Friday February 25, 2011 | | | | | | | |
This day is quirky and complicated by sudden reversals and unforeseen problems. The Sun and Mercury join at 3:47 AM and may influence topics from Thursday night. By agreeing to do something because you feel pressured you might later wish you had a way out. 12:06 PM Mercury and Pluto wish to seize and opportunity however the consequences are great with Jupiter in a square to Pluto at 3:40 PM. The problems have far reaching effects and there are those that are forced to comply to demands of others. At 7:17 PM the Sun is 60° Pluto. Those that sit in similar seats find an opportunity to bridge a gap. As in a meeting of the heads of state in various countries or the United Nations. With Uranus at the end of the sign the quirky events are teased with radical movements and reversals in directions. | 12:15:42 AM | Moon | 45° | Ven | | 09°Sg14' | 24°Cp14' |
2:44:51 AM | Moon | 45° | Pal | | 10°Sg36' | 25°Cp36' | |
3:32:02 AM | Nep | 45° | Ves | | 28°Aq41' | 13°Cp41' | |
3:47:36 AM | Sun | 0° | Mer | | 06°Pi23' | 06°Pi23' | |
8:29:52 AM | Moon | 30° | Ves | | 13°Sg47' | 13°Cp47' | |
11:39:24 AM | Mer | 30° | Jup | | 07°Pi00' | 07°AR00' | |
12:06:10 PM | Mer | 60° | Plu | | 07°Pi02' | 07°Cp02' | |
1:19:33 PM | Moon | 60° | Sat | | 16°Sg25' | 16°Li25' R | |
3:40:11 PM | Jup | 90° | Plu | | 07°AR02' | 07°Cp02' | |
4:17:49 PM | Ven | 120° | Jun | | 25°Cp01' | 25°Vi01' R | |
7:17:29 PM | Sun | 60° | Plu | | 07°Pi02' | 07°Cp02' | |
8:14:31 PM | Sun | 30° | Jup | | 07°Pi04' | 07°AR04' | |
9:46:43 PM | Moon | 60° | Cer | | 21°Sg01' | 21°Aq01' | |
Saturday February 26, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Impatience and unexpected twist The Sagittarius Moon is void of course after a square to Uranus at 1:08 PM until 2:31 PM when the Moon enters Capricorn then the mood changes for the better so hang on. I will be a Passim’s to hear Yani Batteau’s Band at 3:30 PM which includes Marty White on Bass Steve Sidley lead guitar and Clara Kabaian on violin. | 4:59:18 AM | Moon | 90° | Jun | | 24°Sg54' | 24°Vi54' R |
6:30:49 AM | Moon | 30° | Ven | | 25°Sg43' | 25°Cp43' | |
7:04:52 AM | Moon | 30° | Pal | | 26°Sg01' | 26°Cp01' | |
12:09:02 PM | Moon | 60° | Nep | | 28°Sg44' | 28°Aq44' | |
1:08:27 PM | Moon | 90° | Ura | | 29°Sg15' | 29°Pi15' | |
Saturday, Moon enters Capricorn and moves through the sign with a positive flow (as indicated with a green column) allowing you to advance with your goals through Monday (2/28) night. | 2:31:37 PM | Moon | 0° | Cap | | 00°Cp00' | 00°Cp00' |
Your attention calls to the business details of your life. The Moon will conjunct Pluto, square Jupiter in Aries and square Saturn in Libra on Sunday to end with lovely conjunction to Venus Monday and finally a opportunistic 60° sextile to Uranus on Monday night. What it adds up to is a meeting with those making the rules and funding your projects. Consider asking how to bend the rules Monday morning. | 3:03:56 PM | Ven | 0° | Pal | | 26°Cp08' | 26°Cp08' |
4:50:48 PM | Moon | 60° | Chi | | 01°Cp13' | 01°Pi13' | |
8:30:35 PM | Moon | 60° | Mar | | 03°Cp10' | 03°Pi10' | |
