Friday, February 18, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Full Mon occurs at 3:35 AM which also begins the void of course Moon period that ends at 4:38 AM when the Moon enters Virgo. | 2:08:14 AM | Moon | 180° | Nep | 28°Le24' | 28°Aq24' |
2:46:25 AM | Moon | 150° | Ura | 28°Le49' | 28°Pi49' | |
3:35:40 AM | Moon | 180° | Sun | 29°Le20' | 29°Aq20' | |
The Virgo Moon’s final aspect is an opposition to Uranus after the Sun enters Pisces at 7:25 PM. Matters end abruptly with sudden turn of events. Reversals are included in the mix of unsettled events. | 4:38:54 AM | Moon | 0° | Vir | 00°Vi00' | 00°Vi00' |
The Virgo Moon awaits the Sun’s change from Aquarius to Pisces. Our attention goes to those that are suffering and our goals may include offering services to others. At 9:09 AM Jupiter and Uranus are contra parallel bringing the heat of the Arab nations clearly to our attention. Revolution is front and center as it brings uncertainty to a region ruled for centuries under dictatorships. The Sun enters Pisces at 7:25 PM until March 20th. | 5:41:07 AM | Moon | 180° | Chi | 00°Vi39' | 00°Pi39' |
6:49:39 AM | Moon | 135° | Ven | 01°Vi22' | 16°Cp22' | |
7:25:23 AM | Moon | 45° | Sat | 01°Vi45' | 16°Li45' R | |
9:09:00 AM | Jup | Cpl | Ura | +01°07' | -01°07' | |
10:19:08 AM | Moon | Cpl | Chi | +05°59' | -05°59' | |
10:49:50 AM | Moon | Pll | Pal | +05°51' | +05°51' | |
11:51:37 AM | Mar | 150° | Jun | 26°Aq34' | 26°Vi34' R | |
1:16:51 PM | Moon | 150° | Jup | 05°Vi27' | 05°AR27' | |
2:21:06 PM | Ven | 90° | Sat | 16°Cp44' | 16°Li44' R | |
3:31:20 PM | Moon | 120° | Plu | 06°Vi52' | 06°Cp52' | |
5:38:10 PM | Moon | Cpl | Sat | +04°08' | -04°08' | |
5:52:13 PM | Moon | 135° | Pal | 08°Vi22' | 23°Cp22' | |
7:25:19 PM | Sun | 0° | Pis | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' | |
9:26:47 PM | Moon | 120° | Ves | 10°Vi38' | 10°Cp38' | |
Saturday, February 19, 2011 | | | | | | |
| 5:10:27 AM | Moon | Pll | Jup | +01°11' | +01°11' |
The Moon is in Virgo and its approaching opposition to Uranus might be causing problems in your routine. Sudden events move At 8:08 AM Mercury is communicating with Vesta, the keeper of the hearth. Seeking 1:08 PM Sun conjunct Chiron | 5:31:50 AM | Moon | Cpl | Ura | +01°05' | -01°06' |
7:01:20 AM | Moon | 30° | Sat | 16°Vi42' | 16°Li42' R | |
8:08:23 AM | Mer | 45° | Ves | 25°Aq51' | 10°Cp51' | |
8:27:03 AM | Moon | 120° | Ven | 17°Vi37' | 17°Cp37' | |
9:49:17 AM | Moon | 150° | Cer | 18°Vi29' | 18°Aq29' | |
1:08:32 PM | Sun | 0° | Chi | 00°Pi44' | 00°Pi44' | |
2:03:17 PM | Moon | Pll | Ura | -01°05' | -01°05' | |
2:34:33 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jup | -01°13' | +01°13' | |
2:46:16 PM | Mer | 150° | Jun | 26°Aq20' | 26°Vi20' R | |
6:05:12 PM | Moon | 120° | Pal | 23°Vi43' | 23°Cp43' | |
10:07:15 PM | Moon | 0° | Jun | 26°Vi16' | 26°Vi16' R | |
11:12:22 PM | Moon | 150° | Mer | 26°Vi58' | 26°Aq58' | |
Sunday, February 20, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Virgo Moon is void of course from 2:17 AM until the Moon enters Libra at 4:00 AM. | 12:29:05 AM | Moon | 150° | Mar | 27°Vi46' | 27°Aq46' |
