Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 3 - Mar 9-

With the end of the Mayan Calendar just over 9 months away - NOW is the time to buy a copy of Lunar Shadows III.

There is a swell of cosmic opposition presenting a front or confrontation that might initiate, reveal or end major litigation. There can be either an increase of or release of heat. On another front there is a coldness of heart emanates from a position of self-centeredness or ignorance which invites criticism and judgment. Soon the tables turn and those that have professed from a position of self righteous indignation may soon find themselves left with the plate they offered to others. This type of stories can be the product of the Sun's opposition to Mars and then Venus in opposition to Saturn. Beyond a civil response there is a potential for a greater battle in an open field. The great debate about sexual freedom and contraception is also indicated with such aspects. Mercury now in the sign of Aries broadcast through its horn about the repressed horn of the demons is what it's all about. It is nearly comical that the most fundamental act of survival of a race is construed by the high and mighty. While such individuals are tormented by their own sexual obsessions they do profess too much. Hmm.

This emerges in the form of the insane drive to reverse the sexual revolution of the sixties. Good luck with that one. As it turns out the survival of the planet based on a need to suppress great population growth is dependent of forms of birth control. . The US Constitution provides the healthy separation of church and state as authored by the fourth US President, James Madison, “Father of the Constitution” In 1822

Perhaps the fact that the absurd discussion that the consequence of sexuality lays upon the female might be astrologically depicted (at this time) by the conjunction of Juno at the north node in Sagittarius. Whereas Sagittarius is the sign of freedom and the node has an affinity to the body, one might link the revolutionary ideas of Uranus in a 120° aspect to support freedom. If we cannot move beyond our obsession with sex how can we employ our unemployed and feed our poor?
Saturday March 3. The Moon is in Cancer and attempts to protect itself from a direct confrontation delivered by the Sun and Mars opposition at 3:10 PM. What comes to mind is William Prescott's famous order "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes." At the Battle of Bunker Hill." June 1775. The conjunction of Uranus and Vesta 3^ Aries allows people to choose a side and align with its principals. Later at 9:53 PM there are indicators of a problem between men and women of which a stern and judgmental tone is pressed on by the Sun and Saturn in a partial square configuration like Venus and Mars earlier.
Sunday Mar 4. Cancer Moon has a serious problem with its feelings. Venus and Saturn oppose at 6:17 AM. Unaddressed hurts go deeply into embedded issues. As the Moon moves into square first Saturn then Venus (4:20 PM - 5:17 PM) it would appear there is a need to dislodge the insult. There is good reason to unlock these issues with some type of physical treatment. Perhaps make up sex will work. The Moon is v/c at 5:17 PM until 6:17 PM when the Moon enters Leo.

The Leo Moon beginning at 6:17 PM waits for Venus to leave the unflattering sign of Aries and enjoy the comfort of its home in Taurus on Monday. After which time (5:24 AM Monday) there is a Green Light Period through Tuesday evening.
Monday Mar 5. The Leo Moon is cheery and happy to announce Venus' return of dignity when it enters Taurus at 5:24 AM. It travels through Taurus until April 3. We may expect more effort placed on the raising of money and securing investments.

Monday after 5:24 AM beginning a Green Light period through Tues at 8:27 PM. This is an excellent period to purchase items that support your investments. At 6:34 AM Monday, Mercury and Uranus join to announce the progress of its investments. Use this aspect to link with like minded people with both an intellectual and practical concerns. At 10:29 PM we enter into the full Moon phase with emergence of issues that could be unrelated to the current topics. These matters take precedence and require some action on your end to clean matters up. Two ships that pass in the night might bump into one another.
Tuesday Mar 6. Happy Birthday Lisa. A couple of Venus aspects allow for some cause for celebration. Venus 60° Neptune and Venus parallel Jupiter. The winnings are for the long-term. Expect people to receive with an open heart. At 8:27 PM the Moon is v/c until 10:26 PM when the Moon enters Virgo. The Full Virgo Moon is headed for an open battle with Mars in Virgo.

Wednesday Mar 7 – The Moon is in Virgo and headed for full.
At 6:28 PM the Moon is conjunct retrograde Mars then moves on to see the Sun at a very important half square at 7:01 PM. This aspect is unsettling and upsetting for matters of peace. Mercury and Chiron offer a healing resolve.

The Full Moon occurs at 4:39 AM Thursday.

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