Saturday, February 11, 2012

For the week of Feb 11 - 18, 2012

The Last Quarter Moon on Tuesday Feb 14 points to the Solar Eclipse in November. Pay close attention the this week's events as they hold clues to the global, political and personal events not only in the fall but beginning as soon as August 14 and lasting until Feb 14 of next year (2013). Trace events that interest you personally or a study you have been following. The Nine Month Lunar Gestation Cycle Moon Family for this week's Last Quarter at 25° Scorpio has its roots in a New Moon that occurred on November 16, 2009 during this time events were seeded that relate to now and November 2012 events. Going back to August 16, 2010 there was a First Quarter Moon that showed signs of growth of an important matter. The Scorpio themes are deep and intense. Sometimes relating to death and for the most part include a dramatic deep change that can transform your life. You are not likely to look back and do things the old way and the shedding has begun. By the Full Moon on May 17, 2011 at 26° Scorpio the issues were clearly on the table. Now at this Last Quarter Moon at 25°Scorpio on Feb 14, 2012 it is time to reap the rewards of your efforts. Making this a time to get paid or pay off a debt.
Saturday Feb 11 is a Green Light Day for a Libra Moon that must tend to serious business about your partnerships or personal relationships. With Saturn at the end of Libra holding an ever important check list that must be completed and honored. This might be the day that defines the next structural step for you to move forward in either joining in a long-term commitment or severing an existing one. There are several aspects on Saturday: Jupiter split parallel to Neptune includes a form of release which moves energy via spiritual promise. There is a rescue or recovery which is vital to the growth of a major establishment. Venus and Pallas also have a hand in the day. People that have been together for a long time may feel they are ready to move to the next level in there relationship. Venus and Jupiter have some fun planned midday. Venus and Chiron intuitively knows this connect has the potential to heal. Mars and Vesta hunt for a good investment which may include housing. This is a positive day for house hunting. The Libra Moon sign is positive for house hunting if you don't mind the house with a funace issue (MarsRx- Saturn Rx.
Sunday Feb 12. Green Light until 4:09 PM. The Moon is in Moon most of the day. Your intuition is peaked when Pallas moves into Pisces at 12:04 AM until May 20th. Your strategies seem to have divine blessings. You can access information your felt was lost and uncover the outline for a much broader view. The threads of your goals come together to weave a beautiful tapestry. At 4:09 PM the Libra Moon will conjunct Saturn, the head figure or the ruling which governs matters. Father issues and family heads come to the foreground. Any executive family or business matter is solidly addressed with this influence. The outcome is positive in the long run although there are complications. Complications are linked to the retrograde motion of both Mars and Saturn.

Sunday Feb 12. At 5:01 PM the Moon enters Scorpio until Tuesday evening. This is not a good period to commit to anything unless it involves dropping something or letting go of a fund or offer as Mercury is holding the bag of information and documents of which he might lose the goods when he leaves the sign on Monday evening. IF you make an offer or proposal be prepared to be turned down. What you gain by this might be exposure and name recognition.
At 8:22 PM the Sun and Pluto connect with a tense 45^ angle. Be very careful about overdrafts or missed payments.

Monday Feb 13. Scorpio Moon is intense. Take a seasoned pro with you for anything that brings you before a board or any type of court. You do have a signal from a guardian angel (Neptune conjunct Pallas 1:39 AM) that all will work out in the end if you are on the hot seat. The Sun and Mercury make and important announcement about an important program that might be dropped or its voice will change. Such as a press secretary or other reporting voices. Mercury and Saturn trine before Mercury leaves Aquarius. This offers the acknowledgement for those that have been the solid force in the developing stages of organizations.

Monday Feb 13 Mercury enters Pisces. You may feel your memory needs support but your prayer line is plugged into the source. Mercury is in Pisces until March 2. Your day takes a turn after this point when you get the message about your lost documents or your mind.

Tuesday Feb 14 is split between the intense and sexy thoughts for Valentines Day and the adventurous sign of Sagittarius which brings a cultural theme for the evening activities on Valentines' day. Mostly its intensity on this day as the Scorpio Last Quarter Moon dominates your attention to something demanding your attention to matters that are extreme. Perhaps someone important experiences a final transition. This may not always mean death as it could mean bankruptcy or failure of a life changing subject. You could however receive a check or settlement of an estate.

Tuesday Feb 14 at 7:56 PM the Moon enters Sagittarius until Friday at 12:03 AM. The Sag Moon brings us a couple of Green Light Days to move forward for a good outcome. If you are writing or publishing this may be a good Moon sign to go back to older contacts for your new work. If you are planning a trip or taking a trip these days are excellent. There is a lucky charm at the end of the sign a midnight Friday when the Sun and Jupiter bring the winning combination to you for expand your horizons.
Have fun Valentine's Day night with a concert or play. There is room for laughter and love.

Wednesday Feb 15. Green Light Day for the Sagittarius Moon. There are many people to talk to and some things to fix as well. Get the best technician for you needs or learn about how you can do it yourself. Some things are better left to the pros but there are opportunities to get a good tip for alternative methods that could be less costly. There is hope for the hungry and for the needs of children when Venus and Ceres have two connections on Wed. The story may bring closure for some and hope for others. The contract to pull that toppled ocean liner out of the water might be an overly optimistic venture. People with huge resources may not want to back such a gigantic job. Venus and Pluto square off at 1:32 PM announcing how greed and jealousy toppled their ship. For investors it might be better after 2:00 PM on Wed. Mercury connects with a list of cosmic players: Uranus at 4:25 AM then Jupiter at 6:12 AM (Traveling anyone?) At 2:53 PM Mercury aligns with Neptune for a misty and mystical exchange. This may bring wet weather or whiteout conditions in some places. Mercury is not pleased with the partner’s demands at 7:03 PM. Mars and Jupiter pump up their aggression around 7:30 PM. This could inflame matters and be flammable as well. Remarks that are prejudice reach the airwaves. Venus and Ceres go to sleep with a full tummy and sense of comfort for many at 11:56 PM.

Thursday Feb 16 brings another Green Light Day. Mercury is still busily going from here to there. First he brings a healing message from Chiron. This is an excellent time to find your particular healer. Mercury and Jupiter are on the move again with a positive 60^ aspect that brings and opportunity but you must take action and this is your day. This is excellent for writing, publishing and traveling. Sign up for a new course. This study could bring a good return of your money and effort.

Friday Feb 17 shows difficulties with some business matters and is not suitable for long-term agreements. This is a day that may include activities for reorganizing your business or family needs which include basic structural needs. If you are looking to make arrangement to settle into a long-term care or company plan than your needs may not be met by what is offered. You either do not qualify or the requirements wipe out your funds. Later in the evening Mercury (the thinker) and Juno (the partner) align for some good ideas which include a new network list to be considered.

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