Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas, Happy New Moon and a Jolly Direct Jupiter to all!

Merry Christmas to all. Next Saturday I will be the guest on WZBC radio 90.3FM to review the astrological activity for 2012. The show begins with me at 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM EST. You will be able to give me a call on the show.
Sat Dec 24, 2011. Moon entered Capricorn at 8:46 AM where it will travel until Monday at 12:14 PM. The Capricorn Moon disappears in the light of the Sun when joined for a New Moon at 2° Cap 34' and at 1:06 PM. The Capricorn Moon period holds a cautious welcome for Jupiter to turn direct at 5:07 PM on Christmas Day. Otherwise this Jupiter activity appears to be a wonderful Santa Claus.
Sunday Dec 25 2011. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah. The Capricorn Moon expands on its practical interest while inviting Jupiter back into the forward advancing direction. At 5:07 PM when Jupiter is officially direct (Rx since Aug 30 2011) it will begin a 29 day period when all planets are moving in direct motion. This could be a promising period if not for the slow drag of Mars in Virgo. This is an indictor of its future retrograde station on Jan 12, 2012. For now we enjoy a period of openness. Mercury and Venus agree with an optimistic long range statement while parallel throughout the day. The day rating is includes caution for business matters as your greatest benefactor changes his mind, position or perspective. Jupiter is trine to the New Moon and 30° ahead of Uranus which is also rather still in its motion since it turned direct on Dec 10th. There may be extreme expressions of freedom, truth and rebelliousness with the combination of Jupiter-Uranus energies.
Monday Dec 26 2011. (Caution Avoid agreements) A caution is given for decision making as the Moon continues in Capricorn and will square Saturn before floating aimlessly during its void of course period at 8:35 AM until 12:14 PM. The aspects of the day include a serious thinking aspect with minor consequences that might add an annoying chore in your day. This is the result of Mercury 45° Saturn at 8:02 AM. At 8:17 AM Venus appears to prompt Pluto for money. If your needs include a large loan this is not the day to ask. You may receive a consolation prize instead. Wait until after 12:14 PM Monday to ask for money.
Monday Dec 26 2011 the Moon in Aquarius after 12:14 PM (Green Light) is in fair shape as its final aspect is a variable split parallel to Mars after forming a conjunction to Neptune on Wednesday evening. I would choose these next couple of days to move forward. Friends play a significant role in your plans. Some friends may become over whelmed and temporarily part ways. Others may choose to hire a friend to help out with a task. Choose this afternoon to move forward after 12:17 PM.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2011. Green Light Day for the Aquarius Moon which has plenty of momentum with little planetary interaction to slow things down. Venus and Ceres are 45° apart as Venus attempt to consol a weeping mother. There is some encouragement in the area of aid for the care of small children.
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011. Green Light until 6:00PM. The Aquarius Moon is pushing to make things happen. It is a good day to move forward however, try to avoid getting lost in a single minded missing that benefits only yourself or a few. The broader the benefit the more successful you could be. There are a couple of Mercury (the connector) aspects on Wednesday. First to Pallas, wake up with a wise decision and consult your partner before going ahead with Sun 45° Juno. Then the commute could be congested so allow plenty of time with a Mercury 135° Jupiter. Here we find out what might be on Jupiter's agenda for the next year. Proceed with confidence all day until the v/c 6:00 PM until 6:45 PM.
Wednesday Dec 28 2011. The Moon enters Pisces at 6:45 PM until New Year's Eve day. There is much caution during the Pisces Moon sign as its final act will be in opposition to Mars on Friday morning. The indications might increase accidents and fires. Jobs may emerge out of need of man power or some could suffer layoffs for struggling companies.
Thursday Dec 29 2011. The Pisces Moon rallies around the needy and appears ready to serve others. The stage is set for the once a year conjunction of the Sun and Pluto.
This conjunction brings the exposure of people, places and things that hide in the dark. This is a deep dramatic aspect when the brilliant light of the Sun shines on the matters of Pluto's underground behavior. If you are looking for something belonging to Pluto's regime then this is the time you may turn over rocks and uncover a gold mine or recover those that have been missing. Striking oil, walking into a den of thieves or dancing with the devil can all be matters unearthed with this aspect. This aspect mixes with the powers that be. Such a conjunction invites you to take control in a major way. This aspect is prominent for insurance companies, fund raising, accounting matters, mortgages and loans. For some they will negotiate to bring in the money. On a personal level, take on a challenge you once thought was impossible and challenge your greatest fears.

Friday Dec 30 2011.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Radio report for Dec 17 2011. Happy Holidays - For $100 Astrology readings make a unique gift. Also consider a copy of Lunar Shadows III for yourself or for someone who would enjoy learning more about how eclipses impact their lives. With a copy for this week's Last Quarter in Virgo you can unlock the mystery of the people and things that return from your past on pages 47-55.

First I want to say Bravo Janet Booth! She has compiled a simply amazing piece of work. Janet’s Plan-its 2012 is the best and most comprehensive astrology calendar I have seen. This is a - MUST HAVE – GREAT READ- MOST INFORMATIVE – MOST INTELLIGENT – NOTHING ASTROLOGICAL IS LEFT OUT. WOW! For the student and the professional astrologer alike - Order this today – Really - Dietrech Pessin or call her at 1-877-293-1607

Now For the week ahead -----

Mars is continues to heat things up on one level and the Venus square to Saturn is cooling things off. Mars seems to be lighting a match to the cosmic wick while it is square to the nodes of the Moon then makes a cosmic call to the Moon's important Last Quarter business with Saturday's 7:47 PM Last Quarter at 25° Virgo 43". This is a very important last quarter Moon. Take notes and observe the long legs of this Moon phase. Someone comes back from the past. Perhaps they want your special talents for their job. Maybe they just want a door back into your life.
You see Mars has its eye on that Virgo address where it is expected on January 23rd for its retrograde station. Also this week the Sun makes an important bridge building 60° sextile to Saturn then a lovely trine happy Jupiter. Also a quirky and surprising square to Uranus.
Here is the breakdown from day to day.
Sat Dec 17. Moon in Virgo is headed for a lovely 120° trine to Venus in Capricorn at 9:28 PM before it leaves the sign but that is not the whole story behind what should be a good day to move forward with your endeavors. Venus is headed for a square to Saturn on Sunday which compromises the ability to harmonize with the (Moon) routine. I do believe that there are two more aspects the Moon will make which add to the complication of this day. After the Moon is technically finished its business it makes 2 minor aspects; 30° to Saturn at 10:37 PM followed by a 150° quincunx to Neptune at 12:38 AM on Sunday morning. These aspects complicate, distract and undermine matters along the way. My day rating of a Green Light is given with caution.
Saturday At 7:47 PM the Sun and Moon are at the Last Quarter at 25° Virgo 43'. With Mars heating up this particular spot with its intention to drive into the station and stop near that point on January 23rd 2012, we want to keep a close eye out for Mars like things to come back to you. These would be jobs, men, heavily labored tasks, clean-ups, all pets, more dogs, coyotes, wolves and other canines. There may be accidents, bites, cuts, surgeries, fires, loud noises, old arguments and more. The good part is that it may bring much needed jobs. Maintenance workers such as plumbers, electricians and carpenters are needed.

Sun Dec 18. The Moon is v/c in Virgo until 3:06 AM when it enters Libra for a couple of days.

Libra likes to keep the peace and compromise any raw edges but this one is deeply in debt to Saturn. Libra's ruler is Venus which is 90° square to Saturn at 9:18 AM. It might be more painful and expensive then its worth. Often when Venus and Saturn are square there is a sad story involving a prominent woman. Venus rules money as well as partnership and compromise. Saturn would be like the hard cold facts. Britney Spears engagement comes to mind as she needs to get the permission of legal authorities to marry while she is still under restrictions from her earlier escapades. There could be a strong motivation with many locked channels to clear before reaching your goals. On the whole this Libra Moon is in rough shape due to a last stop of 90° square to Venus. This says, its too expense and so not worth it on many levels and that it can cause you problems throughout a long (Capricorn/Saturn) period of time. Very Long.

Monday Libra Moon is difficult and expensive and reads like Sunday's rating. At 9:52 AM Venus and Neptune are 30° apart which is romantically convinced of success. However Venus is not in her right mind. At 11:24 AM the Sun is 60° to Saturn. This can be productive and bring a more realistic view of matters to the Sagittarius Sun. Look around for the materials needed to build your bridges for the future. But don't buy anything yet. Keep window shopping until Thursday Dec 22.

Tuesday Dec 20. The Libra Mon is v/c at 4:48 AM until it enters Scorpio at 5:32 AM.
Tuesday Dec 20. This Scorpio Moon is confused by Neptune's hard angle from Aquarius. There are a few things that cause problems in this sign. Starting with both Venus and the Sun will change signs over the next couple days. This can indicate that the plan goes down the drain because the important players either do not cooperate or they lose interest and move on to something else. They may not buy into your project. At 1:26 PM Venus enters the more detached sign of Aquarius until Feb 11, 2012. Expect your love interest to want to include more friends into your relationship. Or be friends. At 3:46 PM the Sun and Neptune are in a nice opportunity aspect of 60°. This may also bring wet or white weather. This is a visionary aspect. Record your dreams. Later Venus is square Jupiter at 9:19 PM. This is over the top. If you are partying or shopping you may be tempted to go over board. Be aware of this if you attend a holiday party. Your friends could pull you into a situation that is more than you might choose for yourself. There is a strong sexual agenda for Tuesday. The first light of Hanukkah is Tuesday night.

Wednesday Dec 21. The Scorpio Moon is not good for buying, signing or agreements. Wait until Thursday. For Wednesday at 2:56 AM Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries are excited about something that may have started Tuesday night. Oh boy. There appears to be a romantic connection but you may have blinders on that will clear up later. This romance could suddenly end or lead to a sudden marriage. Mercury and Pluto parallel all day bringing the deeper words into this drama. For those that are dealing with business matters be cautious as this is a thick heavy soup that is brewing.

