Saturday, February 22, 2025 - Saturday, February 29, 2025
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.
This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. Today is the 23rd of February, as we wait for Mars to turn direct tonight, at 9:00, under the canopy of Capricorn Moon that began yesterday, Saturday, when we missed our regular schedule.
But we have for today during this Capricorn Moon sign change for Ceres as it enters Pisces. That is the little planet that is responsible for health care and health interest, and take taking care of others, looking in on others. Also, it is a very strong thinking and feeling planet, where it has you in your head. It could be responsible for depression or getting out of depression.
So, this Mars Direct, Mars Retrograde, has been the worst. It certainly can be responsible for matters in family because of the fact that it is made its station. That is where it is stopping today, at 17° (degrees) of Cancer, in the sign of the family, Cancer. So many things are anxious and need to be sorted about family, home, property, and all things about safety and security. So, it will be a welcome event that slowly unfolds.
The Moon will be in opposition to Mars at 1:32 AM on Monday morning, which shows that there are still things to be ironed out.
The other issue regarding the Moon and Mars will also occur on Monday, and there will be a longer hold on it. So, there is still a lot of Mars energy. It has been the worst. It really has caused a lot of difficulty. I and many others are looking forward to how this is going to unravel and unfold in a positive way.
Getting Mars out of Cancer is part of the goal of looking forward to better times. That would be later, going down the road. I will have a look to see when that happens. But right now, it is 17° (degrees) of Cancer. So, it slowly is going to poke its way through the rest of Cancer for the next couple of weeks anyway.
So, what we have for the rest of Sunday here is the Moon and… rather, the Sun and Venus are in an aspect where they are aligned in a way that will help to bring people together and perhaps solutions together that can help to solve some problems for families and home.
Then, for Monday, the Moon is in Capricorn. We have the Moon in aspect, mostly making aspect, planet to planet. There is not much of that going on.
The Moon is headed for a sextile to Neptune. That is a 60° (degree) aspect, one of opportunity. Neptune is hovered around the North Node. Anytime a planet is close to a Lunar Node, it gains power. It is as if it gets broader and wider, and larger. It is like the difference between your front and an airplane hangar. So, it becomes that great big airplane hangar door. So, it is a huge influence in life. It is Neptune. It has very cloudy edges. Mysterious. There are no defined places. So, whatever feels like super problems that are seeping into people's lives, causing damage and firings and difficulties. Just in general, about the peace, keeping the peace. All of that is under the influence of Neptune. The Moon in Capricorn is about business and government. So those are the perpetrators of the dis-ease. Not disease. but dis-ease that we are experiencing in particular.
Throughout Monday, the Moon will change signs early Monday morning, at 12:39 AM; it goes into the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius Moon sign will experience mostly Mercury interactions with others. There are not a lot of planet aspects this week.
We have Mercury conjunct Saturn. That is on Tuesday morning, 7:01 AM. There could be a message. Or when you wake up, you turn on your computer and look at your emails. There could be a message regarding business and work. Maybe even about family members. Something that you need to tend to. So, allow enough time to make shifts or make calls as a result of Mercury conjunct Saturn. That is in the sign of Pisces. So those are things that you would consider to be matters that require great sensitivity.
The Moon goes through the sign of Aquarius. You might be joining friends in the afternoon on Tuesday when the Sun and the Moon are forming an aspect.
Then the Moon will be in a trine to Jupiter. So, it is actually hanging out with Jupiter at 4:09 PM. Then it makes a nice aspect to Venus, which brings an opportunity to gather with friends and join in a happier time as the Moon will trine Jupiter at 9:32 PM.
So, for Tuesday, later in the afternoon and early evening looks like a better set of energies and aspects that could be uplifting in many ways.
Going into Wednesday, the Moon is quincunx Mars. So, it looks like one of the first things hitting Mars since it turned around would be on Wednesday, 6:03 AM. So, try not to feed into any insults or perceived insults. Try to look for the compassionate side when you get up on Wednesday, looking for the very best energies to move forward.
There is an aspect coming up at 5:04 PM, Moon square Uranus. This is the planet of sudden, abrupt change. So, there could be a stunning development that will show: how things will appear, where they are coming from, who is responsible. That aspect could govern the mood throughout Wednesday evening.
Then there is a void-of-course Moon during that time, from 5:04 PM until 3:46 AM on Thursday. At that time, The Moon enters Pisces. The Pisces Moon is one of compassion and dealing with things that are hidden. In particular you can always find something unfortunate even if you are not looking for that. But try to look for the positive and not the negative. Misfortune can sometimes work to your advantage during a Pisces Moon. Being used by others may be the type of thing where a project advances and you are in a situation to help solve some problems. Anything involving emotional bondage and indebtedness are also topics during a Pisces Moon. You can feel trapped if your options are limited to begin with. So, have a good understanding of when you think that you are trapped and that there are other ways out of problems.
That Pisces Moon will continue. Let's see… until March 1st, which is next Saturday at 4:51 AM. So, you have until that time, beginning on Thursday, all day, Thursday, all day Friday during the Pisces Moon to try and work things out.
Mercury is sextile Uranus on Thursday at 4:37 AM. This is a very strong thinking aspect. It helps you gather your thoughts and information. Try to use this for the positive.
The Sun and the Moon will join up together 7:44 PM, on Thursday. That is a New Moon that happens at 9° of Pisces. This New Moon will be hovering around other planets that are in the sign of Pisces. Venus is an Aries. It is Saturn that is also in the sign of Pisces. Or later in the day, rather, does the Moon join the planet Saturn. Saturn is about structure and limit and anything having to do with the enforcement of problems, enforcement of plans and rules, and the sort of thing that will not allow any leeway for matters of the heart.
That Pisces energy is one of sympathy. So, this is when people start marriages, for instance, because someone may be pregnant. A couple may feel forced to marry under a Pisces Moon. But if the day is in good standing and Neptune at the end of the sign, [it] may indicate some good standing here for the Pisces Moon. You could be in a position of disadvantage that could work for you, If you can arouse sympathy in others. You can make others feel so rotten that they naturally want to help. So, you can succeed because you beg. This is a good time for experiential events and projects that help you to escape reality. Through Friday, with that Pisces Moon, which is still parallel to the Sun early on, Mercury and Neptune are also joined in communication where it is trying to uncover or learn about and listen for secrets. Later on, there may be an event when Mercury can broadcast those secrets.
Then, throughout the rest of Friday, the Sun is making a nice aspect to Venus. You might be able to find some of the money you are looking for.
Then, the Moon is conjunct with Mercury. That is the last thing that happens on Friday. Moon is conjunct Mercury, while the Moon is in the sign of Pisces. The Moon changes signs next Saturday at 4:51 AM when it goes into the sign of Aries. And that should lift our mood quite a bit. So, hang in there. There are some changes. This is the Mars Direct Station. You might feel completely energized to clean things up and dive into things you have been putting off because Mars Retrograde makes you hold back and hold back. Then you are sort of subject to whatever problems come on top of you, instead of tackling the things, the problems, directly. So, you will be able to tackle things directly, and that will feel great. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at and it is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you Kimberly. And we will talk to you again next week with Victor. So, Hi to Julie. Thank you.