Monday, August 22, 2011

The Radio Report transcribed for Aug 20-26, 2011

Sat Aug 20 2011 – Sat Aug 27 2011 - audio report
Transcribed from the audio version of the WZBC 90.3 radio report Saturday August 20th at 9:30 AM.
Good morning. We have a whole lot of things going on. One of the things is a sense that we are blocked which is accompanied by a feeling of frustration. Often this is accompanied by hard energy, hard work, and difficulties. This is defined by a square between Mars and Saturn that’s coming up on Thursday morning 8/25/11. It appears that many blocks are related to family situations regarding work and the economy and more. Mars is in the sign of Cancer. Saturn is in the sign of Libra leading to difficult issues with relationships on all levels whether the issues stem between countries down to individuals. We might be facing changes in decisions that have been made about the design of our family structure. You may be looking at how to move along with business and adapt to the rapid changes. Events have an urgency or suddenness such as people being fired, people quitting, people dying and things turn upside down in the four corners of our lives; i.e. me vs. you and home vs. career. That is what’s happening with a surprise element to it. The back drop planetary aspect to all of this is the Uranus square Pluto (both planets are currently retrograde. Uranus is the ruler of the surprise element. Pluto rules all the deep subjects and then, here comes Mars and Saturn in a difficult square. Actually after this aspect is complete we may feel like there is a break in this mood and the changes that come about might feel increasingly more open, hopefully so.
8/20/11 For Saturday we have a Taurus Moon. The Taurus Moon is filled with the kind of activities that focus on family and tradition and the things we want to remain the same. This Taurus Moon has several complications involved with it. One of the things is that Venus will change signs saying that there is an important female that leaves the situation or changes her mind. There is actually a squabble between the Taurus Moon and Venus that is not voiced because the Venus person changes their mind or leaves before the conflict is addressed. Later the Moon will square Neptune before it leaves the sign. All of which says issues are large regarding money and love. Any attempt to change the plans of the foundation of important things which are traditional or kind of etched in stone by the family might fail. There is this distracted or disruptive quality to matters on Saturday. For today and tonight I think that if there should be pleasantness to it, as Taurus usually accompanies lots of good food and pleasant surroundings.
8/21/2011 Sunday there is an aspect between Venus and Saturn early in the morning and it is difficult in regards to relationships. It can feel a bit depressing. That’s another thing people have been complaining about is that sense of depression of which I contribute to the Mars-Saturn square. I believe when this square begins to separate the complaints of depression will begin lift.
Again for Sunday when we have that Taurus Moon the other aspects are the Sun in Neptune, they form a split parallel. Then Venus in Neptune will oppose. This is some sort of confusion. This could be something on television in a big way. Something to do with a woman leaving a position- Maybe it is Hillary Clinton, I don’t know. Perhaps an important female makes a change or makes a statement in some way that is important. There is a quarter Moon at 5:54 pm. It is a Last Quarter Moon at 28 degrees of Taurus. This one has the Sun right at that Mars-Saturn midpoint with an emphasis going on: Something being cut off, something being done, something finishing or being thrown out in some way. Mercury is still retrograde - so all these things are subject to reversals. That will be a help, especially if you are not pleased with the outcome. Venus does change signs on Sunday evening at 6:10 pm. You may have a different picture after that event. You learn what the issues were. So this star person, this woman or this person, who is in a very favorable position in a star position, moves into a service position. Things become a little more focused on work and money for work and things of that nature. The Sun and Ceres make a 150 degree aspect. This often refers to matters about children and food and cycles and perhaps there is more news about shortages including medication. Maybe there are ways to replenish the shelves: the food shelves, the medication shelves. Also look after kids very closely and pets very closely as well with that quincunx. Then the Moon changes signs after the void of course Moon period which is from 7:59PM Sunday until 8:52PM on Sunday night.
Then the Moon enters Gemini. The Gemini Moon is also complicated. No green light for now. Not today, not tomorrow (Sunday), and not on Monday. Because there are too many issues going on that make it expensive and costly in so many different ways. Your head could be churning around and around due to a 1:24AM aspect on Monday morning when Mercury is in a 135 degree aspect to Pluto. Those things get sorted out so try to let that go. Try to meditate on a positive outcome or chant your way into a sleep so that you can get some rest and deal with the day. There is some heavy energy with the Sun and Saturn at 12:12PM with a 45° semi-square. This aspect indicates locking horns with authority figures or finding that you feel there is more or you want to move forward and are aware of the blocks. It’s also a high point of a difficult Mars-Saturn aspect. But that Mars Saturn aspect is not all bad. It does bring about some agreements between people, long term agreements and commitments and the Sun-Saturn aspect on Monday afternoon could signal a change in an authority position. It will force an issue to budge off a stalemate position. There are a couple of more Sun aspects. At 5:06PM the Sun and Mercury join together (conjunction) for long term introduction or long term agreements brought to the table. Avoid sign papers if you can until after Tuesday morning at 7:20 in the morning. Take it home and read it over. Just stall until you are able to get that green light on Tuesday with room for revisions because Mercury remains retrograde.

