Monday, August 6, 2012

Astrology Report for Aug 6- 11, 2012 with Mercury turning Direct on Wednesday

Green Light periods begin on Aug 8 at 3:28 AM through Aug 10 at 4:10 PM.

Monday Aug 6 the Moon is in Aries and with gladly show off its pride when trine the Leo Sun while in this sign. This is a "do not sign" day.

The Sun & Mercury align Sunday night for a major announcement. This aspect allows for the processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made. A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Maybe a running mate is selected for the Republican Presidential Candidate. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted or decisions made about family pets. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
Tuesday Aug 7. "Do not sign" Tuesday. The big news for Tuesday is that Venus finally enters friendlier territory when it leaves scattered Gemini for the emotional sign of Cancer. Venus is put on hold for advances as we all wait for Mercury to put its engines in gear & move forward again but not until Wednesday morning.

At 9:42 AM Venus enters Cancer until September 6, 2012. Here Venus is concerned with family relationships, emotional bonds and financial security. Deeper personal attachments and romance is possible. Share time and food with family and close friends. A time to save or invest in things you trust.
Wednesday Aug 8. This is a fine day that will bring an opportunity to move forward with plans made over a month ago.
At 1:40 AM Mercury turns direct after a very long retrograde period (25 days). It will not turn retrograde again until November 6, 2012 - US Presidential Election Day. Oh boy!
At 3:28 AM Wednesday the Moon enters Taurus until Friday afternoon. From this point on until Friday at 8:11 AM there is a GREEN LIGHT PERIOD. Move forward and make your choices & agreements. For Wednesday there is nothing standing in your way. Use your best powers of persuasion to gently bring others around to your way of thinking. There may be an excellent counselor or strategy for you during this Moon sign. Taurus is the sign of the chariot making this a fine few days to purchase a vehicle or bike.

Make your choices for child care or adult care now. 5:16 PM Sun 60° Ceres. Farmers or crops may gain assistance. Food supplies in some areas are encouraging with this aspect.

An investment tip could be a golden opportunity. Mercury parallel Vesta 9:27 PM.

Thursday Aug 9. GREEN LIGHT DAY. The Taurus Moon is happy to have you at the dinner table. Enjoy good company & good food. There is a signal of gains & a good use of talents.

The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus is at 2:55 PM. You may find that matters related to May 2010, Feb 2011, and Nov 2011 & this week all connect to important events in regard to money & family traditions. But this is the action day with a Taurus money Moon sign either bringing you the money for work already completed or the funds to pay off a loan.
6:34 PM Venus & Neptune are 120° (trine). Romantic notions. Exquisite beauty. Ballet and beautiful music. Theatrical displays. Spiritual support from women. Indulgence of emotions. Romantic movies. Fine sense of esthetics. Balance of color and design. Poetry, yoga and meditation. Money flows in from oil, the arts and music. Sensitive compassion. Get away and enjoy your loved one. Show your appreciation to others. Stretch your artistic talents into money. Form a sound spiritual and artistic partnership.

Friday Aug 10 is a GREEN LIGHT period through to 4:10 PM. (The v/c Moon period from 8:47 AM may not interfere with your plans as the Moon is exalted in Taurus & meets the seven stars at the very end of the sign. Therefore canceling any void of course period.)

Signing or agreeing before this lovely Moon parallel Venus, at 8:47 AM could make all the difference between if you plans include a long-term investment. Money is available during the Taurus Moon sign.
At 4:10 PM when the Moon enters Gemini begin another GREEN LIGHT Period right through Sunday at 5:49 PM. The Gemini Moon sign is perfect for car hunting or purchasing a computer. Connect with others and expand your networks. This Moon sign travels with the blessings from Saturn in Libra. All of your choices are bound to make a difference in your life for many years to come.
Saturday Aug 11.`because either someone leaves without giving you the funds you need or they couldn't come up with it. Maybe what you planned to do with your money is no longer feasible or a more urgent need used the cash. On a wild whim you might win something so keep an open mind. Maybe you join with a sibling or neighbor for a fun venture.

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