After a spectacular Lunar Eclipse last Tuesday, the week of Dec 25, 2010 - Jan 1, 2011 shows a few major planetary aspects however they are significant. Beginning with the Sun’s conjunction to Pluto on Sunday night; a Last Quarter Moon appears on Monday night then Mars presses a tense 90° square to Saturn on Wednesday morning; and Thursday morning retrograde Mercury will turn direct. We are headed toward the Solar eclipse on January 4, 2011 making this an extremely edgy and anxious couple of weeks. The summary of this energy is hard working with strong intentions. Roadblocks present the awareness of problems and compromise is necessary to complete a major task or negotiate an inflamed situation. Governments and powerful people move into position for economic control. On a personal level we might experience the tightening wrench of those wanting total control of others. This week holds a railroading type energy that may cause conflict however you may gain ground with your projects after Mars completes the square to Saturn. You are likely to feel better equipped to take on a heavier workload. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Saturday, December 25, 2010 | Merry Christmas | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The Leo Moon quietly opposes | Moon | 150° | Jupiter | 3:03:33 AM | EST | 25°Le42 | 25°Pi42 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 150° | Ceres | 4:14:15 AM | EST | 26°Le25 | 26°Cp25 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 180° | | 4:27:58 AM | EST | 26°Le33 | 26°Aq33 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Void Moon period was followed by a Uranus twist at 4:55 AM. There may have been a stir waking up the house very early this Christmas morning. | void of course | Leo | Moon | 4:29:03 AM | EST | 26°Le33 | 26°Aq33 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 150° | Uranus | 4:55:42 AM | EST | 26°Le49 | 26°Pi49 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 180° | Chiron | 5:42:18 AM | EST | 27°Le17 | 27°Aq17 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 30° | Juno | 6:04:01 AM | EST | 27°Le30 | 27°Vi30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 135° | Mars | 7:30:28 AM | EST | 28°Le22 | 13°Cp22 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The void Moon ends when the Moon enters Virgo at 10:13 AM until Monday afternoon. This | Moon | Enters | Virgo | 10:13:56 AM | EST | 00°Vi00 | 00°Vi00 | |||||||||||||||||||
The Virgo Moon sign ends with the familiar memory of the Saturn and Uranus opposition. The Moon will oppose Uranus before going on to the final aspect to Saturn; a parallel 10:11 AM Monday. There is a caution that matters come to the brink of failure then somehow cement closed a hazardous gap. This speaks to the financial crisis that began in September 2008. To emphasis the recurrence of that point Saturn and Uranus join midway at 6° Capricorn along with Jupiter and Saturn’s midpoint meeting with the Sun-Pluto conjunction. Christmas sales may have saved many businesses by this year’s end. | Moon | | Chiron | 11:38:04 AM | EST | +06°58' | -06°58' | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 45° | Saturn | 12:29:38 PM | EST | 01°Vi21 | 16°Li21 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 30° | Ceres | 1:19:08 PM | EST | 26°Aq33 | 26°Cp33 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Sun | 4:55:55 PM | EST | 04°Vi00 | 04°Cp00 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Pluto | 6:47:54 PM | EST | 05°Vi06 | 05°Cp06 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | | Saturn | 11:05:50 PM | EST | +04°14' | -04°14' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sunday, December 26, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
The day begins with an innovative aspect between Uranus and Ceres. There may be medical advances with this aspect or unique ways to solve stubborn problems. Food distribution may lower the rate of hunger. Later the Sun joins Pluto at 8:04 PM. While the Moon’s activity supports much of that agenda, the Moon speaks to Mercury that backs up over the degree where a Saturn and Uranus opposition occurred on Feb 2009. The first opposition occurred when Obama was elected. This was the second event just after his inauguration. The theme of debt and prepayment is one thought with bankruptcy as a solution to the center principal. | Moon | | Jupiter | 4:54:03 AM | EST | +02°49' | -02°50' | |||||||||||||||||||
Uranus | 60° | Ceres | 7:02:20 AM | EST | 26°Pi51 | 26°Cp51 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 90° | Vesta | 7:03:53 AM | EST | 12°Vi25 | 12°Sg25 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | | Uranus | 8:37:12 AM | EST | +01°55' | -01°55' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Mars | 10:04:16 AM | EST | 14°Vi13 | 14°Cp13 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 30° | Saturn | 1:44:06 PM | EST | 16°Vi24 | 16°Li24 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Venus | 5:48:52 PM | EST | 18°Vi50 | 18°Sc50 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sun | 0° | Pluto | 8:04:27 PM | EST | 05°Cp09 | 05°Cp09 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 90° | Mercury | 8:36:26 PM | EST | 20°Vi29 | 20°Sg29' R | ||||||||||||||||||||
