Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Year Ahead 2025 Overview - by Dietrech Pessin

 The Year Ahead 2025

2025 - the Year ahead – Dietrech Pessin –

WZBC 90.3 FM – Boston Massachusetts recorded Saturday, December 31, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Victor Robert Venckus – Expanding Awareness in and around 9:30 AM

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.


D: We are going to be talking about the year ahead. we have been together, Victor, on the air since 1995 November of 1995. so, we have quite a history.

V: What is the biggest deal going forward in the year ahead? what should we look out for?

D: Actually, it is huge. There are huge, big deals going on. There are changes, planet changes going on. The likes of, which it is said that we have never seen, not since the year 590 BC.

So, we are going to have Jupiter go from Gemini into Cancer. Saturn will travel from Pisces into Aries, along with Neptune that goes from Pisces into Aries. And Uranus goes into the sign of Gemini.

Pluto already is in the sign of Aquarius, in the very early degrees. Pluto is the slowest moving planet, having that be something that sort of leads, leads the way. Pluto is about very deep and big, big changes. We can expect sort of triggers all along. Because when these planets change signs, they are at 0° (degrees) of the next sign.

So just like we saw Mars change over from 0° of Leo. It backed up, because it is retrograde. It backed up into Cancer, at 29 Cancer. So, it is sitting on that threshold, triggering major events. Well, while it was there, it was opposing Pluto. So that gives us an idea here of the nature and the power of Pluto, what this can be doing. This is God awful what has happened on the west coast.

So, what we can expect this year is the unexpected all over the place. There are huge, huge events. So, it is a clean out and get rid of, release. redo things that you need to redo to get ready for a clean slate.

You would probably see a lot of progress after February 23rd when Mars turns direct. So, it has been retrograde now since early December and stays that way till February 23rd. And as it opposes Pluto again, that is going to possibly create a little more trouble. That happens again April 26, 2025.

Mars will square Pluto in the fall. And it also goes back into Leo on April 18th. So, Mars is the fire planet, but it is also the job planet. So, if you are looking to change jobs, this is a big year for that. Trying to hold on to the job that you have may be difficult for reasons that are not usual. You do not just get bumped out of your job because you get fired or the company closes, or something. But it could be something bigger, so it is hard to determine.

What we can also expect is to see Mercury go retrograde three times, as it usually does three times in a year. The first time will be March 15th until April 7th. So that is a period when you want to go back over and redo and renew, review. Decision making times is what Mercury retrogrades about. So, holding on to the old way is not Mercury retrogrades thoughts, but redoing the old way.

Then again on July 18th, it goes retrograde again at a very powerful degree, 15° (degrees) of Leo. If you divide the wheel into eight parts using 0° Aries as the start part, 15° of Leo will connect with that in a sharp angle. That would say that particular decision making time is more powerful, more stunning. That goes until August 11th. So, you can expect to see and hear and talk to all kinds of interesting things.

Also, that equals the point where Saturn and Neptune join. Because when they change signs… When Saturn, the planet of structure and limits and father issues and, government issues, lines up with the planet Neptune, which is about illusion and confusion, it loosens and releases some of that Saturn energy. But it is like… I always kind of see Saturn conjunct Neptune like a concrete block dropping into the ocean. The ocean being Neptune and Saturn being the concrete block. So, Saturn really cannot go about its business underwater like that. But at this very loud degree of 0° (degree) of Aries. Neptune sets it off, in a big way, on July 18th. So, leading into that a couple of days before July 18th, be mindful of the changes surrounding you.

Then what we have is the third Mercury retrograde period, and that is November 9th. That takes place in Sagittarius and goes back into Scorpio. So that Mercury retrograde will last until November 29th. So, from November 9th until November 29th is the third Mercury retrograde.

You may want to mark those in your calendar. We will probably have a transcription of this report where you can see it laid out. But if you mark it in your calendar, you can plan ahead for the various things that you need to do to prepare for a big decision coming up or what you need to move forward. Like when it goes retrograde in Sagittarius in November, this may be about travel plans in a big way.

