Monday, July 15, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 13-20, 2024 Saturday, July 6, 2024 - Saturday, July 13, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Good morning Victor. Dietrech here. This is a pretty important week. Today actually has something pretty important going on. We have the Moon going through the signs, this week, of Libra Scorpio Sagittarius. next Saturday, it will reach the sign of Capricorn. So, it is about partnering and pairing, in which there will be running mates that are chosen., people joining other people's projects.

So, there is a First Quarter Moon, that is going to come up today is important. This first Quarter Moon occurs at 22° (degrees) of Libra. 9 months ago, there was a Solar Eclipse at the same degree. 9 months ago, it would have been on October 14, 2023.

That would have been the start of something having to do with getting along with others; pairing with others; joining with others for the purpose of being on the same goal; and being actively involved in the process of moving forward. That is what the First Quarter Moon is really about. It is about moving forward with your goals. So, whatever brainstorm or event that you had 9 months ago in October, here it is time to get moving with it.

That Quarter Moon takes place at 6:48 PM at 22°of Libra. it will be influencing us all day.

The other aspects around this Libra Moon today would be there is something going on with Chiron, which is about addressing the pain of the past, addressing the need to heal. Maybe you need to find a counselor. With the Moon in Libra, maybe that is a relationship counselor of some type. That would be a good thing to research on a day, when we have the Moon in Libra, and there is a Chiron connection there.

There are a few things that the Moon will be doing. That is when Sunday comes in, tomorrow the Moon will quincunx Mars. Quincunx is 150° and it is life's messy, clean it up. It is also called an inconjunct. Like quincunx, because it really does sound like what it feels like what it does. It is something out of the blue comes and pops up and creates some kind of startling situation where you have to drop whatever you are doing and tend to it. It is kind of like the cat throws the cookie jar off the counter and crashes in the middle of the night. It is hard to sleep through. you got to get up and check that out.

Then the Moon will quincunx Uranus not long after that. Same thing Sunday morning. This one is at 3:24 AM. Then not until 10:39 AM does the Moon quincunx Neptune. So that could be water. That could be something, a secret that is revealed. Neptune reveals things that are hidden, anything tucked away. Maybe you are digging. what day is this? It is on Sunday. Maybe you are digging into your closet and you find something that you have not been able to find for a long time so that would be a good thing.

The other thing is about losing things. So, you want to be tidy about your belongings when you do leave the house. Also sharing with others. You might be tempted to share too much and then feel bad about that later.

The Moons last aspect with Neptune at 10:39 AM begins a void of course Moon period. That means the Moon is not doing anything until 10:52 AM. It is doing something. It is moving along in its path and then it reaches the sign of Scorpio. It will be in the sign of Scorpio for a couple of days. That is the Green Light that we are going to get this week, is the Scorpio Moon sign. That is because the Moon will make a trine to Neptune before it leaves the sign. You see, Neptune is calling the shots these days. As much as this week is really kind of a lot about Mars and Uranus, Neptune is at the last degree tippy toe degree of Pisces. So, every time the Moon has to make a change, it has to give Neptune a big kiss before it leaves the sign. So, the Scorpio Moon comes in at 10:52 AM on the 14th. It is there until it enters Sagittarius at 9:24 PM on the 16th. So, we have Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A lot of Tuesday With the Scorpio Moon sign. It gives you a lot of time to get some business done.

There is a really good aspect between the Sun and Jupiter. This is a parallel. They come together for a long-term good effect. This is the 15th. This is joining up and aligning in a way that is agreeable.

We also can see the Sun is square Chiron. That is more that talk about your wounds and how you are going to heal that. Maybe you want to find someone who is also in your budget, someone that you can afford to hire. It could be for banking, accounting. It could be for counseling. it could be for psychological reasons or surgical reasons.

The Mars and Uranus aspect. They have been applying and boy they have been running Havoc already, well into this past week; Thursday, Friday, Saturday, all the way to Monday, before it is actually lined up.

