Sunday, June 9, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 8 - 15, 2024 Saturday, June 8, 2024 - Saturday, June 15, 2024


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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is the 8th of June. The report will follow the transits this weekend and then into next weekend, the 15th of June.

We have a lovely Cancer Moon that came on Friday. It came in the morning, 8:40 AM. The Cancer Moon will be with us throughout the weekend. Sunday afternoon, the Moon will go into the sign of Leo.

The Cancer Moon, in particular, is focused on family. It wants to keep the ball rolling for the family. Keep everyone tidied up, doing their thing, and enjoying unity and bonding.

There are a couple of big deals going on. Mars is at the 29th degree of Aries. It will go into Taurus 6/9. Meanwhile, while it is there, at its very last degree, we can notice that planets are always a big problem when they are at the last degree of a sign. We have been experiencing that with Neptune at the final degree of Pisces, causing so much havoc until 2025.  This has been testing our sense of reality when there are so many things that you cannot see, you cannot imagine, and you never thought that would happen.

Then Mars comes in and ignites and causes problems of a different sort. About action, taking action, and doing what you are doing. Mars has its cautions which we will extend. Especially when you are in motion. Be aware that arguments may spontaneously erupt.  It seems like you could be getting along great, and then you push somebody's buttons, and then off it goes. Argument. So, you want to be extra careful and sensitive to others. We won't know everybody's trigger points.

But there are sensitivities held by Neptune. So, looking into Saturday's aspects; Venus and Saturn are making a square. We might be looking for approval such as bringing home a girlfriend or a boyfriend and seeking family approval with the Moon in Cancer, its family. Venus and Saturn are hoping for that, but they are disappointed because they do not get that approval. The family says either we do not like who you chose or we are too busy for that. There are money matters. Money is tight, and the family needs things.

Venus in Gemini wants to travel and shop. But Saturn in Pisces wants to make you stay home. So, you do not get a whole lot of breaks. You want to get out; you want to break away from the tension. It is very difficult to break off, break away, and take a break.

For Saturday night and Sunday, watch out for chaotic travel due to Mars changing signs at 12:34 AM Sunday morning. Its influence will extend throughout the weekend and into Monday. People and strange events are coming from directions out of the blue.

So, on Sunday as Mars enters Taurus at 12:34 AM it creates strong personal desires. Although you will usually follow a reliable course of action in attaining those desires. There is a stubborn streak that accompanies Mars in Taurus. Taurus is focused on whoever and whatever it opposes that causes problems.

We have another tough aspect this weekend; Sun square Saturn. It is hard energy to manage as it is time for cutbacks, layoffs, and that sort of thing. The flow of money slows way down. Concerns about balancing finances become a major issue. This is the time when the focus of self, self-worth, and accomplishment is being assessed. So, you are trying to do your best; you are looking for approval. That Sun square Saturn. It is Saturn that is the big heavy foot that says, no! you have to go back and do it again.

There is an insecurity and a need to build greater structure. Do not take on new debt. Not with that aspect. That is exactly on Sunday morning. 6:35 AM. But it is the kind of aspect that is with us all day today, all day on Sunday.

The Moon will change signs Sunday at 3:29 PM into Leo.  It is a better Moon sign for having a good time and, fun time.

On the weekend, the Moon will square Mars on Sunday at 4:23 PM. That makes it a very testy afternoon, but let it slide. The Moon wants to play when it passes that aspect, making Sunday night the best time to enjoy yourself with others. Mars wants to work in the yard, and the Moon wants to play. So, try not to argue for a compromise. Just compromise. Give in a little that way, a little this way.

Then the Moon is also in Leo on Monday. It is happy to share any new project ideas with others.

Mercury and Pluto see a funding plan. So, there is hope that whatever you are doing, you could make headway.

The Sun and Mercury have an aspect. They joined together in a parallel. What they think and what they see goes a long way. So, it carries over to all media,

On Tuesday. Tuesday belongs to Mars, as the Moon owns Monday. So, we have Tuesday is Mars Day. Monday is Moon Day. Wednesday is Mercury Day. Thursdays are ruled by happy Jupiter. Fridays are ruled by loving Venus. Saturday is ruled by Saturn.

So, Mars on Tuesday, is up to its holster in power struggles. So, it is making a push to do things its way, and Leo Moon makes a big show of it. So, the pressure is on. Mars and Pluto are trying to create pain so that you can have an opinion and a reaction and an urge to do something to make things happen in their favor. But be careful who you are backing. Things you think you know may not be as they appear, and they do heat up. If you are watching others battle it out. Keep your distance. Back off. Do not watch. Go back inside. This is a very cutthroat aspect. It is Mars square Pluto. Mars is early in Taurus and Pluto is early in Aquarius. So, on a good note, you can plow through the toughest jobs with extra strength. So that is a get down and scrub it out aspect.

Then we have the Moon changing signs as Wednesday into Virgo. That is very good for cleanup energy for a couple of days. Virgo likes to get down and clean things up. Grab a friend and take a break, maybe try out a new restaurant. Also, Virgo is great for cooking restaurants and sampling. Anything classic and yummy.

You may also get a late start to your day. That is because of a Mercury Saturn square. The traffic is jammed up, which makes matters worse, but the day lightens up. You can accomplish a lot under this Virgo Moon, Wednesday into Thursday.

Thursday is good work day. With that Virgo Moon, if you wanted to take a break, it is best to surrender to the task and leave a wide-open space for Friday if you want to play.

Friday has a Quarter Moon that has people talking a lot. It may be about partners and opponents and that sort of thing. It is a First Quarter Moon where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your goals.

Also, there is a nice fun aspect with the Moon trine Uranus in there. The Sun lines up with Mercury again. So, this is about good reasons to talk things through. And maybe the chef wants to leave the kitchen. You might be stuck with the dishwasher making the dinner back in the kitchen.

The Moon is void of course, at 1:53 PM on Friday until the Moon enters Libra at 2:12 PM. The Libra Moon wants everyone to get along. So, it is trying to make peace. Make everyone happy. But the Moon is a little cranky. Mars and Neptune are doing things to give this week rough edges. So, this is where it happens again. That is a quincunx between Mars and the Moon.  That is not like letting things happen naturally. Things pop up in a very cranky way. Later, people could be more agreeable. They find a way to chill out during the Libra Moon sign, which goes right into next Saturday. So maybe that will be nicer. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at which is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you, Kimberly. And Victor and Julie are always with us here and we also want to express a lot of gratitude to our listeners. Keep us appraised of what's going on in your life. And I think that is about it. That is all for the week. Take it away Victor.

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