Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Saturday, March 15, 2025
Dietrech Pessin –
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WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.
Well, we have some excitement this week, with a Lunar Eclipse coming up on Friday. It is hitting the chart of Mr. Trump, very exactly in the fact that it is making a square to his both his Sun and his Moon. The Eclipse takes place in Virgo. So that Eclipse is going to be on Friday morning, at 2:55 AM. It is at 23° (degrees) and 57’ (minutes) of Virgo. So, we are under the influence of it now. We are feeling that energy now, because it is a very big dominant energy. It puts all the cards on the table, everything out in the open. It is very difficult to hide anything with a Lunar Eclipse. So, trying to conceal things is going to be a major challenge.
In the chart of the United States, which I thought was a very interesting way to look at this. The chart of the US has its Neptune in Virgo right at this point. So, yeah, right there 22° (degrees) of Virgo. So, the Lunar Eclipse is going to be exposing the things that are hidden and that are illusions and things that are difficult to nail down. There could be some good stuff that comes out of it where you can access some advantages that have been elusive. Now you could have a little more access to things.
It is also square to the Mars in the United States chart. United States has Mars at 21° of Gemini. So, this Lunar Eclipse is very, very close to a tight square. Making a T square, where the Moon is in Virgo, the Sun is in Pisces, and Mars is over there in Gemini. That Gemini Mars is also on Donald Trump's Sun and opposite his Moon. So, a lot of these changes that are going on are going to be making a flip in some way, shape, or form.
Also with the United States chart, the United States has its Moon in in Aquarius, which is about the people. It represents what the people want. That would be accessed by the planet Uranus, which says there is some type of surprise in some way about what is going on with the people.
What we have also today, you might feel like you are energized with the Sun trine Mars. That Sun trine Mars is something that occurred this morning, at 12:13 AM. I do not know whether you might have had difficulty sleeping. I did. I was up in the middle of the night, much longer than usual. But your mind goes to solving problems, being decisive, trying to measure and add up your accomplishments. Lots of physical and mental energy should carry through today as well.
There is competitive drives with this, and you feel self-motivated to take action. Your ability to handle stress may be a little greater today, as your problem-solving capability is also greater with that Sun trine Mars. So that is a blessing.
Also, we have the Sun in a semi square to Pluto. This often brings about biological issues, and some physical things that you have to deal with. Also, things that are competitive with others. There is a lot of unconscious behavior with this aspect. It reveals underlying motivations. So, if you are out and about, there could be a lot of sexual attraction to others. jealousy, and the necessity to share and trust with others. Pluto rules things like trust. So, when it is compromised, then trust goes out the window.
We have going on also Sunday. We have the Cancer Moon changing to the sign of Leo at 6:59 PM. That Leo Moon may want to help. Help you to show your stuff, Show your wares. What is it that you have that you want to be able to put out there? You want to be able to market something. The Leo Moon is always good for that.
We have the next major aspect, not until… Well, there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn on Sunday. That one may help you to grasp a hold of some of your mental needs, trying to get things nailed down, trying to calm your thoughts down and get focused. So that is a help.
Then transiting Venus is making an aspect to Uranus. This has to do with friendship and social excitement. That is March 11th on Tuesday. There is a beautiful conjunction between Mercury and Venus. If you have a telescope, if you have a way to see this, it should be pretty amazing visually. It is at 6:55 PM so it is dark enough. Except I think tonight, tomorrow night, we have daylight savings time. So, it may not be dark enough. I'm not sure, but Daylight Savings Time does begin at 2:00 AM on Sunday, the 9th. So that is late tonight.
We have Mercury and Venus, causing a lot of flow. Or allowing the flow in conversation and a spirit of compromise and agreement. There is a harmonious interaction with others. A lot of clarity, appreciation of beauty, and there is just a sweetness. If you have been looking to sweeten up, this is your opportunity.
Mercury is making an aspect to Uranus. So, there is a lot of mental tension with this one. That is on the 12th, that is Wednesday. That would be creating a lot of a lot of fixation on one particular viewpoint. You might be rigid mentally and have radical views that are challenged by others, interrupted by others in the middle of conversation. So that that is going to be an interesting aspect to live through.
Then the Sun is conjunct Saturn. This is a great one for trying to get control over your life in a rational way. Create a steady accomplishment towards your goals. There is success in overcoming obstacle. Good relations with authorities. So, if you want to be able to bounce your ideas with those that are in charge. You might be well received.
There is concentration and mental focus with Sun conjunct Saturn on March 12th. This is at 6:29 AM, but it will dominate the energies throughout the day.
Then we have the Sun sextile Uranus. That is not till the 14th.
So, let's see what is going on the 13th. It is just the Virgo Moon. The Virgo Moon actually starts on Wednesday at 3:56 AM continues through Thursday. A Virgo Moon is a work Moon. This one is also could put the focus on your health if you have been ignoring something, maybe this is the time to call and make an appointment look into things. But what it is really pointing to is that Lunar Eclipse early Friday morning, 2:55 AM when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open, and you will be able to see things that you had not realized before. Although, as I said, we are under that influence now. But I think we will feel it pretty strongly by Wednesday.
Then for Friday, for Friday night, the Sun sextile Uranus. also on Friday, the Moon will enter Libra. That is that partnering and pairing energy comes in at 3:00 on Friday. And get ready for Mercury retrograde. That is going to happen next Saturday. So, we will have that from next Saturday early morning until the 7th of April. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website, at You can hear it again there. You can also hear it again at expanding awareness on WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. Look for the 9:30 slot and you can play it again. And what else can I say? You can reach me at 617-558-7233. Call me if you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment, have questions about the report. and that is it for the week. Victor, go ahead, back to you.
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