Mars conjunct Uranus at 26° of Taurus 10:04 AM on Monday. That is really extremely haphazard. It is angry, It is highly active in a spontaneous or abrupt sudden abrupt way. You want to be careful. Do not go driving around if you do not need to. Be really on the lookout when you do go out and about. Even walking the dog, you could trip on the on the on the sidewalk. I am kind of a hover Mother.

This Mars conjunct Uranus aspect. it is just very, very, very accident prone in general. It hangs on right from the 15th through to the 18th. So, if you are going away, midweek; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you have got this aspect all week long. I think there is a convention going on during that time.

There will be on Tuesday during the Scorpio Moon, we have we have a Venus making aspect to Vesta. Which is about investing in something that you see fit.

Then the Moon and the Sun are making a beautiful trine on Tuesday at 11:04 AM. This is positive. It leads into the end of the sign, the Scorpio Moon before it comes to make a trine to Neptune. At 4:05 PM it is going to oppose Mars. Also, earlier in the afternoon on the 16th on Tuesday it is going to oppose Uranus. So, the Scorpio energy which is deep and intense and tends to be dark. It is like a dark muddy murky river and it stirs something up, pop something up out of the river, with the Uranus energy; then the Mars energy; and then finally its trines Neptune. Which says, oh just cover that up. But if you were to contract with somebody, I would say wait until after the 4:05 PM opposition to Mars. Because you do not want to fight about it. So, you would want to have a more harmonious energy. So, make that 4:20 in the afternoon on Tuesday through the rest of the evening. Then at 9:10 PM that is when the Moon goes void of course. So, if you can make a late-night appointment or stroll into the bank, later in the afternoon after 4:15 or so, PM, you have better luck making the changes that you need to your accounts and those sorts of things.

Then the Moon goes into Sagittarius after a void of course Moon period. Void of course Moon is from 9:10 PM until 9:24 PM. The Moon goes into Sagittarius on the 16th. It will be there for a couple of days. It is not doing anything on Wednesday that is that notable. So, it is a happy sign. But this is where we are still hanging on to that Mars and Uranus energy. It is Mars Uranus come in on Thursday, with a parallel, and that is a long-term aspect. It pulls people together, like-minded people, with their potentially aggressive agenda, or violent agenda. Or it could be their high action agenda, highly motivated. we will pull them in together for a long time.

Then we have an aspect during the Sagittarius Moon which is about expanding our awareness. We have the Moon quincunx the Sun. that is a signal that there is a Full Moon coming. That is going to be next weekend. The quincunx would be at 26° of Sagittarius where that Moon is, that is the galactic center. So maybe we will hear about some aliens during that Sagittarius Moon sign coming from out of the blue.

Then the Moon will make its last aspect squared to Neptune. That is on the 19th Friday 3:58 AM. So that is not a good sign to be signing or contracting with anyone. Steer clear of others that are hot headed.

There are a couple of aspects. Venus parallels Mars; Mars parallels Uranus. It is also adding another aspect to the Lunar Node. So, Venus wants to join up partner and pair with this crazy pair. Mars and Uranus so maybe it is a female running mate or a marriage point. It is business. Corporate. It is Friday. It is a government focus for that Capricorn Moon sign.

Then before the Moon finishes up in the sign of Capricorn, it will be next weekend. It will have to address that Full Moon that is going to come up next weekend on July 21st. So, we will have to talk about that next week.

As far as all this Mars energy goes with Uranus, I would think that it does not let up for us until Mars leaves the sign of Taurus and goes into Gemini. That is not until next Saturday. In the meanwhile, watch out for Mars at the 29th degree of Taurus. That degree is called something to cry about. So, Mars will be kicking up the dirt like a bull in a China shop. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also read about it on my website. Thank you to Kimberly Chin and she does the transcription. And Julie Stoller is always there looking after us. And, Victor, it is time for you to take it away.

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