Thursday Dec 22. The Sun breaks into the solstice point at 12:30 AM. This is a great night hour to join with a group to celebrate this important winter solstice. It will be just one year before the end of the Mayan Calendar. How we align with others at this time will be a source of support with its own deeper wisdom, if you can keep a candle burning the night of Wednesday to Thursday morning. I put my overnight candle in the bathtub just to be safe. The Moon is v/c at 4:48 AM until 7:02 AM.
Thursday Dec 22 the Moon enters Sagittarius at 7:02 AM beginning a very good couple of days. We have a jolly Sun trine Jupiter at 9:32 AM for the expansion of your needs but look out for the Sun square Uranus later that day at 5:13 PM. In between, at 3: 30 PM Venus and Mars are not cooperative in a 135° aspect. It is a sign of a squabble that can be worked out. But the sudden surprise of the Sun and Uranus harsh angle may toss things around before you can venture out. This makes Thursday evening the best time to sign, buy and agree.

Friday Dec 23. The Sagittarius Moon is best in the morning although matters end well right through 6:35 AM on Saturday. You may find a great deal Friday. Even buying property is a good idea on this day. Any investment appears to be rewarding. The Moon is waning as it heads for the New Moon on Christmas Eve. This is the dark phase of the Moon where things are starting up under the surface. The dark Moon period covers from Friday around 4:00 PM through Christmas Day when Jupiter turns direct. Jupiter looks like a big fat Santa to me on that day. Enjoy al of your holidays.

Saturday Dec 24. The Moon is in Sagittarius and void of course from 6:35AM until 8: 47 AM. There is a Green light until 6:35 AM however I include the entire Sagittarius sign for that green light.
At 8:47 AM the Moon enters Capricorn. This is not a good Moon sign to move forward as the final aspect of the Moon is square Saturn which is Capricorn’s ruler. So you don’t want to cause problems with the head of the family or your boss.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Total Eclipse of the Moon at 18 Gemini on Saturday Dec 10, 2011

The Total Lunar Eclipse is upon us at this very moment where it is exact at 9:36 AM EST. It is visible in the US except the eastern part. The eclipse occurs at the Full Moon in Gemini 18° 11 Gemini. You might have connection to the times around June 10, 2002 when this eclipse is linked to a solar eclipse that seeded the current events. Look back further to a lunar eclipse of December 1992 at the same spot as today’s eclipse.

This eclipse is packed with extraordinary planetary alignments. The planet that owns the ingenious and inventive energies is Uranus which is standing perfectly still today after its direct station early this morning at 2:05 AM. This planet’s station point is dramatic in its own right at the very high profile degree of zero Aries. This indicates extreme action on a global platform. Anything quietly brewing reaches out to the general population and can spark a revolution. It is clear that in Russia with the instant Twitter feed that people are speaking and reacting with greater openness. Thousands are demonstration against the election poll results from last Sunday. In a country where people might have been mowed down in the past they are somewhat protected by the presence of the eyes of the world. Authorities have permitted up to 30,000 to attend the demonstration dubbed "For Fair Elections". This is a perfect example of the Uranus’ energy.

The pulse of the planet might be measured by intense hum surrounding this eclipse of extreme planetary arrangements. The red hot Mars influence, for instance, is positioned in a challenging square to this eclipse degree as it approaches its still point where it will retrograde on January 23rd 2012, thus, giving us a full portion of forward thrust from the Martian energies. It expresses a driving burst to move things. For now it is still moving forward and you can mark down the dates when Mars revisits this territory again March 2 - 5, 2012 and May 25- 31, 2012.
Mercury continues its retrograde path and is now passing over its message points from November 6, 2011. Its messages today may show further links to December 17th 2011.

The dwarf planet Ceres in Pisces also impacts our hearts while in a difficult square to the eclipse point and sadly in opposition to Mars. Mythological Jupiter in the past has come to the rescue of the grieving mother, Ceres, but now seems to have his hands tied behind his back while retrograde a zero Taurus. There is a promise he makes that may be delivered on Christmas Day when he turns direct.

Venus appears to bring comfort to Ceres while building bridges and opening doors for 60° away in Capricorn. Currently our sister planet is out of the corral and is scheduled to return next Saturday December 17th. For those of you who find love only when Venus is out of bounds there may be an important introduction given by this lunar eclipse event.

Betelgeuse is the beta star at 21° Gemini, that is most closely aligned with this eclipse. It is the second brightest star in the constellation Orion. It indicates “Success through the Shadow. Therefore its success comes through a journey which deals with the more difficult features of the psyche.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Radio Report transcribed for Dec 3, 2011

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Good Morning. We have an exciting week this week. That’s because there is a lunar eclipse on the way. I find that people really respond to lunar eclipses more than solar eclipses. Of course this past Thanksgiving weekend there was a solar eclipse and Mercury turned retrograde on Thanksgiving Day, possibly creating a highly active eclipse period. As for the Mercury retrograde our communication are off and our sense of direction is being challenged. This is a time when people are amidst some of the biggest change of their lives. Such as changing a job or trying to finish up on selling a house or buying a house or moving into an apartment. Perhaps you are making changes about your parents, your elderly parents, what is the best way to care for them and where is the best place? What’s the best situation? Things may not be coming together as quickly as you need them to. But the good news is that if they don’t conclude during this Mercury retrograde period that’s a good thing. So if you don’t settle on the final papers for the house or whatever until Mercury turns direct on December 13th then that’s a good thing. This is the way it goes. Things go on behind the scene that you are not able to control. You can’t force people to move faster because you want an answer or because you want to have a conclusion on your schedule. It’s on someone else’s schedule or a lot of other changes, a lot of other factors determine the timing.
Another big event this week is that retrograde Uranus will turn direct and that is next Saturday, Dec 10, the same day that of the lunar eclipse. So that lunar eclipse day on the 10thof December is going to be a day of extremes and high impact, high energy, Lots of things pushing up from under and popping out like a Jack-in-the-box. It is a very dangerous week travel wise: Just even normal things backing out of your driveway for instance. Make sure everything is clear, everyone is clear. Beyond chaotic movement we might learn where the truth finds it way to the surface. So there is an exploring and inventive nature along with this eclipse. There is also an optimistic quality with a change for the good on the way. So not all of it is chaos but it might feel like chaos this week.

