The Green Light Days this week are:
Green Light for Saturday June 9 until 2:32 PM.
Green Light for Monday after 1:22 PM until 2:38 PM.
Green Light Tuesday at 12:21 AM until Wednesday at 11:08 PM. This is the best choice.
Green Light Thursday at 12:22 PM until Saturday at 1:02 PM
URANUS SQUARE PLUTO FROM June 24, 2012 - March 16 2015.
The backdrop aspect for an extended period of time is Uranus square Pluto. The implications are grand & globally financial. There can be extreme events that create great advances through revolutionary events. There will be accomplishment of great feats despite adversity could show striking changes in the lives of individuals on up to the heads of governments. Entire governments could fail or be reorganized. As difficult as it may seem, the surrounding events are paramount to further growth & expansion. Uranus is determined to revolutionize all that is Pluto. Pluto is the strong hold in government & corporate heads and all of its corruption. Corruption marks the decay in vital systems of which Uranus pressures to expose. The end goal is to give back what belongs to the people.
Saturday June 9, 2012
For the next five hours (Saturday June 9, 2012) there is a brief Green Light period. The Moon will change from Aquarius to Pisces at 3:21 PM. A brief v/c Moon period occurs after the Moon is square Jupiter at 2:32 PM. Jupiter is a dominant player this week because it will change signs on Monday. Jupiter’s influence over our ability to understand the higher meaning of core topics such as the greater social awareness and our ability individually & collectively to grow and evolve. We are able to understand how a taste for extravagance has its price. Now as the subjects of Taurus’ monetary domain are globally primary to the stability of all we may fair better with Jupiter moving out of the sign of monetary stability. The reason being that Jupiter creates multiplying factor which layers in excess and fails to anchor. Jupiter is seen as a lucky charm but in actuality it offers promises of which may or may not be kept. Jupiter will not be limited to perspective after entering Gemini on Monday but will disperse & scatter vital links of information.
Before Jupiter leaves Taurus it comes to the rescue of a global situation when in aspect to Pluto (split parallel). To rescue is one of Jupiter’s strong suits. Perhaps this is the key event in the European financial crisis. The fix is temporary but necessary to hold back the dam of their crumbling economic picture which has everything to do with our economic outlook.
6:19 AM The Aquarius Moon acts as a trigger seting off an opposite aspect between Juno & Ceres a bit early – not occurring until Sunday afternoon.
The Moon’s final aspect at 90° to Jupiter marks an decline in the current drama
The Moon enters Pisces at 3:21 PM until Monday at 12:21 AM. The final aspect of the Pisces Moon is square to Venus bringing an expensive end to a , especially for cosmetic changes. Being supportive to those in need is the best way to use this Pisces Moon sign. There are no major planetary aspects while the Moon travels through Pisces. There are two important aspects to note both of which influence relationships.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
3:32 AM Mercury 90° Pallas. Your judgment is off and your thinking is headed in a radical direction. Perhaps it an impulse that drives you to make a dramatic change. You may be positioned to make fast decisions which could be based on snap judgments. Instead choose a wise counselor to help study the matter in a logical fashion. It is a good time to record your ideas as the innovative thinking is flying freely.
At 12:12 PM Retrograde Juno opposite Ceres might bring about a breathtaking event. For some this may be the ability to jump in with both feet but someone is compromised. The impact points to interpersonal needs & their individual roles especially in regard to having children. People marrying may have very different needs in regards to raising a family. In some cases only one partner may want children. This may be lead to a decision about a marrying or not as Juno is retrograde in Sagittarius and this could be a deal breaker.
The v/c Moon occurs after it reaches a 90° angle to retrograde Venus at 3:16 PM until 12:21 AM Monday. This may bring about overindulgence or an overly “made up” appearance. Some may
Monday, June 11, 2012
Monday The Moon enters Aries at 12:21 AM through midday Thursday. The Aries Moon is anxious to get on with the arrival of Jupiter.
At 1:22 PM Jupiter enters Gemini until June 25, 2013. Jupiter will retrograde in Gemini October 4, 2012 until January 30, 2012.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Beginning at 12:21 AM Tuesday there is a positive Green Light period until late night Wednesday (11:09 PM). Plan ahead for an opportunity to arise but you must take some sort of action to set a forward push. It is time to advance. There is someone who may help. If you are on your toes you can easily grasp the advantage.
Chiron turns retrograde until November 14, 2012. 1:13 AM
Mercury trine retrograde Chiron attempts to access the root of the emotional damage. 11:07 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Mercury 45° Ceres at 1:34 AM.
At 8:12 AM the Sun signals retrograde Saturn with a 120° aspect that a change in direction is near (12 days).
8:26 AM Mercury finds a link to a financial matter ruled by retrograde Venus. This could be a positive find or an inkling of a problem with your budget. Stay on top of your money and take all notices seriously. On the pleasant side you may enjoy good company & good food.
At 11:08 PM The final aspect of this excellent Aries Moon sign. Don’t miss out. Moon 60° Sun.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Moon is v/c until the Moon enters Taurus at 12:21 PM on Thursday.
Thursday Green Light period begins 12:21 PM through 1:24 AM June 17 (Sunday). Somehow it all works out for this Taurus Moon sign. What may derail a plan today can come together in a pleasing manner by Saturday night at which time there is something to celebrate.
Thursday 2:55 PM the Sun is 150° to retrograde Juno in Scorpio. This is not an easy adjustment for lovers or those wishing to marry. There are unforeseen problems some of which could bring you closer to a final decision to go ahead or not. There is however, a condition which needs to be alleviated. The issues could be huge as Juno is headed for a November eclipse point.
Friday, June 15, 2012 - There is nothing holding you back on this GREEN LIGHT DAY. Go for it.
Saturday, June 16, 201 – Green Light until 1:02 PM.
Saturday June 16, M
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