Dominant Activity: The final Saturn and Pluto square occurs this weekend and is an aspect that promotes life changing forces and the need for practical restructuring, revamping and renovation on a multitude of levels. This will not be a quick set of events but a set of circumstances that once presented require action on your part. Saturn is currently in Libra, the sign of marriage, partnership, agreement, peace and justice. While Pluto, a bossy overbearing presence, is in Capricorn, the sign of the head of family, big business, corporations and government. The pressure is to deeply change these areas of life.
There are other challenges during this transit which are likely to be uncomfortable yet necessary; things like the expense and hassle of replacing a worn out furnace or broken plumbing; you can not avoid it. Bridges and roadways need to be replaced along with other vital needs to the infrastructure of our personal lives and that of the people at large. Perhaps you can relate to the changes necessary if a personal relationship fails. Not only are you focused on the nature of what such a transformation will look like in a new lifestyle but the personal concept of your survival as an individual. It is a clean-up period of things from the past spanning over the past 28 years.
The years in 1992-94 might be relevant to the events during this time. The adjustments are huge and huge is this little planet Pluto's symbolic middle name. Also, the fear of the unknown is an influence of Pluto. Saturn adds pressure to such fears as it relies on stability to maintain its integrity. The positive note in this square is that Saturn is in its sign of exaltation; meaning it is in the very best place in the zodiac that it can be and it rules Capricorn and any planet in that sign which means Saturn rules over Pluto now. Pluto has another disadvantage while its retrograde until September 14, 2010. That being noted, Pluto’s antics and power plays are under the scrutiny of the governing rule of Saturn. It’s kind of like Roger Clemens facing the charges of lying to Congress. Therefore the transformation taking place requires a set of rules and a solid foundation to gain progress. Saturn is in direct motion now both Saturn and Pluto will be traveling in direct motion from September 14, 2010 until January 26, 2011.
After a considerable amount of adjustment, there might be an experience of liberation from what ails you once you have tossed out the outworn and or complete the underdeveloped projects in your life and your surroundings. For some the goal may be to organize matters pertaining to the self, family, home and business which can be related to include your psychological state, your personal relationships, the needs in and around your home and family structure, and any long range plans regarding your career. With the expectation of creating a more comfortable and functional living zone. Perhaps you have decided to release yourself from the chains that have been created by excess. After all you might find you enjoy and welcome the basics of life.
After this aspect is completed there is a period of relief. It probably will not be easy to change and it might be feared that you can’t live without certain things in your life. Survival is at the core of this aspect which is sometimes forced by this aspect.
After this aspect is completed there is a period of relief. It probably will not be easy to change and it might be feared that you can’t live without certain things in your life. Survival is at the core of this aspect which is sometimes forced by this aspect.
By August 21, 2010 this pair revisits their final square with the help of Jupiter and Uranus in fiery Aries to send it off with a blast. Mercury is at its station point indicating that important announcements are made. Those things not shed before then will surely burn off in the wake of dramatic changes. When you welcome the change the courage to dig deeply will emerge as you save the things you value and toss out the rest.
The weight once shed is more welcomed than the effort to carry it.
Saturday, August 21, 2010. The Moon is in Capricorn which is Saturn’s domain currently occupied by Pluto. At 6:15 AM Saturn is square to Pluto for the last pass. The other two dates November 15, 2009 and January 31, 2010. The indicators are all business. There are adjustments to be made throughout every process. A sudden turn of events can cause the bill to go up. Saturn and Uranus are in aspect as well on Saturday. This is not a good day for any new project. Things happen around you and you more concerned with managing problems. In some regions, its very big problems. There could be a breakthrough in some cases. Think of it as a long compacted period that is soon to be released. By keeping other planetary considerations in mind I see the Mercury’s retrograde cycle will hold things up through mid-September. What is interesting about how Mercury is clearly the messenger in regard to the Saturn and Pluto event, up until September 12th Mercury holds the horses while Pluto is called back into direct motion on September 14th. It appears not until that time does the big “let go” get a green light.
At 9:08 PM, after the Moon is sextile Uranus, there is a void Moon period until the Moon enters Aquarius at 9:37 PM.
SATURN SQUARE PLUTO (7th Sign to 10th Sign)
Exact Aug 21 2010
Brief description: The Saturn and Pluto square is a life changing aspect that forces the need for practical restructuring, revamping and renovation on a multitude of levels. This will not be a quick set of events but a set of circumstances that once presented require action on your part. Saturn is currently in Libra, the sign of marriage, partnership, agreement, peace and justice, while Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign of the head of family, big business, corporations and government. The challenges during this transit are likely to be uncomfortable yet necessary; things like the expense and hassle of replacing a worn out furnace or broken plumbing; you can not avoid it. Bridges and roadways need to be replaced along with other vital needs to the infrastructure of our personal lives and that of the people at large. Perhaps you can relate to the changes necessary if a personal relationship fails. Not only are you focused on the nature of what such a transformation will look like in a new lifestyle but the personal concept of your survival as an individual. It is a clean-up period of things from the past spanning over the past 28 years. The adjustments are huge and huge is this little planet Pluto's symbolic middle name. Also, the fear of the unknown is an influence of Pluto. Saturn adds pressure to such fears as it relies on stability to maintain its integrity. The positive note in this square is that Saturn is in its sign of exaltation; meaning it is in the very best place in the zodiac that it can be and it rules Capricorn and any planet in that sign which is Pluto's current position. Pluto is also at a disadvantage while retrograde (until September 14, 2010). That being noted, Pluto’s antics and power plays are under the governing rule of Saturn which by the nature of its zodiacal placement has the upper hand. Therefore the transformation taking place requires a set of rules and a solid foundation to gain progress. Both planets will be direct in motion from September 14, 2010 until January 26, 2011.
There is an experience of actual liberation from what ails you once you have tossed out the outworn and or complete the underdeveloped projects in your life and your surroundings.
