The Sun, Venus and Mercury take the stage for something special on Tuesday. This adds to the likelihood of introductions and love connections. Choose your direction in life or find your voice with this brilliant trio at 24th degree of Leo.
Saturday Aug 13. The Aquarius Moon is Full and bright in the sky. At 2:57 PM the exact moment of the Full Moon occurs at 20° Aquarius 41'. This is a good time to reach out to an audience or connect with friends and old loves. In my book Lunar Shadows III you can find a full description of the meaning of a Full Moon. Learn what people want during this time along with the best use of this type of energy, in Chapter 2. Full Moons come with a history and this one dates back to Feb 14, 2010. There was more to the story in Nov 13, 2010 and now it comes out into the open. The last piece of this story is revealed in nine months at the Last Quarter Moon May 12, 2012. You may also find connections to a solar eclipse that occurred nearly this point Feb 1999 or even the solar eclipse on Feb 2008 can be connected. This Full Moon is tightly connected, by a 45° angle, to this past week's Mars-Uranus-Pluto configurations. If you were not effect then you may become broadly aware of what it means to you over the next couple of days as the Full Moon shines light on relevant issues and exposes the voice of the people; the direction of a particular group or organization and presents a political bandwagon. There are a couple of aspects to note for Saturday night both involving Venus. Venus is at odds with Pluto when jealousy strikes and money is the only thing left to battle over. Later the marriage indicator, Juno is at odds with Venus. The marriage may be tossing around its embedded problems. This is not a good aspect to engage in a new relationship. The Aries Moon on Tuesday, Wednesday are best.
Sunday Aug 14. There are iffy results to your efforts on this day. The Aquarius Moon ends with a conjunction to retrograde Neptune. The result of this Moon sign could be a wash or magical but realize there are no magic carpet rides without a hitch. The void of course Moon begins at 8:25 AM until 8:54 AM.
Again for Sunday Aug 14. After the Moon enters Pisces start a Green Light Day. The Moon enters Pisces at 8:54 AM and acts like a lucky charm with two and a half days of positive energy to move forward. Nothing stands in the way of what you need. Remember others that need your support during this Pisces Moon period through Tuesday night.
Monday Aug 15. A Green Light Day. The Pisces Moon is uncomplicated by too many planetary aspects. There is a split parallel of the Sun and Ceres. This places the focus on food supplies and services to those in need.
Tuesday Aug 16. A Green Light Day. This is a big day for the personal planets when The Sun Mercury and Venus all join at the 24th degree of Leo. It appears as a shinny piece of gold or a new star arrives. However the past is represented by the Pisces Moon. After the Moon is 150° quincunx the Sun, it enjoys a fine conjunction of the Sun and Venus at 8:07 AM. Love, money, sweets and rich foods. This day may have an air of fun and playfulness. A need to express your love, appreciation and affections are a priority with this conjunction. There is a desire to socialize and there are strong powers of attraction of love, enjoyment of aesthetics; harmony, creativity, and the arts and a desire to take action in these areas. There is a receptive friendliness in the air. There is a promotion of positive emotions and expressions of love. There is a desire to join with others. For personal relationships of both intimate or friendship, there may be more social opportunities for meeting new people that might become important you for many years. If they are people you have been involved with before, even better as Mercury is retrograde. It is time to make esthetic choices. All choices come from the heart. Get exactly what you want. In business you might choose this time to enhance your public and business relations. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive long lasting impression.
The void of course Moon period begins when the Moon makes its final aspect and this will be at 1:07 PM until 8:01 PM. when split parallel to Saturn. Something is given serious consideration which could be revealed on Wednesday. There are good advisors around but talk of discord makes people choose between loyalties and a winning ticket. Some may try to draft a front runner from the past. Later retrograde Mercury joins Venus at 24° Leo at 7:20 PM. This is a significant aspect that signals a turn of direction. We may all find ourselves faced with an important decision. Taking action may be a process and not an event. Someone finds their voice and moves along an important route. Maybe a woman emerges as the most powerful voice. The Pisces v/c period may not be a hindrance for success as there is unusual support from private benefactors.
Sticking with Tuesday Aug 16. The Moon enters Aries at 8:01 PM and brings a few good green light days through 7:49 AM on Friday Aug 16. The Aries Moon brings another very lucky green light after 8:01 PM. There is a terrific opportunity to move forward with an idea. If you are able to launch something for the second time around you have a lucky charm with the Sun and Jupiter aligned with a nice long term parallel (exact at 10:02 PM). Mercury is retrograde and conjunct the Sun at 9:03 PM. Statements and announcements are made that could be reversed later. Those announcing candidacy for office under retrograde Mercury might struggle to stay in the race. Those taking their first shot at something or filing a court case first time around may fail.
Wednesday Aug 17. Green Light. Great Day for Mercury retrograde. Try whatever you have tried before and failed or just want to try again. The Aries Moon wants to move things right along and there are a couple of snags. For one the couple, money and drive are not a good match as they battle over ego and family obligations or the man who wants children and the woman who enjoys her career when Venus and Mars clash at 45° angle at 12:26 AM. Later the Sun and Mars (45°) crank up the heat and add anger to the mix at 3:06 PM. At 9:24 PM Mars and Vesta which are both traveling out-of-bounds (oob) in renegade territory collide from two totally different camps. They might decide to work together on a hot project. Or you might just need a new stove. This pair can create large flames and with the Aries Moon to fan the blaze. Mars remains oob until Aug 21 and Vesta does not come back into the corral until Oct 31. Investments could be profitable in the short run.
Thursday Aug 18- Green Light Day. Aries Moon is anxious to get the ball rolling and has a great opportunity to succeed with Mars and Jupiter at a 60° angle. This is positive Try again. Look for work in the field that you love with the help of Venus and Ceres aligned for seal the deal. Ceres can be the glue that bonds. Venus can be the money, friend or lover.
Friday Aug 19- The Aries Moon is great up until 7:49 AM when it goes void of course until 8:36 AM. If you can rise early and send off important messages or head out on your trip before the v/c period you bring that momentum into your day.
Still on Friday Aug 19 -The Moon enters Taurus at 8:36 AM until next Sunday night and the mood changes. Do not sign or agree to anything important as disappointment and vanishing resources are likely. There is not another green light period in sight until Tuesday morning Aug 23. For Friday the Taurus Moon is haunted by the whims of Neptune; bringing a layer of confusion or disappointment over the primary issues which tend to be money or family values during a Taurus Moon sign. Something disappears or fails to participate or perform. A lucky break presents itself at 6:00 PM when Venus and Jupiter (parallel) gain the support they have been seeking perhaps with money or social standing but risk it not at the cost of those that have been there all along. This aspect does make this day good for a one time only event where you have no expectations. A lottery ticket is an example of a small investment without great consequence. Enjoy and play on this day for the best use of this energy.
Saturday Aug 20. The Taurus Moon is not favorable for major decisions. Taurus is great for food and simple pleasures.
Sunday Aug 21- First Quarter Moon at 5:54 PM at 28° Taurus 29'. Taurus Moon signals a squabble with Venus in Leo and attempts to challenge her but Venus leaves the sign before the Moon gets a chance. Venus represents the money or a woman with a high standing or high profile to step into a service role.
After the Sun enters Virgo Tues 7:39 AM Green Light.
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