There is a shortage. Normally an oak tree produces 250 pounds of acorns. They are now producing around 2 pounds. That means that the ground squirrels, mice, birds that nest on the ground – all going to have a shortage of their food supply. That is probably going to bring a lot of mice indoors. They also aid there would be an increase of Lyme disease because the mice carry the ticks. You want to take special care. Also Ceres is the mother of the food cycles on the planet. She is the ruler of food supplies, high or low. This shortage shows up in the chart of the eclipse taking place next Saturday. But we are under the influence of that eclipse all week long. You don’t have to wait for that period.
There is a very important alignment that the Sun makes to nodes of the Moon and the Sun is hovering around that area now: Very large broad type of experiences. So it is intense right now because we are in the field of several eclipse patterns. One of which doesn’t come up until next June. So the things that you are doing now have a far reaching arm into next June. Then also the things about this week regarding this lunar eclipse go back to June of 2002. You may find that the things that started then are reaching a conclusion during this time or are making a pivotal change that is important to the future of your efforts. Then also you look back a year and a half ago. I was reading in the New York Times about how a year and a half ago the acorns from the oak trees began started and because of the extreme wet weather the acorns were not able to form as much as they normally do.
Saturday Dec 3. The Libra Moon is void of course. This long void of course Moon period that began Friday, yesterday at 6:06 pm continuing right through until 8:51 pm today. However, there is a stop that the Moon makes when it forces a contact to Saturn at 12:48 pm today. After that 5:26 pm the Moon is making an aspect to Neptune. Neither one is considered major aspects. However, I find that these contacts of 150 degrees and then 30 degrees are very valid: Very important aspects that could define the nature of the day. With this Pisces Moon where things are hidden behind the scenes. You need to help someone. Look in on older people or those that are not feeling well. Give someone a hand if you can. Also matters about music, theatre, plans that you want to make for entertainment might be a little bit hard to pin down. But this evening things are better. The Moon is done with its void of course period at 8:51 pm. It enters the sign of Aries for a couple of days.
The Aries Moon brings a couple of Green Light days beginning at 8:51 pm tonight, Dec 3, right though until 6:12 am on Tuesday Dec 6. That’s a good stretch to be able to agree to things, sign things. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde. You need wiggle room, you need to be able to rewrite or reconsider, revisit the final selection later. You may want to make a temporary stand for your decisions during that time.
Sunday Dec 4. The Moon is in Aries.
The Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury Sunday at 3:52 am. Now Mercury is the culprit of the retrograde period. The Sun reaching Mercury says we are half way through the retrograde period. There is also a very important message or statement either coming from within yourself or coming to you. You could hear tonight for instance or sometime early tomorrow. The conjunction takes place in the sign of Sagittarius. So it is the sign of broadening your awareness. Expanding your awareness, and broadening your perspective. Further in the day 6:19 pm Mercury and Mars are square. This is a time when your children are trying to get your attention. They are angry, they want their way. Also your animals are demanding your attention. They need something extra. Don’t let animals out during this weekend or pretty much for the next week I would say. There are a lot of dangers to animals that are going to be hit by cars. Its Mercury Mars is exact 6:19 pm. It’s argumentative too. Don’t walk into a battle. The Moon is in Aries it’s a trap. Try to be an observer. Step back let everybody cool off before you come back into the story. The other good thing about that kind of aspect you might get a lot done. You might be able to write a lot and communicate a lot of things that have been sitting and waiting. However, polish things up later because a Mercury- Mars aspect is famous for “foot in mouth”. But we are likely to hear about it in the news as well.
Monday Dec 5. On Monday at 10:06 AM Venus and Mars are trine. Mars is in the sign of Virgo. Venus is in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is that direct male energy and Venus is that feminine energy. So I always see it as if as it has a positive quality for relationships. Perhaps people are pairing in a way that they cooperate with one another in a harmonious fashion. Beyond that at 1:05 Am Monday, Mars is making a difficult aspect to Saturn. Saying that there is much work at the bottom of the issues. Perhaps this points to more jobs. This can create tensions while trying to make things right. Also that energy stops the forward flow but may simply interrupt the easy stream of energy. But that aspect does pass earlier in the day on Monday before the Venus trine Mars occurs at 10:08 am on Monday. We still have that Aries Moon so it is a good Moon sign all in all for forwarding your goals. Things are likely to move very quickly.
________________________________________________________________________Tuesday Dec 6. The Aries Moon will change to Taurus at 9:34 AM. On Tuesday the Sun aligns with the North Node of the Moon. So things are likely to feel wide open. doors are wide open and things happen. News making things happen. Try to make contact if you can with others in the field of your goals, although the better day to do that, to reach out would be Monday. So for Tuesday we have a void of course Moon period 6:13 am on Tuesday morning until 9:34 am. The void of course Moon means that you’re judgment is faulty or things don’t work the way you planned. Or things come up unexpectedly and some things magically materialize in a very good way as well.
Difficulties arise with the Taurus Moon is filled with its problems because it reaches a square to Neptune before leaving the sign. This is not the best Moon sign. As a matter of fact it’s a time when you might be caught up in a cobweb of all sorts of drama. There are a couple of aspects that really speak to some kind of drama that’s going on involving the wife or the partner at the core center of projects: Thinking of various political people whose partners are in the dark and are being enlightened about certain things. Also the fact that Juno, she is the wife of Jupiter she is indicated with a contact from the Sun Tuesday night. She fights for the underdog. There may be a battle to keep things fair and just for those who are not able to fight for themselves.
________________________________________________________________________ For Wednesday December 7th we still have a Taurus Moon. It may prove to bring difficulties to the end results of your projects. We might be hungrier than normal. The Moon is making a contact of a 150 degrees to the Sun at 4:45 pm. this is what I call life’s messy clean it up. There will be an event that stops your activities for you to clean up something that occurs on Wednesday that is related to the deadline pressure that you are going to be feeling that accompanies the lunar eclipse on next Saturday. So you’re going to feel like you’ve got to get everything together. There is a little bit of a blind spot at 2:08 AM on Wednesday morning when Venus and Neptune are in a 45 degree angle. This may make you stay up a little too late Tuesday night, sleep too late on Wednesday, you miss your appointment, you are going to have to explain yourself. So try to avoid that late stay up Tuesday night because Wednesday you need to be sharp. There is a commitment that is on the table with Mercury and Pluto in a parallel aspect. This is at 5:51 PM, although it governs the activities for all of Wednesday. Mercury Pluto is about digging very deeply into the private matters of someone who sits in the seat of power.
Thursday Dec 8. the Taurus Moon changes to Gemini at 9:52 PM. The Sun and Jupiter form a 135 degree aspect. Venus is reaching out to Juno. So Venus and Juno, two very feminine characters, are setting the stage for something important. An important statement to be made from someone who sits in the seat of power or did sit in a seat of power, now being forced to make changes. Also Regulus the star, the heart of the lion, has now changed signs from Leo to Virgo putting the power back in the hands of the people. So this is probably why there is so much rebellion taking place across the planet, So much great change is going on at this time. So that is also activated during this eclipse season. The Moon enters the sign of Gemini. That will be on Thursday at 9:52 PM ending a void of course Moon period. That void of course Moon period on Thursday it’s from 6:39 pm until 9:52 PM then we have a sort of hold back energy. Don’t move. Hold your breath. I’m joking of course but try not to commit to anything because Uranus is changing direction and turning around. Uranus rules things like a very sudden action. This is a sudden action. This is in rebellious mode where people are joining, like the occupy movement. There is the quality of releasing a truth or pushing forward with an agenda. There are sudden abrupt things that occur Friday night and also for Saturday morning. You want to plan ahead for a lunar eclipse next Saturday at 9:36 am. So it is an intense week. Take a lot of care in travel. Also take care of your health as well: matters with the lungs in particular, the hands, And anything to do with the voice. Although that is a Venus thing. But the ability to get your message out there with this lunar eclipse. There are a lot of big stories that should be come out during this week. So that is it for the week.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Radio Report transcribed for Saturday Nov 26, 2011 - Dec 2, 2011.

Good Morning Saturday November 26 listeners.
There was a solar eclipse in Sagittarius Friday, Nov 25 at 1:09 AM EST. You may feel as if you have come to a better understanding of the things around you. The influence from Sagittarius is very powerful now and opens the mind and broadens ones ability to grasp the meaning of the important things. Know that the major events that are seeded during this time will reemerge in a sharp way; turn a corner; or reach an outer platform in August.
August 2nd is related to the things that are going on now. So if you, for instance, have things that are settled or need to be settled, the next major stage you may get a temporary bailout for something in some way that you need to revisit once again in August. Or what you are doing has a stage in August but there will be an event related to those things that are going on now. The reason being is that the Nodes of the Moon will line up with this same zodiacal point where the eclipse took place. Beyond the Sagittarius eclipse there is another eclipse coming up on December 10th – that’s two weeks from today which will be a lunar eclipse at 18° Gemini. This will be an extremely exciting one because it also includes the stationary visit of Uranus at zero degrees of Aries. The events during that time are likely to be huge to the point where the whole world will be talking. There are plenty of stories now that have reached a global platform as the world has become a much smaller place. Anything that goes on even if your kids and dogs have taken a bag of flour and shaken it all over your house everyone on the planet will know about it. So we hope that there are good stories to go along with these things.
For Saturday Nov 26, there is a Sagittarius Moon that began on Thanksgiving evening which runs right until 10:04 pm tonight at which time the Moon enters Capricorn. While the Moon remains in Sagittarius, Venus changed signs today and entered Capricorn at 7:36 AM continues along in that sign until December 20th. When Venus is in Capricorn her interests are more about things that stand the test of time. So anything that has not been done right needs to be done again. This is also the case for the current Mercury retrograde period that continues until the 13th of December. There are a lot of things that need to be fixed and re-fixed. What happens is that during the period before the retrograde actually occurs there are a lot of mistakes that were made that are now coming up to the surface. You may discover many things that need your immediate attention over this next couple of weeks. While Mercury remains retrograde until the 13th of December. But for Venus in the sign of Capricorn, the very first thing she does is square Uranus. So this happens tonight at 9:27 pm. This could be a very interesting date night. It could be an interesting time with friends. However we don’t want it too interesting because Uranus can be upsetting. Uranus has a break away energy and when combined with Venus there are matters of the heart which are pulled away by a sudden abrupt change. Clashes of opinions turn into extreme differences and you may see your friend(s) very differently and in a sharp way. So you may need to give people a lot of leeway. It might be wiser not to visit with your closest best friend today. As far as your dear loved ones keep the subjects light.
Still for Nov. 26th at 7:05 pm there is a void of course Moon that begins while the Moon is in Sagittarius and its last aspect is a positive 60° sextile aspect Neptune. During this void of course Moon period when Venus and Uranus are square you may loose something of which later you may get back. So you want to hold on to your purse, be careful about purchasing anything. You could spend your last dime on something and suffer regrets later. Any suddenly developed love affair could leave you with a broken heart. You just want to keep your cool and keep it light for this evening.
Still for Saturday at 10:04 pm tonight the Moon enters Capricorn. That Capricorn Moon has only a few things going on. The Moon sign is weighted down by a final aspect to Saturn in Libra which is a 90° square. That aspect governs the Moon’s entire route through the sign of Capricorn whereas you experience a judgmental quality with Saturn standing there saying you have to get this past the “boss” before you can take it out into the world. This is a couple of days when you need to get down to business, work hard over the details before presenting them to the customer, to the boss, or to anyone that needs to see your project. Most likely you will be sent back to the drawing board so, don’t be discouraged. Fortunately Venus in Capricorn seeks the most economical way of doing things because people are not going to want to spend on things that are frivolous, but for those things that will stand the test of time. The problem with this Venus in Capricorn is that Saturn (the boss) disapproves with Venus’ selections. You may also notice those that are more concerned with status and proper appearances with this Venus in Capricorn.
On December 18, 2011 Venus will reach the 90° square to Saturn. It will be extremely difficult to gain approval if at all before this is completed. Venus rules women, love, money, and anything having to do with those things that we value the most. Saturn governs the father, the rules and the conservative view. The two planets are in each other’s sign so there might be a little forgiveness for shortcomings when all is said and done.
For Sunday November 27th. Capricorn Moon sign. This is not a good day to move forward. It’s a difficult day. Move through your activities with a scrutinizing eye of caution. Be careful about what types of things you agree to as your agreements could cost you money and a lot of work. However, there is this really nice 120° trine between Venus and Jupiter of which the Capricorn Moon will host. Venus is in her glory when she is trine Jupiter. Offering a table of abundance maybe people get together and feel well taken care of. Both of the planets are in stable signs. With Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in the sign of Taurus they enjoy the finer things of life. This increases the likely hood of good company and pleasant surroundings. Possibly people that have a lot of money may feel generous and want to help you with your problems. However, these problems don’t settle during the Capricorn Moon, which continues through Monday.
Monday November 28. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto at 1:36 pm. This is a meeting with those who you may want to borrow from could be the banker. But the problem is that the interest is far too expensive and could send you deeper into debt. So I wouldn’t sign the papers. Don’t sign anything with that Capricorn Moon as the signatures may not stick to their agreement. The void of course Moon begins Monday night 6:01 pm until early Tuesday morning at 2:01 am.
Tuesday November 29. After 2:01 AM we have a Green Light period for a couple of days. That Aquarius Moon allows for bonding with like minded people. You can also find someone to help you carve out a very good plan for progress. So you band together with groups of people or friends that leads you to those that are well connected or people that become good friends in your future as well. You also can find a good counselor. 12:40 pm the Sun is in a 60 degree aspect with Pallas Athena. Pallas is the smart one, the wise one, the one that knows the best way to do things and also has the best advice. Call your advisors on Tuesday.