For some the goal may be to organize matters pertaining to the self, family, home and business which can be related to include your psychological state, your personal relationships, the needs in and around your home and family structure, and any long range plans regarding your career. With the expectation of creating a more comfortable and functional living zone. Perhaps you have decided to release yourself from the chains created by excess. You might find you enjoy and welcome the basics of life. This becomes a relieved position once taken although it might be feared that you can’t live without certain things in your life. The weight once shed is more welcomed than the effort to carry it. Survival is at the core of this aspect which is sometimes forced by this aspect. By August 21, 2010 this pair revisits their final square with the help of Jupiter and Uranus in fiery Aries to send it off with a blast. Mercury is at its station point indicating that important announcements are made. Those things not shed before then will surely burn off in the wake of dramatic changes. When you welcome the change the courage to dig deeply will emerge as you save the things you value and toss out the rest.
Exact Aug 21 2010
No text available for this topic.
Aug 21 2010
Aug 21 2010
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with unpredictable expressions. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.
Sunday, August 22, 2010. The Aquarius Moon will bring in the Virgo Sun on Monday at 1:26 AM. Before that point hold back on final decisions or forward activities unless you wish to drop something or part of something. It is because the Sun, which represents someone running the show is about to move onto something else. If you bank on their participation, you may be left out in the cold seeking someone to take their place. Besides the fact that the Sun is at the final degree of Leo (hovering over the royal star of the east, Regulus) there is another strong contributor; the sun will quincunx Uranus at 6:42 PM. There could be a major drama between well known friends that suddenly pull apart or spontaneously come together for a cooperative effort such as when entertainers pull together for a benefit show to support a relief effort.
SUN QUINCUNX URANUS (5th Sign to 12th Sign)
Exact Aug 22 2010
Brief description: Erratic shifts in your ability to focus. This aspect can cause distraction and upset.
This haphazard energy can accompany surprising and upsetting events. Rebellion. Liberation. Exposure of a truth. Sudden, erratic changes involving administrative objectives and the radical awareness or actions of workers or otherwise citizens. Shocking reactions to aggressive tactics gain response from those that have more recently remained silent. People working diligently behind the scenes might provoke change. This aspect is accident prone. Electrical hazards. Innovation and inventions are developed. Health hazards for those with high blood pressure or extreme stress. Modern technology used in medical procedures.
For personal use: Practice patience and remain alert. Use caution when dealing with fast moving objects, traffic and tempers.
For business: Keep your cool and remain open to all sides of matters. Get the facts before taking action. Abrupt layoffs and cutbacks; clashes with company head and workers; debates over routine maintenance versus radical makeovers.
Monday, August 23, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius and is in good shape to help you move forward but, after the Sun enters Virgo at 1:26 AM, it remains in Virgo. After that point there is a signal to move forward with the focus on the in the retry category for anything considered to be the second time around. Look for a little motivation supplied by the Sun and Mars at a 45° angle at 12:21 PM although a bit cranky.
Aug 23 2010
Brief description: Virgo, the sign of the virgin holding grain. Therefore the focus may turn to our diets. While the Sun is in Virgo, the energy shifts toward practical matters such as cleaning up and making ready for the next season. This is a changeable time that allows us to focus and get serious about organizing, going back to school and work. Virgo rules mechanical functions, routines, diet and health matters. Virgo adds an analytical quality for the task masters. The critical nature is given a platform as perfectionism leads to purification. There is a tendency to worry about details and remain overly focused on health matters.
For personal use: It is a good time to schedule a physical exam with your doctor, begin a new food and exercise plan. Toss out clutter.
For business use: Get organized and take on new work support teams. Work as a team.
SUN SEMISQUARE MARS (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 23 2010
Brief description: Today may be accident-prone. Shifts in the job market bring reason for encouragement or concern. Muscle tension. Over-exertion, fevers and impulsiveness. Competitive and strong reactions can lead to greater conflicts. Tempers, violence and intense expression of energy. Resistance encountered. This aspect can have “head first and pushy” behavior.
For personal use: Resistance is very low. Take more vitamin C. Be an observer and resist the temptation to get in the middle of it all.
For business: Cutbacks may be inevitable. Hard work produces results.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius. A void Moon period begins at 6:01 AM after a lovely parallel to Venus. The void period ends at 10:10 AM when the Moon enters Pisces. During the void moon period Jupiter and Saturn form a contra parallel which rules the days’ energy with another opposite type of aspect at 7:38 AM. There might be a quality of ones destiny. You might tie up the loose ends from Monday August 16th when Jupiter and Saturn were at odds and in a tight opposition. A Full Moon cements that fact as you rush to meet deadlines and close the deal. The Full Moon is at 1:04 PM at 1°23 Pisces. Go ahead and chose this day to move matters forward after 10:10 AM. There is a good working aspect between the Sun and Jupiter at 8:27 PM which might take you outside for some fun and exercise. Sun 150° Jupiter.
Aug 24 2010
Exact Aug 24 2010
No text available for this topic.
Aug 24 2010
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For some they may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled byNeptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the victimizer as with the wounded puppy syndrome. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. You can expect that not all of the facts are visible regardless of the Moon phase. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.
SUN QUINCUNX JUPITER (6th Sign to 1st Sign)
Exact Aug 24 2010
Brief description: Buoyant. Up beat. Could surround an optimistic blunder. Someone in your support team announces they are leaving for greener pastures. There could be more expansion than you are able to handle in your current situation. Political adjustments. Being asked to go out on an unsupported mission or one that involves extensive travel. A marketing extravaganza. An opportunity that involves teaching.
For personal use: Take on a new study that allows you to move forward.
For business use: Iron out political faux pas. Look for replacements.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010. The Moon is in Pisces which gives a positive ending to your efforts over the following couple of days for cleaning up older matters. At 8:08 AM retrograde Mercury and Venus are communicating over a cup of coffee for a sweet morning. There is talk of a small stash of money to help with a pending matter. Mercury and Saturn have a few serious or substantial suggestions that can help matters move in the right direction.