1:37:07 AM | Moon | 150° | Nep | 28°Vi29' | 28°Aq29' | |
1:55:21 AM | Moon | Pll | Sat | -04°06' | -04°07' | |
2:17:51 AM | Moon | 180° | Ura | 28°Vi55' | 28°Pi55' | |
The Moon enters Libra at 4:00 AM and waits for Mercury to change signs Monday at 3:43 PM after which time is an excellent period to move forward leading up to the Moon 120° trine Mars Tuesday morning. | 4:00:37 AM | Moon | 0° | Lib | 00°Li00' | 00°Li00' |
Be careful of your words and belongings while Mercury hovers over the final degree of Aquarius. Mercury, Mars and Neptune join at the end of the sign of Aquarius from 5:43 PM through 11:17 PM. There are blind spots galore and you may be working from a gut level. | 5:15:49 AM | Moon | 150° | Chi | 00°Li47' | 00°Pi47' |
6:20:13 AM | Moon | 150° | Sun | 01°Li27' | 01°Pi27' | |
10:10:54 AM | Moon | 135° | Cer | 03°Li53' | 18°Aq53' | |
10:39:11 AM | Ven | 30° | Cer | 18°Cp53' | 18°Aq53' | |
11:02:31 AM | Sun | 135° | Sat | 01°Pi39' | 16°Li39' R | |
1:23:30 PM | Moon | 180° | Jup | 05°Li54' | 05°AR54' | |
3:01:44 PM | Moon | 90° | Plu | 06°Li55' | 06°Cp55' | |
| 3:56:22 PM | Ven | Pll | Ves | -20°38' | -20°38' |
5:43:34 PM | Mer | 0° | Mar | 28°Aq20' | 28°Aq20' | |
8:06:54 PM | Mer | 0° | Nep | 28°Aq31' | 28°Aq31' | |
10:34:21 PM | Moon | 90° | Ves | 11°Li38' | 11°Cp38' | |
11:17:20 PM | Mar | 0° | Nep | 28°Aq31' | 28°Aq31' | |
Monday, February 21, 2011 | | | | | | |
Mercury and Mars are both one sign behind Uranus. The gain inside information that adds steam to their engine. This is innovative and reveals medical discovers from long standing research designed by the Scorpio Moon. Before 3:53 PM is not a period to make agreement. Continue to research until Mercury enters Pisces. Mercury will travel through Pisces until March 9th. | 2:09:34 AM | Mer | 30° | Ura | 28°Aq58' | 28°Pi58' |
4:47:08 AM | Moon | Pll | Sun | -10°35' | -10°36' | |
6:36:40 AM | Moon | 0° | Sat | 16°Li37' | 16°Li37' R | |
8:05:56 AM | Moon | 135° | Sun | 17°Li32' | 02°Pi32' | |
12:18:28 PM | Moon | 90° | Ven | 20°Li08' | 20°Cp08' | |
1:36:27 PM | Mar | 30° | Ura | 28°Aq59' | 28°Pi59' | |
2:44:07 PM | Moon | Pll | Mar | -12°47' | -12°48' | |
3:53:20 PM | Mer | 0° | Pis | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' | |
5:12:41 PM | Moon | Pll | Mer | -13°18' | -13°20' | |
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 | | | | | | |
Libra Moon is v/c at 3:34 AM until it enters Scorpio at 4:28 AM | 2:06:36 AM | Moon | 120° | Nep | 28°Li34' | 28°Aq34' |
2:51:58 AM | Moon | 150° | Ura | 29°Li01' | 29°Pi01' | |
3:34:41 AM | Moon | 120° | Mar | 29°Li27' | 29°Aq27' | |
4:09:43 AM | Mer | 0° | Chi | 00°Pi55' | 00°Pi55' | |
Tuesday Moon changes to Scorpio but must hold back its forward push until Mars enters Pisces at 8:05 PM. Do your research and drop anything that is tied to past agreements making this a good day to pay off a debt. Scorpio Moon trine Uranus | 4:28:40 AM | Moon | 0° | Sco | 00°Sc00' | 00°Sc00' |
