I am here in Watertown wish to thank everyone for their prayers & good wishes that brought a week of terror to an end Friday night.
As for the end of the reign of terror here in the Boston area the Sun finally left the violent Aries point just as the Watertown Lock Down was lifted. Just at the time when the Moon aligned with Mars by a parallel at 6:44 PM the resident of Franklin St in Watertown became aware of blood on the plastic wrapped boat in his back yard. This was the beginning of the end of the drama and by 8:45 PM the 19 year old was apprehended & taken to the hospital.
This is a living example of how a parallel functions. It is like traveling down the same street side by side. You can help one another for long term benefits just at the right time and place.) In this case all eyes were focused on the same goal and a call to the police brought over 2,000 police officers on the scene. Mars indicates the guns and the Moon indicates the people.
The students in class asked me to post our findings from our last astrology class Wednesday April 17, 2013. We too are in Watertown and it was two days before the battle in Watertown, MA between the force of police and the two bombing suspects. We had a class of six that night as we deciphered the chart of the Marathon bombing at 2:50 PM April 15, 2013 in Boston, MA.
We looked at a chart that showed a Gemini Moon along side of Jupiter, also in Gemini. The Gemini sign gave the impression that there were two or more people which perpetrated the crimes. With Jupiter as far away from its home sign of Sagittarius as it could get it, the thought was that they bombers were foreigners but lived here and possibly went to school here. It was possible that there was a woman involved as well. We also speculated that they would be aggressively hunted the next night, Thursday night and caught by Friday April 19, 2013.
As we are aware at this time our speculation was correct. The woman might have been the wife of the first suspect, although she does not seem to be indicated as a suspect in the crimes.
If you would like to join us for class please give me a call at 617-924-0929.
The intense transits during this time allowed for a bed of violence & chaos during this past week. The intensity continues in various ways as a Lunar Eclipse is yet to appear on Thursday April 25 at 3:57 PM. This occurs at 5° Scorpio 46’ with Saturn so close at 8° Scorpio 24’ and the Scorpio lunar node at 16°. On the opposite side of the zodiac both the Sun & Mars continue to travel side by side for a time
Although the partial eclipse will not visible here in the US its impact is deeply felt. It will be seen in Asia, Austrailia, Europe and Antarctica.
A second partial lunar eclipse will occur May 25, 2013 at 4° Sagittarius 08’. It too will be barely visible in the Americas.
The Green Light days this week to move forward with your goals are:
Saturday April 20 after 9:08 PM until Tuesday at 2:12 AM. Then after a brief void of course Moon period from 2:13 AM – 3:25 AM begin another Green Light Period during the Libra Moon sign until Thursday morning at 3:26 AM.
The remainder of Thursday during the Scorpio Moon is not good for moving forward. The day of the lunar eclipse is additionally difficult as the Moon aligns with Saturn. There are conflicts, blocks and heavy matters of life to tend to. Scorpio matters are dark and deeply moving. There may be life changing events that couple with the Full Moon on Thursday. During the Scorpio Moon Venus is calling the shots. Making this an expensive period which continues to be the case as Venus approaches the lunar node April 28.
The best use of the Scorpio Moon sign is to delve into your personal psychological subjects with a seasoned professional.
Also deep massage, acupuncture and alternative healing methods are of great benefit during this time as you are likely to get to the root of the matter. Also money matters come to the surface especially those that involve others or institutions such as loans, mortgages, taxes and inheritances.
Hopefully the heaviness is lightened next weekend however we approach the Sun opposing Saturn on Sunday.
During the Virgo Moon sign there are several aspects:
Saturday April 20, 2013
Exact Apr 20 2013
Brief description: This is an aspect that creates overconfidence or an over optimistic perspective that could permit oversights. There is an indication for a need to expand that is unwise at this time. There may be an awareness of growing pains. A time for travel but not without complications. Legal issues become apparent. Differences could lead to conflict.
For personal use: Study something new. Keep travel plans direct and simple.
For business use: Be realistic of how expansion at this time may cause and overload later.
