Saturday, February 4, 2012

Scroll beyond Football Data for Week of Feb 4 2012 & Super Bowl notes

If you follow me tomorrow on Twitter @Dietrech I will share my astro commentary on the development of the game with a live wheel cast for Indianapolis, Indiana Latitude: 39º45’36”N, Longitude: 86º09'50"W

There are no times given for the following birth data.

Tom Brady
August 3, 1977
San Mateo, CA
He is a stable Leo with the Sun and Saturn side by side.
He has an Aries Moon that ties a grand fire trine with Neptune in Sagittarius to the Sun and Saturn in Leo. Brady has Mars in Gemini exactly 60 degrees, a sextile to his Leo Sun. Brady's Venus is 1 degree of Cancer.

Eli Manning
born January 3, 1981
no time given
New Orleans, LA

Eli is also solid as a Capricorn. His Moon is in Sagittarius with his Mars in Aquarius. He is highly focused with the Sun side by side with Mercury - giving him wide angle viewing of his field. Eli's Venus is 20 Sagittarius conjunct Neptune.

The Patriots Franchise
Nov 16, 1959
12 PM
Boston, MA

The Patriots became the New England Patriots when Robert Kraft bought the team on Feb 25, 1994. I use a rectified chart for
3:01 PM in
Boston, MA

For Saturday and Sunday Feb 4 and 5. The Cancer Moon is in its home sign where it is well prepared and protected as it heads into a tough square with Saturn, the boss. This will be the energy dominating the Super Bowl as the exact square is not complete until Monday morning at 7:50 AM then the Moon will travel void n its course until 8:23 AM. As for the game the Moon is supported by a fine opportunity aspect 60^ to Mars, the warrior and gets its messages from the signals sent out by Mercury, the scout. The late evening is ruled by a fine aspect for celebration as Venus and Pallas leave a joyous lasting impression. New York is a Cancer city and Boston is a Virgo City.

Expect some surprise Monday morning while the Moon is still in Cancer the Aquarius Sun receives a sharp edge from erratic Uranus. Part of how you view things is distracted by an unsettling event. It appears to be manageable with the help of family and friends.

At 8:23 AM Monday the Moon enters Leo and travels through that sign until Wednesday afternoon.
The Leo Moon is headed for quite a bit of drama as Saturn in Libra sits perfectly still at the 29° degree which is equal to the 11th hour. It’s the father, authority and it slams the breaks on any run away actions or ideas. It is serious and will let all know what it means with the help of a brilliant Full Moon Messages are mixed when Mercury and Uranus reach an off-putting sharp edge (45^) at 3:01 PM on Monday. Watch what you say and take care with opening files on your computer. Misfiled papers or late notices go unanswered. Keep the important stuff first on your to do list as complications arise that cause you to miss appointments later in the day.

Tuesday Feb 7. The Sun and Mercury join early morning and read a serious message from Saturn's script. Saturn will turn retrograde at 9:03 AM and appears to travel backwards until June 25th. Secure your goals with alliances with groups and good friends. Use a solid outline map to guide your efforts through times of high emotional times.

The full in Leo Moon on Tuesday occurs at 4:53 PM. The closest planetary contact during this Full Moon is Venus in an upset with Saturn. Venus rules our attachments, our love and money that must be reigned in by the limits imposed by Saturn's strict rules. If you love to work this is the time to embrace your work with heartfelt enthusiasm but without great expectations. If your love has conditions tied to it then you are left out in the cold. Things will improve greatly by Wednesday morning.
Wed Feb 8. Venus is off to new adventures when at 1:00 AM Venus enters Aries. At this time you have a Green Light Day until 11:42 AM. For Venus She sets her sights on new objects. Saturn's demands may have been too much for her but she will answer to Saturn again at the end of June when they both stop to address long standing relationship issues. This could be between couples or countries. At 11:42 Am the Leo Moon is void of course until 12:32 PM.

Wed Feb 8 at 12:32 PM the Moon enters Virgo and continues in that sign until Friday afternoon. We have another Green Light Day from that point until just after midnight on Friday.
Wed Feb 8 has a lucky tone especially with friends and some may turn to lovers while Venus and Uranus align for a brief encounter. A one time event for investments could arise where you may quickly enter then leave market. A great find for shopping especially for the kitchen, household. Also this fairs well for a gifted mechanic or contractor.

Thurs Feb 9. A Green Light Day all day. Go for it especially with experts to fix your mechanical problems. Retrograde Mars is here in Virgo and showing its tricks with breakdowns and weak spots. Watch for "foot in mouth" either late night Wed or early Thurs when Mercury accidently sees something not intended for its eyes. It may stomp on the feelings of a friend or otherwise cause a problem. Venus and Uranus go back for a little more romance during this Virgo Moon. Yes, surprisingly the prudish Virgo loves sexual intrigue. Mercury and Ceres trip upon the trail of the needs of children. (Aspect is 45^ at 9:56 AM). Find a deal late in the day and surprise your love with some exciting pleasures while Venus and Uranus join in the hot sign of Aries at 9:30 PM. expect the unexpected. Perhaps you will find a valued lost object or even better, a lost love. Try something new.

Fri Feb 10 the Moon is void in its Virgo course at 12:11 AM when it joins with hot Mars supposedly cooling it jets while retrograde in Virgo. Mars' goals are not of the highest standards at this time. As someone who could help has one hand tied behind their back. The void Moon period ends at 2:54 PM when the
Moon enters Libra until 5:00 PM on Sunday Feb 12th.
Friday's Libra Moon will be lovely for Valentine's Day too. For Friday you have a Green Light with no major issues to trip you up. Negotiate an amicable outcome if you can.
Sat Feb 11 a Green Light too.

The Patriots have a Full Moon in their chart with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. Their Mars is 22 degrees of Aquarius. Like Brady, the Sun and Saturn are joined but in Pisces. Venus is 16 Pisces.

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