Sunday, June 2, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 1, 2024 to June 8, 2024 with Green Light Days Saturday, June 1, 2024 - Saturday, June 8, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hello, there are a couple of big events today and tomorrow. We are under this beautiful wide open arm sweeping aspect between Jupiter and Pluto. It takes place on Sunday at 8:13 PM. Certainly, it is influencing us now and today and all this past week.

While you are trying to relieve and release old patterns. Things you thought were impossible, are possible. Now you have the experience. Also learning something very broad and broadening, expanding your awareness, as Victor does with us all the time.

This aspect is something that has a very humanitarian quality, as well. It is ambitious, Jupiter trine Pluto. What we might have seen as impossible before can now be achieved. When you are willing to reach beyond your previous expectations and believe in the possibility that things can be achieved that were not before.

So, this aspect makes Sunday the most powerful day of the year. Tomorrow's interpretation for the day is not just a day-long thing. Also, it happens during a void of course Moon period. Which says it is releasing all of its entanglement from outside sources and allows for the seemingly impossible to be reached. It is also a real strong magnet for humanitarian causes.

So, for today, June 1st, Happy Birthday to my sister. If it is your birthday today too Happy Birthday. It is a lovely June 1st day with an Aries Moon. It is a Green Light as well throughout the whole day and through until tomorrow at 8:12 PM.

What we have with this Aries Moon today is that there are not a lot of complications. There is not a whole lot going on with the node of the Moon. The Moon will align with its Lunar Node this evening. it is applying to that all day Saturday 6/1, throughout the night. So that raises emotions in a big way.

With the Aries Moon, there are a lot of opinions, making judgments and creating mental causes. The Moon will expand its emotional base. While it is hovering around this Lunar Node. It also gathers people together. So, if you have invitations to be around others, sign up! It is a good way to connect on a deeper level. Even though Aries is flighty that goes in for the quick connecting and gets out quick. But having it beyond the Lunar Node says you have an opportunity to take that quickness to a level that is going to be deeper.

The Aries Moon is with us also tomorrow.

There is an aspect between Mercury and Uranus. This one says there is something to discover. Also, listen to your children's insights. They really have very special thoughts. Thoughts that are illuminating from children. Information could come from your pets as well. Couldn't be showing you things. So, look for others that you do not expect to learn things from. Or listen to things from other sources.

We have a conjunction that the Moon aligns up with Chiron. Now Chiron really did dominate the energies of this past week. Very strong, powerful. Well, wounding and healing energy. So, this gives us an opportunity tomorrow to extract from the painful parts for the healing parts.

The Moon is also aligned with Mars tomorrow. There was a conjunction of Mars and Chiron over this past week that caused that healing to have a real sharp needle on it.

So, this is an action period with the Aries Moon that allows you to take advantage of what you have learned. From something that you have experienced, that may have been difficult for you to swallow in some way.

So, the Moon finishes up the Aries Moon with a conjunction to Mars. So, Mars is the ruler of Aries. So that says there, you can put your pedal to the metal with that one. Just to zoom across.  

There is that Jupiter Pluto, beautiful trine. Very ambitious. It is also very humanitarian. So, help others. Join others. Help your own causes as well. Remember to take really good care of yourself.

There is a Green Light in there. Here comes the Taurus Moon 1:55 AM on Monday morning. That will start a Green Light that goes on for a couple of days, all day Monday.

Mercury enters the sign of Gemini on Monday. So, this gives you an increased opportunity to communicate your thoughts and messages to a wider audience. Or at least reach those that you have been trying to connect with. You finally get to do that.

The Gemini quality that we are going to come into with the New Moon on Thursday is also about connecting to your neighborhood and your siblings. But before that is Monday’s Taurus Moon, it could be about money and tradition. It could be about your yard, your plants and your beautiful flowers. That Taurus Moon likes to enjoy the pleasures of life.

There is an aspect on Tuesday, at 2:12 AM when Mercury is trine Pluto. That is an expansion of the ideas that are brought in from broader places, deeper places, and deeper understandings. Perhaps this is about counseling. Maybe you wake up Tuesday saying I need to find a new counselor. Or do I need to find a counselor at all? Then Mercury lines up with Jupiter. Says oh, you could do that. Mercury wants to share what is observed, especially about that beautiful Jupiter trine Pluto that had happened for Sunday.