When it is retrograde in Aries in March, March 15th till April 7th, we have that Mercury retrograde in Aries. But it goes back to Pisces, 27° Pisces. So, that is touching off Neptune once again. That is the first Mercury retrograde. They may seem like minor things. But they are big deals because they are touching planets.

The most powerful thing a planet can do is make a station. That means it stops and turns its direction, either retrograde or direct. That is the most powerful thing it can do. It makes its greatest statement. The connections that it makes to other planets are more powerful. So those are times for us to look into things more deeply.

We can also see that Venus is doing some fun things with Jupiter this year. But Venus will go retrograde. So, that is an interesting thing that we have to deal with. Venus retrograde. It will be just as Mars is turning direct. Let me see where my sheet of information is. It is in April where Venus turns retrograde. wait a minute, Is it here? Bear with me here, please. Here we go.

V: Venus is the love planet.

D: love and money.

V: what can we expect in the love category in the year ahead?

D: well, love is the most important thing in the world.

V: Thank you for that.

D: We have that Venus retrograde on March 1st. So, I thought it was in April, but it is March 1st. It runs until April 12th. But when it is retrograde, it is also going to be coupled with the Mercury retrograde. So as far as your love life goes, you have got a little space from February 23rd until March 1st. This may not be the best time to get involved in new relationships. Because what happens when Venus goes retrograde, is sometimes it goes back to its old love. So, you could find someone new and then have all of a sudden things change on a dime. You do not necessarily want to be left out in the cold.

Venus, when it goes retrograde, it is going to do that in the sign of Aries. So very impetuous, very headstrong. Not the nice, lovely, cuddly, lovey dovey energy that Venus would give in Pisces, for instance. But when it goes direct, April 12th, it does get in touch with that very soft, cuddly energy. Because it will go direct in Pisces. Making a station there. Making a powerful contact. It joins with the station that Mercury makes. So, there are introductions, important introductions, with that Mercury Venus energy. So, we can expect love life to improve in some ways.

Then, you have a lot of changes. But the thing of it is with these great outer planet changes that are going on. With Jupiter changing signs, and Saturn and Uranus and Neptune and Pluto already having changed signs. Those huge things are going to say, that things are going to look different like we have never seen before. So maybe you get a whole new social circle due to reasons that you cannot imagine right now.

V: This reminds me of Louis Dreyfus on Seinfeld saying something like, “I got to get a new set of friends”. Right back to what you are talking about.

D: That is going to come out in a big way when Uranus goes into Gemini. That is on July 7th. Uranus changes sign and goes into Gemini.

V: July 7th, that’s my birthday.

D: That is Victor’s birthday. Maybe you do get a whole new set of friends.

D: But it is definitely going to give you new stuff to talk about.

V: I’m looking forward to it. I’m going to stick you to it.

D: Alright so, it should be very exciting. But Uranus can be a little bit too exciting in the sign of Gemini.

V: Is there such a thing?

D: Yeah. Because every time Uranus has been in Gemini the past 84 years, and then 84 before that, and before that, we have experienced, first of all, the Revolution. Uranus in Gemini, the American Revolution. Then the Civil. The American Revolution.

V: I’m waiting for it.

D: You are waiting for it? Well, you are going to get your chance this year.

Yeah, it could be a repeat of that energy.

Then the Civil War, which also came in 84 years later, when Uranus was also once again in Gemini. Then World War II, Uranus in Gemini. And then in 2025 we have Uranus in Gemini. So, either that or the extraterrestrials arrive. I do not know what exactly could happen. But there is definitely talk of civil war on the internet, if you have tapped into that at all. So, in a lot of ways, there are governance or states that want to distance themselves from the federal government. Or things like that, and anything. Then certainly the idea that that the military is going to be used on private citizens. That certainly is civil war energy as well. It is scary. I find this all very frightening and depressing.

V: Yeah, well in my understanding it needs to happen for a higher purpose, right?

D: Well, we just hope a higher purpose is able to come in, and that we are not all dragged in the mud, down with someone else's dirty agenda.

V: Indeed.

