Sunday, December 8, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Dec 7 - 14, 2024. Saturday, December 7, 2024 - Saturday, December 14, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


From 4:49 AM 12/7 - 8:38 AM Monday 12/9, the Moon is in Pisces. The Pisces Moon can cause a lot of confusion. it also has the quality of insight from an internal, spiritual, inspired place.

So, if you are having some confusion, maybe there is a message trying to come through. Maybe there is something else that you should be doing or looking at. Maybe you are discovering that you have a lot of missing pieces or missing parts to your work. Like I had that this morning. Preparing my report I found that there was a lot of missing data discovered in other places. So, it is like, oh, that is not good. Well, one of the big reasons for such things is Neptune. It is standing perfectly still. Neptune is the planet of confusion, illusion, and very deep spacey quality. I would say expanded spacey quality. So, if you are trying to hold on to a thought, maybe it just evaporates, gets lost, or gets misplaced. If you are trying to hold on to your purse or anything else that seems to be important or relevant, today is going to be a difficult day to hold on to those things.

Venus made a change. Went into Aquarius early this morning.  Ceres is also a dwarf planet having to do with caretaking, caregiving, family, and babies. Anything having to do with food, feeding others, that sort of thing. It too, made a change and went into Aquarius. They are both, Venus and Ceres are headed for Pluto. Pluto is kind of a catch-all for those things that are controlled by others. Pluto is the “other”. It does not necessarily allow you to make your own choices. These are choices that were decided for you ahead of time.

So, if you do not like that, talk to Pluto. Take it up with the authority figures. Pluto is the God of the underworld, so he has a lot of power. He abducted the daughter of Ceres, and Ceres has a lot to do with Pluto right now. I wonder if there is something about abandonment and abduction that is big and large. Looms large in our minds, or in some way in the news. So very interesting. Sometimes the quality of what Pluto offers could be even disturbing.

So, we have a Pisces Moon for the 7th of December. Well, Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. So, the Moon does not even get to call the shots; Neptune is calling the shots on that one. That Pisces Moon is with us right until December 9th, which is Monday at 8:37 AM. So, we have that Pisces Moon all the way through Saturday and in through Sunday, but not without a big stop. What we have for the Pisces Moon on Sunday is a First Quarter Moon. This is a big deal, too, because it is attached to a Lunar Eclipse coming up in September of 2025. So, this First Quarter Moon is when you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with something that started at the New Moon. Well, that was back on March 10th. Last March 10, 2024. That has the quality of starting something that might be about commitment to helping others and also to things that are lost in some way. The Quarter Moon leads us into the area associated with the Lunar Eclipse, where all the cards are on the table, and everything is out in the open. That is for September 2025. So, be mindful of what you are doing during this time. Who you speak to, what you uncover. It is a Pisces Moon. So, this is about being aware of subtle things. Things that are under the surface. Things that are hard to define or hard to pin down. Keep good notes, because these things lead to the matters that are large in September. Maybe it has to do with family members. Maybe it has to do with the Sun is in Sagittarius. Maybe it has to do with travel. Could it be that you are trying to make a travel plan? Well, you want to be mindful of where you are planning to travel and when you are planning to travel with the Sun's activities that are going on in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is about broadening your perspective and expanding your awareness, as Victor does with us every week.

We also have an aspect on Sunday between Venus and Jupiter. They are aligned for something that they are planning. Maybe they are planning a party or a surprise party of some sort, and that would be for Sunday.

Then we have on Monday, the 9th of December, the Moon is still in Pisces only up until 8:37 AM. The last thing that the Pisces Moon will do is align with Neptune. so that gives it the green light period today, tomorrow, right through Monday at 3:44 AM, we have a Green Light. But be careful with that because a lot of what you might be pushing forward for is rather out of your sight. Like you cannot quite grasp all the things. You do not know all the things. So, a lot of it is intuition. Use your intuition during a Pisces Moon. You can go back into your head when the Aries Moon comes in. Use what you know and think you know, and you can scurry around trying to find answers and resources. It is another Green Light period.

We go for long periods of time without a reasonable number of Green Lights. But I have noticed over the years, and it is a lot of years now. I've been studying astrology since 1974. When Mercury is retrograde, we get more Green Light periods than any other time. That means the Moon will make a favorable aspect to a planet before it leaves the sign, giving us a Green Light period.

