Saturday, July 7, 2012

Report for the Week of July 7, 2012 - July 14 2012

Green Light Period from 12:29 AM Saturday through Monday July 9 at 12:02 AM.
Another Green Light Period on Friday after 5:49 AM until Friday at 4:52 PM.

Saturday July 7, 2012.
Pisces Moon.

The Moon is peaceful in Pisces bringing a Green Light period through till Monday at 12:03 AM. At that time the Moon forms its final aspect to Uranus with a long-term parallel aspect. This brings a fine time to search for new technology whether for small tech products or large. Also medical procedures advance and you might benefit from the latest technology in medicine.
Sunday July 8, 2012
Pisces Moon.

There is a blind spot or a series of sudden storms with Mars & Neptune messing around with the wind and water Sunday afternoon. Of course this could easily have an effect Saturday evening as well. Mars will be 150^ to Neptune at 4:56 PM Sunday afternoon. I also call this planet combination a hole in the bucket.

Monday July 9, 2012
Pisces Moon changing to Aries.

A void of course Pisces Moon on Monday July 9 from 12:03 AM until 8:13 AM is not too hard to take. Although you may get lost on the way to work when detours take you off your path.

The Aries Moon on Monday heat things up after 8:13 AM until Wednesday at 7:30 PM. The Aries Moon is host to a few cosmic activities. Be aware in the dawn-lite sky of a stunning planet and star formation of Venus, Jupiter and Aldeberon. Aldeberon promises great success as long as one holds on to the principals of integrity. Watcher of the East. To strive for success without compromising their integrity. However the temptation to compromise oneself is huge and would become their downfall. The sight in the sky will be spectacular so set your clock for about 4:30-5 AM.

A change on Monday evening will come with Vesta entering Gemini at 5:22 PM. Your options for housing open where you may have to choose between two beautiful homes. Or your choices may be something other that real estate or apartments when Vest presents multiple options for investment. Vesta the investor will continue in Gemini for about 9 months.

Tuesday July 10, 2012.
Aries Moon
There may be a family reunion when Jupiter & Ceres join on Tuesday. Take care of loved ones and feed the poor. Charity is the best use of this aspect. Jupiter loved Ceres and brings a blessing with this aspect at 1:08 AM.

Find the best consultant Tuesday with Venus & Pallas joined early in the day. This also allows you to find a beautiful outfit or product most suited for you.

Locate an apartment or clue for an investment with Mercury & Vesta aligned for a long-term solution.
Tuesday July 10th at 9:48 PM the last quarter Moon at 19°Aries occurs Tuesday. This can bring matters back up of great importance which may be related to July 2010 or that summer. More recently look back to October 2011 for relevant clues to the topics that will emerge this week. This is payback time when you could finally get the check you were waiting for or you may be able to pay something off. Topics may range from your own start-up plans or your plans for independence. If you have been looking to break out of a trap this may be your week to find an exit.
Wednesday July 11, 2012.
Aries Moon changes to Taurus.
The Aries Moon continues to heat things up with a glance of the big news ahead. A void of course period will last all day Wednesday from 5:23 AM as the Moon opposes Saturn until the Moon enters Taurus at 7:30 PM.

The Taurus Moon is not going to be good for long-term agreements or major purchases. Your decisions could be reversed after you sign. Even though there is nothing standing in your way on Thursday it is Friday that sets the fireworks off.

Thursday July 12, 2012
Taurus Moon

Friday's Taurus Moon brings the reversal of Uranus' direction at 8°32 Aries at 5:49 AM until December 13th. That may be enough to set the stage for some huge events but Mercury will define and report these major events because it too turns retrograde on Saturday at 10:15 PM until August
An exciting event emerges and you may be able to take advantage of something wonderful yet unmistakably risky from 5:49 AM until 4:52 PM Friday. Beware that this is unconventional and you may be asked to appear before authority figures to explain your behavior as the Moon is yet to visit Pluto then Saturn during the void of course period later that evening. Although the Sun and Jupiter will encourage you to take the leap. Keep in mind you may change your mind with Saturday's Mercury retrograde change at 10:16 PM.

Saturday July 14, 2012. – A Green Light Period on Saturday after 10:16 PM through Monday at 6:56 AM
Moon in Taurus changing to Gemini.

The Moon enters talkative Gemini at 8:26 AM until 8:31 PM Monday night.
Retrograde Mercury rethinks an opportunity for love with a very cool 60° link to Venus on Saturday night at 6:42 PM

Mercury is retrograde in Leo from 10:16 PM until August 8th at 1:40 AM.
Green Light Period begins after Mercury turns retrograde until Monday morning. Take this opportunity to tackle your creative pursuits. Rework and rehearse for presentations. Write and connect with those involved with your plans. You may find a vehicle that you will love for years.
Sun square Saturn at 12:14 AM Sunday July 15th.

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