Saturday, May 19, 2012

For the week of May 19 - May 27

I will be presenting at the UAC (United Astrologers Conference) conference in New Orleans Sunday May 27th. I will arrive in New Orleans on Saturday for the banquet. The conference begins on May 24 - May 30. My talk will be on the "First Solar Return - the Life You Really Live". I return home to Watertown on Tuesday May 29th. Class will be as usual both this week May 23rd and next May 30th. My book Lunar Shadows III was the best seller at the last major NCGR conference in Cambridge, MA.

The Solar Eclipse occurs at 7:47 PM on Sunday at zero Gemini. In the eastern US it is not visible as it occurs at sunset. In areas where the Sun has set, this is a spectacular eclipse that will produce a fiery ring around the Moon which slips over the face of the Sun. It should create a fascinating phenomena on the ground. If it is visible in your area notice the shadows will have what appears to be cut-outs of leaves etc. We had one like this on May 10, 1994. It is called an annular eclipse. This occurs when the Moon is at its greatest distance from the earth during the eclipse. The reverse happens during the up and coming Lunar Eclipse on June 4th. When the Moon will be as close to earth as it gets in its monthly trek. Tides will be enormous. For tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse it is visible in the northwestern part of North America right over the pacific ocean to Asia & Russia. It is said that the activity in the world follows this path drawn by the shadow created by the solar eclipse. We will continue to follow the related developments. The eclipse will last 5.77 minutes. It is said that this equals the number of years of which its influence is affected. To learn more about eclipses and you order a copy of my book "Lunar Shadows III. The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses".

The Daily Activity:
Saturday May 19 the Moon is in Taurus with a light agenda as it slips out of sight today for a magnificent solar eclipse on Sunday at its New Moon phase. For today you might want to focus on your garden and joining with family & friends. A Taurus Moon wants food to be at the center of your meetings today. Bring something fragrant or yummy to soften your way if a task of persuasion is on your agenda. Persuasion is the key method when the Moon is in Taurus. As any sign of being pushy will activate the bull in the other. By 2:30 PM we are in the dark phase of the Moon. Many things do not bloom when started during this period. There are so many unforeseen factors. Wait until Monday afternoon to launch or invest.

6:38 PM Venus & Vesta are energized. This could help the retail market. You may find a lead to something you wish to purchase. Choose wisely as Venus is retrograde & you run the risk of dissatisfaction.
7:54 PM The Sun & Juno are opposed at 29° Taurus – 29° Scorpio. This bears a fatal blow to a partnership. On the other hand it may add an urgency to marry for some reason.
Sunday May 20th. The Taurus Moon moves into Gemini at 7:05 PM. The Sun also enters Gemini at 11:15 AM.

From 11:15 AM until 12:14 PM there is a brief Green Light period but be mindful of this dark Moon phase. There is a risk when you need to commit to something.

11:15 AM The Gemini Sun brings a stunning spark to events with the Solar Eclipse a few hours later. There is plenty of social activity but beware of gossip as it has a bigger bite this time. Use this Gemini period to its highest good by networking and writing & traveling. There may be startling deep changes amidst as Uranus & Pluto dominate the background influences. While the Sun travels through Gemini Jupiter will also enter Gemini on June 11 through June 2013.
12:14 PM The Taurus Moon chases the Sun as they both heads for an exit from Taurus, The Taurus Moon catches up with the Sun for a “big save” with a parallel to a new Gemini Sun. This may indicate the ability to renegotiate something of great importance. This is a meeting of the minds in regard to money & purchases. This also has a positive affect on family matters.

6:05 PM Mercury & Uranus are shaking up your plans; causing doubt. Thinking is brilliant & erratic. Thoughts or information are interjected and abruptly presented and can come from a radical viewpoint. Individual views are challenged. You may experience unexplained irritations and disjointed thinking. Statements made can be critical and without regard for feelings. Erratic transportation and mishaps are likely while traveling. Technology for communication can be halted.
Get all the facts straight and think before you speak. This is too quirky to print the final product.