Exact Aug 25 2010
Brief description: In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes of feminine actions. There could be secret behavior with money. Lovers may have their secret thoughts that could be shared under sensitive conditions. There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or with your favorite aunt.
For personal use: A good time to return calls, send notes and invitations. Adopt a pet or look after a pet.
For business use: Look into the paper trail around spending. Light advertising and jewelry sales.
MERCURY PARALLEL SATURN (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 25 2010
Brief description: Strictly the facts. Coming to terms with limits. Agreements made with authorities. Serious discussions. Mental focus. Quiet work. Judgmental thinking. Critiquing the faults of others. Concrete plans for projects. Pouring concrete to walkways and roads. Computer programming methods. Impasse with negotiations. Talks can be delayed.
For personal use: Allow room for changes.
For business use: Use this for a good time management plan.
Thursday, August 26, 2010. The Pisces Moon adds to the psychological state of mind when the Sun and Pluto grip your emotional attention with a lovely 120° trine at 1:12 AM. A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
It might actually have a sexual influence or a link to a moment once thought of deeply.
A couple of Mercury aspects range from 1:18 PM and 3:42 PM while Mercury first links to Mars with 30° then Jupiter with a contra parallel alignment. This could set off a lively tone for the afternoon or it might be when you are motivated to make choices based on well researched information.
At 5:30 PM the sun is just 30° behind Saturn which indicates a thoughtful effort is applied to clean up the past and prepare for the future tasks.
At 9:59 PM the Pisces Moon is void of course until 10:49 PM when the Moon enters lively Aries.
SUN TRINE PLUTO (6th Sign to 10th Sign)
Exact Aug 26 2010
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant.
Exact Aug 26 2010
Brief description: Unconscious chatter. Fast notes. Discussions begin with the objective to develop and organize. Meetings with technically skilled workers. Some working decisions or conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. Seeking honest responses and practical solutions. Attempt to make sound connections to those that are part of the solution. Consumed with errands. Seeking speedy results. Progress reports and support for recovery. Clearly decisive. A practical assertiveness. Expressions through writing.
For personal use: Sail through a project to organize that needs organization skills.
For business use: Make calls. Problem solve or work alone on a writing project.
SUN SEMISEXTILE SATURN (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 26 2010:
Brief description: When the Sun is behind Saturn as in this case, there is a chance of the exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Also secrets could be revealed regarding elders or the head of the family, company heads and political leaders. Convalescing individuals require more attention. Necessary cosmetic fixes are begun to homes and major structures. A celebrity serves a sentence.
Delays and postponements. A quiet hardworking time. The potential for a "no" or other negative response. A lack of approval that motivates one to reach beyond the expectation of cynics. Becoming aware of complications or problems with long term objectives. Father issues arise. Moving in the direction of an unpopular point of view or the road less traveled. Early development of plans. To change in effort to break negative behavior. To set the record straight for the purpose of gaining respect. The desire for recognition for your accomplishments. To slowly apply layers of treatment allowing each layer to cure creating a product or other effort of value. To accumulate slow and steady gains. There may be problems with bones, arthritis and posture.
For personal use: Appreciate the maturity of your relationships.
For business use: Refer to your founding principals to assess your progress
Aug 26 2010
Aug 26 2010
The Aries Moon produces a higher energy level and can reveal the aggressive side of our nature. There is an anti-social, self absorbed characteristic that does not lend to harmony in relationships. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period for some and for others it can be filled with a need for sexual release without emotional attachment. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. With a strong need for action and problem solving the single mindedness of this Moon sign allows you to start new projects but you may not finish them. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are an Aries, matters tend to go your way.
Friday, August 27, 2010. The Moon is in Aries with a spontaneous interest whether it be a new friend or lover or perhaps a friendship that deepens their relationship. The Aries Moon is quick to work out the kinks left behind by the recent full Moon. It is a productive day with positive endings for your efforts as long as you keep in mind that the second time around theme applies with the current Mercury retrograde.
Exact Aug 27 2010
Brief description: Shocking statements. Intelligent people come together briefly to exchange ideas. High tech inventions. Communication goes haywire. A tendency to reverse positions. To reject old ideas and invent new ones. Ingenious. Previous court rulings are overturned. Talk of conservation and zoning areas to protect environmental property. High erratic winds. Elderly citizens use ingenious tactics to make ends meet. Court rulings are passed down regarding high tech software or internet practices.
For personal use: Align with others concerned about the environment.
For business use: Apply for an appeal.
SUN CONTRAPARALL VENUS (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 27 2010
Brief description: This aspect may offer a temporary solution to a partnership issue. Lovers may decide to go their own way. New relationships begun with this aspect may not last long. Money may free up for a short time. There is an opportunity to profit from a one-time event
For personal use: Use your powers of charm and kindness to create a warmer opening in personal relationship
For business use: Use this to negotiate a better position.
Saturday, August 28, 2010. The Aries Moon is motivated and driven. Your energy runs in spurts and it might feel like a battle zone until after the Moon pulls out of a conflict zone with hot headed Mars at 12:08 PM. The evening should be fun after all the hurt feelings have been sorted.
Saturday, August 21, 2010. The Moon is in Capricorn which is Saturn’s domain currently occupied by Pluto. At 6:15 AM Saturn is square to Pluto for the last pass. The other two dates November 15, 2009 and January 31, 2010. The indicators are all business. There are adjustments to be made throughout every process. A sudden turn of events can cause the bill to go up. Saturn and Uranus are in aspect as well on Saturday. This is not a good day for any new project. Things happen around you and you more concerned with managing problems. In some regions, its very big problems. There could be a breakthrough in some cases. Think of it as a long compacted period that is soon to be released. By keeping other planetary considerations in mind I see the Mercury’s retrograde cycle will hold things up through mid-September. What is interesting about how Mercury is clearly the messenger in regard to the Saturn and Pluto event, up until September 12th Mercury holds the horses while Pluto is called back into direct motion on September 14th. It appears not until that time does the big “let go” get a green light.