Some invitations are being sent out. They could be verbal or written invitations. Also, the invitations may be about joining a humanitarian cause.

There is a Green Light all day Tuesday. But the headliner Tuesday is the Sun conjunct Venus. This aspect is always welcome. It is an aspect that likes to bring people together, especially little parties with women. You can also reach out to friends that you have. Maybe they are overseas or you have not been connecting with them.

That Mars Chiron brought you from this past week. Oh boy, was that a hell-raiser That Sun conjunct Venus will also be characteristic which contributes to the nature of the New Moon on Thursday.

So, this Taurus Moon's last aspect is at 4:08 AM on Wednesday. To repeat, the Green Light period starts Tuesday at 2:48 AM until 4:08 AM Wednesday. So that is when you want to move and advance. Take along with you any information you gathered from Mercury and Jupiter and Mercury and Pluto.

Then we have the Moon changing signs on Wednesday 4:35 AM. It leaves the beautiful sign of Taurus and enters the Gemini sign which is not so good. It has several complications. But we are in the Dark of the Moon. So that is never a good time to take any great action. It is a chatty period. So maybe you’re chatting up all sorts of experiences trying to connect with others. It can bring you closer to your neighbors. Maybe share something.  Maybe they are coming back from a journey, and they want to share what they have done there.

There is also the aspect of the Sun and Venus. Makes you want to shop like crazy. So, the desire to spend money could be greater than your ability to pay which is the job of Saturn’s square from Pisces to Gemini.

The Sun conjunct Venus. The New Moon occurs on Thursday at 8:37 AM and reaches right into the Venus pocket. Increasing again your desire for spending and loving. There is a catch and that we have talked about is Saturn in Pisces. It is the big foot that rules over the love and money nature of this New Moon. So, it is saying do not jump ahead so quickly with that new relationship. It seems as though there are parental figures or authority figures that do not agree with your choices or your running mates. It could be dominate your choices about other people,

Mars and Chiron are in another aspect though. Great. They have this very long applying aspect. It is a parallel. it is on the 6th, the same day as the New Moon. It is the longest possible connection that it presents. So, this is when you can use the benefits of this Mars - Chiron aspect this can be very healing. A side note I know this aspect very well because I was born with the Mars - Chiron conjunction which brought me to teaching astrology and what I learned through astrology, I was able to share with others. So that is what the lesson is about, what did you learn? What can you teach so that others can benefit?

 But remember, only teach or share when people ask because unsolicited advice is never welcome. The Gemini Moon continues after the New Moon.

Now the New Moon as I mentioned 8:37 AM at 16 degrees of Gemini. It is on Thursday, June 6th. It is surrounded by Venus, and also an aspect between Venus and Pluto. So, it gets to be very deep. There could be jealousies involved.

Then again, there is that Moon Square Saturn that comes in in the afternoon on Thursday at 1:18 PM.

So, moving on to Friday. We have still that Gemini Moon. That Gemini Moon will be with us only until 8:40 AM. The last aspect of the Gemini Moon is square to Neptune. So, the Sun during that Gemini Moon digs very deep into the caverns with Pluto to expose the demons that are holding others hostage. There is great hope that there can be advancement after exposing the powers of the Pluto energy from the Sun.

Split parallel Pluto, which takes place on Friday. Right. It is early Friday morning. It reminds me of the caverns and tunnels under the land that Hamas has dug into Israel. So, there is a chance there that there can be exposure. Where there is exposure there is a chance for hope and healing.

Friday's Cancer Moon comes in at 8:40 AM. It is difficult. Not going to be a good Cancer Moon sign until Sunday. Next Sunday, the 9th of June, when after Mars enters the sign of Taurus. So, Mars is still with us in the sign of Aries until next Sunday. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can call me at 617-558-7233. You can listen to this again WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks, and then it is transcribed. The report will be transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much and posted on my website at This is an opportunity to expand your awareness with Victor. And that's it for the week. Thank you. All right, thank you so much. And once again, I begin next week in the morning at 9:30 AM.

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