Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25 - March 3, 2012

For the week ahead there are quite a few strong relationship indicators this week. The best day for meeting someone new is Sunday. There are also a couple of very good Green Light Days beginning Sunday at 9:29 AM through Tuesday at 2:45 PM. This is an excellent time for agreements about money and property. Another Green Light period is very early on Friday Mar 2 and very brief; don't miss out - get up early & take advantage of a great time to connect from 6:40 AM until 8:13 AM. This is great for sending off important emails or any other mailing. Connect with those overseas or communicate something important to your siblings. Write a great letter or launch a website. Make use of it the best way you can.
Feb 25. Saturday's Aries Moon runs through Sunday at 9:29 AM and is very active with multiple planetary events. The Moon runs into a snag at the end of the sign when it opposes retrograde Saturn in Libra. This brings the cost way up. If you plan on charging fast through a task, then rethink that. Slow down. Aries wants it all right now. You don't want to severe a relationship at the cost of a small gain. Happy Birthday Marcia G!
Get out and play today. Get physical in some way.
1:56 PM A 45° aspect for Mercury & Jupiter spout off sounding more like a "know it all" and it might get lost on the way. You may be better off asking for directions.
Retail gets a boost when the Moon joins Venus and wants to doll up right before Vesta, the investor moves into the hot sign of Aries. A hot tip might work for a short run but wait until Sunday after 9:29 AM for the final bid.
Venus (love & compromise) and Saturn (the seal and nod from the top) are disappointed about something. Maybe there is a way around what you are trying to accomplish.
Feb 26 Sunday. The Sun and Venus keep the charm meter running even while the Moon opposes Saturn at 7:51 AM Sunday. It's good for sleeping late.
Sunday the Moon enters Taurus at 9:29 AM until Tuesday night at 10:27 PM. Green Light Period. Go for it. A Taurus Moon is great for investments of all kinds.
At 4:05 PM the Sun and Saturn seal the deal when they parallel for a long-term benefit. This helps you to make decisions regarding real estate and older family members. Key officials align to orchestrate structural changes within family, business or government. Serious plans advance.
Its time to take charge yet be sure to engage with wise counsel.
Feb 27 Monday. Great Taurus Moon. Food first. Dine with those you wish to persuade to your line of thinking. Venus and Mars are parallel all day, bringing men and women together. This aspect allows people in general to connect in a social setting. There is an opportunity for desires to lead to romance and maybe sex. It's a love thing. Beyond that you can be highly motivated to shop as this indicates the flow of money and great for the retail business. There is a strong motivation toward acquisition. Opposites are brought together for a singular purpose. Partnering. Close bonding and involvement with those attracted to one another for friendship, business or romance. This is a good match for love and money matters. Later Venus and Juno, the bride, join and then Mars connects with Juno. Surely the odds for a good relationship have increased but keep in mind that the Mars character is a little reluctant while retrograde till April 13. Perhaps a love from your past returns.
Feb 28. Tuesday's Sun - Pluto 60° aspect adds to the power of the financial market. Use this for investments late Monday and up until 2:45 PM Tuesday. Here are a few good ways to use this powerful energy. Use it to build valuable bridges and engage with people in a position of power. There may be serious matters in your life or in the world at large but solutions are available. Research and take action to move forward. 60 degree aspects mean you have a good opportunity but you must act to activate it. A formidable plan with determination and decisiveness is available. There is a deep revelation that supports inner and outer progress on both a personal level and how one relates to his greater surroundings. You may uncover methods for gaining control over matters that once seemed larger than life and uncontrollable. This aspect brings strong sexual desires and body language. There is a premise for trust and deeper sharing. Look for an opening to access financial assistance. For instance some towns allow for a tax rate reduction for those that do not have kids in the school system. The Moon is v/c from that time until it enters Gemini at 10:26 PM.
The Moon enters Gemini at 10:26 PM through Friday at 10:08 AM. This is a difficult for decision making and final choices as the Gemini Moon has to manage damage control for its ruling planet Mercury who is headed for the door possibly with the necessary documents. This is because Mercury leaves Pisces and moves into Aries on Friday morning. Until then matters that concern you are iffy. Someone or something is dropped for or someone changes their mind. This is also complicated by a 1st Qtr Moon in Gemini. Be careful in transit as I have seen traffic incidents galore when this type of Mercury situation is present. '
Feb 29 Wednesday. Hold off on final decisions. Simply enjoy the visits and chatter. Mercury is joining with Uranus for a brainstorming session. There is brilliance born of this temporary type of aspect that brings people together for a one time event. Later Mercury contacts the best counselor it can find - all things consider but later changes direction. Happy Birthday to my dear friend Kathy Dagostino.

A First Quarter Moon at 10° 51'Gemini at 8:21 PM set the stage to get on with important matters. The seed has sprouted and it's time to make a serious "to do list". This lunar phase is related to events that began in some way last June 1, 2011. Now is the time to apply for licenses and network. Write up your project announcements but launch them early Friday morning 6:41 AM-8:14 AM.
Thursday Mar 1. Hold off on final selections. If you want to drop something this may be your chance. Such as drop your cable company but wait until Mercury changes signs (Friday at 6:40 AM- 8:14 AM) before entering into a new agreement. There are several Mercury aspects. It is as if he makes the rounds to bring everyone together for an important message. Some are old or out of step and you could be over thinking to the point of anguish. Others appear to have concerns about children. There is a brilliant link when Mercury bonds with Uranus in the evening - that is an odd notion - bonding with Uranus. Try visiting with friends. This should help matters but Mercury leaves before sealing the deal. Just keep it light. Be careful while traveling.
Mar 2. Friday. Mercury enters Aries for quite a spell as it will turn retrograde in this sign on March 12 through April 4, 2012. Mercury remains in Aries until May 9. But for Friday this marks that brief Green Light window until 8:13 AM.
On Friday March 2 the Moon enters Cancer at 10:08 AM. This is a highly expensive Moon sign period because Venus soaks up all the money perhaps on something frivolous. The spending could cause an argument as a more serious need is at hand.
Mars and Saturn are in a very cranky 45° angle at 6:30 PM. This makes it hard to compromise. Work is hard and you might overlook the necessities. Venus and Neptune are adding a layer of soothing anesthesia. You might be tempted to give your problems the old "cosmetic fix up" but shortcuts are not a good idea at this time.

Mar 3 Saturday. The Cancer Moon appears to be worried about money and for good reason. There are a few aspects on Saturday that contribute to the angst. Retrograde Mars and the Sun stand off at the opposition at 3:10 PM. This is confrontational which may lead to a court day if you refuse to back down. There is a remarkable investment opportunity that arises with Uranus conjunct Vesta at 6:42 PM. However this is not a good day to buy, sign or agree. For that wait for a GREEN LIGHT period on March 5 after 5:25 AM through March 6 at 10:27 PM.

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