At 9:08 PM, after the Moon is sextile Uranus, there is a void Moon period until the Moon enters Aquarius at 9:37 PM.
SATURN SQUARE PLUTO (7th Sign to 10th Sign)
Exact Aug 21 2010
Brief description: The Saturn and Pluto square is a life changing aspect that forces the need for practical restructuring, revamping and renovation on a multitude of levels. This will not be a quick set of events but a set of circumstances that once presented require action on your part. Saturn is currently in Libra, the sign of marriage, partnership, agreement, peace and justice, while Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign of the head of family, big business, corporations and government. The challenges during this transit are likely to be uncomfortable yet necessary; things like the expense and hassle of replacing a worn out furnace or broken plumbing; you can not avoid it. Bridges and roadways need to be replaced along with other vital needs to the infrastructure of our personal lives and that of the people at large. Perhaps you can relate to the changes necessary if a personal relationship fails. Not only are you focused on the nature of what such a transformation will look like in a new lifestyle but the personal concept of your survival as an individual. It is a clean-up period of things from the past spanning over the past 28 years. The adjustments are huge and huge is this little planet Pluto's symbolic middle name. Also, the fear of the unknown is an influence of Pluto. Saturn adds pressure to such fears as it relies on stability to maintain its integrity. The positive note in this square is that Saturn is in its sign of exaltation; meaning it is in the very best place in the zodiac that it can be and it rules Capricorn and any planet in that sign which is Pluto's current position. Pluto is also at a disadvantage while retrograde (until September 14, 2010). That being noted, Pluto’s antics and power plays are under the governing rule of Saturn which by the nature of its zodiacal placement has the upper hand. Therefore the transformation taking place requires a set of rules and a solid foundation to gain progress. Both planets will be direct in motion from September 14, 2010 until January 26, 2011.
There is an experience of actual liberation from what ails you once you have tossed out the outworn and or complete the underdeveloped projects in your life and your surroundings.
For some the goal may be to organize matters pertaining to the self, family, home and business which can be related to include your psychological state, your personal relationships, the needs in and around your home and family structure, and any long range plans regarding your career. With the expectation of creating a more comfortable and functional living zone. Perhaps you have decided to release yourself from the chains created by excess. You might find you enjoy and welcome the basics of life. This becomes a relieved position once taken although it might be feared that you can’t live without certain things in your life. The weight once shed is more welcomed than the effort to carry it. Survival is at the core of this aspect which is sometimes forced by this aspect. By August 21, 2010 this pair revisits their final square with the help of Jupiter and Uranus in fiery Aries to send it off with a blast. Mercury is at its station point indicating that important announcements are made. Those things not shed before then will surely burn off in the wake of dramatic changes. When you welcome the change the courage to dig deeply will emerge as you save the things you value and toss out the rest.
Exact Aug 21 2010
No text available for this topic.
Aug 21 2010
Aug 21 2010
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with unpredictable expressions. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.
Sunday, August 22, 2010. The Aquarius Moon will bring in the Virgo Sun on Monday at 1:26 AM. Before that point hold back on final decisions or forward activities unless you wish to drop something or part of something. It is because the Sun, which represents someone running the show is about to move onto something else. If you bank on their participation, you may be left out in the cold seeking someone to take their place. Besides the fact that the Sun is at the final degree of Leo (hovering over the royal star of the east, Regulus) there is another strong contributor; the sun will quincunx Uranus at 6:42 PM. There could be a major drama between well known friends that suddenly pull apart or spontaneously come together for a cooperative effort such as when entertainers pull together for a benefit show to support a relief effort.
SUN QUINCUNX URANUS (5th Sign to 12th Sign)
Exact Aug 22 2010
Brief description: Erratic shifts in your ability to focus. This aspect can cause distraction and upset.
This haphazard energy can accompany surprising and upsetting events. Rebellion. Liberation. Exposure of a truth. Sudden, erratic changes involving administrative objectives and the radical awareness or actions of workers or otherwise citizens. Shocking reactions to aggressive tactics gain response from those that have more recently remained silent. People working diligently behind the scenes might provoke change. This aspect is accident prone. Electrical hazards. Innovation and inventions are developed. Health hazards for those with high blood pressure or extreme stress. Modern technology used in medical procedures.
For personal use: Practice patience and remain alert. Use caution when dealing with fast moving objects, traffic and tempers.
For business: Keep your cool and remain open to all sides of matters. Get the facts before taking action. Abrupt layoffs and cutbacks; clashes with company head and workers; debates over routine maintenance versus radical makeovers.
Monday, August 23, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius and is in good shape to help you move forward but, after the Sun enters Virgo at 1:26 AM, it remains in Virgo. After that point there is a signal to move forward with the focus on the in the retry category for anything considered to be the second time around. Look for a little motivation supplied by the Sun and Mars at a 45° angle at 12:21 PM although a bit cranky.
Aug 23 2010
Brief description: Virgo, the sign of the virgin holding grain. Therefore the focus may turn to our diets. While the Sun is in Virgo, the energy shifts toward practical matters such as cleaning up and making ready for the next season. This is a changeable time that allows us to focus and get serious about organizing, going back to school and work. Virgo rules mechanical functions, routines, diet and health matters. Virgo adds an analytical quality for the task masters. The critical nature is given a platform as perfectionism leads to purification. There is a tendency to worry about details and remain overly focused on health matters.
For personal use: It is a good time to schedule a physical exam with your doctor, begin a new food and exercise plan. Toss out clutter.
For business use: Get organized and take on new work support teams. Work as a team.
