Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Radio Report transcribed for Dec 3, 2011

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Good Morning. We have an exciting week this week. That’s because there is a lunar eclipse on the way. I find that people really respond to lunar eclipses more than solar eclipses. Of course this past Thanksgiving weekend there was a solar eclipse and Mercury turned retrograde on Thanksgiving Day, possibly creating a highly active eclipse period. As for the Mercury retrograde our communication are off and our sense of direction is being challenged. This is a time when people are amidst some of the biggest change of their lives. Such as changing a job or trying to finish up on selling a house or buying a house or moving into an apartment. Perhaps you are making changes about your parents, your elderly parents, what is the best way to care for them and where is the best place? What’s the best situation? Things may not be coming together as quickly as you need them to. But the good news is that if they don’t conclude during this Mercury retrograde period that’s a good thing. So if you don’t settle on the final papers for the house or whatever until Mercury turns direct on December 13th then that’s a good thing. This is the way it goes. Things go on behind the scene that you are not able to control. You can’t force people to move faster because you want an answer or because you want to have a conclusion on your schedule. It’s on someone else’s schedule or a lot of other changes, a lot of other factors determine the timing.
Another big event this week is that retrograde Uranus will turn direct and that is next Saturday, Dec 10, the same day that of the lunar eclipse. So that lunar eclipse day on the 10thof December is going to be a day of extremes and high impact, high energy, Lots of things pushing up from under and popping out like a Jack-in-the-box. It is a very dangerous week travel wise: Just even normal things backing out of your driveway for instance. Make sure everything is clear, everyone is clear. Beyond chaotic movement we might learn where the truth finds it way to the surface. So there is an exploring and inventive nature along with this eclipse. There is also an optimistic quality with a change for the good on the way. So not all of it is chaos but it might feel like chaos this week.