Sunday February 27, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The Moon is in Capricorn and is not warm and fuzzy in this sign. Instead it is all business and there are old wounds in business that Saturn and Chiron are processing throughout the day. The intention is to fix or bring on success and the odds are good. When addressing the seat at the top you must honor their position. It is a good day to move forward. Give your business a new look. Later in the evening the Moon is headed for a square to Saturn so there is an obstacle course ahead. You may experience a low mood by evening, Don’t give up as there is likely to be a new twist to an old matter. | 2:47:40 AM | Moon | 45° | Cer | | 06°Cp29' | 21°Aq29' |
3:54:20 AM | Moon | 0° | Plu | | 07°Cp04' | 07°Cp04' | |
4:30:25 AM | Moon | 90° | Jup | | 07°Cp23' | 07°AR23' | |
6:40:29 AM | Moon | 60° | Sun | | 08°Cp31' | 08°Pi31' | |
10:47:32 AM | Moon | 60° | Mer | | 10°Cp40' | 10°Pi40' | |
4:44:05 PM | Moon | 45° | Nep | | 13°Cp46' | 28°Aq46' | |
6:59:53 PM | Moon | 0° | Ves | | 14°Cp57' | 14°Cp57' | |
7:50:30 PM | Sat | 135° | Chi | | 16°Li18' R | 01°Pi18' | |
9:35:50 PM | Moon | 90° | Sat | | 16°Cp18' | 16°Li18' R | |
9:36:52 PM | Moon | 45° | Chi | | 16°Cp18' | 01°Pi18' | |
10:20:17 PM | Mer | 45° | Pal | | 11°Pi35' | 26°Cp35' | |
Monday, February 28, 2011 | | | | | | | |
This is a good day to move forward with plenty of motivation as you are able to gain ground with innovative ideas and the cooperation of those in a position of decision making. The. There is money to be found and a unique way of conducting your affairs. Green light until 11:03 PM. The issues of the day are concerned with supplies. Someone is holding back when there is no need. The stall is serious with a power play that must find compromise or it dries up. 4:58 PM Pluto 45° Ceres in Aquarius. | 10:13:27 AM | Moon | Pll | Ven | | -19°35' | -19°35' |
2:09:29 PM | Moon | 45° | Sun | | 24°Cp50' | 09°Pi50' | |
4:36:09 PM | Moon | Pll | Plu | | -18°44' | -18°46' | |
4:58:27 PM | Plu | 45° | Cer | | 07°Cp06' | 22°Aq06' | |
6:07:01 PM | Moon | 0° | Pal | | 26°Cp52' | 26°Cp52' | |
9:04:52 PM | Moon | 45° | Mer | | 28°Cp23' | 13°Pi23' | |
9:22:50 PM | Ves | Pll | Cer | | -20°26' | -20°26' | |
9:57:24 PM | Moon | 0° | Ven | | 28°Cp50' | 28°Cp50' | |
11:03:02 PM | Moon | 60° | Ura | | 29°Cp23' | 29°Pi23' | |
Tuesday, March 01, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Moon enter Aquarius with a change in plans expected as Venus prepares to leave Capricorn for Aquarius at 9:38 PM. | 12:14:19 AM | Moon | 0° | Aqu | | 00°Aq00' | 00°Aq00' |
During the major part of the day you may be inclined to spend on your business or hire a woman or new money manager. However there is change in the wind as the key player; whether it be the funds or the person is leaving for a more public position. If it be the funds you may need to gain group approval ahead of time or find you share has allocated or distributed among others. | 2:58:42 AM | Moon | 30° | Chi | | 01°Aq23' | 01°Pi23' |
8:37:33 AM | Sun | Pll | Mer | | -07°35' | -07°35' | |
9:49:06 AM | Ven | 60° | Ura | | 29°Cp25' | 29°Pi25' | |
10:26:43 AM | Mer | 45° | Ven | | 14°Pi26' | 29°Cp26' | |
10:28:57 AM | Moon | 30° | Mar | | 05°Aq12' | 05°Pi12' | |
3:53:18 PM | Moon | 60° | Jup | | 07°Aq57' | 07°AR57' | |
9:07:39 PM | Jup | Pll | Jun | | +02°09' | +02°09' | |