Exact Aug 23 2010
Brief description: Today may be accident-prone. Shifts in the job market bring reason for encouragement or concern. Muscle tension. Over-exertion, fevers and impulsiveness. Competitive and strong reactions can lead to greater conflicts. Tempers, violence and intense expression of energy. Resistance encountered. This aspect can have “head first and pushy” behavior.
For personal use: Resistance is very low. Take more vitamin C. Be an observer and resist the temptation to get in the middle of it all.
For business: Cutbacks may be inevitable. Hard work produces results.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius. A void Moon period begins at 6:01 AM after a lovely parallel to Venus. The void period ends at 10:10 AM when the Moon enters Pisces. During the void moon period Jupiter and Saturn form a contra parallel which rules the days’ energy with another opposite type of aspect at 7:38 AM. There might be a quality of ones destiny. You might tie up the loose ends from Monday August 16th when Jupiter and Saturn were at odds and in a tight opposition. A Full Moon cements that fact as you rush to meet deadlines and close the deal. The Full Moon is at 1:04 PM at 1°23 Pisces. Go ahead and chose this day to move matters forward after 10:10 AM. There is a good working aspect between the Sun and Jupiter at 8:27 PM which might take you outside for some fun and exercise. Sun 150° Jupiter.
Aug 24 2010
Exact Aug 24 2010
No text available for this topic.
Aug 24 2010
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For some they may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by
SUN QUINCUNX JUPITER (6th Sign to 1st Sign)
Exact Aug 24 2010
Brief description: Buoyant. Up beat. Could surround an optimistic blunder. Someone in your support team announces they are leaving for greener pastures. There could be more expansion than you are able to handle in your current situation. Political adjustments. Being asked to go out on an unsupported mission or one that involves extensive travel. A marketing extravaganza. An opportunity that involves teaching.
For personal use: Take on a new study that allows you to move forward.
For business use: Iron out political faux pas. Look for replacements.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010. The Moon is in Pisces which gives a positive ending to your efforts over the following couple of days for cleaning up older matters. At 8:08 AM retrograde Mercury and Venus are communicating over a cup of coffee for a sweet morning. There is talk of a small stash of money to help with a pending matter. Mercury and Saturn have a few serious or substantial suggestions that can help matters move in the right direction.
Exact Aug 25 2010
Brief description: In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes of feminine actions. There could be secret behavior with money. Lovers may have their secret thoughts that could be shared under sensitive conditions. There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or with your favorite aunt.
For personal use: A good time to return calls, send notes and invitations. Adopt a pet or look after a pet.
For business use: Look into the paper trail around spending. Light advertising and jewelry sales.
MERCURY PARALLEL SATURN (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 25 2010
Brief description: Strictly the facts. Coming to terms with limits. Agreements made with authorities. Serious discussions. Mental focus. Quiet work. Judgmental thinking. Critiquing the faults of others. Concrete plans for projects. Pouring concrete to walkways and roads. Computer programming methods. Impasse with negotiations. Talks can be delayed.
For personal use: Allow room for changes.
For business use: Use this for a good time management plan.
Thursday, August 26, 2010. The Pisces Moon adds to the psychological state of mind when the Sun and Pluto grip your emotional attention with a lovely 120° trine at 1:12 AM. A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
It might actually have a sexual influence or a link to a moment once thought of deeply.
A couple of Mercury aspects range from 1:18 PM and 3:42 PM while Mercury first links to Mars with 30° then Jupiter with a contra parallel alignment. This could set off a lively tone for the afternoon or it might be when you are motivated to make choices based on well researched information.
At 5:30 PM the sun is just 30° behind Saturn which indicates a thoughtful effort is applied to clean up the past and prepare for the future tasks.
At 9:59 PM the Pisces Moon is void of course until 10:49 PM when the Moon enters lively Aries.
SUN TRINE PLUTO (6th Sign to 10th Sign)
Exact Aug 26 2010
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant.
Exact Aug 26 2010
Brief description: Unconscious chatter. Fast notes. Discussions begin with the objective to develop and organize. Meetings with technically skilled workers. Some working decisions or conclusions for the purpose of moving forward. Seeking honest responses and practical solutions. Attempt to make sound connections to those that are part of the solution. Consumed with errands. Seeking speedy results. Progress reports and support for recovery. Clearly decisive. A practical assertiveness. Expressions through writing.
For personal use: Sail through a project to organize that needs organization skills.
For business use: Make calls. Problem solve or work alone on a writing project.
SUN SEMISEXTILE SATURN (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 26 2010:
Brief description: When the Sun is behind Saturn as in this case, there is a chance of the exposure of problems behind the doors of authority figures. Also secrets could be revealed regarding elders or the head of the family, company heads and political leaders. Convalescing individuals require more attention. Necessary cosmetic fixes are begun to homes and major structures. A celebrity serves a sentence.
Delays and postponements. A quiet hardworking time. The potential for a "no" or other negative response. A lack of approval that motivates one to reach beyond the expectation of cynics. Becoming aware of complications or problems with long term objectives. Father issues arise. Moving in the direction of an unpopular point of view or the road less traveled. Early development of plans. To change in effort to break negative behavior. To set the record straight for the purpose of gaining respect. The desire for recognition for your accomplishments. To slowly apply layers of treatment allowing each layer to cure creating a product or other effort of value. To accumulate slow and steady gains. There may be problems with bones, arthritis and posture.
For personal use: Appreciate the maturity of your relationships.
For business use: Refer to your founding principals to assess your progress
Aug 26 2010
Aug 26 2010
The Aries Moon produces a higher energy level and can reveal the aggressive side of our nature. There is an anti-social, self absorbed characteristic that does not lend to harmony in relationships. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period for some and for others it can be filled with a need for sexual release without emotional attachment. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. With a strong need for action and problem solving the single mindedness of this Moon sign allows you to start new projects but you may not finish them. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are an Aries, matters tend to go your way.