Wednesday November 30. Aquarius Moon sign. It is another Green Light day. There is only a minor complication at 2:34 PM, Mercury and Jupiter at a 135° angle could send you down the wrong street, possibly on a bit of a wild goose chase, but you will get back on track later. Other than that the Aquarius Moon has absolutely no aspects beyond that on that day. So all day Wednesday sign go forth, but those things that you sign are under the canopy of Mercury retrograde. So you want to leave an opening in some way to renegotiate things later. Otherwise, it is very good for moving forward especially over old ground. Anything that needs to be redone again that is what Mercury retrograde is about. Also for surfacing or resurfacing with a friend, people you haven’t spoken to in a long time may reconnect.
Thursday December 1. The Aquarius Green Light continues until the void of course Moon period from 6:26 AM until 9:45 AM. The Moon is conjunct Neptune at 6:26 AM. During the middle of the void Moon period, Venus and Pluto are conjunct at 8:50 am. This is a powerful aspect where people join with their heart in a very deep place. It’s also very sensual, its grabs a hold of things that are about money: perhaps love, perhaps jealousy. The topics are Capricorn, Which has to do with making things right, making a good business plan. Big business and government are the topics and the state of the economy. This is a truly strong money aspect. It may indicate that the money is on the way.

For Thursday after 9:45 AM the Pisces Moon begins. The Pisces Moon has a brief period of lunar activity before the onset of a long void of course Moon period during that begins on Friday night through Saturday night. But for Thursdays Pisces Moon after 9:45 am there could be some magic that lifts you out of a tight spot. There is a lot of whimsical, magical kind of energy with the Moon making several positive aspects first to Jupiter, then to Pluto, then to Venus. It’s kind of live it up, be grateful for gains you are able to make on Thursday.

Friday December 2. Pisces Moon. There is a First Quarter Moon at 9 Pisces 51’ on Friday. The 1st Qtr is action oriented and occurs at 4:52 AM which means that something important may come together. There is plenty of fire under the pot with Mars igniting the flames. Mars is opposite the Moon and square the Sun. This is a T square that is also marking the up and coming Mars retrograde that occurs January 23rd Mars will turn retrograde, but this is relevant now because Mars has been traveling over its retrograde shadow zone since November 19 when it crossed over 3° Virgo. Mars reaches 23° of Virgo then to 3° of Virgo where it was last Saturday. So all of the things that are going on now are also subject to review and renew and repave – or anything that you are planning on plowing through during this time.
What else can I tell you about the Pisces Moon? It that it’s healing, it’s deep, it’s intense. There is also a helpful hand that is extended. There is a lot of nice company, reason for celebration on both Thursday and Friday. We also have haphazard energy with the Mars T square on Friday. You also want to boost your immune system because viruses can be spreading rapidly. There is also an indication that there could be a strike or series of incidences around the protestors or within groups that band together. They should be very clear about their message, stay on point. Not to allow the push from Mars to create a battle. Definitely there are likely to be many nose to nose events with a spark that could set the train in motion; a bang or a blowup. Mars is the engine; it’s the ignition that allows things to get going. If you are working alone that is the best thing to do. You will cover a lot of ground and you can accomplish a lot.
Also for the void of course Moon period that starts at 6:06 pm on Friday night, it occurs after the Moon is parallel Uranus - Meaning that there are sudden abrupt things that come together, possibly within a group or within friends that move in a positive way. That is the end of the Green Light period for the Pisces Moon – that’s from 9:45 AM Thursday until Friday at 6:60 PM. then we have a very long void of course Moon period which will last until Saturday night at 8:51 pm. That’s it for the week.
Happy Birthday to my son! Also to my friend Eileen in Walpole Happy Birthday! It is a very good day to move forward with what ever you want to do.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Astrology Report for November 12- 19, 2011

Contact me at or 617-924-0929

Weekly Astrology Report
Sat Nov 12 2011 – Sat Nov 19 2011 - audio report
Good Morning. Well, a lot of what I reported last week came out so vividly in the news. I am referring to the story of the dreadful sex scandal at Penn State University. Another was the story of how the Air Force disposed of servicemen’s bodies in what amounts to garbage piles. All those things, particularly about that scandal at Penn State U, come to mind the royal star Regulus. The royal star is changing signs from Leo to Virgo. It seems to be toppling the king of or the top of any unit, any country, any organization, and any major conglomerate of any sorts. The top, the head, the royal party that would be described as - is subject to topple. So this is more of the same. It’s really very good that this stuff has come out with that Ceres station that we had last Sunday. Ceres represents children and protecting children. So it was time. It certainly was time. But this week ahead we have the Moon traveling through the sign of Gemini, then Cancer, Leo, and finally Virgo all in this week. The Gemini Moon period began yesterday 11-11-11.
Here are a couple of quick thoughts about 11-11-11. I was inspired by a meditation and the number 6 emerged in a very strong way. Number 6 is associated with the planet Venus. I also came to understand the number 6 as two interlocked triangles: upper and lower; exactly as you see in the Star of David as a very powerful visual symbol. It focuses on harmony and balance. The energetic vibration has truly shifted since that day which is really interesting. It wasn’t just a number or series of numbers. It’s a long lasting effect that governs the up and coming energies as well. The 6 is also aligned with the zodiac sign of Virgo, Which brings to mind again this Royal Star of Persia, Regulus at the threshold of Virgo. I would appear that the workers will inherit the earth, which is really great. In mathematics 6 is the smallest perfect number. A cube has 6 sides. By adding the digits of 11-11-11 it equals 33. Break apart the 3s then add them together which equals 6.

So for today as we see the Gemini Moon, we have Mars now in the sign of Virgo at that very beginning degree and it triggers both Chiron and Uranus today. Both of these contacts are accident prone. The myth of Chiron is about horsing around with your buddies at a wedding and getting hurt. The injury that Chiron endured lasted a life time which was not able to be healed; a pain that earned him the title of the wounded healer. Chiron also escaped from his pain through a grand exit. He actually begged (he was immortal) and he begged to end his immortality. His wish was granted and he became the constellation of Sagittarius in the heavens as the half horse half man centaur. Any activity involving others can be hazardous in some way today. People buck with great resistance and it causes battles and fights. Later Mars is quincunx Uranus at 8:40 pm at zero degree of the sign of Aries where there is a great clash of wills. Other quality about it is friendship could be in jeopardy in some way. So you have to tread lightly. Give your friends a lot of leeway you know. Have a forgiving heart. Also expect to be surprised even by your own actions or words - especially your words because we have that Gemini. Don’t have a hot foot on the gas pedal either. Be aware of other’s feelings when you speak. Edit your words silently before you actually let them out. The dynamics are huge through out Saturday for exciting events. The Moon is aligned with the south node while opposing mercury in Venus at the north node. So mercury and Venus was the couple, the planets that prodded Pluto last week. That made people answer to, like Joe Paterno, answer to higher authorities. So when we have this day that could present us with a lot more headliners. you are able to work things out in the end even cut through or break through brick walls. So Mars wants to go to work, there is work to be found so look for it in what ever way you’ve been looking. Look again and you may find something today.
For Sunday the Gemini Moon is a good day. The days with a Gemini Moon are green light days. There are a couple of aspects that I note. Sun in Scorpio is 45 degrees away from Pluto. So there is more of that uncovering those uncomfortable subjects. Something financial is out of whack, something psychological is kind of out of whack as well, perhaps haunting. There could be a minor problem that requires some action. Like you have an over drawn bank account and you have to go down and straighten that out. It could mean you have a low immune system that opens you to infection. You need to be aware that some infections are very hard to control. Then there is a health aspect between the sun and the Moon 8:22 am on Sunday. They are quincunx, 150°. That’s "life’s messy clean it up". So something happens. You have to get up out of bed and deal with something or quiet something especially with the Gemini Moon. The aspect requires your attention. It could be a mishap or it could be the adjustor that you call in because of a mishap like the plumber, the electrician, the insurance adjustor. Also keep in mind it is a good day to move forward in general.
For Monday- not a good day. We have the changes for Monday occur at 2:18 am when we have the Moon entering Cancer. Before that however, a void of course Moon occurs from 10:42 pm Sunday night until 2:18 am Monday morning and then that Cancer Moon starts. During the Cancer Moon things are not as easy to work around. Mars and Neptune rear their ugly heads again in regard to perhaps that sex scandal or other shocking news. They join in a contra parallel which affects the entire day. There are no other major aspects for the day. There is an aspect between Uranus, the planet of sudden abrupt change, and wakening and awareness of the truth. The truth is as you see it. It aligns with palace Athena, which is the wise one, the one who plans the strategy. So it’s a great night on Monday night to seek a counselor of some sort. You get an advisor who has savvy information.
For Tuesday there are no major aspects, however Venus is square Ceres. Ceres is the dwarf planet that rules stories about children. Venus is the planet of money. She is in the sign of Sagittarius. She is trying to make things right. But she also sees things from a broader perspective and is rather restless. Wants to get on with these matters and deal with some of these things financially.
On Wednesday this void of course Moon period that starts at 12:22 am when the Moon is square Saturn and that is why the Cancer Moon is not a good Moon. Because that square to Saturn is very difficult to get past and this says there are tough problems that you cannot move easily and they have long lasting effects. It may have to do also with your parents. Or advising your parents and moving your parents around. For Wednesday we have a Leo Moon that occurs at 11:17 am. That Leo Moon has it’s complications as well. That’s because at the end of the sign it is opposite Neptune and then goes on to a split parallel to Saturn. The prominent features during the Leo Moon sign is Mars trine Jupiter that occurs at 5:07 pm this aspect has to do with fortifying and creating a stronger link between the things, your actions, maybe your bank account. Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus that’s why I say that. Also your plans for moving forward, especially where you need money and you need investors. That can give a very good aspect for the day. It is also blood building so you might feel stronger, vitalized. The sun and Saturn make an aspect at 5:44 pm and the sun is in Scorpio and Saturn is in the sign of Libra. This is an aspect where the sun is out scouting for new funds trying to find someone with old money or someone who has the key to the safe for the money that you want. Then mercury goes on to square Ceres at 9:15 pm on Wednesday. This aspect, be careful with your pets with that aspect. Don’t let them out. I often advise you about times when pets are most vulnerable. That’s a vulnerable time. But it’s also a time when children need to be listened to about their needs. They might be hungrier than normal in some way shape or form. So take special care with children.
Thursday November 17th there are no major aspects during this day. The Moon is in Leo. You might be tempted to jump into a drama of some sort. Someone is having a fight – stay out of it. Wait until the dust settles before you offer a hand. Offer your hand at a distance because there are long term consequences for getting involved.
There is a quarter Moon at 10:09 am on Friday. The quarter Moon takes place at 25 Scorpio. This is very important this last quarter Moon. It has a Moon family that occurred in the sign of Leo that began back August 20 2009. That was almost at 28 degrees of Leo. Then the 1st quarter Moon was right on Regulus May 20th of 2010 and then February 18th 2011 when there was a Full Moon right on Regulus as well. That royal star is really going to be highlight over this month and actually over the next year but particularly this month. The Moon passes over Regulus on Friday evening setting the stage for more very large stories. While the Moon is still in Leo, the sun and Pluto parallel. This means there is a joining of those who are in a place of power that want to make a plan that leads to something of great change. it’s because of Regulus’ position I’m not going to say that he Moon will be void of course during that time. But Friday November 18th we have a Moon sign change where the Moon enters Virgo. That begins a couple of very good days. So we can expect some wet weather with that one though. Because the sun will square Neptune next Sunday during that Virgo Moon which leads to a lot of moisture building up. The aspects for Friday are few. There is one between mercury and Vesta the investor. If you’re looking for a place to live, a new home, that’s the aspect that helps your find that 8:37 pm that aspect is exact. Or you may feel committed to writing something that your heart is involved with.
For next Saturday there are no major aspects. It’s rather free flowing and both Saturday and Sunday are very good. So that’s it for the week.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Report for Saturday Nov 5 - including Saturday Nov 12, 2011