Start the green light when Venus enters Aquarius at 9:38 PM until March 27th. The revolution is the nature of Aquarius. Friendship and camaraderie is the bonding factor. Affections are detached and uninvolved but not for a lack of connection but for expanded experience. Unconventional combinations bring interest and unusual partnerships. Clinging vines must take a look at their behavior as the Aquarius nature calls more open alignments. People join in like-minded groups and find each other on common ground. Gatherings for the advancement of social causes form spontaneously. For a time, the intellectual exchange becomes more attractive than the emotional and physical activities. Keep the focus on the friendship and relationships will develop. | 9:38:47 PM | Ven | 0° | Aqu | | 00°Aq00' | 00°Aq00' |
10:17:11 PM | Moon | 30° | Sun | | 11°Aq11' | 11°Pi11' | |
Wednesday, March 02, 2011 | | | | | | | |
This is a good day to move forward if you have a vision. | 2:33:44 AM | Mer | Cpl | Pal | | -06°57' | +06°57' |
There are complications that emerge unexpectedly in the morning when Mercury and Saturn are 150° at 8:02 AM. Allow extra time for logistics, mechanical and traffic problems. The mess at the start of the day could lead to a job for someone later. In the evening bring like minded people together for an exchange of ideas. There are those of considerable influence and you could meet with highly qualified minds. Consult about your next step but be available to help the group as well. | 8:02:50 AM | Mer | 150° | Sat | | 16°Pi10' | 16°Li10' R |
8:03:50 AM | Sat | 90° | Ves | | 16°Li10' R | 16°Cp10' | |
8:10:16 AM | Moon | 120° | Sat | | 16°Aq10' | 16°Li10' R | |
8:10:33 AM | Moon | 30° | Ves | | 16°Aq10' | 16°Cp10' | |
9:21:02 AM | Moon | Pll | Nep | | -12°18' | -12°19' | |
7:30:12 PM | Sun | Cpl | Pal | | -07°01' | +07°01' | |
9:13:26 PM | Moon | Pll | Mar | | -10°09' | -10°09' | |
9:40:42 PM | Moon | 0° | Cer | | 22°Aq57' | 22°Aq57' | |
11:18:52 PM | Moon | 150° | Jun | | 23°Aq46' | 23°Vi46' R | |
Thursday, March 03, 2011 | | | | | | | |
Get up early and take advantage of the positive energy before 9:36 AM although we are in the dark Moon period by 1:30 AM Thursday. The Moon is void of course from 9:36 AM until 11:46 AM when the Moon enters Pisces. | 9:36:31 AM | Moon | 0° | Nep | | 28°Aq55' | 28°Aq55' |
10:50:09 AM | Moon | 30° | Ura | | 29°Aq31' | 29°Pi31' | |
Pisces Moon until Sunday March 6. | 11:46:34 AM | Moon | 0° | Pis | | 00°Pi00' | 00°Pi00' |
There are conversations going on behind the scenes and Mars and Pluto are planning to take advantage of a major opportunity by 9:52 PM when the form at 60° aspect. It is a good day to work alone and plow through a tough project. Ask for help and look in on others. There can be a positive outcome with a rebel cause during this Pisces Moon. Taking direct action may be a source of trouble later. It is time to respond not initiate during the Dark Moon period that runs until Sunday morning. Expect the unexpected for the entire Pisces Moon. People coming out of the woodwork of your past. Secrets revealed. Cover-ups. Large scale problems taking place behind closed doors. | 1:23:31 PM | Sun | 45° | Pal | | 12°Pi49' | 27°Cp49' |
1:58:45 PM | Moon | 135° | Sat | | 01°Pi05' | 16°Li05' R | |
2:20:52 PM | Mer | Pll | Chi | | -05°40' | -05°40' | |
