The Green Light periods this week occur Tuesday July 3, 2012 at 8:32 AM through Wednesday at 10:36 AM.
Green Light on Wednesday night at 8:26 PM through Friday 11:48 AM.
Dietrech Pessin’s Radio Report for June 30th 2012 –
The following was transcribed from the live report.
Good Morning. Here we are the end of June. The summer is starting to fly. But you know I’ve said our summer started back in March when we had that heat wave. Now we experience one heat wave after another. The heat that we are having now is related to Mars. Mars is in a very precarious position. Mars has been in a precarious position - set off since June 7. I don’t know exactly when the fires started in Colorado. I wonder if anybody knows if you could call me and let me know. I’ve tried doing a search on the internet. But the type of activity that we can expect is fires inside and out. People are going to be doing things that are really going to upset us. We need to find a way to cool down, chill out on the good side, if we are not suffering from the effects of a heat wave. There is electricity out, I don’t know if you know that, on the east coast around the Washington DC area all the way to I think Indiana. their power is out -very bad timing. We have a full Moon coming up this week - besides the fact that Mars will change signs. Mars is at that point of changing signs, it’s not just changing any old sign. It’s going into the sign of Libra and that is one of the high powered signs in the zodiac. That would be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn All at the zero degree point – that is where Mars is going to go. It is very, very hot. Hot zone is called the world axis. Bringing the biggest news stories during this time. What we can expect here also for the week of the full Moon temperatures to be rising on other levels. But it is in the sign of Capricorn so this is about business, major corporations, and also things having to do with family business and family matters and decisions that we make in regard to those important people in our lives and the other thing the government things. The full Moon has to do with an eclipse that we had - there was an eclipse here January 2011. So that time period is set off. Then also there is a July 2011 that is also set off as well with some events that are happening this week too. So things come up from the past. We don’t live in this little time capsule where things that just happen today are related to no where. They are connected to the past and they lead into the future and there are dates that I can find at, before, after, and around that connect all these dots. That’s the beauty of astrology is the ability to spot the astro-links.
For Saturday June 30, 2012, let’s have a look at what is going on. We’ve got a Scorpio Moon and the last aspect is going to form a very positive aspect to Mars. It’s a sextile, but it’s Mars. So I say positive aspects are only positive when you have an agreeable and gentle planet - and Mars is not that. So what it can do is help you to find work and help to create a path for progress. It’s a good day to move forward. It’s one of those green light days. So you have a green light today right until 3:45 pm. We have a Scorpio Moon so the matters are intense. There is also some money around today. So turn over all the rocks and look in places where you had not looked before to find a link - and it’s a long term link to someone who is writing checks. So you want to be able to take advantage of that. If you are looking for a counselor of some sort there is only a bad lawyer for today - not a good lawyer. The advice you are trying to get has a question, has questionable influences around that as well. Here we have a void of course Moon today from 3:45 pm until 6:03 pm and then the Moon enters Sagittarius - and we have a real great big watch out period. This is not good. You may believe very strongly in something that could lead you right in to an angry mess. So be really careful about pontificating while presenting your agenda. You have to consider other people’s feelings, other people’s situations. So right through July 3rd you want to be extremely careful because we are in that period dominated by the heat of Mars. Sagittarius is reaching far out so I’m thinking about the fire in Colorado. We have friends and family there. There are flames that can just fly out of control with the Sagittarius Moon sign. But also this is about putting the government, the army, whoever, the National Guard; the military is fighting this battle of fire going on. So they may actually make great strides – that’s a good thing.
For Sunday same thing. Don’t sign anything don’t agree to anything. It is not a good time to make final decisions because there are so many problems involved. There is an aspect between the Sun and the Moon it’s called a quincunx. I call it “Life’s Messy Clean it up.” It is an upset that must be addressed. The time that it happens is 10:34 am here on the east coast tomorrow morning. So it is the kind of thing where you could leave your car on the street and someone hits it. So you don’t have to necessarily be in the car to get hit. But it also has a link to communications more than anything that is related to events of July and August of 2011. Also there is a missing link, missing cues, important messages, or important things that you should be paying attention to about the important people in your life. So watch your children very carefully, and your pets very carefully also on Sunday- Any time on Sunday if you are out in the playground or whatever, don’t blink. Because there could be something that you really need to watch very closely. Otherwise there seems to be a serious problem with water or smoke or things that white out, Could be flash floods or that sort of thing – that is for tomorrow afternoon. On another level it is visionary. So you could potentially expand your ability to care for yourself and others with some visionary principle. There is an ouch that comes up on Sunday afternoon. That is Venus in a 135 degree aspect to Saturn. The aspect that I was referring to about the children just before this was Neptune square Ceres. Later Venus quincunx Saturn that is exact at 12:31 pm. But it does have an influence over Sunday. This one is emotionally and financially expensive. So these two planets were the ones that went direct together last week, Venus and Saturn both turned direct after being retrograde. So they’ve been linked and here is their confirmation of their links. So it’s financially not good, does not bring money. It costs money so careful about going out and spending on Sunday or even early on Monday.