D: We have a Lunar Eclipse. So, we have Eclipses. Eclipses will come in March. March 14th there is a total Lunar Eclipse at almost 24° degrees of Virgo. The Sun and Saturn line up with that. That should be very exciting time. That Lunar Eclipse would bring all things out in the open. All the cards are on the table. What we are hoping to find out, what we are hoping to gain. We do gain information because these are information signs. The sign of Virgo, it is a work sign. Work and labor and coworkers, cooperation with others. And then the Pisces side, the Sun would be opposite that Moon in Virgo hanging out with the planet Saturn. Looking for structure and looking for limits and looking for plans to be able to create some stability.

The planet Uranus contacts that Lunar Eclipse. It is the bookend to a Lunar Eclipse that we had back in September. September 17th, we had a Lunar Eclipse right across that same area. So, this is a rather repeat type of energy, the one coming up on March 14th. So that will be very interesting to see how that plays out.

Then two weeks later, it is followed by a Solar Eclipse. Well, that Solar Eclipse is led by Mercury. March 15th, when Mercury goes retrograde at 9° degrees of Aries, it is directly linked to the Solar Eclipse. Its messages are all about the impressions, the effect, and the impact of the Solar Eclipse for March 29th. So, Mercury is a great messenger. Keep your eye on Mercury, and you will hear what you are supposed to hear and see what you are supposed to see.

We have also at that Solar Eclipse, Saturn very prominent, again. Wrapped around the legs of the Lunar Node. That would be a very powerful amplification of Saturn's energy.

Whenever a planet hooks up with the Lunar Nodes that happens at an Eclipse, the Sun and the Moon will be coupled with the Lunar Node. So, when a planet plays into that with the Lunar Eclipse, we are going to have Neptune playing into the Lunar Eclipse in a big way. So, there is that. Maybe a lot of water. Maybe a lot more confusion. Maybe a lot more veils cast over our heads. Maybe we are put in the dark.

So, then what we have with the Sun and Saturn side is trying to make something real out of something that feels very elusive.

So, then I want to take a look at here for the Solar Eclipse at 9° degrees Aries and there is Mercury at 0° Aries. Now Mercury made a statement two weeks, a couple of weeks before this, on March 15th. When it goes retrograde at 9° degrees of Aries, right where the Solar Eclipse takes place. So, it is saying, there is information here, and there is talk. There is something started that is in a big way.

I'm going to look for Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is in Gemini, right in the middle of Gemini. Mars is still in Cancer. It had been retrograde, turned direct. It is direct now in Cancer.

If there is a Jupiter and a Mars aspect, which it does not appear to be much of one going on, that puts boots on the ground. So, with Jupiter and Gemini, there could be multiple, multiple avenues of information, and also avenues for boots on the ground.

I think this up and coming year has got more energy than we bargained for. If there was something that you were hoping to gain at the election you are going to get a great big batch of it. More than we can handle.

V: Okay. The election. What went wrong? Where if you are in that kind of mindset?

D: Hmm.

V: It is alright if you don’t have an answer to this. I think very few people have any idea about it.

D: Well, what I saw in October. I believe it was October 10th. Jupiter. Remember I said that planets make their biggest deal when they station retrograde? Jupiter made a station to turn retrograde before the election right on Donald Trump's Sun, and that gave him a boost, a huge boost. So, no matter how bad he looked coming into that election, he was bought and paid for. Jupiter is the great benefactor. So that is what happened with that election is that it was purchased.

V: Because so many people psychics, whatever, predicted Kamala would win.

 D: Right.

V: I can’t say universally whatever that means. But yes. It is a big, big surprise.

D: Well, I had talked to astrologers about what I found back in October that Trump was going to win. They practically hung up on me.

V: Michael Moria (spelling?} if you know who that is. He didn’t predict it psychically but what he knew and what not, that likely Trump would get in there.

D: Yeah. So, looking at the next two years, in two years, we have elections again, and hopefully that gives the people a new stand.

V: No. There is going to be no election. Trump is there forever. This is what he said, This is the last election.