So, for December 9th, the Green Light starts at 8:37 AM and continues until 5:13 PM on Tuesday. So, if you want to move forward with your goals, you get that Green Light.

On Monday, the Aries Moon is with us, making a trine to retrograde Mars, too. That is at 6:58 PM. So that is an Aries Moon ruled by Mars, making a trine to Mars. The trine is 120 degrees. That is positive. That is a big open door. However, the quality is also peaceful and soft for an aggressive planet. So that is variable. You know that you can take that with a grain of salt as well.

Then, the 10th of December comes in on Tuesday, and we also have an aspect for Mars. That is Venus making an aspect to Mars early in the morning. It is an aspect that will last all day long. So, Venus and Mars are looking for some pleasing events between personalities and people, people's personal sides in particular.

The Sun is making an aspect to Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer. So, the healing seems to begin. You may feel softened. Or the trouble you have experienced over the past month or so may seem to soften in some way when the Sun is trine Chiron, and Chiron is the wounded healer, which gives it a boost.

The Moon comes in and makes an aspect to Chiron as well. We are talking on Tuesday. The Moon is catching up and aligning directly with Chiron at 4:54 PM. So that is the day you may want to plan to talk to a professional about the things that have been bothering you. That would be a good day to start that or make a plan to discuss things about an injury. An old injury that you might have, that you may want to have a doctor have a look at.

The Sun and the Moon are making a beautiful 120-degree trine at 5:13 PM on Tuesday. That ends the activity of the Aries Moon. Then the Moon is void, of course, 5:13 PM until 10:54 AM the next day.  That is December 11th, Tuesday, rather than Wednesday, and the Moon is conjunct Taurus. The Taurus Moon will square Pluto in Aquarius and square Ceres. So, Ceres and Pluto are together. This makes me a little bit cautious about the type of activities that are going on with that. Because they are not friends with Pluto and Ceres. Pluto abducted the daughter of Ceres, Persephone. So that was a horrible time when Ceres traveled all over the Earth looking for her daughter. It was a very, very powerfully sad time. So, this is a Taurus Moon, where the Moon is attempting to recoup finances. So, be mindful of anything where you spend or overspend.

The Moon will square Venus, which is the money planet. So, we also have the Moon square Mars on Wednesday, Venus and Mars.

Then, we still have a Mercury Retrograde. The Moon makes contact with Mercury on Wednesday night. This is one to wake up to, explain, or ask. Maybe someone is asking you to explain what is going on and what your part is in something.

On Thursday, Venus and Mars are opposite. This puts male and female energies at odds. Also, matters of work and relaxation, softness and hardness, action, aggressiveness, and laziness are at odds. That is Thursday.

Then we have the Sun and the Moon quincunx. That is life's messy mess. Clean it up at 10:33 PM on Thursday, during the Taurus Moon sign. So, Taurus Moons, maybe it is a great big meal you cooked. Well, it could be a lot of actual clean-up. It could also be some other kind of mess, a money mess that needs to be cleaned up as well.

Then Friday. We come into Friday, and Jupiter and Pluto are making an aspect 135 degrees. This aspect is semi-stressful. Jupiter tends to blow things out of proportion. When it is in contact with Mars, it makes things bigger than life. So that aspect is with us on Friday.

Then we have for the rest of Friday there is a Moon sign change in the morning, actually. After a last aspect or void, of course, the Moon is at 7:38 AM. The Moon is sextile Neptune, giving a Green Light, again, on Thursday and Friday mornings until the Moon changes signs. That would be at 12:21 PM. The Moon changes signs on Friday and goes into Gemini. It will be in Gemini over the weekend. The Gemini Moon the last thing it does is make a square to Neptune. So, there is no Green Light there, not on Friday or Saturday of next week.

There is a Full Moon coming up next weekend. So, the energy will be high by Thursday night and Friday. You want to be aware of the fact that the Full Moon in Gemini looms large, and it is the one that is setting off Donald Trump's very own Full Moon that he has in his chart. So, it lands on his birth Sun.   Pretty much that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on the website at If you want to call me, call me at 617-558-7233. If you have questions about astrology, want to make an appointment or study astrology with me. Call me at 617-558-7233. and is the website. Back to you, Victor. Thank you.

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