Saturday, March 10, 2012

Now is the time to buy your copy of Lunar Shadows III. The lunar phases this month are directly connected to the end of the Mayan Calendar. Follow me on

For the week of March 10 – March 17, 2012.

Mars has been retrograde since Jan 23 but is winding down its retro cycle over the next month when on April 13 it will turn direct. In the meanwhile, Mercury joins the retrograde club on Monday at 3:39 AM. This is likely to bring nearly a month of mismatched pieces to a complicated puzzle. It won’t be too hard to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. You may be busier then ever before. You may need to fix and re-fix the entire month.
This is a time when there is a need to research at every turn. A good use of this time is to set your designs on paper. Let them sit for a while then consider that you may have left something out. Things will come to you that may complicate matters further or there interesting possibilities emerge. Some of which could be highly beneficial especially for events in the summer months.
There is an amazing Grand Earth Trine involving Venus & Jupiter in Taurus at 120° to Mars in Virgo connected by another 120° to Pluto in Capricorn. This is a grand harmonious energy for matters that involve the expansion of money, labor and executive business decisions. For plans involving a business merger this may be an ideal platform to secure a financial future.
For personal matters there could be a larger benefit than you had imagined. To avoid sleeping through this lovely yet lazy set of events (beginning after midnight Tuesday morning through Wednesday night) try to book a strong agenda and avoid long periods of down time.
There are Green Light days; today until 10:09 PM EST. then Monday 3:489 AM until 2:30 PM. Tuesday at 2:53 AM until Thursday at 3:34 AM. During these periods expect to redo, renew or review your efforts but do move forward. The very best way to manage these times is to go back over older material or projects and finish what is undone. You could salvage things in a major way for something better later in the summer months.

The week Day by Day.
Saturday Mar 10. The Libra Moon today offers a Green Light to forward your goals right through until 10:09 PM when the Moon joins Saturn. That also indicates the green light toward practical matters and those that involve personal relationship plans to marry or divorce. Business partners may also be considered. Plans for elderly family members are high on the list as many options emerge but there are waiting lists.

As a date night it might be better spent quietly without high expectations. The Moon is void of course from 10:09 PM until 12:23 AM Sunday.
Sunday Mar 11 - before daylight savings time begins at 2 AM the Moon will enter the intense sign of Scorpio through Tuesday morning. Here during the Scorpio Moon sign Mercury will turn retrograde on Monday morning. Until that time it is a period set up for reversals. Any announcements during this window can be reversed or plans can be dropped. If you wish for that to happen then go ahead but if this would upset your goals hold back. Wait until after Mercury’s change in direction Monday at 349 AM.
Sunday There are plenty of sensitive matters in regard to investment and commitment. Mercury joins with Vesta 3:17 AM – the asteroid that rules commitments and investments of all sorts but those that are connected to real estate and housing in general. You may learn of something that is a great deal. If you have found something you would like to buy or invest in then there is something of value to be investigated more deeply. Venus (love & money) and Juno (beautification, fashion, honors and marriage.) link for a task that may be complicated at 8: 06 AM.
Mercury and Venus connect to exchange ideas about money and relationship matters and perhaps plans for the future at 11:46 AM. This too may note complicated technicalities.
Monday Mar 12. Scorpio Moon - Mercury turns retrograde through April 4. – The aspects of Mercury at this station speak to partnerships that have proven an interest to commit or invest. There may be announcement or plans made in regard to couples, business partners or others that wish to align. This is a time to work over ther details and sign the dotted line after Mercury turns direct on April 4 but keep in mind that Mars continues to be retrograde until April 13.

Monday After 3:48 AM the Scorpio Moon has no further obstacles and offers a period of unobstructed direction until 2:29 PM while the Moon applies a nice 120° aspect to the Sun.
After 2:29 PM the Moon is v/c until 2:53 AM on Tuesday. In the meanwhile there are a couple of aspects to mention.

Monday Mars split parallel Neptune - This aspect ignites backlash for previous difficulties, confusion and misguided directions. Those on a religious mission meet with internal differences. Perhaps someone intentionally attempts to throw someone off track or otherwise be involved in sabotage. If there is public knowledge of a plan washed up or how someone's poor judgment had an adverse effect on others, it might be assumed that the consequences may have already been paid. Those having problems with substance abuse may find a respite or temporary intervention.
For personal use: Learn more about the people you may invite into your life.
For business: What is the big picture and who holds the key to the next stage in your plan.
Tuesday at 12:43 AM Jupiter trine Pluto adds very powerful financial support for any expansion for home or business and is likely to find release on this day. Money for investment, and family and house expansion are greatly supported. Travel abroad for reasons of financial or show of power is also indicated. This propelling aspect produces confidence, persistence that supports your most powerful assets. Make the most of any opportunity.
For personal use: This could be a big day for your career or financial security. Go for it today.
For business: If you have been waiting a long time for your ship to come, don't waste time waiting at the dock. Answer the phone, open the door and sign your agreements.

