The following are dates & times for the Green Light Periods from August 25, 2012 through the morning of Thursday, September 20, 2012.
I prepared such a long list due to my trip to England on September 5 – September 18.
This week there is only one Green Light Period for the positive advancement of your goals it is today Saturday August 25, 2012 there is a Green Light period through 2:39 AM Sunday August 26.
This is a good week to work on ongoing projects with no major commitments or agreements. However this week is action packed. You will need to respond to emerging events but resist the long-term decisions.
Not until the next Green Light Period on September 7, 2012 Friday after 12:09 AM during the Gemini Moon sign until – Sunday September 9 at 6:58 AM can we trust that our goals have the thumbs up from the cosmic energies.
The next Green Light Period begins after 12:49 PM Sunday September 9 during the Cancer Moon through Tuesday September 11 at 7:35 PM.
The next Green Light Period is during the Leo Moon sign Tuesday Sept 11 after 11:00 PM until Friday at 1:13 AM.
The Next is during the Virgo Moon sign beginning at 5:30 AM Friday September 14, until Sunday September 16 at 7:25 AM.
The next Green Light Period begins on Sunday September 16 after 7:22 PM through Monday at 11:18 PM September 17, 2012.
The next Green Light Period begins during the Scorpio Moon sign that begins on Tuesday September 18 after 10:45 AM through Thursday September 20 at 9:11 AM.
Because of my lecture engagements in England I might be off the air with our Astrology report for Saturday September 8 & September 15. I will return with a live report on Saturday September 22nd to review the following week.
The week ahead: August 25 - September 1, 2012.
Saturday August 25, 2012 – this Sagittarius Moon gives a Green Light to forward your goals today.
The weekend began with the Moon in the happy sign of Sagittarius. This Moon sign is in great shape for playing or even working if you must. There is a terrific indicator for selecting property either far from your current home or one that has plenty of open spaces to play & expand. As for your overseas plans, it looks like you may have the edge by planning ahead. It is also a positive day for planning school & conferences. As far as romance tonight with this Sagittarius Moon sign, understand that people need their space to savor their thoughts of others. “Don’t fence me in” is the theme for this Moon sign. You may also discover how your need for space hasn’t work very well for your love life so far as indicated by the Sagittarius Moon’s final aspect - a very positive 60° to Saturn which craves structure to an unlikely or unwilling form.
There are no planetary aspects on this day.
Sunday August 26, 2012 The Sagittarius Moon is void of course (v/c) from 2:39 AM until 9:58 AM.
Sagittarius Moon changes to Capricorn at 9:58 AM. The Moon will be in the sign of Capricorn until Tuesday afternoon. This is not a good Moon sign for signing anything or making long-term commitment. If you attempt to forward your goals by asking for loans, etc you may find that those whom you are trying to impress are not inclined to see things your way. You get a big fat “no” when you ask for approval.
The aspects for Sunday are:
Exact Aug 26 2012
Brief description: A strong desire for balance of body mind and spirit. A leap of faith. Forgiveness and spiritual benevolence. Artistic presentations in work. An energized creative expression. An idealistic approach to problem solving. News involving oil companies and fuel supplies. Charismatic. Intuitive reactions. Actions from or regarding Asia. Treading softly with a big stick. A swelling of emotional response. Crossing boundaries without resistance. Sex offenders are apprehended. Wealthy individuals avoid capital gains taxes by claiming losses from offshore currency transactions A news focus on media personality.
For personal use: Trust your first response and question your second.
For business use: Implement filters.
Moon occultation to Pluto 10:05 PM Sunday. Thick & heavy events that surround topics. This could be a game changer. The lunar node is hovering over the threshold of Sagittarius & Scorpio bring greater meaning to these developments. The indicators might be that your plan for change is eclipsed by outside forces.
Monday August 27, 2012-The Moon is in Capricorn. It is a “no go” day. Carry on with your business plans in private as you are able to work from the bottom up. Resist the temptation to tear everything down and lose what you have created. Mercury dominates the Capricorn Moon sign with various turns with conflicting information.
Aspects for Monday are as follows:
Exact Aug 27 2012
Brief description: This can be a stubborn and difficult aspect with hidden problems. This aspect shows money problems with business or parents and issues of someone in a position of power who is holding the purse strings. There can be tension with management of organizations. This aspect can show stress in friendship and social or outer affairs. This aspect could draw one into community action with large groups organized for a common goal, such as a campaign effort. Annoying psychological twists and paranoid thinking. Propaganda.