Exact Apr 20 2013
Brief description: The engineer's and computer programmers aspect. Speaking quickly. Mental gymnastics. Experiments and inventions. Radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest. Erratic and quirky functions with experiments and equipment. Interruptions for surprise announcements. Shocking or quirky news. technical information and technical difficulty, impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. New fangled way to work out problems.
For personal use: Don't blurt out everything on your mind. But do take note of any brilliant ideas.
For business use: High tech is the best way to go today.
Apr 20 2013
Brief description: This is a period of strong personal desires, although the intentions usually follow a reliable course of action in attaining those desires. Slow steady progress is the way to go during this next six weeks. You may notice greater resistance to change or a dominating stubborn streak emerges if opposed.
Use persuasion to attain your goals. Invest your energy in your talents. Chose things that have growth potential during this transit.
Exact Apr 20 2013
Brief description: A temporary alignment with the boss that discusses cutbacks. Any agreement may not be desirable later comes at a high cost. Someone who pushes creates a major problem. Some negative results and complications lead to a change in management.
For personal use: Maintain boundaries. Work alone on tasks that require presentation. Prepare for an open house.
For business: Gather support from those in a higher position but resist implementing a plan. Purchases presents long-term problems.
Sunday April 21, 2013
Exact Apr 21 2013
Brief description: Annoying legal issues or other obstacles with logistics. Fiery. Actions based on differences in ethics, philosophy and religious views. There is an awareness of an attitude of prejudice with an aggressive spirit. Political and spiritual restlessness. A need to speed up recovery. Body building. Seeking confidence and excitement to succeed with a competitive spirit. The tendency to over-look or under estimate problems when motivated by a goal. Motivate to publish or advertise. Risky behavior.
For personal use: Take on a big project but pace yourself.
For business use: Beware of over extending when advertising. Seek legal advice.
Exact Apr 21 2013
Brief description: Deep mental distress and challenges during communication. A stressed sense that matters are out of control. Paranoid perceptions. Manipulative operations. Replaying hurts over and over. Someone is withholding and you may want more that you are getting. It is difficult to break though this energy. You must let it pass. This aspect may affect your sleep the evening before if you are unable to let go of the outcome and turn it over to the universe for resolve.
For personal use: Let go and pray.
For business use: If you don't want to marry this problem: don't sign anything.
Monday April 22, 2013
Vigo Moon sign – Green Light Day
Exact Apr 22 2013
Brief description: Separation from loved ones. Loneliness and issues of past love injuries. People may be insensitive to feelings and sentimentality. Difficulty getting emotional and financial needs met. Businesses temporarily run weak. Women in business meet with major obstacles or complete opposition. Difficulty loosening your significant other's purse strings. The loss of personal items. One chooses utility and disregards esthetics. Uncomfortable social settings. Social faux pas.
For personal use: Keep your wallet and luggage close to your chest.
For business use: Avoid applying for loans. If a request for money is denied, wait a few days for this to pass.
Exact Apr 22 2013
Brief description: This aspect combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. It's the "Great Minds Think Alike" aspect. Intelligence reports. Mental agility. Brilliance. The ability to make snap accurate deduction. Experiments and inventions. Radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest. Erratic and quirky functions with experiments and equipment. Interruptions for surprise announcements. Shocking or quirky news. Technical information and technical difficulty. Impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. A new approach to problems. Troubleshooting.
For personal use: Try to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Your friends may suffer from your sarcasm.
For business use: Take advantage of the unexpected tips today. There may be long-term advantages with the events that suddenly surface today. Keep an open mind and allow your thinking to seek the creative and inventive.
Exact Apr 22 2013
Brief description: Parallels and contra parallel aspects of declination remain in effect for a longer time period than the more familiar aspects conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines, etc. The interpretation of this aspect can be that of a cool off period around a hot zone. It can also be understood as force meets a brick wall. The rebels in the area have to agree to allow emergency operations to take place before they resume their battle. Of course they are also compromised as if the universe has given them time to cool off. With a contra parallel there is a level of cooperation involving the principals of the two planets involved. As if they temporarily put aside their differences for a common goal. A successful one time event between two opposing sides as with the bipartisan efforts of the governors to keep the federal government money for Medicaid would fall under the roof of this aspect.
