Saturday, July 6, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin July 6 - 13, 2024 Saturday, July 6, 2024 - Saturday, July 13, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. This is July 6th, and the report will go through the week till the 12th. Friday the 12th, which is my very dear friend Pat Iyer's birthday. I want to wish her a great big Happy Birthday.

We have a lot of things to talk about. We have the Moon in Cancer. We just had a New Moon last night at 6:57 PM at 14° (degrees) of Cancer. It is a very important New Moon because it sets the storyline in motion for the next Solar Eclipse that we have next fall, October 2nd. So, it is it is also dead serious about its missions. Ceres is involved. Now Ceres is the caregiver, the nurturer. It is in the sign of business. So, wants to take care of things like government and business in a way that supports, and nurtures. There is also that caretaking need. The needs are the most dire things. Essential supplies are required at this time, such as food, insulin, oils, diapers, and more. These are all the products that people depend on, and of course, funding goes along with it.

So, the Cancer Moon is about home and family. So, keeping the focus on those, the closest to you is where your heart and soul are going to land with this New Moon Cancer Moon sign. So, it is nurturing for you and those under your care. Under stress, you will like to retreat to your home. Some mama food and familiar warm surroundings are the cure for any difficulty.

The Cancer Moon will be with us until 11:55 on Saturday. There is a Green Light all day long if you want to activate your goals and move forward. So, by letting this Moon pull away from the Sun, that means letting time go by, there is a good chance that you will have success whatever it is that you are seeking to accomplish.

The Moon is aligned with Venus. That allows for sweet interactions and visits with family and those who are as close as family to you.

At 11:55 PM there is a Moon sign change. The Moon will enter the sign of Leo. Leo Moon is really good for our egos. Now that is on Sunday. That is on July 7th. Happy Birthday, Victor. This is when our egos are stronger. We like to play the center roles in the lives of people who are close to us or us to them. If they are close to our hearts, we would like to be a part of what makes them happy. This is a playful sign. It delightfully engages others in your plans. It is a good sign for parties and picnics or anything you consider fun. It is also a great sign to show your talents. So, anything from your art to singing and dancing. Or your cooking skills. Maybe in backyard barbecues. This is a good sign for showing off.

The Leo Moon sign is very friendly. It has nice aspects with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus. So, meeting new people under this Leo Moon is a good way to get involved with those who are as playful as you are. It will continue right through Sunday.

Then into Monday we have more Leo Moon. But it runs into some aggravation because it is going to square Mars before the day is done.

Some intellectual and technological activities go on during this Leo Moon. Early. Not too early, but at 9:38 AM there is a parallel between Mercury and Uranus. That is the planet of sudden abrupt change, but it is also the planet of anything brand new. So, if you are in the market for a new computer, something like that, the Leo Moon is not your best choice for moving forward with that. Because the last aspect to the Leo Moon is a quincunx with Neptune. Which is life's messy, clean it up with a planet that clouds the issues and hides the problems. But nonetheless, the Leo Moon that we have on Monday, points to a hothead in in the game. So maybe you want to step aside and observe from a distance what is going on. That will give you the advantage of building your projects. Keep your head on. Do not take any bait. Instead, you might have some fun dressing up for a fun night out because Leo loves to play.

The Virgo Moon comes in after a 10-minute void of course Moon. The reason the void of course Moons are so short this year is because Neptune is at the very last few minutes of the sign in Pisces. It is retrograde now we will back up and then dance over this degree. Neptune is the source of a lot of problems that we are experiencing. They are hard to define, they are hard to get rid of.

So, the Virgo Moon comes in at 9:47 AM. It is great for everyday operations and activities that become second nature. You need perfection when the Moon is in Virgo. This can contribute to a feeling of kind of upset because you get stressed out. You might feel a little bit too under stress to do things smoothly. So, chill out as best you can.

Pallas Athena is an asteroid that represents great wisdom. Pallas is turning around and going direct after being retrograde since March 29. That occurs late in the evening on Tuesday night. That is when your sense of wisdom lightens up. You can find the answers that you have been seeking. You can reach your advisors, or find brand-new advisors. So that is a really strong emphasis on Pallas’ talents, the “Goddess of Wisdom”.

Mercury is extra talkative on Wednesday with the Moon in Virgo. It is in an aspect with Mars. So, it wants to travel, get out on the road, go places, do things. Maybe this is for work during the Virgo Moon. It could be for both if you want to turn a work setting into a fun type of thing there. There are some fun aspects during this Virgo Moon. They come in on Thursday. And there is a trine between the Sun and Saturn that allows you to have the permission needed to get an early start on your getaway, during the Virgo Moon.

So, Thursday, there is that work-a-day Virgo Moon. But there is plenty of fun. That is late morning through the afternoon on Thursday. It can be romantic with Venus and Neptune. But it is clouding any practical reasons to stick to a work plan.

Going into the noon hour, Venus leaves the sensitive sign of Cancer for the happy notes of Leo on July 11th at 12:18 PM. So, this allows Venus to have a happy and friendly afternoon. But into the next month, Venus has a strong relationship with anything that involves talent such as talent scouts. Venus gets whisked away by Jupiter for a long friendly afternoon as well. So, Jupiter loves seeing Venus come into Leo. Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, but it gives them lots of things to do.

Late in the evening, the Moon will oppose Neptune. That is at 9:55 PM, giving us a very short void of course Moon again, that ends at 10:06 PM. When the Moon enters Libra, this is a need for harmony and peaceful surroundings. It will reduce your stress levels and restore you to your natural self when finding harmonious places.

The Libra Moon coming in at 10:06 PM on Thursday sets the tone for a bunch of tasks that will be initiated on Friday and Saturday. These are tasks of harmony, peacemaking, or anything having to do with gaining the interest of others and inviting those to join your team.

Venus is opposite Pluto. That is not a good look for a peaceful approach to a highly sensitive situation. But it is likely also to expose any money problems and difficulties that you might have. Maybe couples, married couples are having money problems. That is Friday the 12th which again, that is my friend, Pat Iyer. She is an astrologer and a dear friend. She is having a birthday on that day. And did I mention that Victor has a birthday on Sunday, the 7th? Happy Birthday to Victor. And we have that Libra Moon right through the weekend next weekend. That is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Kimberly Chin does the transcription. A huge Thank You, Julie Stoller!

 You can reach me at 617-558-7233. You can also find the report posted at Call me at 617-558-7233. Bye for now.

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