Moon enters Gemini until Wednesday at 7:31 AM. During this Moon sign period. The Moon’s final aspect is trine to retrograde Saturn in Libra. This indicates a good plan for good reason.
7:47 PM the Solar Eclipse occurs. It is visible in Northwestern America & across the pacific right to China.

7:47 PM Begin a Green Light period with great caution. Use your intuition. This Green Light period is better used for meditation in regard to your issues and desires. Plant a seed for your future and allow your desires to be realized organically. There is a major development during this time. By Monday the Green Light Period is better informed with more clear ideas. The Green Light Period runs right through until Tuesday at 6:50 PM.

Sunday night appears to be socially active.

Monday May 21, shows Mercury, while in Taurus is forming lings to four planets. There are two other important aspects to note.
Retrograde Pluto, the planet of resources forms a 120° trine to Vesta, the investor in home and sacred space.

4:25 Am Mercury retrograde Venus connect and confirm their mutual interests as they each share time in the other’s sign. Things go well for good reason.
8:50 AM Mercury is upset by a block from Saturn. Readjust your things a little later. In the meanwhile you may have annoying mental noise. Appointments can be dropped. Lack of consideration for workers. Workers disappoint. Unexpected medical results not related to your present condition. Upsetting messages that seem to come out of the blue. A fly in the ointment. There is a need to assist someone ailing.

8:59 AM The Sun & Pallas connect with a bridging aspect which takes you to the best possible counselor. The advise your receive is valid.

11:38 AM Mercury aligns with Jupiter and the pair find the best route for your plans. Travel is up and topics are moving in the right direction.

1:45 PM Mercury & Pluto are odds about the resources. This may also bring a bit of worry. Release. Your mind doesn’t need to work so hard. The outcome is favorable.

Tuesday May 22, has a Gemini Moon which brings a Green Light Period until the void of course Moon at 6:50 PM. The v/c runs until Wednesday at 7:31 AM.

1:57 AM Mercury and Jupiter announce its plans for expansion. Writing runs more smoothly as this aspect brings insights. It is also a travel aspect.

6:50 PM the Moon is trine Saturn then void of course.

9:49 PM Mercury & Pluto resolve their reasoning about money worries that were there Monday afternoon. Assistance may come via a compromise with a controlling individual. Or this person could have connections of which you might benefit. The other indicator says “don’t worry, nothing will come of it.”

Wednesday May 23. the Gemini Moon moves into Cancer at 7:31 Am which ends the v/c period.

The agenda for the Cancer Moon is held up by a planet change on Thursday. Mercury will enter its own sign at 7:11 AM. In the end the Cancer will make a very positive 60° link to Jupiter before leaving the sign. That aspect occurs at 10:35 AM Friday. There is a Green Light Period 7:11 AM Thursday until 10:35 AM Friday.

2:52 PM Mercury is opposite Juno.

4:55 PM The Sun is square Neptune. Blind spots are the problem leading up to this aspect. You might be missing important facts or be charmed by those with a negative goal.

Thursday May 24. the Cancer Moon is in good shape with a Green Light after 7: 11 AM.

7:11 AM Mercury enters its own sign of Gemini until June 7. For now the information flies with no stops. You must verify as the quality of information is not filtered. Connect, write and speak with your head in the right direction.

Friday May 25. The Cancer Moon spreads its Green Light Period until 10:33 AM. There is a Mercury square Neptune which can cause you to lose your way.

5:57 PM Mercury square Neptune clouds thinking and hides the important sign posts along the way. Blind spots and lies. Confusion, illusions and disillusionment. Loose boundaries. Visionary impressions could bring an inability to focus. Things could be disappearing. Theft. Hidden traffic traps. Medications could be misread or misused. On the good side there are creative streaks with stimulated imagination. Intuitive and psychic impressions. Telepathic information. You may relate to a mesmerized audience.

6:11 PM the Moon enters Leo until Monday morning at May 28th. Begin a Green light period for next Saturday & Sunday all day for each.

Saturday May 26. Leo Moon Green Light all day.

Sunday May 27. Leo Moon Green Light all day.

Monday May 28
Leo Moon changes to Virgo at 2:06 AM.

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