8/22/11 For Monday the Sun and Neptune oppose at 7:25 pm. Indicating a significant blind spot presents a problem. This begins foggy confusion and twisted or missing information. It can also do that to the weather. You might be attempting to take direct action or feel or find out later that you are actually seriously lost. So wait on that. Also there is a chance to feel you are being swept off your feet with little knowledge of the other person: Such as your knight in shinning armor is very temporary or is about to leave or change their situation. It is possible that they are about to leave an existing mate and be available for another agenda later. But I would not want to step into that while that change was going on. The positive view of the Sun opposite Neptune is that it always seems to bring an anesthetic effect. You don’t want to trust it to make any plans or etch anything in stone. So once again wild weather would be expected for Monday night, could even be Tuesday.

8/23/11 For Tuesday the Gemini Moon is still with us. Venus and Neptune align once again this time in a split parallel and that aspect is romantic. It has sort of a dreamy view of how plans should take place. Jupiter and Palace Athena align: so these are the smart ones, the wisdom makers, 7:14AM- that will last all day long. Helps you to find good counsel, sort things through, and also it can be a lucky charm in many ways. Then the Sun enters Virgo at 7:20AMand this is until the 23rd of September. We have a Virgo Sun. That helps us get down to business, Return to work, and look for matters to be moving in the right direction. There is a very nice aspect between Mercury and Venus at 12:18 pm. Last week we saw them conjunct. Here they are conjunct sort of once again when they align in a parallel configuration. This allows for long term meetings. People that you meet you could take it to your future. These are positive relationships that are being built with this aspect. Also these could make for very favorable conditions for signing things. So this is your green light day with that Mercury Venus aspect. All the bright ideas that emerge you’ll be able to present them to the boss. The boss asks to see these bright ideas be put into action. There is a call for meetings of the minds share ideas at the table and try to work things out. You may become aware of new avenues, new people, helpful support and possibly romance with that Mercury and Venus. Conversations seem to flow easily and new plans can be made. Late night Tuesday there might be a call out of the blue with a message linked to a story you’ve been trying to decipher. The aspect is Mercury and Neptune in a split parallel. Mercury is retrograde so some of these pieces of information are fragments of things that might allow you to put two and two together.