Monday, December 27, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Move forward with caution. Use good business sense. There is a very clever professional that advises you of a better way to solve your issues. | Moon | // | Uranus | 12:28:48 AM | EST | -01°55' | -01°55' | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Jupiter | 4:01:59 AM | EST | -02°46' | -02°47' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 180° | Jupiter | 5:49:25 AM | EST | 25°Vi58 | 25°Pi58 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 150° | | 6:54:25 AM | EST | 26°Vi36 | 26°Aq36 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 180° | Uranus | 7:21:36 AM | EST | 26°Vi52 | 26°Pi52 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Ceres | 7:59:21 AM | EST | 27°Vi15 | 27°Cp15 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 0° | Juno | 8:59:59 AM | EST | 27°Vi51 | 27°Vi51 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Saturn | 10:11:04 AM | EST | -04°15' | -04°15' | ||||||||||||||||||||
The void of course Moon begins at 10:12 AM until 12:37 PM when the Moon enters Libra. | Void of course | Virgo | Moon | 10:12 AM | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
The Libra Moon is a high action Moon period with a Last Quarter Moon in its sign on Monday night. Move forward with caution. Mercury is still retrograde until Thursday. | Moon | enters | Libra | 12:37:42 PM | EST | 00°Li00 | 00°Li00 | |||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 45° | Venus | 8:51:57 PM | EST | 04°Li52 | 19°Sc52 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 90° | Pluto | 9:24:43 PM | EST | 05°Li11 | 05°Cp11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Last Quarter Moon at 6° Libra on Monday Dec 27 at 11:18 PM. Moon 90° Sun. Look over the dates within this Moon Family to draw a connection to the meaning of the Last Quarter Moon on Monday. You may find it relates to your personal relationships or the agreements you have formed with key figures in your life. Those insisting on controlling the outcome of circumstances suffer the most angst. Those wishing to have more control over their life must jump through the hoops designed by others. This may be a time when you reap the rewards of your efforts after a long haul.
11:18:27 PM EST | 06°Li18 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introductions are likely to be very important. | Mercury | 30° | Venus | 11:52:55 PM | EST | 19°Sg59' R | 19°Sc59 | |||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Love and money are at risk of jealous retaliation when Venus and Pluto try to control the situation. Beware of the pitfalls of envy. Rise above the material and move into a productive understanding of management vs spending. Internal politics can be annoying but play the game. You have a green light today. | Venus | 45° | Pluto | 5:32:36 AM | EST | 20°Sc12 | 05°Cp12 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 135° | | 8:21:46 AM | EST | 11°Li38 | 26°Aq38 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 90° | Mars | 3:42:19 PM | EST | 15°Li56 | 15°Cp56 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 0° | Saturn | 4:40:29 PM | EST | 16°Li30 | 16°Li30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Mercury | 10:10:45 PM | EST | 19°Li44 | 19°Sg44' R | ||||||||||||||||||||
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Another green light in the morning hours until the void of course Moon at 10:05 AM until 3:42 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio. But there is more to come with this Libra Moon. | Moon | // | | 1:30:16 AM | EST | -13°03' | -13°04' | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 150° | Jupiter | 9:20:19 AM | EST | 26°Li14 | 26°Pi14 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Venus | 9:50:32 AM | EST | -14°43' | -14°44' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | | 10:04:52 AM | EST | 26°Li40 | 26°Aq40 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Void of course | Libra | Moon | 10:05:57 AM | EST | 26°Li40 | 26°Aq40 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mars and Saturn will give us a run for our money. The pair work well together when in a trine and do not work well when square like here at 10:20 AM. This aspect forces matters to a crisis point. The topics are business and personal responsibility and they are at odds. You may try to forge ahead but you don’t have your act quite together. On the other hand once this aspect passes you may feel like the up hill battle reached the crest. You can push a little harder and expect increased results when the Moon enters Scorpio. Watch for Mercury to turn direct then “go for it.” | Mars | 90° | Saturn | 10:29:03 AM | EST | 16°Cp33 | 16°Li33 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 150° | Uranus | 10:29:45 AM | EST | 26°Li54 | 26°Pi54 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Chiron | 11:30:57 AM | EST | 27°Li30 | 27°Aq30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Jupiter | // | Juno | 12:11:59 PM | EST | -02°39' | -02°39' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 90° | Ceres | 12:32:53 PM | EST | 28°Li06 | 28°Cp06 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| Moon | enters | Scorpio | 3:49:26 PM | EST | 00°Sc00 | 00°Sc00 | |||||||||||||||||||
Hold back until Mercury turns direct at 2:20 AM Thursday. | Juno | 120° | Ceres | 6:58:57 PM | EST | 28°Vi12 | 28°Cp12 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Pallas | 10:18:16 PM | EST | 03°Sc44 | 03°Cp44 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 45° | Mercury | 11:49:29 PM | EST | 04°Sc37 | 19°Sg37' R | ||||||||||||||||||||