D: Well, a lot of people are going to go elsewhere. Of course he wants to annex any border, Canada and Mexico. He wants to take over. He just wants the world. He wants to take over the world. So, yeah, so I do not know that there is anywhere for us to go. But people are likely to want to go because they want their own Lives. They want the freedom that they have been experiencing.

So, what we have with the Full Moon coming up in the middle of April, April 12th. This one is also very large energy, because it is square to Mars. That ignites the whole path. Ignites the situation in a big way. We are going to definitely have a lot to talk about. The thing of it is, is that, can we talk about freely? Are we going to lose the ability of free speech, and free press? The things that are at the core of our democracy, and lose democracy. So, if someone becomes a dictator, they can turn off. They want to turn off PBS station. So that PBS News will not be available.

My little parrot, Sweet Pea, he is a PBS kid. He watches PBS shows all the time. I used to put him out in the porch in the summertime. I said, Do you like being out in the porch? And he says, I do not get my TV. So, he was telling this to his pet psychic. He says, I when I watch TV, I learn new words. And yeah, so he definitely has a vocabulary that he understands, for sure. That is attributed to his attention to PBS Kids.

V: I want to remind you now that you are listening to Expanding Awareness of WZBC [90.3 FM] here in Newton. My guest for this morning is Dietrech Pessin and she has presented the astrology report for the week ahead since I think, since 1875? And will continue with that.

D: I'm… Did you just say that I've been with you since 1875?

V: I’ve been here since 1875.

D: Yes, well that is why we are so familiar with one another. Then.

So, I wonder if any callers can call in. Is it possible?

V: No.

D: Impossible? Okay.

What is it that I would want to say? Definitely the whole Mercury retrograde.

V: What I hope to look for is major aspects in the year ahead that look to be great or horrible in the year ahead. because we are discussing the year ahead astrologically.

D: Yeah. Well, the biggest major aspect is Saturn conjunct Neptune and then the planets changing signs. Those are the biggest deals. They are not going to be smooth sailing, uneventful. These are going to be noticeable. And I think, things like, Mars trine Neptune, which comes in tomorrow, which is a soft energy. But maybe Neptune is able to wash some of the Mars energy away. And maybe they cooperate with one another. Then exciting aspects could be between the Sun and Uranus. When there is a planet sign change like… Let me scroll ahead here and look at May 24th when Saturn enters the sign of Aries. Let's see what this chart looks like.

We can have an Aries Moon at that time. The aspect is a big Jupiter and Saturn square also. So that is a generational aspect. It also is about it is a social aspect. The two of them together about social integration. Having Jupiter square Saturn could be changes that are made, in particular about the structure of your life. the social circles of your life. The need for clarifying, making things stable, Because Neptune is right ahead there. Neptune had made its change even earlier. Neptune is the planet of confusion and illusion. Like the veil that is that is dropped over the subject. So, it is like… Or the walnut game. Here, while I am distracting you here, this is what else is going to be going on behind the scenes. So, March 30th is when Neptune changes signs.

Saturn's still yet to come up, but Saturn is braced in a big way, because it is coupled with the Lunar Node and with Venus. So, Neptune is going to be a big deal. So that is the closest one that we will be looking out for. Be right after a New Moon Solar Eclipse. So that will be March 29th is the Solar Eclipse. March 30th is when Neptune makes this change. So that makes the Solar Eclipse quite a big deal.

Solar Eclipses are going to put energy into your chart, wherever it falls. Wherever you have Aries in your chart is where that Eclipse is going to ignite its energies. It brings events. It brings change. It brings new topics. Startups. Anything having to do with forward motion. Anything having to do with assertiveness and aggressiveness. So having Neptune as a player for that Solar Eclipse in Aries, something gets washed or hidden. Something is a bit confusing.

Now Neptune is also a beautiful artist. So, if you are an artist, if you want to promote your artwork, you can definitely get a boost from Neptune there. It can change art. I was reading when Neptune was in the sign of Aries before. The Renaissance, our impressionist period, came into the art world, which completely changed the way we view art. None of those, perfect, almost photographic figures sitting at the dinner table. That is all gone. The Impressionist came in and changed the way we viewed art with soft lines and no defining strong borders. So that is what Neptune and Aries is going to change, things again in regard to art. So, if you are an artist, you may feel particularly inspired in a very different way. Are you an Artist Victor?