For Monday 6:20 pm we have Moon square Mars – that’s the last aspect of the Moon while the Moon is in Sagittarius. This Mars is very precarious. it’s hot, it’s nasty , it’s angry, it’s accident prone , fires, All day use caution. Because Mars is perched at that high profile point as it knocks on the door of Libra, the sign of Libra. Mars in Libra tends to make war so that it can make peace. So it is motivated to stir things up. While it doesn’t necessarily take responsibility for its actions. However, Saturn is in the sign of Libra down the road where it will have to eventually take responsibility. Peace negotiations are difficult; situations are volatile in already hot zones with that change in signs. On top of that the Moon enters Capricorn – that is on Monday at 6:50 pm. We have a Capricorn Moon for the following couple of days. there is a period call a refranation, that means Mars is changing signs so hold back , don’t move forward with a new project, don’t start putting nails in that wood just yet for that brand new house that your building or for anything that you want to move forward with.
On Tuesday at 8:31AM Mars enters Libra until August 23rd. Mars enters Libra on the day of the full Moon. Wow. That is going to be a hot one. So you want to be very careful what ever it is that you do. But there is a green light that does begin on Tuesday at 8:31 am right through the end of the Capricorn Moon sign. That would be on Wednesday until the void of course Moon period 10:35 am. There is a Green Light to move forward. You can get a lot of motivation; you can gas up for things, get your engine running and go forward. That full Moon is big and bright it is exact at 2:51 pm. It occurs at 12 degrees of Capricorn which links us right back to the solar eclipse January 4, 2011. It doesn’t mean things that happened only on that date. But it could be as much as 6 weeks before that January 2011 or 6 weeks after. So that was a very hot zone there. So we have links to the events that we can make connections of things we have matters pending that (they come all out on the table) all the cards are on the table you’re able to see what you have going on and move forward from that point - Very good aspect that happens in the morning on Tuesday between Mercury and Venus bring pleasant visits, agreements and other nice events.
But first I want to touch the Mercury aspect hitting Pluto at 2:19 am Wednesday morning. This causes that kind of your mind is running in circles with worry, Worry, worry. You can’t shut it off. The message is it all turns out well in the end. So whatever is keeping you up late night on Tuesday and through the wee hours of Wednesday, please refer back to this astrology report and know that it all will work out well. The matters of Mercury 150° Pluto has to do with the control issues of others - Others that are signing the last word for your future. It means in the end this all works out pretty well. Mercury and Venus are making a fine aspect. They don’t aspect that many times. They are the two planets inside the orbit in between the earth and the Sun. these are very personal planets has to do with things that effect us personally-Even if they are things that are done like corporations, governments. They effect us personally. Give us some support, something to talk about that is in our favor. The void of course Moon begins on Wednesday 10:35 am with a fine aspect to Venus that says there is a temporary check, like one of those rebate checks or something like that, Money comes back to you. That is a happy thing. Then we have a void of course Moon period from 10:35 am until 8:25 pm on Wednesday. Then we have this kind of mixed bag. We are winding down from the events of the full Moon. So there is always a fallout time. The events that began a couple of days before the full Moon that leads up to the crisis. Because full Moons always bring a kind of high energy crisis, things come out; people finally say what’s been on their mind all this time. Where it is a Capricorn full Moon it might be about money and about getting their money straightened out, feeling things are finally working in their favor - hopefully. So then that period ends when the Moon and the Sun are quincunx 150 degrees once again on the other side of the full Moon. That is going to be at 8:58 pm Thursday - so that gives us the time - That’s when you are calling the insurance adjustor. That is when you are making, tending to and mending the things that have occurred during that time. This is your talk with human resources, agencies and things of that nature – that happens on Thursday. So before that with the Aquarius Moon we have the potential for a green light – things end well. But there is that adjustment period in there .so there could be a signal. Or let’s say there is a signal for a green light period that does begin 8:25 pm on Wednesday night right through until Friday morning at 11:48 am when the Moon is trine Saturn. So it is an Aquarius Moon. Invite your friends. There is a positive set of events that occur in a very strong friendship aspect going back to Thursday – it’s at 10:25 pm. So if you have events going on Wednesday evening, Venus and Uranus are sextile – that’s a 60 degree aspect - very positive. You could find the love of your life during that time. Definitely there is a meeting thing because Mercury and Venus are again making an aspect. This time it says this is a long term introduction. So this could be a friend, a dear friend that you make or that you find or reconnect with. However there is a strong indication that it enhances one’s love life. So it could also bring about statements of commitment or engagements, that sort of thing. So Wednesday night is very powerful for that.
For Thursday, pretty much nothing going on to note. Nice aspects between the Moon and Jupiter, and then the Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus - so it is rather lucky in there on Thursday. So take advantage of that as well.
We have a green light period also on Friday until 11:48 am as I had mentioned. There are a couple of aspects: Mercury parallel Ceres. This is about babies. Lots of babies are being born and lots of twins also. So this aspect is favorable for things about babies and things about joining together for the nurturing and caring of others, Plans also for a good doctor’s plan. So if you have been trying to attend to something for a long time this is a good time to see the doctor and that would be on Friday or even Thursday afternoon. Then we have Uranus and Juno in an aspect. Juno is the marriage indicator. So there is an aspect there that brings together people that become motivated to partner for life. The rest of Friday this void of course Moon 11:48am right until Saturday at 12:29 am. So the void of course Moon period on Friday afternoon after 11:48 am has an aspect between Mercury and Pallas, which says you really could find a very magical consultant or have a magical experience with someone who is a healer for instance. That is Mercury and Pallas, someone who really knows their stuff in a very big way
Then we have another green light period for a couple of day’s right through until Monday morning beginning Saturday at 12:29 am. So that’s it for the week. It’s a mixed bag of really good stuff and really tough stuff with that Mars thing going on. So you want to take special care.
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