Friday, August 27, 2010. The Moon is in Aries with a spontaneous interest whether it be a new friend or lover or perhaps a friendship that deepens their relationship. The Aries Moon is quick to work out the kinks left behind by the recent full Moon. It is a productive day with positive endings for your efforts as long as you keep in mind that the second time around theme applies with the current Mercury retrograde.
Exact Aug 27 2010
Brief description: Shocking statements. Intelligent people come together briefly to exchange ideas. High tech inventions. Communication goes haywire. A tendency to reverse positions. To reject old ideas and invent new ones. Ingenious. Previous court rulings are overturned. Talk of conservation and zoning areas to protect environmental property. High erratic winds. Elderly citizens use ingenious tactics to make ends meet. Court rulings are passed down regarding high tech software or internet practices.
For personal use: Align with others concerned about the environment.
For business use: Apply for an appeal.
SUN CONTRAPARALL VENUS (6th Sign to 7th Sign)
Exact Aug 27 2010
Brief description: This aspect may offer a temporary solution to a partnership issue. Lovers may decide to go their own way. New relationships begun with this aspect may not last long. Money may free up for a short time. There is an opportunity to profit from a one-time event
For personal use: Use your powers of charm and kindness to create a warmer opening in personal relationship
For business use: Use this to negotiate a better position.
Saturday, August 28, 2010. The Aries Moon is motivated and driven. Your energy runs in spurts and it might feel like a battle zone until after the Moon pulls out of a conflict zone with hot headed Mars at 12:08 PM. The evening should be fun after all the hurt feelings have been sorted.
Planets retrograde or direct changes this coming week.
Planets currently retrograde: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron
Planets turning retrograde this week: Mercury turned retrograde Friday August 20, 2010.
Planets turning direct this week: none
Mercury is retrograde Aug 20 2010 through September 12, 2010.
Venus is retrograde Oct 8, 2010 through Nov 18, 2010.
Mars is retrograde Dec 20, 2009 through Mar 10, 2010.
Ceres retrograde Apr 28, 2010 through Aug 8, 2010.
Pallas turns retrograde Mar14, 2010 through Jun 24, 2010. .
Juno does not turn retrograde in 2010.
Vesta turns retrograde Jan 3, 2010 through Apr 6, 2010..
Jupiter is retrograde Jul 23, 2010 through Nov 18, 2010.
Saturn is retrograde Jan 13, 2010 through May 30, 2010.
Chiron turns retrograde Jun 4, 2010 through Nov 5, 2010.
Uranus is retrograde Jul 5, 2010 through Jan 2011.
Neptune is retrograde May 31, 2010 through Nov 7, 2010.
Pluto is retrograde from Apr 6, 2010 --Sep 14, 2010.
THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: Full Moon at 1°25’ Pisces Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 1:04 PM.
In the following table, there are four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon- eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period. I have named the pattern the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the dates in the following table:
Planets currently retrograde: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron
Planets turning retrograde this week: Mercury turned retrograde Friday August 20, 2010.
Planets turning direct this week: none
Mercury is retrograde Aug 20 2010 through September 12, 2010.
Venus is retrograde Oct 8, 2010 through Nov 18, 2010.
Mars is retrograde Dec 20, 2009 through Mar 10, 2010.
Ceres retrograde Apr 28, 2010 through Aug 8, 2010.
Pallas turns retrograde Mar14, 2010 through Jun 24, 2010. .
Juno does not turn retrograde in 2010.
Vesta turns retrograde Jan 3, 2010 through Apr 6, 2010..
Jupiter is retrograde Jul 23, 2010 through Nov 18, 2010.
Saturn is retrograde Jan 13, 2010 through May 30, 2010.
Chiron turns retrograde Jun 4, 2010 through Nov 5, 2010.
Uranus is retrograde Jul 5, 2010 through Jan 2011.
Pluto is retrograde from Apr 6, 2010 --Sep 14, 2010.
THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: Full Moon at 1°25’ Pisces Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 1:04 PM.
In the following table, there are four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon- eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period. I have named the pattern the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the dates in the following table:
Moon Family | |||
New Moon | First Quarter | Full Moon | Last Quarter |
25/Feb/2009 | 24/Nov/2009 | 24/Aug/2010 | 24/May/2011 |
06°Pisces 35 | 02°Pisces 44 | 01°Pisces 25 | 03°Pisces 15 |
Try making your own projections with the dates in this Moon Family. Think about your current situation and project into the future with the dates found in this table. Once you realize your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family as it carries your storyline along a path of a logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages or your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. As the phases form at nine month intervals, watch your storyline emerge as a new event or new beginning at the New Moon stage.
Nine months later there is a progressive and enthusiastic growth stage when the First Quarter Moon appears (notes its near the same degree of the New Moon). At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets.
Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion or some other Full Moon platform such as deadlines, full disclosure, case presentations, weddings and the like.
In another nine months finally watch for the pay-off or reward for your efforts at the stage that brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay up or get paid phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people things may return to you during the last quarter phase that was once thought to be finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or people from those places could return to you. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it’s a memory that keeps it alive.