Tuesday Mar 13- the Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:53 AM beginning a Green Light period until Thursday morning at 3:34 AM. The reason is that the Moon is 60° Saturn. This indicates an opportunity to take care of business in regard to foreign matters or extended education. Trips and contacts with those abroad can be very beneficial.
3:14 AM Mars opposite Pallas (the wise advisor) and causes a clash.
At 4:23 AM Mercury is trine Juno. – More about marriages and other mergers.

The remainder of Tuesday is uncomplicated by disruptive angles between the planets and finds Another 120° trine aspect - this time between Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn at 9:27 PM. A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. Expect to have a ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent.. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Motivations bring ease in a crowd. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Insatiable desires. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Bonding within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions.
For personal use: Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood.
For business use: An opportunity for a smooth connection to the person holding the key to the bank in a social setting.
Wednesday Mar 14. Wow what a lovely astrological sight on the heels of the Venus trine Pluto there are four additional aspects involving – Venus sits with Jupiter and draws a 120° to Mars that links another 120° to Pluto.

Wednesday. Venus and Jupiter join for something to celebrate. This can bring an overindulgence of generosity and friendliness. Cushy, comfortable settings with beautiful surroundings. Social settings are styled in grand displays. This aspect brings easy going, lazy and happy attitudes.
For personal use: Travel to beautiful places and visit nice people. Enjoy and indulge
Celebrate a good week and relax.

Wednesday. Venus trine Mars 3:29 AM. Harmony between men and women. Venus in Taurus brings a practical influence to the feminine side. Money, business and security for a future for the goal orientated Venus. She harmoniously engages Mars, the masculine principal, toward the same goals.
For personal use: Use this time to invest in the love and trust in your closest relationships. Stay anchored in the value of the here and now.
In business you may notice there is a financial momentum. Good day to find your market.
A date night that may brighten up a long dry spell for the lovelorn with a romantic aspect between Venus and Mars. Lots of physical chemistry.
This is a highly personal aspect that adds a passionate connection with equal enthusiasm.
In business, go with the flow which could be a positive direction that produces money.

Wednesday. Mars trine Jupiter at 5:51 AM. This is a symbol of victory. Signals to move forward. (Use the notes about Mercury retrograde before signing anything.) Athletic with a healthy competitive spirit. You may find positive support and confidence with the energy to back it up. Strong attitudes and winning combinations. Entrepreneurial spirit. Goals and ambitions. A focus on fair play with ethical boundaries. Religious or political righteousness. Many are warming up their engines and charge ahead. The right combination feel adequately prepared for any activity.
It is time to get physical. Exercise. Take a trip. In business, this is one of the best business aspects.

Wednesday. The only snag in this day is down played a bit but the Sun is 45° to Jupiter hints of smart advances with and over optimistic perspective that could lead to oversights. To expand now is unwise but make a plan. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict.
For personal use: Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
For business use: Be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.
Wednesday. A strong drive to push beyond limitations. Plans to renovate or redesign the financial structure and future of big business. Large earth-moving equipment is set into motion. A political machine is set into drive. Drive power. The operation of power companies and their unbridled greed. Reproductive power. Strong sex drive. Working people unite as a formidable force. Musters great strength. Powers of manipulative
For personal use: Consider taking on something big but act on your decision on a good day avoiding a void of course Moon periods.
For business: Investigate investments in energy companies. Join forces with success. Intense cleaning and purification. Sexual interests. Convincing, or being convinced of something. High energy output.

Wednesday Mar 14 there is a Last Qt Moon at 24 Sag 51’. This is a time when matters from the past are included in your plans. You may be engaged in an educational program or travel plans. You may reap the rewards of your efforts or settle an old debt. This lunar phase has long legs and extends beyond this week. The result of this Sagittarius lunar phase has a new start in December 2012. Now is the time to collect the seeds to plant in the future.
Choose your counselors to guide you of your future plans.
Thursday Mar 15 - The Moon is void of course at 3:34 AM which ends the Green Light period that began on Tuesday at 2:53 AM. The v/c period ends at 6:23 AM.

Thursday at 6:23 AM. The Moon enters Capricorn this is not the best Moon sign to make final plans or make important purchases which are key factors to your future. The reason is that the Moon will square Saturn when it reaches the end of Capricorn next Saturday morning. Hold back as both Mars and Mercury are retrograde and mistake and oversights can cause major problems in the future. There are far too many opportunities to say the wrong thing or cut off ties.
Friday Mar 16 - The Capricorn Moon sign is not good for forwarding your goals. There are signs of a down slide for investments. However there is something unique that emerges in regard to business matter but wait until after 12:11 PM on Saturday Mar 17 to consider buying in.
The week will end on a fatigued note. It is a good night to stay in and rest up for better opportunities Saturday after 12:11 PM.
Saturday Mar 17. The Capricorn Moon is void of course at 9:00 AM after the square to Saturn. The void period ends at 12:11 PM when the Moon enters Aquarius. At that time begin a Green Light Period through 4:31 PM Monday Mar 19.

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