There is a shortage. Normally an oak tree produces 250 pounds of acorns. They are now producing around 2 pounds. That means that the ground squirrels, mice, birds that nest on the ground – all going to have a shortage of their food supply. That is probably going to bring a lot of mice indoors. They also aid there would be an increase of Lyme disease because the mice carry the ticks. You want to take special care. Also Ceres is the mother of the food cycles on the planet. She is the ruler of food supplies, high or low. This shortage shows up in the chart of the eclipse taking place next Saturday. But we are under the influence of that eclipse all week long. You don’t have to wait for that period.
There is a very important alignment that the Sun makes to nodes of the Moon and the Sun is hovering around that area now: Very large broad type of experiences. So it is intense right now because we are in the field of several eclipse patterns. One of which doesn’t come up until next June. So the things that you are doing now have a far reaching arm into next June. Then also the things about this week regarding this lunar eclipse go back to June of 2002. You may find that the things that started then are reaching a conclusion during this time or are making a pivotal change that is important to the future of your efforts. Then also you look back a year and a half ago. I was reading in the New York Times about how a year and a half ago the acorns from the oak trees began started and because of the extreme wet weather the acorns were not able to form as much as they normally do.
Saturday Dec 3. The Libra Moon is void of course. This long void of course Moon period that began Friday, yesterday at 6:06 pm continuing right through until 8:51 pm today. However, there is a stop that the Moon makes when it forces a contact to Saturn at 12:48 pm today. After that 5:26 pm the Moon is making an aspect to Neptune. Neither one is considered major aspects. However, I find that these contacts of 150 degrees and then 30 degrees are very valid: Very important aspects that could define the nature of the day. With this Pisces Moon where things are hidden behind the scenes. You need to help someone. Look in on older people or those that are not feeling well. Give someone a hand if you can. Also matters about music, theatre, plans that you want to make for entertainment might be a little bit hard to pin down. But this evening things are better. The Moon is done with its void of course period at 8:51 pm. It enters the sign of Aries for a couple of days.
The Aries Moon brings a couple of Green Light days beginning at 8:51 pm tonight, Dec 3, right though until 6:12 am on Tuesday Dec 6. That’s a good stretch to be able to agree to things, sign things. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde. You need wiggle room, you need to be able to rewrite or reconsider, revisit the final selection later. You may want to make a temporary stand for your decisions during that time.
Sunday Dec 4. The Moon is in Aries.
The Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury Sunday at 3:52 am. Now Mercury is the culprit of the retrograde period. The Sun reaching Mercury says we are half way through the retrograde period. There is also a very important message or statement either coming from within yourself or coming to you. You could hear tonight for instance or sometime early tomorrow. The conjunction takes place in the sign of Sagittarius. So it is the sign of broadening your awareness. Expanding your awareness, and broadening your perspective. Further in the day 6:19 pm Mercury and Mars are square. This is a time when your children are trying to get your attention. They are angry, they want their way. Also your animals are demanding your attention. They need something extra. Don’t let animals out during this weekend or pretty much for the next week I would say. There are a lot of dangers to animals that are going to be hit by cars. Its Mercury Mars is exact 6:19 pm. It’s argumentative too. Don’t walk into a battle. The Moon is in Aries it’s a trap. Try to be an observer. Step back let everybody cool off before you come back into the story. The other good thing about that kind of aspect you might get a lot done. You might be able to write a lot and communicate a lot of things that have been sitting and waiting. However, polish things up later because a Mercury- Mars aspect is famous for “foot in mouth”. But we are likely to hear about it in the news as well.
Monday Dec 5. On Monday at 10:06 AM Venus and Mars are trine. Mars is in the sign of Virgo. Venus is in the sign of Capricorn. Mars is that direct male energy and Venus is that feminine energy. So I always see it as if as it has a positive quality for relationships. Perhaps people are pairing in a way that they cooperate with one another in a harmonious fashion. Beyond that at 1:05 Am Monday, Mars is making a difficult aspect to Saturn. Saying that there is much work at the bottom of the issues. Perhaps this points to more jobs. This can create tensions while trying to make things right. Also that energy stops the forward flow but may simply interrupt the easy stream of energy. But that aspect does pass earlier in the day on Monday before the Venus trine Mars occurs at 10:08 am on Monday. We still have that Aries Moon so it is a good Moon sign all in all for forwarding your goals. Things are likely to move very quickly.
________________________________________________________________________Tuesday Dec 6. The Aries Moon will change to Taurus at 9:34 AM. On Tuesday the Sun aligns with the North Node of the Moon. So things are likely to feel wide open. doors are wide open and things happen. News making things happen. Try to make contact if you can with others in the field of your goals, although the better day to do that, to reach out would be Monday. So for Tuesday we have a void of course Moon period 6:13 am on Tuesday morning until 9:34 am. The void of course Moon means that you’re judgment is faulty or things don’t work the way you planned. Or things come up unexpectedly and some things magically materialize in a very good way as well.
Difficulties arise with the Taurus Moon is filled with its problems because it reaches a square to Neptune before leaving the sign. This is not the best Moon sign. As a matter of fact it’s a time when you might be caught up in a cobweb of all sorts of drama. There are a couple of aspects that really speak to some kind of drama that’s going on involving the wife or the partner at the core center of projects: Thinking of various political people whose partners are in the dark and are being enlightened about certain things. Also the fact that Juno, she is the wife of Jupiter she is indicated with a contact from the Sun Tuesday night. She fights for the underdog. There may be a battle to keep things fair and just for those who are not able to fight for themselves.
________________________________________________________________________ For Wednesday December 7th we still have a Taurus Moon. It may prove to bring difficulties to the end results of your projects. We might be hungrier than normal. The Moon is making a contact of a 150 degrees to the Sun at 4:45 pm. this is what I call life’s messy clean it up. There will be an event that stops your activities for you to clean up something that occurs on Wednesday that is related to the deadline pressure that you are going to be feeling that accompanies the lunar eclipse on next Saturday. So you’re going to feel like you’ve got to get everything together. There is a little bit of a blind spot at 2:08 AM on Wednesday morning when Venus and Neptune are in a 45 degree angle. This may make you stay up a little too late Tuesday night, sleep too late on Wednesday, you miss your appointment, you are going to have to explain yourself. So try to avoid that late stay up Tuesday night because Wednesday you need to be sharp. There is a commitment that is on the table with Mercury and Pluto in a parallel aspect. This is at 5:51 PM, although it governs the activities for all of Wednesday. Mercury Pluto is about digging very deeply into the private matters of someone who sits in the seat of power.
Thursday Dec 8. the Taurus Moon changes to Gemini at 9:52 PM. The Sun and Jupiter form a 135 degree aspect. Venus is reaching out to Juno. So Venus and Juno, two very feminine characters, are setting the stage for something important. An important statement to be made from someone who sits in the seat of power or did sit in a seat of power, now being forced to make changes. Also Regulus the star, the heart of the lion, has now changed signs from Leo to Virgo putting the power back in the hands of the people. So this is probably why there is so much rebellion taking place across the planet, So much great change is going on at this time. So that is also activated during this eclipse season. The Moon enters the sign of Gemini. That will be on Thursday at 9:52 PM ending a void of course Moon period. That void of course Moon period on Thursday it’s from 6:39 pm until 9:52 PM then we have a sort of hold back energy. Don’t move. Hold your breath. I’m joking of course but try not to commit to anything because Uranus is changing direction and turning around. Uranus rules things like a very sudden action. This is a sudden action. This is in rebellious mode where people are joining, like the occupy movement. There is the quality of releasing a truth or pushing forward with an agenda. There are sudden abrupt things that occur Friday night and also for Saturday morning. You want to plan ahead for a lunar eclipse next Saturday at 9:36 am. So it is an intense week. Take a lot of care in travel. Also take care of your health as well: matters with the lungs in particular, the hands, And anything to do with the voice. Although that is a Venus thing. But the ability to get your message out there with this lunar eclipse. There are a lot of big stories that should be come out during this week. So that is it for the week.

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