3:17:48 PM | Moon | Pll | Sun | | -06°42' | -06°42' | |
9:52:06 PM | Mar | 60° | Plu | | 07°Pi09' | 07°Cp09' | |
9:59:13 PM | Moon | Pll | Mer | | -05°24' | -05°24' | |
Friday, March 04, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The day leads up to the New Moon in Pisces at the 14th degree at 3:45 PM. This is loaded with the gun of those on a mission. The sacrifices could be significant. Those in any seat of power might be afraid their job is at stake. Even within the office people might be scrambling over their jobs. This is an excellent time to participate in group prayer for world peace. The spiritual efforts show great results with this New Moon. | 2:09:53 AM | Moon | 60° | Plu | | 07°Pi10' | 07°Cp10' |
2:27:43 AM | Moon | 0° | Mar | | 07°Pi19' | 07°Pi18' | |
4:55:06 AM | Moon | 30° | Jup | | 08°Pi32' | 08°AR32' | |
5:31:52 AM | Jun | 150° | Cer | | 23°Vi27' R | 23°Aq27' | |
5:53:10 AM | Moon | Pll | Sat | | -03°50' | -03°50' | |
12:13:10 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jun | | -02°34' | +02°34' | |
1:07:30 PM | Moon | Cpl | Jup | | -02°24' | +02°24' | |
2:14:40 PM | Moon | 45° | Pal | | 13°Pi10' | 28°Cp10' | |
New Moon 13°55 Pisces at 3:45 PM | 3:45:52 PM | Moon | 0° | Sun | | 13°Pi55' | 13°Pi55' |
Jupiter is called in to assist serious Ceres on her mission. As Pluto remained stubborn since Monday Jupiter will negotiate a deal with Pluto. Look for gains and money and love as Venus and Pluto align in a parallel. All for Friday. The green light continues for behind the scene activities through late Saturday night, March 6. | 6:17:16 PM | Jup | 45° | Cer | | 08°AR40' | 23°Aq40' |
7:13:00 PM | Ven | Pll | Plu | | -18°45' | -18°45' | |
7:59:56 PM | Moon | 150° | Sat | | 16°Pi01' | 16°Li01' R | |
9:06:34 PM | Moon | Pll | Ura | | -00°48' | -00°48' | |
10:47:12 PM | Moon | 60° | Ves | | 17°Pi24' | 17°Cp24' | |
Saturday, March 05, 2011 | | | | | | | |
The Pisces Moon is pumping up the rebellion. You have a green light all day for your efforts behind the scenes. You have a sharp and focused mine with an alignment of Mercury and Saturn. Expect the unexpected for the entire Pisces Moon. People coming out of the woodwork of your past. Secrets revealed. Cover-ups. Large scale problems taking place behind closed doors. | 1:27:51 AM | Moon | 45° | Ven | | 18°Pi44' | 03°Aq44' |
5:06:53 AM | Moon | Cpl | Ura | | +00°47' | -00°47' | |
7:55:56 AM | Moon | 0° | Mer | | 21°Pi56' | 21°Pi56' | |
10:24:40 AM | Moon | 180° | Jun | | 23°Pi09' | 23°Vi09' R | |
11:59:50 AM | Moon | 30° | Cer | | 23°Pi57' | 23°Aq57' | |
1:38:10 PM | Moon | Pll | Jup | | +02°29' | +02°29' | |
2:59:21 PM | Moon | Pll | Jun | | +02°45' | +02°45' | |
| 5:22:35 PM | Mer | Pll | Sat | | -03°48' | -03°48' |
7:47:37 PM | Moon | Cpl | Mer | | +03°42' | -03°42' | |
8:14:09 PM | Moon | Cpl | Sat | | +03°47' | -03°48' | |
9:24:17 PM | Moon | 60° | Pal | | 28°Pi36' | 28°Cp36' | |
9:44:10 PM | Mer | 180° | Jun | | 23°Pi02' | 23°Vi02' R | |
10:13:44 PM | Moon | 30° | Nep | | 29°Pi00' | 29°Aq00' | |
11:33:48 PM | Moon | 0° | Ura | | 29°Pi40' | 29°Pi40' |
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, February 26, 2011
For Friday Feb 25 - Saturday March 5 2011. I'd love to read your comments or call me at 617-924-0929..
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