8/24/11 Wednesday. There is a void of course Moon period Wednesday morning from 5:33AMuntil 6:30 in the morning when the Moon enters cancer. The Cancer Moon is another green light period. So we have a couple of days there to move forward. So what ever it is you’re planning on doing with the family or with people who are close. Cancer Moons are great for insider information. If you’ve been invited into a circle or if you have any invitations at all that are outside family then that means they consider you very close, insider. If there are family issues, there might be somewhat of a coming together surround the issues of problems from the past. With Mercury headed towards it stationary point there could be decisions that are made in regard to family plans maybe moving, moving older family members into places that are better suited for them. There is a Venus and Uranus aspect 7:20 pm. This may be a call to action from close friends. You might feel as though you are compelled to help. The problem might mean there is a medical issue and there also could be a need for lending cash or borrowing cash, may be even from a friend. So money could be or cost could be an issue. At 8:48PM on Wednesday Saturn and Neptune are at a 135 degree aspect. That is a cranky one. It always accompanies a shift, a change in oil prices. We see now that oil prices are falling right on time. We very often see things occur, especially with Saturn and Neptune; those slow moving planets a good week ahead if time. In our own lives you might see the business fluctuations which affect the foundation of daily needs. The Saturn and Neptune aspect might support a release of that creative block. That’s a positive turn that allows you to see past or create paths. That is part of what much of this major shift is about. Along with the square between Uranus and Pluto we are reinventing who we are and how we live. This is the time to make room for a whole new way of life.

8/24/11 For Thursday the Cancer Moon lightens up as the day moves on. We start out with a couple of tough aspects: first Mars and Neptune form a 135° aspect. This is an indication of wet, foggy and cloudy weather or the same describes the surrounding issues of matters or ideas. This is early in the morning but it will influence the day because of the fact Mars is square Saturn and Saturn in Neptune still maintain their configuration from Wednesday so Mars is just setting that off and the Moon is in with it. So boy, it should be kind of a busy day. Lots of news makers on that day. There also could be matters about money that reveal themselves or release if you have been trying to find money: Because there is a real good aspect at the end of the Cancer Moon aligns with Pluto, which can be described as Mr. Money Bags. Hopefully there is an opening to make that connection. Although there are ties attached to it with Venus and Pluto in an aspect at 7:12 pm. With this aspect you may gain enough money to repay some debts and have some left over for some personal pleasures. During the void of course Moon period Mercury and Uranus may startle your late night with an abrupt voice or the sound of things that go-bump-in-the-night as retrograde Mercury and retrograde Uranus twist or toss something. This could be twist of conversation, or an animal needs your assistance in the middle of the night. You’re going to want to try to take things as lightly as possible. Tend to whatever needs that you need to take care of: maybe the kids wake up, need to say something in the middle of the night. There are soothing changes coming up that show that things will work out later. The Moon is void of course from 10:29 PM after it is split parallel to Pluto until Friday afternoon.

8/26/11 For Friday is the day that Mercury turns direct, but not until 6:02 pm. The Moon is void of course really starting from Thursday night at 10:29PM right until 12:08PM on Friday. In case you are wondering what that means; a void of course Moon period a break in activity in some way. Many subjects are unpredictable preventing you from making solid decisions. You might view a v/c period as creative play from the universe which at times can present positive new things during void of course Moons. It is a good idea to let things come to you and avoid direct actions such as signing papers or making important purchases during a void of course Moon period. The Moon is v/c all of Friday morning. Then the Moon arrives in the sign of Leo. The Leo Moon is complicated and risky this time around because of major unforeseen complications. There reason being is that the Moon will oppose Neptune indicating that we’re missing something in the big picture. Or some of the information is either wrong or lied about. If deceit is present it could be revealed. With Mercury about to turn direct a voice emerges with what really happened. The Mercury direct station occurs at 18° Leo and it reflects on the period around the earthquake in Turkey in 1999. Another reference is in 2009 when there was a lunar eclipse in February of that year. This marked when President Obama was struggling to fill his cabinet posts after the inauguration. He took office, by the way during a Venus retrograde period. Venus is one of the rulers of the economy. When he took office it was on the verge of collapse. Bush practically turned the office over to the elected president before he was sworn in. Certainly we continue to struggle with the economy and the many stalemates in government. That’s it for the week. It’s busy and complicated. Good luck.

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