Mars at the final moments of Aquarius maybe shouting from the ban wagon to unite people for the betterment of all. With Mars so late in the sign it may also hold mechanical problems and the general flow of things. After 8:05 PM Mars enters Pisces (until April 1st) where it functions behind the scenes which is not the best suit for Mars. Those marching on a mission gain momentum with this position. If your plans include medical procedures the Scorpio Moon trine Uranus assists in a very positive way. | 6:16:20 AM | Moon | 120° | Mer | 01°Sc04' | 01°Pi04' |
10:33:18 AM | Moon | 120° | Sun | 03°Sc39' | 03°Pi39' | |
12:44:35 PM | Mer | 135° | Sat | 01°Pi34' | 16°Li34' R | |
3:04:26 PM | Moon | 150° | Jup | 06°Sc21' | 06°AR21' | |
3:54:08 PM | Ura | Cpl | Jun | -01°01' | +01°01' | |
4:06:12 PM | Moon | 60° | Plu | 06°Sc58' | 06°Cp58' | |
8:05:53 PM | Mar | 0° | Pis | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' | |
10:48:16 PM | Moon | Pll | Plu | -18°45' | -18°46' | |
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 | | | | | | |
This is a Scorpio Moon not designed for lightweights so take a pro with you. The odds are great that you gain ground on Wednesday. | 1:06:16 AM | Mar | Pll | Nep | -12°24' | -12°24' |
This is an excellent day to move forward especially while involving a friend or a genius of your interest. | 1:36:55 AM | Mer | Pll | Nep | -12°24' | -12°24' |
| 1:56:26 AM | Mer | Pll | Mar | -12°24' | -12°24' |
This is not the day to sleep away although the temptation is great. If you do happen to fall asleep on the “job” you may miss something for good reason. Also program your dreams by setting your intentions for your goals to reach the greatest good. | 9:43:37 AM | Moon | Pll | Ven | -20°18' | -20°20' |
11:36:58 AM | Moon | Pll | Ves | -20°34' | -20°34' | |
2:29:59 PM | Moon | 90° | Cer | 20°Sc07' | 20°Aq07' | |
3:02:31 PM | Moon | Pll | Cer | -20°58' | -21°00' | |
7:10:11 PM | Moon | 60° | Ven | 22°Sc49' | 22°Cp49' | |
11:21:14 PM | Moon | 60° | Pal | 25°Sc13' | 25°Cp13' | |
Thursday, February 24, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Scorpio ends with an excellent trine to Uranus at 6:14 AM. The Moon is v/c from that point until 7:45 AM when the Moon enters Sagittarius and is not equipped to stabilize as reversals are the nature of the square between the Sag Moon and Uranus at the final days in Pisces. | 4:19:25 AM | Mar | 0° | Chi | 01°Pi03' | 01°Pi03' |
4:37:23 AM | Moon | 45° | Ves | 28°Sc13' | 13°Cp13' | |
5:22:30 AM | Moon | 90° | Nep | 28°Sc38' | 28°Aq38' | |
6:14:25 AM | Moon | 120° | Ura | 29°Sc08' | 29°Pi08' | |
7:26:40 AM | Pal | 120° | Jun | 25°Cp20' | 25°Vi20' R | |
Thursday Moon 90° Square Uranus at5 1:08 PM Saturn 2/26/2011. | 7:45:35 AM | Moon | 0° | Sag | 00°Sg00' | 00°Sg00' |
At 9:57 AM the Moon is square Mars in Pisces which could put you at odds with your surroundings. Your intuition may have information that is not readily available on the surface. Avoid conflict as it could snowball into an undesirable event or end. The morning transit hour could be haphazard. There is a Last Quarter Moon at 6° Sagittarius at 6:29 PM assures something happens this day and if may be payback of some sort going back 9 months, or 18 months or even as far back as 2.25 years ago when a New Moon in Sag started the whole thing. Something returns from that past that may be upsetting. Perhaps your travel plans must be changed due to extenuating circumstances. | 9:39:49 AM | Moon | 90° | Chi | 01°Sg04' | 01°Pi04' |
