The week ahead:
Green Light Periods allow you greater success. Otherwise it is best to wait until the next Green Light Period.
Green Light: Saturday June 16 until 1:02 PM although the Taurus Moon will not object to moving forward as the Moon is honored while in the sign of Taurus through 1:23 AM Sunday June 17.
Green Light: Sunday June 17 beginning at 1:24 AM until the Dark Phase of the Moon begins Monday morning. From that point on receive the best of this New Moon which occurs at 11:02 AM Tuesday June 19. Take your next best action with Wednesday's Green Light Period.
During the Dark Phase of the Moon you may become aware of opportunities and matters emerge from the onset of this New Moon; however you are missing vital facts & need to wait until more will be revealed at the end of the Dark Moon Phase.
The Dark Phase of the Moon ends Wednesday 6:30 PM.
Green Light Wednesday June 20 from 7:09 PM until Thursday June 21 at 12:48 PM.
Green Light Thursday at 11:47 PM until Saturday June 23 at 6:26 PM. ____________________________________________________________________________
Saturday June 16. The Moon is in Taurus.
Taurus Moon gives a Green Light until 1:02 PM but keep on going. There is a lucky charm at the end of the road.
There is something very special about this day as Venus enjoys a considerable amount of satisfaction. The Moon’s final aspect in Taurus gets a wink from Venus which is later celebrated by a lovely parallel between Venus & Jupiter. There is a long term benefit from this pairing. People are supportive and happy to be behind you.
10:02 PM Venus parallel Jupiter. This is something to celebrate about. Venus continues to be retrograde but reaches back to collect previous honors & rewards. Sift through your things and donate as much as possible. Someone gains something nice & you gain a hearts rewards plus a clearing.
Sunday June 17. The Moon changes signs at 1:23 AM ending a v/c period.
The Gemini Moon sign with join the Sun for a New Moon on Tuesday at 11:02 AM. This is also the final aspect of the Gemini Moon.
As for Sunday’s activities we have multiple choices with the Gemini Moon.
As for Sunday’s activity, Mercury & Neptune are featured at 10:06 AM by a 135° angle. This aspect may cause you to temporarily lose your way or hear or speak information which is not correct. If purchasing computers or vehicles there could be a tricky problem that is difficult to sort out. Wait until later in the afternoon to actually buy. Or put it aside & contemplate all the surrounding factors first.
The remainder of the day is very fine with an excellent outcome to all of your endeavors. Nothing stands in your way for a wonder evening. Great company & food.
Many of your choices are have substance. Use this time to place an offer or buy your “tickets to ride”.
Monday June 18. Monday’s Gemini Moon heads into a dark phase as it disappears from the night sky. Final decisions are now a little risky as the up and coming New Moon has a sore load of information that changes everything.
2:30 AM The dark Moon phase begins through Wednesday at 7:00 PM.
This is a time to refrain from direct outer activities and receive the surrounding benefits with an open mind.
3:38 AM - Juno & Pluto 45°. The high cost of weddings is realized.
9:15 AM Venus contra parallel Pluto - Money is handled. Money may be released for one time use for temporary or short term ventures. The professional gambler at work. There is a compelling drive to bond in relationships. For some it could be in a sexual way but in any case it reaches a deeper emotional level. The presence of emotional intensity. Deep jealousy.
You may find the money you need to catch up temporarily.
In business look for a a temporary solution found in hidden places.
Tuesday June 19.
1:02 AM Mars 30° Saturn. This is a very important signal to the world to be ready for great changes as these two planets have a say in the Uranus & Pluto square that begins on June 24- March 2015. Mars in Virgo actually rules the sign where Uranus is traveling 7 Saturn now in Libra is the ruler of Pluto now in Capricorn. The New Moon approaching hours later, and near the point called the world axis, makes the events of these few days primary to the back-story that will document future events.