For personal use: Try some thought stopping methods to slow the repeated circles in your mind. Write.
For business use: Look for deep flaws in the system. Don't approach bureaucracies today.
Tuesday August 28, 2012 – The Capricorn Moon is v/c from 6:33 AM after the Moon is square Saturn until 1:38 PM when the Moon enters Aquarius until Thursday evening. It is a “no go” day for your final commitments & selections.
Aspects for Tuesday are as follows:
Exact Aug 28 2012
Brief description: Communications are unusual and spontaneous, sometimes shocking. Disruptions in travel or with equipment is likely. A surprise communication that requires a demand for the truth Something slips past the sensors. A repeated blunder fouls the player carrying the ball. The mind works overtime. It's the details that need to be resolved before settling into the project. Twisted thinking. Mental tension. Radical views challenged. Interrupted motion and communications. Sudden change of mind. Computer viruses. Difficulty staying on tract. Brilliant brainstorming. Sudden exposure of the truth.
For personal use: Record your brilliant ideas for prosperity. Be sensitive to accidental insults when speaking with friends or while in friendly conversation.
For business use: Listen for a hot tip. Friends will be very important in the scheme of things.
Exact Aug 28 2012 3:55 AM Tuesday
Exact Aug 28 2012
Wednesday August 29, 2012
It is a “no go” day for your final commitments & selections.
Aspects for Wednesday are as follows:
Exact Aug 29 2012
Brief description: Money is handled. Money may be released for one time use, temporary or short term ventures. The professional gambler at work. A compelling drive to bond in relationships in a sexual way or otherwise deeper emotional level. The presence of emotional intensity. Deep jealousy.
For personal use: You may find the money you need to catch up temporarily.
For business use: A temporary solution found in hidden places
Exact Aug 29 2012
SUN TRINE PLUTO 8:21 PM Wednesday
Exact Aug 29 2012
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant.
MERCURY SEXTILE SATURN 9:24 PM Wednesday Exact Aug 29 2012
Brief description: Sharper thinking returns in the evening when this 2nd aspect hits. You find much-awaited clarity returning, and your need for concentration and focus on practical matters is addressed.
For personal use: Put your more rational thinking into gear so as to clean up the mess from earlier in the day.
For business: You may find you work best alone.
Exact Aug 29 2012.
Emerging information creates a conflict between partners.
THE TRUE LUNAR NODE CHANGES SIGNS FROM SAGITTARIUS TO SCORPIO AT 11:05 PM Wednesday August 29, 2012 until February 2014.
This nodal change could be dramatic causing shifts from deep under the surface. The last time the nodes made this change there was the great tsunami in Indonesia December 26, 2004.
In our personal lives we may expect many greater changes in our lives which effect how we experience our lives. These changes could be effecting our financial goals & and our traditions. Utilize your talents for largest gains in your future.
Thursday August 30, 2012 -
The Aquarius Moon sign continues on Thursday until 6:31 PM. There is a v/c Moon period from 1:48 PM until 6:31 PM when the Moon will enter Pisces.
The Pisces Moon sign continues through Sunday morning.
For Thursday we have another “no go day” for your final commitments & selections.
Use this day to pick up the pieces and work with deadlines which are the nature of the up & coming Full Moon.
Aspects for Thursday are as follows:
Exact Aug 30 2012
Brief description: Erratic shifts in your ability to focus. This aspect can cause distraction and upset.
This haphazard energy can accompany surprising and upsetting events. Rebellion. Liberation. Exposure of a truth. Sudden, erratic changes involving administrative objectives and the radical awareness or actions of workers or otherwise citizens. Shocking reactions to aggressive tactics gain response from those that have more recently remained silent. People working diligently behind the scenes might provoke change. This aspect is accident prone. Electrical hazards. Innovation and inventions are developed. Health hazards for those with high blood pressure or extreme stress. Modern technology used in medical procedures.
For personal use: Practice patience and remain alert. Use caution when dealing with fast moving objects, traffic and tempers.
For business: Keep your cool and remain open to all sides of matters. Get the facts before taking action. Abrupt layoffs and cutbacks; clashes with company head and workers; debates over routine maintenance versus radical makeovers.
Friday August 31, 2012
It is a “no go” day for your final commitments & selections.