Distractions and confusing situations are ahead this week and things that are difficult to distinguish behind a smoke screen. Matter may range from interesting to curious with Neptune’s influence. Neptune is the God of the sea bringing plenty of water to the surface. Neptune, currently retrograde will station and turn direct Wednesday, however we are under its influence now and will remain so for the entire week.
A Full Moon is on the way for Thursday in the sign of Taurus at 18°. Our attention is strongly focused on financial matters and the Full Moon indicates full disclosure and the end of things that have to do with money and sharing with others, anything that you have shared responsibility with others or even stuff, shared stuff. Maybe you are sorting things out and dividing things up; for instance a yard sale, putting thing out trying to reclaim some money for your stuff. This is definitely a good week to do that. But there are also lots of serious matters with this. Mars will change signs on Thursday night and retrograde Chiron turns direct also on Thursday along with that intense Full Moon. So Thursday is a big day. Looking a bit closer on Sunday there is another big event with retrograde Ceres turning direct also. Ceres represents the grieving mother and she is the Goddess of the harvest. Mythologically speaking, she is the one who feeds the planet. As she turns direct there is likely to be an opening of food and grain to be shared throughout the world. And there is also that sense of releasing the goods that are being held back by those who have the most and sharing it with those who have the least. Ceres also represents babies and children and stories about children. Perhaps stories will be released about missing children as well.
Looking at the week day by day;
Saturday November 5th it’s perfect for reaching out to those that are shut in. If you want to work alone that’s great, but invite those who have a special talent to help you with the things that you need. Mercury and Venus want to play when they connect with Jupiter on Saturday, today. That can bring a fun evening in a spontaneous way. If you are sitting at home with nothing to do when you are invited to do something, don’t pass up the opportunity. There is a void of course Moon at 1:25 pm when the Moon aligns with Uranus today with spontaneous events as friends come in to bring you out of your hidden space. What you might expect during the void of course Moon period, which last until 2:02 pm on Sunday, is that there, is a lot more going on than meets the eye. I’m not really going to consider that entire period void of course. Although taking direct action to forward goals are not in the mix for what I am seeing during that void of course Moon period. It’s more about what comes to you. Enjoy the interesting and magical things that come your way. So be prepared to receive. You may also get the sense of an old nemesis raising its head or an old love returning. However that old love may not be any better this time than last. Perhaps if it has been a long, long time there are has been a lot of growth. So keep an open mind.
For Sunday Nov 6th the void of course period ends at 2:02 pm when the Moon enters Aries. There is a message about child safety and an on going tale about a child which is uncovered with Ceres turning direct at 6:40 am on Sunday. The Aries Moon is hoping for an easy win at the finish line with a nice trine to Mars as its final aspect. However, it encounters a thick soupy problem presented by Mars and Neptune which oppose one another Monday morning. Sunday may seem as though you are walking through a very muddy river that could take you down the river into a whole bunch of problems. Mercury and Venus are travelling very tight together. They align in Sagittarius and they both link to dark and powerful Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. That goes from 3:00 – 5:00 pm on Sunday. So Venus can act as a buffer and mercury can act as the interpreter as they speak to a problem specifically of Pluto’s behavior behind the scenes. So there is a question about ethics and tactics. This can make the Pluto type person very uncomfortable. Pluto represents a powerful person who is not at all up to this kind of scrutiny. It is however a fine afternoon for working alone especially if you want to spot hidden problems and correct them with a strong level of focus. There is also the possibility of finding the appropriate person to help you. Keep an open mind – there may be a trap ahead with that Mars opposite Neptune, which takes place at 7:33 am Monday morning which does have an influence on Sunday and Sunday night’s activities. It is like getting lost in a very bad area. You don’t want to move forward during this time but wait until that passes. What I mean by that is don’t sign; don’t agree; don’t buy or sell anything until a Green Light period. Of course this is only a suggestion of how I view these energies.
For Monday November 7th begin a Green Light after 7:33 AM. After moving through treacherous ground of Mars and Neptune opposition we may learn of those that strike out at others. The Israeli threat to Iran comes to mind. What is so important about this opposition is that it involves Regulus, the Royal Star, at the heart of the lion. This star is known as the Watcher of the North and is one of the great stars in the sky, which brings success to those on a high path but failure to those who seek revenge. This seems particularly important in these final days when Regulus continues in the sign of the lion, Leo. On November 28th this star will move into the sign of Virgo, which is the sign of the laborer. I believe it is giving voice and strength to the average individual as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement is calling for the needs of the average person to be met and trying to finances more fair. While the banks received a “ball out” the people lost their money. Now the people want the money back too. I think this is a signal of the ancient prophecy that “the meek will inherit the earth’. Further on for Mars opposite Neptune at the end of their respective signs Leo – Aquarius, makes this not a time to engage in anything that causes doubt or which could be described as misguided. Take the high road in all cases.
Monday evening the Moon is quincunx the Sun, that’s 150 degree angle I call “life’s messy, clean it up.” and the Sun is at a very high profile point during that quincunx at 15 degrees of Scorpio which could means that fires could break out, there could be a lot of problems that definitely need immediate attention which culminate at the Full Moon and wane by Sunday morning November 13th. There is the potential for chaos during this time of a waxing Moon. The Moon will be full on Thursday at 3:16 pm. The presenting problems will be pretty big this week.
For Tuesday November 8th, during that Aries Moon there is a cleaner path. It’s a Green Light day all day. At 2:39 pm the Sun and Uranus pop up with an interesting problem that needs your attention. It’s actually one that leads to an excellent consultant or practitioner, even if it is for one time only. And this may lead to someone else or others that really further your goals. This is a good day to look and listen for opportunities, take calls, make calls all day Tuesday during the Aries Moon - put your head forward and just go. The evening has a little worrisome type of energy with Venus and Mercury both linking to Saturn. It appears that Saturn is speaking to them in a strong tone saying get your act together. The Sun is trine Ceres which indicates room for a comfort zone. Someone may be announcing there is a baby on the way. Also food and resources open up.
For Wednesday November 9th there is a void of course Moon from 12:45 am until it enters Taurus at 2:45 am. The Taurus Moon is headed for full disclosure of a serious matter which may be financial. For some this could signal the end to a financial crisis. There could be a swift end to things that have kind of a sticky complicated nature to them. Because Neptune is stationary during that day there can be consequences. There is not a Green Light during the Taurus Moon because of a final aspect that is square to Neptune at the end of the sign. This indicates murky and hard to define but difficult problems. You may be hoodwinked in some way. Like when you think you are buying a designer bag but it’s a fake. You may think you are getting new parts in your car but they could be used parts. Note that what you share with others is very important to review. But the headline for Wednesday is that Neptune direct station at 1:53 pm which has been retrograde since June 3, 2011 when it was in Pisces so now it is closing out the unfinished business in the Aquarius sign. It speaks to friendship and joining with others with a similar voice and making conditions better for all. It is a time for bringing awareness to those that are privileged that fairness is necessary to move forward.
Thursday November 10th the Full Moon occurs at 3:16 pm and Chiron turns direct at 6:11 pm after which time Mars enters Virgo at 11:15 pm. This is a very accident prone day with injuries to the head, muscles and tendons. Our chronic problems are highlighted as we attribute this meaning to Chiron, the wounded healer. Older physical or psychological wounds are looming large on that day making this a good day to make appointments for chronic problem. You might find the best practitioner to heal these issues. Mars is moving from Leo to Virgo where it turns retrograde on January 23rd 2012 at 23° Virgo and turns direct on April 13, 2012 at 3° Virgo. No until July 3, 2012 will Mars leave the sign of Virgo. This will be a time to put people back in the work force.