Patience is they key to success when your mind is racing through a megabit of information a minute. The workforce gains a step but there are also hidden problems associated with those that resist change.
This can bring on noticeable progress with physical development, muscle, strength and endurance. Work and projects are building a solid structure from the ground up. A green light to move forward with not only work but relationships as the time for commitment is approaching (when Mars and Saturn conjunct) in the near future. There is a noticeable development of projects. There may be a need to assess your commitment to a project or a primary personal or work relationship.
You may schedule work to be done on your teeth or hire a physical coach. Also issues with bones are silently developing. Take steps to avoid problems. In business you could feel encouraged by your progress and allow set backs to move into a "lessons learned" file.
3:20 PM Sun is parallel Mercury bringing very Important statements to the foreground. Some may have long term consequences and influence many. This aspect has a long range influence from June 18 – June 25 and relates to the Lunar Eclipse of last year (June 15, 2011).
5:20 PM There are twists & turns in the relationship corner. Also someone’s outfit is inappropriate. Wacky choices are not so novel later. If you think your partner is behaving erratically they might think the same of you.
11:51 PM Mercury 60° Vesta marks a great find.
Wednesday June 20.
Do not engage or ask for anything. Even though you feel compelled to connect and talk about your projects. Work quietly until after the Sun enters Cancer at 7:08 PM. At that time we gain the light of the Moon which promotes respectable options. Listen but avoid repeating what you hear. More will be revealed later.
12:58 AM Mars is motivated to marry in more ways then one with a 60° aspect to Juno = the bride. Partnering at this time is tricky as Venus is retrograde until June 27 at 11:07 AM. Select & contemplate long before you purchase.
7:17 AM Venus 150° Pluto has matters or money and jealousies to work through. Also there are matters of insurance and human resources offices. Others hold the power button and decisions are made with extreme bias.
Mercury square Saturn at 12:05 PM is a mental block. A block on networking resources; a no answer to your big requests. Be sure not to ask for a thing on this day.
7:08 PM The Sun enters Cancer on Wednesday until June 22nd. Our focus is on our families & our security. Money & land and what is called real property are the focus. At this time begin a Green Light Period thru 12:48 PM Thursday.
Venus has reached back in Gemini to make a positive link to Uranus at 8:55 PM. This influences the day and brings a lucky break in a big way.
Mercury & Venus connect to bring out the social interactions and important visits.
Thursday June 21.
Continue with a Green Light period through 12:48 PM when the Moon reaches Mercury for very important information & documents.
Move freely and travel with Mercury 60° to Mars at 6:14 AM. Information motivates you. Write and deliver a plan. Listen to children: they have more answers then you realize.
The Moon is void of course from 12:48 PM Thursday through 11:47 PM Friday.
4:35 PM Saturn is 150° Vesta. This is a working relationship with property. You may get hired if you have been out of work for a while. This could be a date when there is an important decision emerging from the Supreme Court.
The Moon enters Leo at 11:47 PM and brings a few good Green Light days with it.
Friday June 22.
The Leo Moon sign period is free of encumbering planet aspects until the end of the day when Mars & Uranus join in a parallel aspect at 8:29 PM. Be cautious when driving. Fast is dangerous. This is however an innovative aspect that may bring a high tech solutions to an everyday problem.
5:51 PM Venus is 60° to Pallas. Find the perfect consultant or legal counsel. Fabrics are beautiful and other textiles are stunning. Your choices on this day are of the highest quality.
8:28 PM Mars & Uranus are the headliners. Mars has the last word with Uranus’ outrageous behavior. The news is heating up where all stoies seem to be outrageous. Try not to become part of the problem & embrace the solution.
Saturday June 23.
There Green Light period continues until 6:26 PM.
Virgo Moon has big changes with Saturn Direct & Mercury > Leo (begin Green Light rating as Moon applies a cnj Mars as final aspect on Tuesday June 26 at the v/c period 6:52 AM.
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