J | | 6:06 AM | | N | b | U | 27°Le17 | | 27°Aq17' | r | Friday, August 20, 2010. The Capricorn Moon is very serious about its business. But there are veils of illusion to lift before jumping on board. Someone might sabotage progress because they have hurt feelings. It might be about a position or romance lost to another. When seeing the selected pair united it becomes clear there was never any question about who the pick was. Something about the entire situation is subject to reversals. Mercury turns retrograde at 3:58 PM on Friday until September 12th. This is a long Mercury retrograde period of 23 days. |
J | | 10:21 AM | | M | f | U | 12°Cp17 | | 27°Aq17' | r | |
J | | 10:44 AM | | M | g | N | 12°Cp29 | | 27°Le29 | | |
J | | 12:45 PM | | M | d | P | 13°Cp30 | | 13°Li30 | | |
J | | 12:48 PM | | M | d | Q | 13°Cp32 | | 13°Li32 | | |
J | | 1:04 PM | | Q | g | W | 13°Li32 | | 28°Aq32' | r | |
J | | 1:37 PM | | P | g | W | 13°Li32 | | 28°Aq32' | r | |
J | | 2:48 PM | | P | a | Q | 13°Li35 | | 13°Li35 | | |
J | | 3:58 PM | | O | r | | 19°Vi03' | r | | | |
J | | 5:28 PM | | P | h | | | 13°Li41 | | 13°Sc41 | | |
J | | 7:54 PM | | Q | h | | | 13°Li43 | | 13°Sc43 | | |
J | | 11:45 PM | | M | c | O | 19°Cp03 | | 19°Vi03' | r | |
J | | 2:33 AM | | O | k | R | +00°34' | | -00°34' | | Saturday, August 21, 2010. The Moon is in Capricorn which is Saturn’s domain currently occupied by Pluto. At 6;15 AM Saturn is square to Pluto for the last pass. The other two dates November 15, 2009 and January 31, 2010. The indicators are all business. There are adjustments to be made throughout every process. A sudden turn of events cause the bill to go up. Saturn and Uranus are in aspect as well on Saturday. This is not a good day for any new project. Things happen around you and you more concerned with managing problems. In some regions, its very big problems. There could be a breakthrough in some cases. Think of it as a long compacted period that is soon to be released. By keeping other planetary considerations in mind I see the Mercury’s retrograde cycle will hold things up through mid-September. What is interesting about how Mercury is clearly the messenger in regared to the Saturn and Pluto event, up until September 12th Mercury holds the horses while Pluto is called back into direct motion on September 14th. It appears not until that time will the big “let go” get a green light. At 9:08 PM, after the Moon is sextile Urnaus, there is a void Moon period until the Moon enters Aquarius at 9:37 PM. |
J | | 6:15 AM | | S | d | w | 02°Li55 | | 02°Cp55' | r | |
J | | 11:53 AM | | N | b | W | 28°Le29 | | 28°Aq29' | r | |
J | | 4:07 PM | | M | h | U | 27°Cp15 | | 27°Aq15' | r | |
J | | 7:11 PM | | M | i | N | 28°Cp47 | | 28°Le47 | | |
J | | 9:00 PM | | S | k | T | +00°48' | | -00°48' | | |
J | | 9:08 PM | | M | e | T | 29°Cp45 | | 29°Pi45' | r | |
K | | 9:37 PM | | M | a | K | 00°Aq00 | | 00°Aq00 | | |
K | | 10:07 PM | | M | j | w | -18°26' | | -18°27' | | |
K | | 1:37 AM | | M | e | R | 01°Aq59 | | 01°Ar59' | r | Sunday, August 22, 2010. The Aquarius Moon will bring in the Virgo Sun on Monday at 1:26 AM. Before that point hold back on final decisions or forward activities unless you wish to drop something or part of something. It is because the Sun, which represents someone runining the show is about to move onto something else. If you bank on their participation, you may be left out in the cold seeking someone to take their place. Besides the fact that the Sun is at the final degree of Leo (hovering over the royal star of the east, Regulus) there is another strong contributer; the sun will quincunx Uranus at 6:42 PM. There could be a major drama between well known friends that suddenly pull apart or spontaneously come together for a cooperative effort such as when entertainers pull together for a benefit show to support a relief effort. |
K | | 3:29 AM | | M | h | w | 02°Aq55 | | 02°Cp55' | r | |
K | | 3:42 AM | | M | c | S | 03°Aq01 | | 03°Li01 | | |
K | | 5:32 AM | | M | g | O | 03°Aq56 | | 18°Vi56' | r | |
K | | 6:42 PM | | N | i | T | 29°Le43 | | 29°Pi43' | r | |
K | | 1:26 AM | | N | a | F | 00°Vi00 | | 00°Vi00 | | Monday, August 23, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius and is in great shape to move forward after the Virgo Sun begins on Monday at 1:26 AM until September 23rd. After that point there is a signal to move forward with the focus on the in the retry category for anything considered to be the second time around. There is a little motivation supplied by the Sun and Mars at a 45° angle at 12:21 PM. |
K | | 3:15 AM | | M | f | T | 14°Aq43 | | 29°Pi43' | r | |
K | | 4:16 AM | | M | c | Q | 15°Aq13 | | 15°Li13 | | |
K | | 5:59 AM | | M | c | P | 16°Aq04 | | 16°Li04 | | |
K | | 7:37 AM | | M | f | R | 16°Aq52 | | 01°Ar52' | r | |
K | | 7:43 AM | | M | j | U | -12°52' | | -12°53' | | |
K | | 9:42 AM | | M | f | w | 17°Aq54 | | 02°Cp54' | r | |
K | | 10:14 AM | | M | g | S | 18°Aq10 | | 03°Li10 | | |
K | | 11:16 AM | | M | i | O | 18°Aq41 | | 18°Vi41' | r | |
K | | 12:21 PM | | N | f | Q | 00°Vi26 | | 15°Li26 | | |
K | | 4:35 PM | | M | k | N | -11°14' | | +11°15' | | |
K | | 2:33 AM | | T | g | | | 29°Pi41' | r | 14°Sc41 | | Tuesday, August 24, 2010. The Moon is in Aquarius. A void Moon period begins at 6:01 AM after a lovely parallel to Venus. The void period ends at 10:10 AM when the Moon enters Pisces. During the void moon period Jupiter and Sautrn form a contra parallel which rules the days’ energy with another opposite like aspect at 7:38 AM. There might be a quality of ones destiny. You might tie up the loose ends from Monday August 16th when Jupiter and Saturn were at odds and in a tight opposition. A Full Moon cememts that fact as you rush to meet deadlines and close the deal. The Full Moon is at 1:04 PM at 1°23 Pisces. Go ahead and chose this day to move matters forward after 10:10 AM. There is a good working aspect between the Sun and Jpite at 8:27 PM which might take you outside for excerise. Sun 150° Jupiter. |
K | | 4:29 AM | | M | a | U | 27°Aq11 | | 27°Aq11' | r | |
K | | 6:01 AM | | M | j | P | -08°39' | | -08°40' | | |
K | | 7:38 AM | | R | k | S | -00°42' | | +00°42' | | |
K | | 7:43 AM | | M | /n | I | 00°Sg00 | | 00°Sg00 | | |
K | | 9:31 AM | | M | h | T | 29°Aq40 | | 29°Pi40' | r | |
L | | 10:10 AM | | M | a | L | 00°Pi00 | | 00°Pi00 | | |
L | | 12:21 PM | | M | g | Q | 01°Pi04 | | 16°Li04 | | |
L | | 1:04 PM | | M | b | N | 01°Pi25 | | 01°Vi25 | | |
L | | 1:43 PM | | M | h | R | 01°Pi45 | | 01°Ar45' | r | |
L | | 2:56 PM | | M | g | P | 02°Pi20 | | 17°Li20 | | |
L | | 4:02 PM | | M | e | w | 02°Pi53 | | 02°Cp53' | r | |
L | | 4:53 PM | | M | i | S | 03°Pi18 | | 03°Li18 | | |
L | | 6:13 PM | | M | j | Q | -06°14' | | -06°14' | | |
L | | 8:27 PM | | N | i | R | 01°Vi43 | | 01°Ar43' | r | |
L | | 8:08 AM | | O | h | P | 18°Vi00' | r | 18°Li00 | | Wednesday, August 25, 2010. The Moon is in Pisces which gives a positive ending to your efforts over the following couple of days for cleaning up older materrs. At 8:08 AM retrograde Mercury and Venus are communicating over a cup of coffee for a sweet morning. There is talk of a small stash of money to help with a pending matter. Mercury and Saturn have a few serious or substantial suggestions that can help matters move in the right direction. |
L | | 4:46 PM | | O | j | S | +00°38' | | +00°38' | | |
L | | 8:25 PM | | M | j | T | -00°51' | | -00°52' | | |
L | | 8:28 PM | | M | i | Q | 16°Pi56 | | 16°Li56 | | |
L | | 8:53 PM | | M | j | R | -00°46' | | -00°46' | | |
L | | 9:22 PM | | M | k | O | -00°40' | | +00°40' | | |
L | | 9:33 PM | | M | k | S | -00°37' | | +00°37' | | |
L | | 10:04 PM | | M | b | O | 17°Pi43 | | 17°Vi43' | r | |
L | | 11:50 PM | | M | i | P | 18°Pi36 | | 18°Li36 | | |
L | | 1:12 AM | | N | c | w | 02°Vi52 | | 02°Cp52' | r | Thursday, August 26, 2010. The Pisces Moon adds to the psychological state of mind when the Sun and Pluto grip your emotional attention with a lovely 120° trine at 1:12 AM. It might actually have a sexual influence or a link to a moment once thought of deeply. A couple of Mercury aspects range from 1:18 PM and 3:42 PM while Mercury first links to Mars with 30° then Jupiter with a contra parallel alignment. This could set off a lively tone for the afternoon or it might be when you are motivated to make choices based on well researched information. At 5:30 PM the sun is just 30° behind Saturn which indicates a thoughtful effort is applied to clean up the past and prepare for the future tasks. at 9:59 PM the Pisces Moon is void of course until 10:49 PM when the Moon enteres lively Aries. |
L | | 3:36 AM | | M | j | S | +00°37' | | +00°37' | | |
L | | 4:03 AM | | M | j | O | +00°42' | | +00°42' | | |
L | | 4:23 AM | | M | k | R | +00°46' | | -00°47' | | |
L | | 4:49 AM | | M | k | T | +00°52' | | -00°52' | | |
L | | 1:18 PM | | O | h | Q | 17°Vi23' | r | 17°Li23 | | |
L | | 3:42 PM | | O | k | R | +00°48' | | -00°48' | | |
L | | 5:01 PM | | M | h | U | 27°Pi07 | | 27°Aq07' | r | |
L | | 5:30 PM | | N | h | S | 03°Vi32 | | 03°Li32 | | |
L | | 9:59 PM | | M | a | T | 29°Pi35 | | 29°Pi35' | r | |
A | | 10:49 PM | | M | a | A | 00°Ar00 | | 00°Ar00 | | |
A | | 12:56 AM | | O | k | T | +00°53' | | -00°53' | | Friday, August 27, 2010. The Moon is in Aries with a spontaneous interest whether it be a new friend or lover or perhaps a friendship that deepens their relationship. The Aries Moon is quick to work out the kinks left behind by the recent full Moon. It is a productive day with positive endings for your efforts as long as you keep in mind that the second time around theme applies with the current Mercury retrograqde. |
A | | 1:50 AM | | M | a | R | 01°Ar30 | | 01°Ar30' | r | |
A | | 4:35 AM | | M | d | w | 02°Ar52 | | 02°Cp52' | r | |
A | | 5:43 AM | | N | k | P | +10°01' | | -10°01' | | |
A | | 6:03 AM | | M | b | S | 03°Ar35 | | 03°Li35 | | |
A | | 7:01 AM | | M | i | N | 04°Ar04 | | 04°Vi04 | | |
A | | 10:20 AM | | M | k | Q | +06°55' | | -06°55' | | |
A | | 11:04 PM | | M | f | U | 12°Ar05 | | 27°Aq05' | r | |
A | | 12:36 AM | | M | j | N | +09°45' | | +09°45' | | Saturday, August 28, 2010. The Aries Moon is motivated and driven. Your energy runs in spurts and it might feel like a battle zone until after the Moon pulls out of a conflict zone with hot headed Mars at 12:08 PM. The evening should be fun after all the hurt feelings have been sorted. |
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