get involved with such as a family member in desperate need.

This Scorpio Moon stays in the sign of secrets and anything having to do with a deeper look into things and research matters more closely. This is for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Not until Wednesday is the Moon at 150°, quincunx, to the Sun. That aspect I call  “ life's messy, clean it up”. That is also an indication that there is a Full Moon on the way, actually, the Full Moon will be with us on Friday at 9:08 PM.

So, for once we have a nice Moon aspect to Neptune. It is because the Moon is in Scorpio and that is one of the favorable places for that Neptune. So that says that all goes well.  You can count that as a Green Light. So that would be for Tuesday and Wednesday. It actually would begin Monday morning after Mercury enters Cancer at 5:07 AM and right through until Wednesday at 12:18 PM.

 That Green Light can bring you the money that you are looking for.  When you are approaching agreements that tie you to others you should let a professional be your guide as you could be careful about getting trapped into something that may tie you in for a long time.

The 19th, that is on Wednesday. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 12:31 PM. That Sagittarius Moon makes aspects to Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. So those are very social. Then the Moon will quincunx Mercury, saying there is something out of the blue. There is information that pops up that may be unpleasant.

Mars will take action because of a quincunx from the Moon (emotions). So that could be rather difficult during the Sagittarius Moon. The Sun will square Neptune. So, the big confusion comes in. The Sun being at 29° and the last minutes of Gemini, when it squares Neptune on Thursday. So, this could bring a lot of wet weather. Or confusing weather clouds, illusions, and anything having to do with being in the dark about things. Avoid making any commitments of any type.

So, then the Sun leaves that aspect with Neptune and goes into the sign of Cancer for the Summer Solstice at 4:50 PM on the 20th on Thursday. The Sun enters the sign of Cancer under the Sagittarius Moon. So, there can be some uplifting events or information. (So, tell me your stories. We will figure them out.)

The Moon is squared Neptune. Being the last aspect of the Sagittarius Moon sign.  

On Friday the 21st then the Moon will enter the sign of Capricorn. That is at 7:08 PM. It will run through Capricorn through the next weekend.

There is a big fat Full Moon 9:07pm That is when the Sun and Moon are opposite at one degree of Capricorn. This one could be about things that are particularly about government, business, big business, administrative notions and fathers and parents, knees, your teeth, and anything having to do with those that are in the seat of authority.

That is it for the week!

You can find a copy of this on my website at And Victor archives of the show, and the report would be available for two weeks. Look for the 9:30 portion of the hour. And Kimberly Chin will transcribe the report. And that will be posted on Sunday on my website at And I want to thank Julie Stoller, who's always with us. She helps in the background, to be sure we go on the air when we're supposed to. And that is it for the week. Take care. Victor, back to you.

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