V: No. No, I sucked at art in school.

V: I could draw airplanes on fire and the nuns, but that is about it.

D: Well, art can be expressed in all sorts of different ways, even poetry.

V: Yes. I’m a poet and I do know it.

You wrote a book Lunar Shadows. I want to look into the Eclipses. Everybody is aware. Most people Listen to radio tv are aware Eclipses that happen. Is an Eclipse what I might call a negative phenomenon or astrological?

D: I did.

Well, it is usually because of the way that the Sun and the Moon line up with the Lunar Node. Okay. What it does is it engages with the Earth exactly, and like a New Moon of a different month, but that is not an Eclipse. You would have the Sun and the Moon joining together, but they do not line up with the Earth. So, they do not have that impact. So, when they get close to the Lunar Node, it is like a lasso, a rope that ties around the planets, the Sun and the Moon, and then grabs a hold of the earth and pulls it in. And so that is what makes it powerful.

So, is it negative? Well, every Eclipse has its own chart, its own planetary arrangement. If there are negative aspects going on during the Eclipse, then you could have very powerful, difficult Eclipse events. If there are soft aspects, maybe you could have a more gentle reception to the Eclipse. But Eclipses are power points in time, and power points in your chart and in your life. So, it creates change. So not all change is bad, you know? So, it could bring positive change, a positive window, a positive event.

V: Okay. Alright. I don’t know if you can answer this or not. But because an Eclipse takes a relatively short period of time to complete, how is it that it has such an effect when the phenomena moves on.

D: Well, because of where it occurred in the Zodiac, that point becomes a hot spot. It is no longer an ordinary zodiacal degree in a sign. Now it is a hot spot. So, when other planets access that point, when they pass over it or make aspects to it. Aspects or things like squares and oppositions and trines and sextiles. So, when other planets activate it, then it gets reactivated. And it holds because it is such a big event. I mean, it is the biggest event in the season. There are two Eclipse seasons, one on the Lunar North Node and the other on the Lunar South Node. Okay. So, the Eclipses on either one of those nodes, 6 months apart from one another. Those are the power points of the year. Hot spots. Power points. That is why they have an impact that will last for years. So, look back 19 years ago. Go back 19 years. So, I do that quickly by going back 20 years, 2025. So go to 2006.

2006 and think about what in your life was going on at that time. And you can expect something about the energies of this particular Eclipse to be related to those events. Okay. For instance, in 2006 I moved into the apartment that I live in right now. So, it makes me wonder, as we have an Eclipse coming up that sets off the same line of energy. Is there something about the apartment? I do not know. Maybe the property owner wants to paint the house or something. Or I do not know what it could mean. It may mean nothing particularly about my space. It could be the street. Something to do with the street. So, it does repeat every 19 years for 57 years.

V: we have a big date coming up now for Mr. Trump in office. What astrology is happening when he..


D: You mean the inauguration?

V: Yes. When he gets inaugurated. Thank you.

D: Okay, so I have that chart. Let me take it out. I didn't plan on.

Okay, so what I see is I've got inauguration charts, and they did not go far enough into the future. So, I'm going to have to just create one and bring that up to date. January, 20th. The inauguration. is so easy, because it is always the 20th, right? 2025, and it is always at noon time. So, what we have is a Libra Moon. This is why probably a lot of astrologers thought Kamala Harris would be President because of this Libra Moon in the chart of the inauguration. The planets that are retrograde are Mars for one. And then Uranus and Jupiter. Mars, Uranus and Jupiter. So, Mars being the action. So, this is sort of like going in with your hands tied behind your back. Well, that is not exactly what is going on here. Because when you think about [it,] what did Mars Retrograde just do?  It ripped up and burned up the West Coast California, right? So, it might have that kind of energy where it is going to burn through any type of resistance.