On Friday November 11th. The Moon in Taurus is a void of course Moon period on Friday from 11:26 am until 3:09 pm. At which time it enters Gemini through early Monday morning. Gemini is the sign of your sister your brother, your neighborhood, the town crier and gossip. It is the sign of communication. During this Gemini Moon sign you there is positive energy with a Green Light.

Saturday November 12th We have a green light from 3:09 pm Friday Nov 11th right until 10:42 pm Sunday Nov 13th. However beware of a very hazardous aspect between Mars and Uranus at 8:40 PM. This aspect can bring spontaneous opportunities for work but health is in question. Blood pressure spikes and heart conditions are more common with this aspect as are strokes. This aspect can be expressed as "necessity is the mother of invention". High tech is at its height. Expect loud noises from blasts and outbreaks of fire. Outburst and rebellious behavior is most likely. Any highly charged issues could ignite without warning. High blood pressure and erratic physical vital statistics are likely. Physical pressures need to be released in a safe environment. Stretching is important before physical activities. For personal use: Blow off steam in a safely with harming others.
For business use: Funnel this energy into new methods for technology.
So enjoy the week. Watch and listen. Remain very watchful. Listen very closely for a reasonable opening to respond to what your goals need. And don’t step on other peoples toes - you may have to pay for it later. So it’s kind of a treacherous quality that functions best with the powers of persuasion. A lot of things are going to come out into the open and there may be major headliners all week long. Okay. That’s it for the week.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Report for October 29 - November 5, 2011

Weekly Astrology Report
Sat Oct 31 2011 – Sat Nov 5 2011 - audio report
Good Morning! We have an exciting weekend ahead of us. How interesting at the end of October to have a major Nor’easter. The chart for this weekend shows Neptune at the end of the sign. Neptune rules things like this: big storms and white-outs and all sorts of heavy rain. So it’s not a total surprise astrologically. However, what I think is setting this off in particular storm off is the nodes of the Moon . The nodes of the Moon are not actual bodies in the sky but are intersection points- very important points, where the Moon crosses from north to south. Those points are where the eclipses take place and when these lunar nodes line up with an eclipse degree there are headliner events. The nodes are at 14° Sagittarius/Gemini and the eclipse related to this degree is not until next June. It doesn’t matter. All it has to do is set off that degree and you get major news. Also today, the Sagittarius Moon is crossing right over that north node. We can visualize this as swelling that takes place of all of this lunar energy and we invite everyone to this snowy party. To boost the effect we see that the Sun and Jupiter are opposite – that was on Friday 10/28, which pumps up the volume for the activities. Add to that Mars that is approaching an opposition to Neptune. Mars is the motivator keeps the engine going. Neptune is the one that is creating all of this white out stuff.
Another really interesting thing that is going on now. Mercury and Venus are travelling very closely together. They don’t actually make a technical conjunction. However, they act as if. So because they are so close what is happening Venus is moving faster than Mercury as Mercury slows down for its retrograde station November 24, 2011 at 20° Sagittarius.
With the Mercury-Venus alignment we may have a greater joining of minds. You may be compelled to make an important statement as you feel you have found “your voice” about something. I find this is a very important couple of planets to watch because these are the two planets that are truly insiders of the Earth and the Sun. These are our social connectors amplifying the way we think and feel on a very personal level. This is a time to bring this out into the open when these two planets join. You may notice how these things from deep inside and move out into a more public place. We are going to talk a little more about Venus and Mercury as they change signs this week.
For today we have a Sagittarius Moon, as I mentioned. It is a very good day for expanding beyond your every day circle. I rated this day with a green light to move forward with your decisions, your purchases, your greater goals. That’s because the final aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is in a bridge building aspect, and that’s a 60 degree aspect, to Neptune. Neptune rules this white weather. The aspect of the day is a positive parallel between Venus and Pluto. This creates a very good time for markets and sales. There are intense desires that are attached to what it is you want and need. Those things you also want to bring to the negotiation table – it’s a money day. Alliances are designed for financial gain. Also Venus and Pluto are very sexual, and sensual, and can show the jealous side, sexual stuff that could complicate matters. So it should make for a very interesting date night as well.
October 30th on Sunday, the day begins with that Sagittarius Moon that reaches Neptune at 9:30 am beginning a void of course Moon period. The void of course Moon period does end at 12:38 pm tomorrow. That’s when the Moon enters Capricorn.
The Capricorn Moon sign last until Tuesday at 6:07 PM. The Capricorn Moon sign for Sunday 10/30 is without planetary aspects which can give a smooth transition for your activities. There are drawbacks to a Capricorn Moon. It’s a money sign. But the Moon is not comfortable in this sign. It’s ruled by Saturn. The Moon is opposite its home ground of Cancer which is also a drawback. The good thing is that the last aspect that the Capricorn Moon sign will make is a very positive 60° sextile to Venus, indicating that things should end well. However Venus is also compromised because it is in the sign of Scorpio which is opposite her home ground of Taurus as well. So this may cause some dissatisfaction and you may be forced to take a concession prize. So if you are out fishing you may not catch that big fish, but a smaller fish might help after all.
Monday October 31st Happy Halloween! The Capricorn Moon sends out a warning that your dreamy ideas could cost you a bundle when Venus in Scorpio moves into a 90° square with Neptune at 5:19 pm. This causes a tendency to be overly sentimental, romantic, emotionally dreamy, and you could fall in love with a fantasy figure. Also there may be a dissipating love interest and your desire to escape daily stress with fantasy. You could purchase things that are just beyond your ability to pay for instance. And then there is an illusion attached to your choices. Also watch out for your purse and watch out for your heart. Someone may try to sweep you off your feet, but may not really be available –the related aspect is at 5:19 pm on Monday.
Coming into Tuesday we still have a Capricorn Moon. Capricorn Moon I always think of that song “look happy”. That’s kind of what a Capricorn Moon feels like to me. It presents the pressure to get your outer appearances going suitable for business presentations no matter how you feel. At 4:37 am Mercury reaches a 90° angle to Neptune on Tuesday. This is confusing. You can definitely be experiencing this the night before. On Monday night you will have enough mental fog that could cause you to sleep overtime on Tuesday. Plan a backup method for getting you started for the day. Blind spots and lies: those are the nature of Mercury square Neptune. You could be hoodwinked and if you are trying to hoodwink someone else you could be found out. There are very loose boundaries with that type of aspect and visionary impressions. Children could be the focus. Listen to what it is they are trying to tell you and also animals disappearing or getting off the leash, be careful about that. Be aware of hidden traffic traps. Even medications could be misread.
On the positive side there is a creative streak with all of this Venus, Mercury and Neptune energy. Telepathic information is also strong with all of this Neptune influence.
Tuesday November 1st at 6:07 pm a void of course Moon period ends. Now I didn’t mention when it starts. It starts on Tuesday at 5:00 pm when the Moon is sextile Venus. It’s a good one. Then the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius.
Once again there are a few some complications with the Aquarius Moon sign that begins at 6:07 pm and that will run for a couple of days. The reason it’s complicated is because both Venus and Mercury will change signs. So before they do that they call attention to themselves, as they are standing at that final degree of Scorpio. This attracts major events. I’ve seen train wrecks with Mercury at the final degree of a sign and where complications during travel cause pileups. Along with those things, add Venus to make it expensive. I would say take a lot of care with your activities. There is something else that pumps up that message, is the Sun parallel Mars which occurs at 11:37 pm. However if you are up late cramming to complete a task you can find the energy to do so. Otherwise turn in early on Tuesday evening and do most of your communications over the phone or online. You want to avoid any selections or any agreements with this particular Moon sign until these changes have finished. Before that you may find your main players leave your project before you get a chance to seal the deal.
For Wednesday November 2nd the Aquarius Moon shows Venus leaving the sign of Scorpio at 4:51 am she enters Sagittarius right until November 26th. Venus her principle is about sharing balance, joining experiences with others while Venus travels through Sagittarius. Your focus may be on relationships that offer you space and a sense of openness without that heavy expectation of commitment. Just enjoy, have fun with the lighter side of Venus. Friendship is going to be important as well with Venus in Sagittarius because of its aspect to Uranus coming up. But on Wednesday there is a 1st quarter Moon at 12:38 pm at nearly 10 degrees, of Aquarius. This is related to a new Moon that occurred last February 3rd. If you want to look back and see what it was think of a seed that was planted in February that now begins to take form. You can be actively involved in the process of getting on with what it is that you wanted to do back in February. So move forward after 12:54 pm when Mercury changes signs and enters Sagittarius. Now this is going to be a long stay, relatively speaking for Mercury. Mercury does not leave the sign of Sagittarius until January 8th. While Mercury is in the sign of Sagittarius it will turn retrograde on November 24th until December 13th. The next day after it turns retrograde there is a solar eclipse on November 25, 2011. So there is a major statement being made with Mercury at this position. It is a good time to listen, record and do whatever you can to keep your records in order because they may lead to something bigger.
There is an excellent aspect on Wednesday night for choosing a counselor. Uranus and palace Athena are 60 degrees apart. This is great for strategy it’s unique. You could hear about a medical discovery that is brilliant. Also you could create a plan of your own or find a counselor of your own for whatever your needs: whether they are financial or personal or instructors of any sort. It is a great night for Wednesday beginning in the afternoon to find that special person to help you with your goal.
On Thursday Venus and Mercury are both applying a trine to Uranus. Trines are beautiful. They are harmonious. They are 120 degrees apart. You may suddenly meet the love of your life. Mercury and Venus together particularly create introductions. I give Thursday a green light to move forward. Venus is trine at 3:54 am to Uranus then Mercury is trine to Uranus at 9:57 am. This is Thursday morning both of them make contact with Pallas Athena shortly there after making this an excellent day for creating some sort of an alliance with others signing, agreeing. There is a little snag at 8:05 pm when the Moon is opposite to Mars. If you were going to sign on something I would wait until after 8:05 pm if you can. Say lets touch back later in the evening and seal the deal as the Moon then leaves that aspect. Because Moon Mars tends to be aggressive, argumentative and cuts things off. Particularly Mars will cut things off. So if you do find the love of your life don’t push things. Just let it go with the flow. Let it have its natural development stage.
For Friday well we have this void of course Moon period that starts at 11:40 pm Thursday night until Friday morning at 3:17 am. Then the Moon enters the sign of Pisces. The Pisces Moon will be with us right through until Sunday. There are no major aspects. You could find an excellent piece of property or some way to invest in something at 9:34 am on Friday when Mercury and Vesta the investor align for you to find something very special. The final aspect of the Pisces Moon is very positive as it parallels Uranus on Saturday afternoon. So what this says is this is a unique Moon sign Friday and Saturday for you to find what you want and go ahead - move forward and make your choices. It’s a pretty good week. But I just don’t trust these extra good weeks especially where we have the lunar nodes setting off eclipse degrees.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Report for October 15-22, 2011