Thursday, December 30, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
Retrograde Mercury is turning direct very early Thursday morning at 2:30 AM. That will be at 19°Sagittarius. The message here is to look beyond envisioned ideas for a new opportunity in an area you least expect. Returning to school or taking classes vital to your advancement is indicated with Mercury’s direct position. Reach out to those far away. With most of the problem spots behind us at this point you have a very Green Light to move forward through Friday afternoon. | Moon | 60° | Pluto | 12:56:20 AM | EST | 05°Sc16 | 05°Cp16 | |||||||||||||||||||
Mercury Turning Direct | | 2:20:39 AM | EST | 19°Sg37 | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Sun | 6:50:35 AM | EST | 08°Sc40 | 08°Cp40 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Pluto | 9:18:02 AM | EST | -18°48' | -18°49' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 135° | Uranus | 12:31:50 PM | EST | 11°Sc55 | 26°Pi55 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Mercury | 6:08:30 PM | EST | -20°04' | -20°06' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Mars | 10:39:13 PM | EST | 17°Sc42 | 17°Cp42 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Friday, December 31, 2010 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
The Scorpio Moon has several good hours left to accomplish your goals – through 2:27 PM. Then the Moon beings a void of course period that ends at 8:21 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius. | Moon | 45° | Pluto | 3:12:27 AM | EST | 20°Sc18 | 05°Cp18 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 0° | Venus | 8:11:09 AM | EST | 23°Sc07 | 23°Sc07 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 45° | Sun | 11:15:46 AM | EST | 24°Sc52 | 09°Cp52 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Jupiter | 2:10:59 PM | EST | 26°Sc31 | 26°Pi31 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 90° | | 2:32:43 PM | EST | 26°Sc43 | 26°Aq43 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 120° | Uranus | 2:56:43 PM | EST | 26°Sc57 | 26°Pi57 | ||||||||||||||||||||
void of course | Scorpio | Moon | 2:57:49 PM | EST | 26°Sc57 | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 60° | Ceres | 6:31:41 PM | EST | 28°Sc58 | 28°Cp58 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Sagittarius Moon sign last until very early January 3rd. | Moon | enters | Sagittarius | 8:21:00 PM | EST | 00°Sg00 | 00°Sg00 | |||||||||||||||||||
This Moon sign is not an easy Sag Moon as the final aspect is a tough square to Uranus. Pies in the sky ideas are not likely to fly as your situation suddenly changes and new demands are made. Good manners go a long way. You accomplish the most in the areas of outreach. The response may be delayed but noted. Be optimistic and kind. Put a tough year behind and look forward to new and better things to come for 2011. | Moon | // | Sun | 9:30:21 PM | EST | -23°01' | -23°02' | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | // | Mars | 10:55:17 PM | EST | -23°08' | -23°08' | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 45° | Saturn | 11:19:08 PM | EST | 01°Sg40 | 16°Li40 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Saturday, January 01, 2011 | Happy New Year 2011 | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Nothing major between the planets going on during New Year’s Day, however we are approaching the eclipse on the 4th. At 11:51 AM we will enter the dark Moon period until Wednesday evening Jan 5th. The weather may make the news with more snow and rain for Saturday and Sunday. | Moon | 45° | Mars | 2:48:19 AM | EST | 03°Sg37 | 18°Cp37 | |||||||||||||||||||
Moon | 30° | Sun | 4:13:01 PM | EST | 11°Sg06 | 11°Cp06 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sunday, January 02, 2011 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 0° | Vesta | 1:06:18 AM | EST | 16°Sg01 | 16°Sg01 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 60° | Saturn | 2:21:27 AM | EST | 16°Sg43 | 16°Li43 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 30° | Mars | 7:30:07 AM | EST | 19°Sg32 | 19°Cp32 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Sun | 45° | | 8:05:31 AM | EST | 11°Cp46 | 26°Aq46 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 0° | Mercury | 9:01:54 AM | EST | 20°Sg23 | 20°Sg23 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Jupiter | 30° | | 11:50:58 AM | EST | 26°Pi47 | 26°Aq47 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | Dark Moon | Sun | 11:51:19 AM | EST | 21°Sg56 | 11°Cp56 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 60° | | 8:44:38 PM | EST | 26°Sg47 | 26°Aq47 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 90° | Jupiter | 8:49:09 PM | EST | 26°Sg50 | 26°Pi50 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Moon | 90° | Uranus | 9:08:00 PM | EST | 27°Sg00 | 27°Pi00 | ||||||||||||||||||
| | Void of course | Sagittarius | Moon | 9:09:06 PM | EST | 27°Sg00 | 27°Pi00 | ||||||||||||||||||
Monday, January 03, 2011 | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||
| | Pluto | 0° | Pallas | 12:59:52 AM | EST | 05°Cp24 | 05°Cp24 | ||||||||||||||||||
| enters | Moon | 0° | Capricorn | 2:38:36 AM | EST | 00°Cp00 | 00°Cp00 | ||||||||||||||||||
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Report for December 25, 2010 through January 1, 2011
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