Then Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. Well, Mr. Trump's a Gemini, so this gives him a larger, louder platform. Bigger mouth. And he certainly thinks he has arrived as king. That would be also descriptive of Jupiter in Gemini. This was what helped him to gain his election, win his election, was Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury is in the sign of Capricorn. So, there is definitely government language, and it is square to the Moon. So, Mercury square the Moon is at odds with the people and the information. And the way the information goes. So, people may feel thrilled about the direction that is being taken. Then there are others that may feel they need to demonstrate how they feel differently about what is going on.

Venus and Saturn. They are exact in in the sign of Pisces. This looks as if there is some financial change, a tightening up. This is not the best financial picture for this administration at all. The economy could have a major shift, which will not be particularly a benefit. It might not create cheaper egg prices.

Then we have Neptune at the end of the sign. It is at a precarious position. So, there are things that we do not see. Things that are illusions. Things that are … 

Always during an inauguration, we have Taurus on the rising sign, because at 12:01 PM that is what is rising in Washington, DC, is Taurus and Capricorn up at the mid heaven. The Sun is conjunct Pluto. So that is great, huge power. Great power in the seat of power. It is a strong, very strong chart.

V: Is there any indication that the Trump Administration is going to be a positive one?

D: Uh, well, it is going to be positive for somebody,

Yeah, so it depends on what you want in life. If you do not want your Social Security anymore. If you do not want your food stamps anymore, this is your year. This one's for you. I cannot imagine all the people that are going to be at a loss for their Medicare and their Social Security. How are they, all these old people. What do you think, they do not vote? But maybe our votes are not going to count. Maybe our votes aren't going to be counted.

V: Okay. We are coming to the end of our time here. Let us know how to get in touch with you and the book that you wrote, Lunar Shadows.

D: You can buy my book. You can contact me to buy the book at You can buy it on Amazon. If you buy it from me, I will send you a signed copy. Lunar shadows is about Eclipses, and their triggers with the Moon families. The Moon families are the reason I wrote the book. Because for every Eclipse, there is a set of Moon phases that occur in a 9 month interval. That 9 month interval sets off that Eclipse over and over. So that is for two and a quarter years. So that addresses the question that you have about why does the Eclipse last for so long? Because the Moon and its Moon phases are setting it off again in 9 month intervals. So, there are tables in the book. You can track when you met the love of your life, and where that relationship went and other things in your life. Your career. You can track the events through the pages of the Moon families. Also, the regular, weekly Moon phases are also in the back of the book as well. So, it is very fun to read. If you want to learn more about it, if you buy it and you do not understand it, you can call me up and I will talk you through it.

V: I remember finding a copy of your book I do not want to say in the trash. But I found a copy of your book in the free box one time. I thought that was very, very amusing.

D: Ah, okay. Well, you know, think things can get into places for various reasons. maybe the person passed away and their family cleared out their books.

V: Once again let folks know where they can get in touch with you. Your services and… What time did we start the astrology report at 9:30?

D: Well, we used to have it at 11:10, remember that? Yeah, when did it change to 9:30? I do not know. Many years ago. But you can call me at 617-558-7233, and again, that is 617-558-7233. You can email me at

V: Okay. Here is a question. What is more important, the astrology in the sky presently or how it relates to your natal chart?

D: Okay, so the events in the sky are going to have a very strong pull. And I would say they are first. So, if I'm doing a reading, first, I'm going to be looking to see what is happening in the sky, then I'm going to see, how do you receive that? Maybe you do not receive it much at all. You see, there could be a very powerful aspect, but it is not really hitting you in a powerful way. So, I would say the aspects in the sky are more important. The here and now is more important. And then it funnels down to how does that relate to you? How do you receive that? Are you paying attention? Are you interacting with it? Is it interacting with you? Like that.

V: Now how does one avoid a negative aspect? How do you avoid that when it is so intense a configuration?

D: I think by paying attention, reading the signals, stepping out of the way of the rocks flying in your direction. Just being present, being aware. Pay attention. Make good decisions. Responsible decisions. I think if you are behaving responsibly and responding and reacting to life in a responsible manner, you can be available for any information that comes along.

V: One more time your phone number

D: Sure, 617-558-7233. 617- 558-7233.


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