Green Light Days for the week of July 28 - August 4, 2012
July 28 Saturday through Monday July 30 at 2:33 AM. The Sagittarius Moon during the next couple of days is great for following looking out into the world at large where we get a global overview during the Olympic games in London. Many sweet spots are found during this time & women might be favored with many points for Venus.
August 1, Wednesday from 5:55 AM until 8:36 AM Friday August 3rd at which time a short void of course Moon period begins until 9:58 AM. This Aquarius Moon is all fired up with Mars motivating a strong burst of energy toward actualizing your goals.
The following is transcribed from the radio report broadcast on Saturday July 28 at 9:30 AM in Newton WZBC FM radio.
Saturday July 28 2012 – Saturday August 4, 2012
Good Morning. We have quite the week here. We get this overview of the world with the Olympics. It’s just a beautiful experience to watch all of the countries come out, arrive, and show their contenders. It’s just wonderful to see the world gather in a peaceful setting like that.
The Sagittarius Moon that we have today is terrific for foreign affairs. Looking at the games overseas - it’s a very sporting Moon sign. It has a lot of Venus things to bring us some pleasantries as well. So I think that there should be some good news all around with the Sagittarius Moon. Venus also brings about things for women. So I wonder if the women are going to some how or another going to show a little better than the men during the Sag Moon. Then the Moon sign changes on Monday. We have a Capricorn Moon and it gets all serious and business like.
For what is going on right now we have Mercury that is still retrograde. It certainly has been active showing us all of its tricks for quite some time. It’s one of the longest Mercury retrograde periods that I can remember. Its 25 days long. Usually the period that Mercury is retrograde is 19 to 21 days long. This one is longer.
The Sun will conjunct Mercury today. And that marks the halfway point of this particular retrograde cycle. So there might be more and more of things that feel like mechanical types of things are acting up, your communications connections are not connecting. You could order a sub and get a pizza. You could have disagreements to settle out or you could get new information about matters that are extremely important to you that change your mind because Mercury rules the mind. So your thinking process is what is being affected.
And the other things that are going on: The Sun is walking into the configuration of Pluto and Uranus. Now they were first square in June, on June 24th .they were second square on September 18. And then they have 5 more of these events to go – right through until 2015. We are not done with Uranus square Pluto. It is a very powerful extreme like type of aspect that makes everything a major news story. Everything that goes on is no little small event. On a personal level, this may be the kind of thing that helps you to break through. This is not all bad. You do get to break through grounds that had seemly been solid and rigid before. and maybe now you are able to get some things going. Uranus is about the kinds of things like inventions, modern advances, and all sorts of things that can break through medical problems.
Uranus square Pluto. Pluto is definitely about the things that are dark and deep. there is talk about a cure for Aids. there are certainly a lot of things that can benefit by this square. It is accident prone and haphazard. and when the Sun walks into this, it sets off some of its more chaotic side. this is enhanced by the Full Moon that we will experience also on Wednesday, August 1st. there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus is the planet described as sudden abrupt change. So it is exciting. I hope everyone is safe and having a happy time where ever you are.
So now as we look to the week, we have a couple of green light periods giving us a few days that are going to be very positive for you to move forward. Considering the fact that Mercury is retrograde you have to read the fine print and you do have to consider all the points and factors. Try not to rush ahead and do something just because you really, really want it without following through with the proper research.
Saturday July 28 --
So beginning today, which was very early, early this morning when the Moon entered the sign of Sagittarius at 1:18 am, we began a green light period. That means go for it. It’s going to last until 2:33 am on Monday morning. That will bring us that world at large global view and the many sweet spots also found during that time. That last aspect is an aspect to Jupiter. It is a contra parallel. and that means that someone comes to help you out at the last minute. How nice while the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius. so there really are some benefits and advances.
then the next green light period is Wednesday 5:55 am until 8:36 am on Friday .that will be when a Void of Course Moon period begins . and the Void of Course Moon period on Friday will end at 9:58 am. So it’s brief but it’s right there at the start of the day. so it’s kind of tricky for trying to have appointments and things like that. There will be a couple of positive things, many positive things that do take place during the week. So let’s have a look at the aspects day by day here.
So today there are several good things that are going on today. There is a little snag with Mercury and Venus who are as squared off as they can be - that is possible for the placement that they have in the sky. And that would be retrograde Mercury and Venus. They were semi square early this morning. so there might have been some turn of event or thinking that was about relationships that didn’t work right or problem with money that sort of thing. it might have been annoying.
Earlier the Sun and Venus were joined together at the hip for a very positive monetary event. So There could be some money that is found over the next couple of days. Venus and Juno make an aspect. later on this afternoon Juno is the marriage maker, and Venus also has those kinds of qualities too - so lots of talk about engagements, marriages. And the marriages can be those that are splitting apart as well as joining together.
The Sun and Mercury join at 3:57 pm. This aspect is a time when you are definitely trying to sharpen up your thinking skills. It is a very good time for writing, sorting through gossip. Be careful not be repeating stories because you could be accused of spreading gossip. Analytical thinking is high for this type of aspect. and you want to do things that allow you to go through your tasks, possibly writing things, collecting information, maybe gathering stuff for your travels in the future.
For Sunday we still have a nice Sagittarius Moon. we have some help from the Sun and Ceres. This has to do with the care of others. this has to do also with food. There could be a principle development that allows for people to eat. There could be news about the drought or relief about the drought in some way, shape or form. The Moon will continue through the sign of Sagittarius with pretty much no other event making it a very nice day. pleasant for outdoor events or any type of cultural event, concerts and things like that.
