Merry Christmas to all. Next Saturday I will be the guest on WZBC radio 90.3FM to review the astrological activity for 2012. The show begins with me at 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM EST. You will be able to give me a call on the show.
Sat Dec 24, 2011. Moon entered Capricorn at 8:46 AM where it will travel until Monday at 12:14 PM. The Capricorn Moon disappears in the light of the Sun when joined for a New Moon at 2° Cap 34' and at 1:06 PM. The Capricorn Moon period holds a cautious welcome for Jupiter to turn direct at 5:07 PM on Christmas Day. Otherwise this Jupiter activity appears to be a wonderful Santa Claus.
Sunday Dec 25 2011. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah. The Capricorn Moon expands on its practical interest while inviting Jupiter back into the forward advancing direction. At 5:07 PM when Jupiter is officially direct (Rx since Aug 30 2011) it will begin a 29 day period when all planets are moving in direct motion. This could be a promising period if not for the slow drag of Mars in Virgo. This is an indictor of its future retrograde station on Jan 12, 2012. For now we enjoy a period of openness. Mercury and Venus agree with an optimistic long range statement while parallel throughout the day. The day rating is includes caution for business matters as your greatest benefactor changes his mind, position or perspective. Jupiter is trine to the New Moon and 30° ahead of Uranus which is also rather still in its motion since it turned direct on Dec 10th. There may be extreme expressions of freedom, truth and rebelliousness with the combination of Jupiter-Uranus energies.
Monday Dec 26 2011. (Caution Avoid agreements) A caution is given for decision making as the Moon continues in Capricorn and will square Saturn before floating aimlessly during its void of course period at 8:35 AM until 12:14 PM. The aspects of the day include a serious thinking aspect with minor consequences that might add an annoying chore in your day. This is the result of Mercury 45° Saturn at 8:02 AM. At 8:17 AM Venus appears to prompt Pluto for money. If your needs include a large loan this is not the day to ask. You may receive a consolation prize instead. Wait until after 12:14 PM Monday to ask for money.
Monday Dec 26 2011 the Moon in Aquarius after 12:14 PM (Green Light) is in fair shape as its final aspect is a variable split parallel to Mars after forming a conjunction to Neptune on Wednesday evening. I would choose these next couple of days to move forward. Friends play a significant role in your plans. Some friends may become over whelmed and temporarily part ways. Others may choose to hire a friend to help out with a task. Choose this afternoon to move forward after 12:17 PM.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2011. Green Light Day for the Aquarius Moon which has plenty of momentum with little planetary interaction to slow things down. Venus and Ceres are 45° apart as Venus attempt to consol a weeping mother. There is some encouragement in the area of aid for the care of small children.
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011. Green Light until 6:00PM. The Aquarius Moon is pushing to make things happen. It is a good day to move forward however, try to avoid getting lost in a single minded missing that benefits only yourself or a few. The broader the benefit the more successful you could be. There are a couple of Mercury (the connector) aspects on Wednesday. First to Pallas, wake up with a wise decision and consult your partner before going ahead with Sun 45° Juno. Then the commute could be congested so allow plenty of time with a Mercury 135° Jupiter. Here we find out what might be on Jupiter's agenda for the next year. Proceed with confidence all day until the v/c 6:00 PM until 6:45 PM.
Wednesday Dec 28 2011. The Moon enters Pisces at 6:45 PM until New Year's Eve day. There is much caution during the Pisces Moon sign as its final act will be in opposition to Mars on Friday morning. The indications might increase accidents and fires. Jobs may emerge out of need of man power or some could suffer layoffs for struggling companies.
Thursday Dec 29 2011. The Pisces Moon rallies around the needy and appears ready to serve others. The stage is set for the once a year conjunction of the Sun and Pluto.
This conjunction brings the exposure of people, places and things that hide in the dark. This is a deep dramatic aspect when the brilliant light of the Sun shines on the matters of Pluto's underground behavior. If you are looking for something belonging to Pluto's regime then this is the time you may turn over rocks and uncover a gold mine or recover those that have been missing. Striking oil, walking into a den of thieves or dancing with the devil can all be matters unearthed with this aspect. This aspect mixes with the powers that be. Such a conjunction invites you to take control in a major way. This aspect is prominent for insurance companies, fund raising, accounting matters, mortgages and loans. For some they will negotiate to bring in the money. On a personal level, take on a challenge you once thought was impossible and challenge your greatest fears.
Friday Dec 30 2011.
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