9:57:56 AM | Moon | 90° | Mar | 01°Sg14' | 01°Pi14' | |
10:23:00 AM | Moon | 45° | Sat | 01°Sg28' | 16°Li28' R | |
4:43:50 PM | Mar | 135° | Sat | 01°Pi28' | 16°Li28' R | |
5:45:15 PM | Moon | 90° | Mer | 05°Sg37' | 05°Pi37' | |
6:26:21 PM | Moon | 90° | Sun | 06°Sg00' | 06°Pi00' | |
7:58:08 PM | Moon | 120° | Jup | 06°Sg51' | 06°AR51' | |
8:16:12 PM | Moon | 30° | Plu | 07°Sg01' | 07°Cp01' | |
Friday, February 25, 2011 | | | | | | |
This day is quirky and complicated by sudden reversals and unforeseen problems. The Sun and Mercury join at 3:47 AM and may influence topics from Thursday night. By agreeing to do something because you feel pressured you might later wish you had a way out. 12:06 PM Mercury and Pluto wish to seize and opportunity however the consequences are great with Jupiter in a square to Pluto at 3:40 PM. The problems have far reaching effects and there are those that are forced to comply to demands of others. At 7:17 PM the Sun is 60° Pluto. Those that sit in similar seats find an opportunity to bridge a gap. As in a meeting of the heads of state in various countries or the United Nations. With Uranus at the end of the sign the quirky events are teased with radical movements and reversals in directions. | 3:32:02 AM | Nep | 45° | Ves | 28°Aq41' | 13°Cp41' |
3:47:36 AM | Sun | 0° | Mer | 06°Pi23' | 06°Pi23' | |
8:29:52 AM | Moon | 30° | Ves | 13°Sg47' | 13°Cp47' | |
11:39:24 AM | Mer | 30° | Jup | 07°Pi00' | 07°AR00' | |
12:06:10 PM | Mer | 60° | Plu | 07°Pi02' | 07°Cp02' | |
1:19:33 PM | Moon | 60° | Sat | 16°Sg25' | 16°Li25' R | |
3:40:11 PM | Jup | 90° | Plu | 07°AR02' | 07°Cp02' | |
4:17:49 PM | Ven | 120° | Jun | 25°Cp01' | 25°Vi01' R | |
7:17:29 PM | Sun | 60° | Plu | 07°Pi02' | 07°Cp02' | |
8:14:31 PM | Sun | 30° | Jup | 07°Pi04' | 07°AR04' | |
9:46:43 PM | Moon | 60° | Cer | 21°Sg01' | 21°Aq01' | |
Saturday, February 26, 2011 | | | | | | |
The Sagittarius Moon is void of course after a square to Uranus at 1:08 PM until 2:31 PM when the Moon enters Capricorn. | 4:59:18 AM | Moon | 90° | Jun | 24°Sg54' | 24°Vi54' R |
6:30:49 AM | Moon | 30° | Ven | 25°Sg43' | 25°Cp43' | |
12:09:02 PM | Moon | 60° | Nep | 28°Sg44' | 28°Aq44' | |
1:08:27 PM | Moon | 90° | Ura | 29°Sg15' | 29°Pi15' | |
Saturday, February 26, 2011 Moon enters Capricorn and moves through the sign with a positive flow allowing you to advance with your goals through Monday (2/28) night. Your attention calls to the business details of your life. The Moon will conjunct Pluto, square Jupiter in Aries and square Saturn in Libra on Sunday to end with lovely conjunction to Venus Monday and finally a opportunistic 60° sextile to Uranus on Monday night. | 2:31:37 PM | Moon | 0° | Cap | 00°Cp00' | 00°Cp00' |
| 3:03:56 PM | Ven | 0° | Pal | 26°Cp08' | 26°Cp08' |
4:50:48 PM | Moon | 60° | Chi | 01°Cp13' | 01°Pi13' | |
8:30:35 PM | Moon | 60° | Mar | 03°Cp10' | 03°Pi10' |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Report for Feb 19-26, 2011
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