Monday we do have the Void of Course Moon period that begins at 2:33 am until 3:29 am. That is not too hard to take. Void of Course Moon periods say that your judgment is off. so you want to hold off on purchases and final decisions. There is an aspect at 3:08 am on Monday. it is Sun quincunx Pluto. This is what I was talking about how the Sun sets off Uranus and Pluto square. So that is the beginning of it. It indicates that something is amiss, there is a problem. there is something that needs to be attended to in such a way where there is someone at the controls. person at the controls might be trying to force their agenda on others. it’s that life’s messy clean it up aspect. It can be mentally tormenting so careful to not get too deeply attached, which is against the nature of this aspect. But try to release as much as you can. There can be a lethartic event that allows you to see the other side of situations. Those that are trying to create problems for others could be running about during that day and the day to follow. There is also a lot of things involving healthcare workers, police, mortgages, taxes, money lenders that sort of thing, which could be in the news as well - that is on July 30th.
And then the things that we have following that July 31st. there is an aspect that is similar to that on the 30th at 5:00pm, when the Sun and the Moon are at that 150 degree aspect also so there is some adjustment. there is some type of issue or problem that pops up. This is the problem that must be addressed for or by the Full Moon that is coming up on Wednesday. So there is the start of the major issues .so be very careful, be very careful driving and be very careful engaging with others. Go with someone who knows the ropes as this is not a time for light weights. Capricorn Moon begins at 3:29 am on Monday. It‘s not a good Moon sign for forwarding your goals at all. so hold off. The rest of Monday is about cleaning something up in particular.
Tuesday we have Sun trine Uranus. Now That is normally a good aspect, but if we have to consider the fact that Uranus is tied to Pluto, which is that power monger, who wants to force it’s issues on others, government and other types of controlling agencies and entities like that would be annoying with that aspect. Otherwise Sun trine Uranus can be a brilliant release of information about a new invention, or discovery making that a very good thing.
There is a major aspect with Venus and Saturn. Venus comes out of her shadow period from when she was retrograde. Venus now is moving into a 120 degree trine – a beautiful aspect to Saturn and that aspect happens at 3:38 am. We can expect that the finances are going to be stabilized with that one, which should help. You can work out details about creating a greater harmony. It is a time of sound and conservative judgment. So there is nothing radical about this. there can also be a period when investments requiring a quick return are likely to fail. So it is the slow and steady way to go Is the best way to approach these types of things. Later we see the Full Moon.
The Full Moon will be on Wednesday. it is at 10 degrees of Aquarius at 11:27 pm. This is a time for putting all the cards on the table about friendship, about plans for joining with others about like mindedness: Joining clubs, joining political parties, affirming stands with political parties. There is something very important associated with this Full Moon. There are quite a few aspects that are set off with this Full Moon. Those that are interesting things that are very strong: Venus trine Saturn, Uranus square Pluto. but also Mars, the planet of the muscle, is moving closer to Saturn. It doesn’t reach Saturn until August 15th. This aspect has to do with tightening muscles. and it could create that feeling like you just don’t have the strength to get up the stairs half the time. So a lot of that is going on. and you need to probably boost protein with that aspect. And it does also cause a need to make commitments. This aspect of Mars & Saturn makes it kind of a testy period, feeling that the work is very hard. It is also very hard also to wrap your mind around the kinds of things that you really need to get done – There is a struggle that goes on there. So for the rest of Wednesday, the Aquarius Moon begins at 5:55 am. And it does begin a Green Light period. the Full Moon will help you to find what you are looking for and bring those things to you and that is a good thing.
Thursday has a very lucky charm aspect at 5:55 am when the Sun is 60 degrees to Jupiter - this is very positive. And the night before the Moon is trine Jupiter- So this very lovely aspect that is being supported by Jupiter. If you take advantage of these aspects on Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and right through early Thursday you may get lucky. If you wanted to do something like play the lottery, or buy a ticket to a place far away & do something that expands your experience outside of your comfort zone.
The other aspects for Thursday: Sun and Venus are in a cranky 45 degree aspect. This is as far away as this pair will travel from one another in their cycle. This aspect may bring negative news about money, difficulty with trying to scrape things together. although I think that Sun and Jupiter aspect helps this out and softens it and makes it a little easier to deal with and maybe you could find money in a different place.
For Friday we have still an Aquarius Moon - puts us in a very good place setting until 9:57 am. There is a brief void of course Moon from 8:36 am to 9:57 am.
The aspects for Friday, Mars and Neptune are playing with a 135 degrees. This may motivate someone with ill willed intentions with - sneaky behavior which may have an influence on Thursday afternoon, Thursday evening because this aspect between Mars and Neptune is right at midnight on Friday eastern time. Adjust that time for various places around the world. It also can bring a lot of wild weather - disturbing plans. it could be the cause for delaying games or other outdoor activities.
We also have an aspect between the Leo Sun and Pallas Athena in Aries which represents fairness and justice. That aspect brings a educated view of topics among the great minds to solve a problem.
The Moon changes signs at 9:57 am when the Moon enters Pisces. Here we have Mars and Saturn. They are not conjunct yet. But they are parallel bringing together a long term affect of their particular nature, which is about bonding areas of great concern: putting people to work and trying to fortify any structures and buildings of commitment. So this is about joining people together to be able to move forward with their plans. It is a dead stop too. So it can be something that has an effect on muscles. All the muscles: heart muscles, long muscles, short muscles and the Friday evening Pisces Moon. So check In on people that you know are alone or old. There are things that people need with that. In particular if they need help, there are a lot of people who would need help with that particular aspect during that Pisces Moon – that need to care for others.
next Saturday is a "no sign day too. So don’t move forward with anything during that Pisces Moon sign at all. Pisces Moon continues right through until next Sunday afternoon. That is pretty much it for the week
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