For personal use: This aspect can be supportive when involving very close relationships as you may agree for a time to let bygones be bygones around a difficult subject. It can be a time for cooperation during a period when a difficult task is ahead of you both. It indicates slow steady progress.
For business use: You may join forces or combine your efforts with people or businesses that you do not intend to remain connected with or those who you may never have considered as business partners or associates but are appropriate now for a specific goal.
Tuesday April 23, 2013
During the Libra Moon sign beginning at 3:25 AM on Tuesday there is one aspect.
Brief Description: This is a travel aspect with a benevolent benefactor. Bridging communication gaps between all necessary players is the mode of the day. Communication is key.
For Personal use: Travel. Writing flows and communication is clear..
For business: Network with confidence and travel in order to establish solid connections
Wednesday April 24, 2013. Happy Birthday Anne my 94 year old Landlady
Exact Apr 24 2013
Brief description: A money aspect that could be speculative or result from a favor. A ravenous appetite for food, and sensual delights. Sensually or sexually indulgent.. Motivated by money, mild jealousy and envy. Motivations brings ease in a crowd. Blending with those in a large group. A need to share and trust. A display of spending for an entertainment setting. Enjoyably intense interactions with others. Expressions or desire of deep affection creating deeper intimacy in relationships. An opportunity for great consumption. An opening to sell something or release. Insatiable desires. Meetings or introduction to people with great magnetism. Bonding within a setting of large groups of people. Intense need to acquire money and material objects. Jealousy can be a motivator for change. Paranoia detected in the statements regarding ones possessions.
For personal use: Easily express your passion through your creative projects. Create a romantic setting for the object of your affection. Indulge but resist a heavy mood.
For business use: An opportunity for a smooth connection to the person holding the key to the bank in a social setting.
Exact Apr 24 2013
Brief description: An opportunity for dreamy and inspirational ideas. Matters that concern oil and the ocean. It is a day of receptivity. An openness to people, places and things from around the world. A day to show your creative projects. Actors, artists and musician are called into action with this aspect. Those who act or read from a script. Visits to jails, hospitals and museums. Romantic, dreamy and imaginative. Boundaries may be loosened while exchanging ideas and network support. Information gathered is vague or idealistic having a quality of fantasy. Intuition runs high on this day. Talk of how confusion around an issue has brought inspiration or divine intervention to the forefront.
For personal use: Show your creative projects. Begin something enriching as with music, a yoga study, an art appreciation class, or a self discovery process possibly with a social worker or intuitive counselor.
For business: Use your intuition for sensitive selections that best represent what your business is about. Lead with the information from your gut.
Thursday April 25, 2013
Moon is v/c 3:25 AM until 6:25 AM
The Moon enters Scorpio at 6:25 AM.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 3:57 PM at 5° Scorpio 46’
Friday April 26, 2013
Scorpio Moon sign
Exact Apr 26 2013
This aspect is confusing and present when there is a lie or some sort of distortion of the truth. There is difficulty diagnosing problems as there are hidden facts and lost information. You may do better with intuitive thinking but beware of relaying information from vague sources. Insider leaks. Be sure to double check everything you hear before letting upsetting stories ruin your day.
If it seems you have an edge because of leaked information but you might also suffer unwanted consequences.
Brief description: An opportunity to consider unique options and possibilities outside the realm of traditional standards. This aspect can bring a surge of strength or display of physical excellence. During competition this aspect can place players over the top. An exercise in faith based actions. An experience that excels previous records. To take action based on a philosophical notion and intuition and a dream. Inspiration galore. A stroke of physical luck. Emotional and stormy inside and out with opportunity beyond expectations. White out conditions.
For personal use: Record your dreams and expect miracles.
For business use: Allow time to brainstorm with others.
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