Saturday, June 2, 2012

REPORT FOR the week of June 2, 2012

I returned from New Orleans this week with rave reviews for the talk I presented called "Your First Solar Return. The life you really live." Thank you for a Great time at the UAC conference. If you missed a connection with me for a reading or a copy of my book "Lunar Shadows III, The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses" Please feel free to contact me at 617-924-0929 in Watertown, MA.

About this next week, there are a couple of large events & one huge event where there are various types of eclipses.

A Lunar Eclipse on Monday June 4, 2012 at 7:12 AM at 14 degrees Sagittarius.
A Transit of Venus at 9:10 PM on Tuesday June 5, 2012 at 15:44 degrees Gemini.
An occultation of the Moon & Pluto on Tuesday June 5, 2012 at 10:54 PM and occurring at 8:50 degrees of Capricorn.

In addition to the eclipse events Neptune turns retrograde on June 4, 2012 at 5:05 PM at 3:09 degrees of Pisces. It will appear to travel backwards until November 10, 2012.

The Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius most exactly activates the birthdays surrounding December 6-7. If your birthday is in range of as many as three or four days, you may experience this eclipse in a major way. The influence could be related to your home; career; The important players at this time may include your father; husband; brother; boss; or any other leading male figure in your life.

Other birthdays that are impacted are those nearby June 4; September 7: and March 5.

The Transit of Venus is a huge event that will not occur again for 113 years. This event occurs in pairs the last of which was in June 2004. This type of influence may include dramatic changes in your financial & love life. You may invite & embrace a sense of satisfaction & fulfillment. This is an aspect that generates the highest elements of the feminine. For some, you may feel a surge of independence from the confines of masculine restrictions. It could bring a lucky break so invite a wave of blessings.

To advance your goals use the Green Light Times for the best outcome.
Green Light Days are today, Saturday June 2, 2012 thru 5:29 AM Sunday morning.
Green Lights on Thursday occur with a slight interruption. Good from 7:15 AM until 8:38 AM. Then a cautious pale Green Light begins at 10:16 AM when the Moon enters Aquarius right through Saturday June 9 at 2:32 PM.
There are issues because of the final aspect is square to Jupiter. Jupiter can represent how you are saved by a benefactor however the benefit comes through some type of grief. Jupiter at the final degree of Taurus where there are 7 stars or 7 weeping sisters.

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