Aspects for Friday are as follows:
MERCURY CONTRAPARALL MARS 12:04 AM Friday. Exact Aug 31 2012
Thought of right action is the goal but there may be activities in response to problems. Expect traffic problems and mechanical breakdowns. This aspect brings a temporary alignment with those able to cut through "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. There is an acute sense of smell. Expressions are often pointed and heated. A fear that someone will rip off another of their ideas or possessions or someone gives you a hot tip while on the run. An image of this aspect shows arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds. News of military plans or actions. Filter out the propaganda.
You'll make progress if you can slow down your speech and lower your tone, so your message is heard.
Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
Exact Aug 31 2012.
Exact Aug 31 2012
Brief description: Women may not do well with endeavors. Trying to correct past troubles. Announcements of concessions or drop outs. Pressure to perform under less than desirable circumstances. Social faux pas. Affections expressed may be met with disappointment. Uncomfortable with feelings or feeling uncomfortable. Sadness around friendship. Dissatisfaction with purchases. There may be a tendency to shop to try and satisfy a sense of emptiness. A desire to indulge in food or other pleasures. A broken treasure. A broken heart.
For personal use: Have some fun. Enjoy the moment without expectations.
For business use: Book your important meeting on another day. Avoid expenditures.
FULL MOON – AUGUST 31, 2012 AT 9:58 AM AT 8°Pisces 33’.
Exact Aug 31 2012
Aug 31 2012
Brief description: A time for discriminating and critical thinking. You may be able to act on plans for a job change, relocating or negotiating details for a contract. This is a time to act on matters and move any long range plans into a priority position. Remain "tuned in" for developing details, fact and important information to further goals. Any information that lacks definition is now ready for important clarifying questions and second opinions, especially with health matters. The student is able to focus. A good period to do homework. Clean and restore. Take care of health matters.
For personal use: Take care of health matters. Plan a feast with family and friends. Use your culinary and gardening talents to reduce stress and share time with loved ones. Decorate with discriminating taste. Take more time to process new information.
For business use: Choose a favorable day for signing agreements and for making your decisions public. Plan for investments. Contact old associates that could be an asset to your new ventures. Reflect on past performance and learn from your mistakes.
This is a time of action after having Mercury's recent retrograde period for careful contemplation and consideration for major decisions.
Saturday September 1, 2012 It is a “no go” day for your final commitments & selections.
Aspects for Saturday are as follows:
Exact Sep 1 2012
Brief description: A temporary alignment with the boss that discusses cutbacks. Any agreement may not be desirable later comes at a high cost. Someone who pushes creates a major problem. Some negative results and complications lead to a change in management.
For personal use: Maintain boundaries. Work alone on tasks that require presentation. Prepare for an open house.
For business: Gather support from those in a higher position but resist implementing a plan. Purchases presents long-term problems.
Exact Sep 1 2012
Brief Description: Blind spots throughout the day are caused by rushing about. Neptune distorts Mercury's information and at times can be telling lies. People you meet on this day may be unreliable or suffer from misinformation. There could be computer or vehicle complications on this day.
For personal use: If you are seeking the truth, ask your questions on another day, although what is not true may be or contain valuable information too! Check your facts before you speak. There is likely to be a crowd hanging on your every word. Meditate and use music to shift your thinking.
For business: Get the facts before you proceed. It may be too good to be true. Avoid major equipment purchases today. Business associates may be illusive or concealing information. As with the con man "keep your eye on the hand".
THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: FULL MOON – AUGUST 31, 2012 AT 9:58 AM AT 8°Pisces 33’.
Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:
The following four lunar phases belong to the Moon Family for the
FULL MOON – AUGUST 31, 2012 AT 9:58 AM AT 8°Pisces 33’.
New Moon - 4/Mar/2011 13° Pisces 55’
First Quarter - 2/Dec/2011 09° Pisces 51’
Full Moon - 31/Aug/2012 08° Pisces 33’
Last Quarter- 31/May/2013 10° Pisces 28’
You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you have realized your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family personally, as it carries your storyline along a path of logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages of your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. Even after one Moon family is completed over a period of 2.25 years, a new Moon Family emerges with a new event or new beginning at the next New Moon stage nine months following the last date of a Moon Family.
At the First Quarter Moon stage, nine months after a New Moon, there is a progressive and enthusiastic development of growth. The degree of the New Moon is revived with the First Quarter Moon. At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship. This is a gathering stage. Think of the First Quarter Moon stage as a time to shop for the ingredients to make a hearty stew.
Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion at the time of a Full Moon where deadlines, full disclosures, case presentations, social events, weddings and the like are typical.
In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people or things may return to you during the last quarter phase of which you once thought were finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.
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