Sat Oct 15 2011 – Sat Oct 22 2011 - audio report.
Dietrech’s Party Plans yet. Stay tuned for details over the next few weeks.
The week ahead is a very good one.
I have rated each day of the week ahead with all Green Lights. When the last aspect of the Moon, in its given sign, is a good one then the Moon sign period gets a Green Light. This invites you to move forward with your projects, your ideas, any of the things that you want to accomplish that need cooperation with others or not. With an entire week of very good planetary energies to forward with your goals you might gain the momentum you need. The only exceptions are of a couple of short void of course Moon periods.
The Moon is void of course Saturday morning while the Moon was hovering under the Pleiades, also called the Seven Stars or the Seven Weeping Sisters. I do hope there is nothing to cry about. “Something to cry about” is a phrase that is associated with the Seven Sisters. At 10:15 AM the Moon sign changes from Taurus to Gemini ending the void of course Moon for Saturday October 15.

The ancients claim that the Moon is never void of course in Taurus because it is exalted in that sign nor in the sign of Cancer because that is its home sign. However, I will note the times that they will be void of course in those signs according to the modern version of astrology. There is a void of course Moon in Gemini on Monday at 6:17 PM until 9:37 PM at which time the Moon sign changes to Cancer. Looking ahead to Thursday, there is a very brief Cancer void of course Moon at 5:44 AM until 6:06 AM. This is an excellent Cancer Moon period which ends with a parallel to Mars. With Mars driving the Cancer Moon this week we should see plenty of momentum. Add to that a Last Quarter Moon at 26° Cancer on Wednesday which will be the highlight day of the week.
Saturday October 15, 2011.
But let’s go back to Saturday’s energy that begins at 10:15 AM with a Gemini Moon. There is plenty to talk about and connecting with neighbors and sibs. It’s a time for getting together and great for making those calls, sending out emails, reaching people and errands. There are no major aspects throughout this day to slow you down or hold up any type of connection that you want to make. So the doors and the lines of communication are open.
Sunday October 16, 2011.
That Gemini Moon still gives us the same kind of energy
Sunday. There is an aspect between Mercury to Pluto. It’s a bridging aspect at 60° which is a connection and communication aspect from Mercury in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn which is positive. Mercury is the guide that takes you into places that you shouldn’t go, perhaps, or that you fear to go. With Mercury as your guide you travel safely in and out of what could be treacherous places or topics. Chose a strong guide for important meetings and hearings. Be open to the messages from those on the other side. Maybe you will come across a letter, get some type of information or impression from people who have passed away or about people who have passed away – that’s at 12:57 PM on Sunday. Another interpretation is a significant financial piece of information as well that may work for you. – It’s a positive aspect.
Monday October 17, 2011.
On Monday there are just a couple of aspects. Mars and Uranus in a very cranky aspect of 135°. Mars and Uranus will burn the tires right off your car, so doesn’t speed. It’s at 7:08 am. The morning commute might be hazardous that’s for sure on Monday the 17th. Also there is an opposite aspect between Mercury and Jupiter at 2:55 PM. This makes that day look as if there is a lot of traffic, travel problems, difficulty trying to get through a cluster of activity. The traffic jams, and plans could be dropped. It might help to check and double check your route. The last aspect of the Moon is at 6:17 PM on Monday evening and it is Moon trine Neptune. The indications are that things end up okay. But Neptune also says there is a cloud that blocks your view. Something might easily slip out of sight or you may find a magic window of opportunity. Then the Moon sign changes to Cancer at 9:38 PM Monday night.

Tuesday October 18, 2011.
Happy Birthday to my dear friend Naomi in Colorado. Tuesday is a very good day with another Green Light throughout the day to help with your goals. This particular Cancer Moon sign has Mars at the end of its run allowing for a positive push in the right direction. Perhaps there is a man that is looking to settle down. Something interesting occurs when Mars and Ceres are 150 degrees apart at 3:11 PM. I call this “life messy clean it up”. Look for important matters to heat up; or finally there is a fire under the pot. Things are burning up or a burning desire to create more supplies. There is a story about children in particular or others that you care for. Maybe there is a strong urgent need. That aspect has a quality of your need to stop what you are doing and tend to something that presents itself as most important. That energy may govern the qualities of the afternoon on Tuesday. There could be a job in the health care or care provider field with that aspect.
Wednesday October 19, 2011.
On Wednesday morning Mercury and Venus join with a parallel; an aspect helps people to join and relate to one another in a pleasant way. Perhaps this aspect will help you to find your voice about a particular topic dear to your heart. Or simply give you the words to speak the most. Also this aspect opens topics about children, animals and pets. There is also an aspect between Neptune and Juno. Juno is the wife, the bride, the marriage indicator. Juno also represents decorating yourself or home but it can be about honoring someone. Neptune and Juno might be romantic together. People may be calling me to say they just met someone or their sweetheart proposed. It’s fun like for Wednesday night.

Wednesday night there is a Last Quarter Moon at 26 degrees of Cancer. It takes place at 11:30 PM. This lunar phase is tied to a Moon family that started with a solar eclipse July 22nd of 2009. The next family member was 9 months beyond that which was April of 2010; another 9 months beyond brought the related Full Moon last January of 2011 and here we are at October 19th 2011 – with the Last Quarter Moon which is the last piece to the storyline that followed along near those dates. The story has to do with family and bonds. Families are joining for various reasons. There are topics about changing your plans about the care of family members. Perhaps about assisted care for older family members, or maybe day care for younger family members. There could be a large story in the news about babies. I know there is a missing baby that is in the news. And maybe the story will be resolved. There could be an important announcements of birth.
Thursday October 20, 2011.
There is a void of course Moon Thursday morning, very early at 5:44 AM until 6:06 am. Then in comes a happy Leo Moon. Another day with a Green Light. Keep moving forward with the exception of the void of course Moon periods. The void of course Moon period means that whatever you are trying to do is left to kind of a free flowing energy that can take your plans off the track or you land in a different place than what you expected. You’re not able to see things the way you planned. However, new things, interesting things, fun things can come in. Or if you have a worry or a problem during a void of course Moon period when your problem emerges there is an astrological phrase for that; “don’t worry, nothing will come of it”. So it’s not at all a bad thing by any means. As a matter of fact a lot of good things happen during this void of course Moon periods.

Friday October 21, 2011.
On Friday morning Mercury and Mars are split parallel. There could be arguments and accidents as well. Under this aspect you find a lot of animals in the road that run into our cars, we run into them. That’s a sad thing. There could be issues with animals: Trying to contain the coyotes in the area, a barking and biting dogs with that aspect as well. And children are also trying to voice their needs. It is exact in the early morning hours of Friday. But it does dominate Thursday night and most of Friday. Then there is an aspect, a similar aspect, between Venus and Mars. And that means that someone comes together briefly – could be from the past. Lovers from the past or marriage partners from the past may interact. It occurs at 7:26 pm, but this also is a long term aspect that is going to show us people emerging from the past or people to come together for a particular goal. It may also generate some money for a one time project. That is going to govern the energies for Friday. Venus and Mars also allows for a temporary job that comes up that puts some cash in your pocket. There is an aspect between the Sun and Neptune. It’s a dreamy aspect, it’s imaginative, it has a lot of color to it. But it could also bring some weather even though the aspect is a positive 120° trine. I often find that when Neptune aspects are strong we do get a lot of wet weather.
Saturday October 22, 2011.
At 8:34 AM on Saturday morning is a void of course Moon at the end of that Leo Moon sign. That is brief. It only lasts until 10:40 in the morning on Saturday. That’s pretty much it for the week.
People have been asking is there a Mercury retrograde. No, there isn’t. Mercury is involved in a lot of activity with the planets makes it feel that way. And another thing that would make it feel that way – the nodes of the Moon are travelling over or hovering over the degree where a lunar eclipse will take place in June of 2012. So activities intensify, problems intensify, may get more of that mechanical breakdown, and missed messages, and miscommunications. Whatever you plan has to be redone. Mercury is not retrograde; it will not be retrograde before another month I think.
Also I am still planning to have a birthday party but I don’t have the details settled yet. I will keep you informed but it’s not going to be on the 23rd of October. We haven’t found a place where we want to hold it. Everyone is invited.

Astrology Classes are on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. Please join us. We are coming into eclipse season and we are going to be discussing the highlights of those things.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Report for October 1-8, 2011

TRANSITS: Retrograde or direct changes in direction this coming week.
Planets currently retrograde: Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Ceres and Chiron.
Planets turning retrograde this week: none
Planets turning direct this week: none

THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: First Quarter Moon on Monday October 4, 2011 exact at 11:15 PM and at 10° Capricorn 34’.

Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:

The following list shows four related lunar phases called a Moon Family. This week’s First Quarter Moon at 10° Capricorn 34’ is particularly powerful because a solar eclipse occurred at the New Moon phase on January 4, 2011.

New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred January 4, 2011.
First Quarter - October 4, 2011
Full Moon - July 3, 2012
Last Quarter- April 3, 2013

[From Lunar Shadows III – pg 34 -
First Quarter Moon = a readiness that encourages the development of new endeavors, or a response with action when called upon.
page 40
A First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon is a “turning point.” The Sun and Moon have grown beyond a place of oneness and into separate sets of experience. There are differences at the point of the first square, and this can be a time of clash and stress. Breaking through the ground the way a seedling must is no small feat because it must fight its way through the soil to reach the light of the Sun. This is an ambitious time.

What is the Meaning of a First Quarter Moon?
At a First Quarter Moon, there is a great burst of energy and growth. It is an active and courageous time with sharp
and strong challenges. There is a lot of forward motion and drive toward progress. Often problems are present.
The crisis that occurs at this time is likely to be a credit for the future, as even a painful experience can send you into
a positive leap forward. Conflict between males and females are one of the traits of Moon square Sun. Most often,
events happen right on the day of Quarter Moons. The kinds of events that have a real First Quarter Moon quality go beyond the seed stage and on to the next level of activity. This is where one becomes actively involved with matters that had their beginnings nine months ago. There could be an air of ambition and enthusiasm in whatever you are doing. You are becoming enlightened and moving at an energetic, forward pace. It is a time of coming around the corner but not a time to cut corners. A particularly strong sense of purpose is evident with a First Quarter Moon that is related to a Solar Eclipse nine months prior (as is relevant to the October 4, 2011 First Quarter Moon). Things “take off.” Ideas that were only dreams back at the Solar Eclipse (or New Moon) are now developing a life of their own and pressing you to make them a reality. The light of the First Quarter Moon is still growing and suggests there are potentials that need more research and direction and there is still a question. ]

You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you have realized your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family personally, as it carries your storyline along a path of logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages of your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. Even after one Moon family is completed over a period of 2.25 years, a new Moon Family emerges with a new event or new beginning at the next New Moon stage nine months following the last date of a Moon Family.

At the First Quarter Moon stage, nine months after a New Moon, there is a progressive and enthusiastic development of growth. The degree of the New Moon is revived with the First Quarter Moon. At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship. This is a gathering stage. Think of the First Quarter Moon stage as a time to shop for the ingredients to make a hearty stew.

Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion at the time of a Full Moon where deadlines, full disclosures, case presentations, social events, weddings and the like are typical.

In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people or things may return to you during the last quarter phase of which you once thought were finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.

Report Period: Oct 1 2011 to Oct 8 2011, Time Zone EDT +4:00 (Auto DST)

This week has a few Green Light days that allows you greater success with your endeavors. Using your best judgment you can feel free to agree and sign during these times.
While the Moon is in Sagittarius beginning on Saturday October 1, 2011 from 12:41 AM through Monday at 1:37 AM. Then on Wednesday during the Aquarius Moon sign October 5, 2011 beginning at 11:17 AM until 6:07 PM Friday October 7.

Saturday October 1, 2011 the Moon is in Sagittarius – the sign of the future. There is optimism and enthusiasm for whatever you choose to do.

Exact Oct 1 2011
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.

Exact Oct 1 2011
Brief description: Buoyant. Up beat. Could surround an optimistic blunder. Someone in your support team announces they are leaving for greener pastures or they reveal an opportunity. There could be more expansion than you are able to handle in your current situation. Political adjustments. Being asked to go out on an unsupported mission or one that involves extensive travel. A marketing extravaganza. An opportunity that involves teaching.
For personal use: Take on a new study that allows you to move forward.
For business use: Iron out political faux pas. Look for replacements.

Sunday – October 2, 2011. The Moon is in the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius and we have a Green Light all day.

Monday – October 3, 2011. The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius and void of course beginning at 1:37 AM until 4:15 PM.

Exact Oct 3 2011
Brief description: There is a pushing forward with fiery and creative influences. Attitude is obvious. Actions could be based one’s perceived ethics, philosophy and religious views. There may be an attitude of prejudice with an aggressive spirit. Political and spiritual restlessness. To be driven to speed up recovery and body building. Confidence and excitement to succeed with a competitive spirit. . The tendency to over-look or under estimate problems when motivated by a single goal. Some actions attract legal issues or other obstacles with logistics. Motivate to publish or advertise. Risky behavior.
For personal use: Take on a big project but pace yourself.
For business use: Beware of over extending when advertising. Battle may be stepped up.

Oct 3 2011
The void period ends when the Moon enters Capricorn at 4:15 AM through Wednesday.

Specific influence of this Capricorn Moon sign will square Venus as its last aspect before leaving the sign. This influence is difficult especially for business matters. You may find that your goals do not stand the test of time and they are extremely expensive plus come up short of your expectations. For real estate matters the focus may be on forcing an issue because of a deadline. There are cob webs and blind spots hindering your better judgment during this time.

The most important event is the First Quarter Moon that occurs on Monday night at 11:15 PM at 10° Cp 38’ which is related to the solar eclipse nine months ago January 4, 2011. This is an action oriented Moon phase in the sign of business and executive family matters. Parents, bosses and corporate heads are calling the shots. Judges and government rulings also are in the news. A focus is on a woman or the financial report. You may be ready to move forward but are held back due to money or document requirements.

General influence of the Capricorn Moon sign.
Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.

Exact Oct 3 2011
Brief description: Mistrust. Confusion and mistrust of judgment. Mental angst may be soothed with food and alcohol but it is solid information that is the cure. Intuitive information is gathered without the ability to back if up. This aspect accompanies a strong imagination with active dreams with sleepiness or restless sleep. Beware of deception.
For personal use: Use this aspect with music and soft activities for calming with meditation and prayer.
For business use: Avoid commitments and operating heavy machinery while under this influence.

Exact Oct 3 2011
Brief description: Surgery. Cut a new pattern for the future. Cut through the waste and get down to very serious business. Important people on the hot seat. Those in positions of power hand down sentences. Conflict is driven from a deep anger. Police trap speed demons.
For personal use: Avoid deep discussions with people known to be nasty fighters.
For business use: You may have success aligning or asking for help from those in power, now if you can look past their over inflated sense of self; the advantages may out way the disadvantages. Present with a strong steady front. Pick one topic, stick to it until you have gained the ground you need. Then proceed.

This aspect extends through Thursday’s Mercury conjunct Saturn aspect.
Brief description: Strictly the facts. You may welcome knowing the terms with its limits. Agreements can be made with authorities. Serious discussions. Mental focus. Quiet work. Judgmental thinking. Critiquing the faults of others. Concrete plans for projects. Pouring concrete to walkways and roads. Computer programming methods. Impasse with negotiations. Talks can be delayed. For personal use: Allow room for changes. For business use: Use this for a good time-management plan.

TRANSITING MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER SQUARE VENUS at 1:57 AM however the Moon is 30° to Neptune at 8:24 AM.
Oct 5 2011

The void of course Moon period ends when the Moon enters Aquarius at 11:17 AM through Friday at 9:13 PM.
Oct 5 2011
Specific to this Aquarius Moon- This begins a couple of Green Light days with the Moon’s final aspect is conjunct Neptune. This can be an indication of magical results for your efforts or magical thinking. Be on the alert that confusion may accompany an important decision. If you can use your strongest inner guidance you could reach a successful outcome. There are two aspect of significance: Mercury conjunct Saturn on Thursday and the Sun parallel Saturn on Friday. An aspect from the Sun to Neptune Thursday night indicates a sloppy or misguided direction.

Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with unpredictable expressions. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Brief description: Serious thinking leads to commitment and scaling down waste to make room for a more solid structure. The ability to focus on detail. Good for scientific research. This aspect may be overly focused with a myopic perspective. Matters or events are focused on father and child. You could receive or deliver serious letters or contracts. Sober thinking.
For personal use: Eliminate excess. Organize. Clear the way for things of value.
For business: Hire seasoned professionals and create a solid plan.

Exact Oct 6 2011
Brief description: A blind spot that could be used for ones advantage and another’s disadvantage. A person wearing a veil or a disguise. Cosmetic alterations. Music, poetry and meditation are a positive example of this aspect. A desire to escape. A difficult misunderstanding to sort through. Sloppy habits that lead to errors or misjudgments. Missing links and false support. Advisors may offer deceptive or bad information. Oil prices are an issue. Difficulties with addictions.
For personal use Music, poetry and meditation are a positive use of this energy.
For business use Check motives.


Exact Oct 7 2011
Brief Description: Key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within family, business or government. Serious plans are executed.
For Personal use: Take charge and engage with wise counsel.
For Business: This aspect allows for a highly executive presence in its positive form.

This aspect is companion to the nature of the Sun – Saturn conjunction on October 13, 2011 which elongates the influence of this aspect.


Exact Oct 7 2011
Brief description: Harmonious energy. Romantic notions. Exquisite beauty as with ballet and beautiful music. Theatrical displays on stage and in daily interaction. Spiritual support from women. Indulgence of emotions. Romantic movies. Fine sense of esthetics. Balance of color and design. Poetry, yoga and meditation. Money flows in from oil, the arts and music. Sensitive compassion.
For personal use: Get away and enjoy your loved one or your sacred inner space. Show your appreciation for others.
For business use: Stretch your artistic talents into money. Form a sound spiritual and artistic partnership.

Oct 7 2011
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For some they may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by Neptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the victimizer as with the wounded puppy syndrome. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. You can expect that not all of the facts are visible regardless of the Moon phase. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.

TRANSITING MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER parallel Uranus on Sunday October 9, 2011 at 9:53 AM
Oct 8 2011

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: