| Color Key | Scroll down for this week’s calendar | |||||||||||||||||
| M >> | Moon changes signs | |||||||||||||||||
| GOOD DAY | Green light day allows for a positive outcome for your efforts. | |||||||||||||||||
| Don't Move Forward. | Difficulty obtaining desired results. Struggles. Stressful. Plans may fail. | |||||||||||||||||
| Snag. Needs immediate attention. Health. Jobs | Jobs. Problems adjusting. Possible upsetting circumstances. A labor or work situation. Watch out for a snag in your plans. Keep an option for Plan B. | |||||||||||||||||
| Hold back. | Wait for important changes before making a move unless you wish to drop someone/thing. | |||||||||||||||||
| MiN | Look out for a snag in your plans. Keep an option for Plan B. | |||||||||||||||||
| Planet changes sign or turns direct | green box | |||||||||||||||||
| Red type = retrograde planets = r | planet is retrograde | |||||||||||||||||
| Planet turning retrograde | red box | |||||||||||||||||
| Venus Retrograde period | see column | |||||||||||||||||
| Or retrograde in red vertical column | see column | |||||||||||||||||
| v | void of course Moon period begins | |||||||||||||||||
| è | planet enters next sign | |||||||||||||||||
| >> | enters next sign | |||||||||||||||||
| | ||||||||||||||||||
| | ||||||||||||||||||
Saturday Aug 28, 2010 | Aries Moon. Good day to move forward but expect a twist. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ar | 12:36 AM | | Mo | pll | Sn | +09°45' | +09°45' | With caution this is a good day. There are very few obstacles aside from Mercury's retrograde tricks. There may be a snag in the early morning but it appears minor. The Aries Moon is energetic and motivated. There is a bit of a conflict just after noon. Retrograde Mercury hooks up with Pallas (the brain) in Scorpio which aids research and comparison shopping. The best avenues emerge when plans include a creative application or event. Sunday's Jupiter and Uranus aspect adds a boost to your ideas and group activities. The reappearance of old partners, friends or acquaintances give you something to talk about. | |||||||||||
Ar | 4:11 AM | Mo | splt | Ven | +10°26' | -10°27' | |||||||||||||
Ar | 7:23 AM | Mo | 150 | Mer | 16°Ar15 | 16°Vi15' | |||||||||||||
Ar | 12:08 PM | Mo | 180 | Mar | 18°Ar39 | 18°Li39 | |||||||||||||
Ar | 2:14 PM | Mer | 60 | Pal | 16°Vi03' | 16°Sc03 | |||||||||||||
Ar | 3:36 PM | Mo | 135 | Sun | 20°Ar23 | 05°Vi23 | |||||||||||||
Ar | 4:54 PM | Mo | 180 | Ven | 21°Ar02 | 21°Li02 | |||||||||||||
Ar | 5:28 PM | Mo | splt | Nep | +12°55' | -12°56' | |||||||||||||
Ar | 11:20 PM | Mo | /Sn | Can | 00°Cn00 | 00°Cn00 | |||||||||||||
Sunday Aug 29, 2010. Moon sign changes Aries to Taurus. Very good after 10:35 AM. | Aries Moon void from 2:39 AM until it enters Taurus at 10:35 AM. Avoid making changes during the void Moon period. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ar | 2:39 AM | | Jup | pll | Ura | -00°54' | -00°54' | The Aries Moon has a playful energy for late night Saturday and early Sunday morning. Look for a sudden twist just before the Moon leaves Aries (9:36 AM). It may involve a sudden reminder of something or someone once forgotten. In any case, it may affect the outcome of your goals. | |||||||||||
Ar | 4:47 AM | | Mo | 60 | Nep | 27°Ar03 | 27°Aq03' | ||||||||||||
Ar | 6:58 AM | | Jup | 135 | Pal | 01°Ar16' | 16°Sc16 | | |||||||||||
Ar | 9:36 AM | | Mo | 30 | Ura | 29°Ar30 | 29°Pi30' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 10:35 AM | | Mo | >> | Tau | 00°Ta00 | 00°Ta00 | After 10:35 AM the Moon enters Taurus for a couple of days with excellent energy for making things happen that involve the support of family or traditional financial avenues. Aside from the pleasant Taurus energy, Sunday is great for a gathering of family and friends. There are indicators for great food and caring people. | |||||||||||
Ta | 11:19 AM | | Mo | 135 | Mer | 00°Ta22 | 15°Vi22' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 1:01 PM | | Mo | 30 | Jup | 01°Ta14 | 01°Ar14' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 4:10 PM | | Mo | 120 | Plu | 02°Ta51 | 02°Cp51' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 5:32 PM | | Ven | 60 | Cer | 21°Li57 | 21°Sg57 | ||||||||||||
Ta | 6:11 PM | | Mo | 150 | Sat | 03°Ta52 | 03°Li52 | ||||||||||||
Ta | 11:40 PM | | Mo | 120 | Sun | 06°Ta40 | 06°Vi40 | ||||||||||||
Monday Aug 30, 2010. Good and Innovative. | Taurus Moon brings a Good Day for money & family matters. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ta | 2:36 AM | | Mo | splt | Chi | +18°28' | -18°29' | This Moon in Taurus has plenty of innovative ideas to solve problems. Friendship plays a big role in the positive outcome for your efforts on Monday. You may find yourself navigating your way through older relationship issues. Some may dig in their heels while others flare up at innuendos but it doesn't add up to much as long as your priorities match your core value system. It might be a lazy day and busier in the evening. The economic news may be reporting the down side of things. All things considered there are good friends and good food to smooth the way. | |||||||||||
Ta | 2:39 PM | | Mo | 120 | Mer | 14°Ta24 | 14°Vi24' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 2:44 PM | | Mo | 45 | Uran | 14°Ta27 | 29°Pi27' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 4:52 PM | | Mer | 30 | Jun | 14°Vi19' | 14°Le19 | ||||||||||||
Ta | 5:55 PM | | Mo | 45 | Jup | 16°Ta06 | 01°Ar06' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 9:15 PM | | Mo | 135 | Plu | 17°Ta50 | 02°Cp50' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 10:27 PM | | | 135 | Jun | 29°Pi26' | 14°Le26 | ||||||||||||
Ta | 11:30 PM | | Mo | 135 | Sat | 19°Ta01 | 04°Li01 | ||||||||||||
Tuesday Aug 31, 2010. Moon sign changes Taurus to Gemini. Good only before 7:13 PM. | For a Taurus Moon sign, always rely on the art of persuasion to gain the best results. The Taurus Moon is void of course from 7:13 PM until 8:19 PM. | ||||||||||||||||||
| 1:59 AM | | Mo | 150 | Mar | 20°Ta19 | 20°Li19 | Tuesday's Taurus Moon is great for finding innovative ways to bring people or projects together. Mercury's retrograde period is good for finding people with whom you have lost touch. Friends are a big help as well as group organizations. You may be surprised to run into an old friend. Plan your meetings around good food. | |||||||||||
Ta | 7:44 AM | | Mo | 150 | Ven | 23°Ta20 | 23°Li20 | ||||||||||||
Ta | 2:39 PM | | Mo | 90 | Nep | 26°Ta59 | 26°Aq59' | ||||||||||||
Ta | 7:13 PM | | Mo | 60 | Ura | 29°Ta24 | 29°Pi24' | ||||||||||||
Ge | 8:19 PM | | Mo | >> | Gem | 00°Ge00 | 00°Ge00 | The energy shifts after 8:19 PM Tuesday night to a busy Gemini Moon. Travel is tough or filled with interruption. Your route meets detours. Talks are dropped. the results for your efforts end abruptly without a resolution for now and with the possibility for harsh words. | |||||||||||
Ge | 10:09 PM | | Mo | 60 | Jup | 00°Ge58 | 00°Ar58' | ||||||||||||
Ge | | | | | | | | ||||||||||||
Ge | | | | | | | | ||||||||||||
Ge | Wednesday Sep 1, 2010. Difficult. | Gemini Moon has too many unpredictable surprises to be useful. | |||||||||||||||||
Ge | 1:37 AM | | Mo | 150 | Chi | 02°Ge50 | 02°Cp49' | Avoid agreements, signatures or other commitments. The Last Quarter Moon at 9° Gemini points back to a couple of other times; back in May 2003 and looking forward to Nov 2012. Things happen on this day with potentially upsetting messages. Perhaps there is a disturbing letter or meeting. You may spend the next couple of days sorting things out. | |||||||||||
Ge | 4:05 AM | | Mo | 120 | Sat | 04°Ge09 | 04°Li09 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 7:44 AM | | Mo | 135 | Mar | 06°Ge07 | 21°Li07 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 9:03 AM | | Sun | splt | Mar | +08°11' | -08°11' | ||||||||||||
Ge | 1:21 PM | | Mo | 90 | Sun | 09°Ge10 | 09°Vi10 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 1:48 PM | | Mo | 135 | Ven | 09°Ge24 | 24°Li24 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 7:17 PM | | Mo | 90 | Mer | 12°Ge23 | 12°Vi23' | ||||||||||||
Thursday Sep 2, 2010. Difficult | Agreements and liaisons end abruptly. Focus on a much higher principal. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ge | 9:08 AM | | Mo | /Sn | Leo | 00°Le00 | | Thursday is dreamy, romantic but unrealistic. The creative energy is high if you could get past the scattered thinking and distractions. Your efforts to coordinate with others are likened to trying to herd cats; let that go for an better day. Rating based on the Moon's final aspect before leaving Gemini which is square to Uranus on Friday at 1:39 AM. | |||||||||||
Ge | 9:51 AM | | Mer | 30 | Ves | 11°Vi48' | 11°Li48 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 12:29 PM | | Mo | 120 | Mar | 21°Ge54 | 21°Li54 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 3:35 PM | | Jup | 135 | Jun | 00°Ar46' | 15°Le46 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 3:40 PM | | Nep | 135 | Ves | 26°Aq56' | 11°Li56 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 6:46 PM | | Mo | 120 | Ven | 25°Ge25 | 25°Li25 | ||||||||||||
Ge | 9:25 PM | | Mo | 120 | Nep | 26°Ge55 | 26°Aq55' | ||||||||||||
Friday Sep 3, 2010 Moon sign changes Gemini to Cancer. | Moon is void in Gemini after square to Uranus 1:39 AM - 2:50 AM. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ge | | | | | | | | The results are abrupt & negative only until 2:50 AM | |||||||||||
Ge | 1:21 AM | | Ven | pll | Nep | -12°59' | -12°59' | ||||||||||||
Ge | 1:39 AM | | Mo | 90 | Ura | 29°Ge19 | 29°Pi19' | ||||||||||||
Cn | | 2:50 AM | | Mo | >> | Can | 00°Cn00 | | 00°Cn00 | | Moon sign changes to Cancer; begin Good Day rating. | ||||||||
Cn | 4:05 AM | | Plu | 45 | Pal | 02°Cp49' | 17°Sc49 | There is an opportunity that develops as a result of family connections or close ties to others. The Sun and Venus and retrograde Mercury are all aligned for a tough balancing act of, "who said what and how can we make each other understand the importance of these matters". Things are sorted out by noon and there is a nice opportunity to bring family, or close personal ties, closer to an agreement but you must take action in a delicate situation. There is an opportunity to secure your finances. | |||||||||||
Cn | 4:05 AM | | Mo | 90 | Jup | 00°Cn43 | 00°Ar43' | ||||||||||||
Cn | 7:44 AM | | Sun | 45 | Ven | 10°Vi52 | 25°Li52 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 7:46 AM | | Mo | 180 | Plu | 02°Cn49 | 02°Cp49' | ||||||||||||
Cn | 8:34 AM | | Sun | 0 | Mer | 10°Vi54 | 10°Vi54' | ||||||||||||
Cn | 8:38 AM | | Mer | 45 | Ven | 10°Vi54' | 25°Li54 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 10:33 AM | | Mo | 90 | Sat | 04°Cn25 | 04°Li25 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 12:52 PM | | Mar | 60 | Cer | 22°Li34 | 22°Sg34 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 8:55 PM | | Mo | 60 | Mer | 10°Cn25 | 10°Vi25' | ||||||||||||
Cn | 10:44 PM | | Mo | 60 | Sn | 11°Cn29 | 11°Vi28 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 11:27 PM | | Mo | 135 | Nep | 11°Cn54 | 26°Aq54' | ||||||||||||
Saturday Sep 4, 2010. Green Light Day | Cancer Moon's final aspect is parallel Pluto. Good | ||||||||||||||||||
Cn | 9:28 AM | | Chi | 135 | Ves | 27°Aq48' | 12°Li48 | Positive outcome for your efforts especially involving matters with housing and property. You may happen upon a dream home or design a new look in your existing home. The family meets a loved one. | |||||||||||
Cn | 1:11 PM | | Ven | 120 | Nep | 26°Li53 | 26°Aq53' | ||||||||||||
Cn | 6:49 PM | | Mo | 90 | Mar | 23°Cn23 | 23°Li23 | ||||||||||||
Cn | 8:41 PM | | Mo | 45 | Mer | 24°Cn30 | 09°Vi30' | ||||||||||||
Sunday Sep 5, 2010. Moon sign changes Cancer to Leo. | Cancer Moon is void of course after parallel Pluto at 5:23 AM - 5:45 AM. | ||||||||||||||||||
Cn | 12:36 AM | | Mo | 150 | Nep | 26°Cn52 | 26°Aq52' | Void Moon period ends at 5:45 AM. It's an excellent time to send off a confirmation that you are "in" before that time. | |||||||||||
Cn | 1:17 AM | Mo | 90 | Ven | 27°Cn17 | 27°Li17 | |||||||||||||
Cn | 1:45 AM | Mo | 45 | Sn | 27°Cn34 | 12°Vi34 | |||||||||||||
Cn | 4:31 AM | Mo | 120 | Ura | 29°Cn15 | 29°Pi15' | |||||||||||||
Cn | 5:23 AM | Mo | splt | Plu | +18°28' | -18°30' | |||||||||||||
Le | 5:45 AM | Mo | >> | Leo | 00°Le00 | 00°Le00 | Sunday the Moon enters Leo at 5:45 AM Green Light | ||||||||||||
Le | 6:31 AM | Mo | 120 | Jup | 00°Le27 | 00°Ar27' | |||||||||||||
Le | 10:21 AM | Mo | 150 | Plu | 02°Le48 | 02°Cp48' | |||||||||||||
Le | 1:23 PM | Mo | 60 | Sat | 04°Le40 | 04°Li40 | |||||||||||||
Le | 1:23 PM | Mer | 45 | Mar | 08°Vi53' | 23°Li53 | |||||||||||||
Le | 2:44 PM | Ven | 120 | Chi | 27°Li44 | 27°Aq44' | |||||||||||||
Le | 7:52 PM | Mo | 30 | Mer | 08°Le39 | 08°Vi39' | |||||||||||||
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com.
Friday, August 27, 2010
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Great report. I really like the daily forecast as it is easy to read and useful to have. Have something I was planning to do tomorrow and looks like a great day to do it. Thanks Dietrech. Always great reading!