Saturday, April 27, 2013

Astrology Report for the week April 27 - May 4 with Green Light Days

Green Light Days this week are:
Saturday April 27 with great caution but best Sunday April 28 after 4:27 AM (after Sun opposition Saturn) through Monday at 12:37 AM which is during the Sagittarius Moon that will trine Mercury as its final aspect while in Sagittarius. This allows you to see things from a different perspective before making a decision. You can gain the information you need to travel or relocation. (Astro-cartography is a study of your planetary influences throughout the globe.) This is a great time for course enrollment. People are traveling freely and open to new ideas. However this Moon sign does not go without its concerns. All and all things end well if you allow things to roll off your back.

Friday May 3 at 2:25 PM until noon Sunday May 5 during the Pisces Moon sign which ends with Moon 60° Venus in Taurus. Excellent for gaining support from others because of their compassionate side.

Major on going influences come from the Uranus square Pluto becomes more intense in May as they aspect is exact May 20 but remain strong through June. Also the eclipse season continues with two more eclipses; a solar eclipse on May 9 and another lunar eclipse May 25.

For this week the days that have the greatest frustration & challenges are today for one as the Sun is opposite Saturn though Sunday morning. Then again it is rough with the Mars opposite Saturn aspect on Wednesday morning which will be felt strongly on Monday and stronger through Tuesday. Relief is felt sometime after the Mars – Saturn aspect. At 1:12 AM. Both of these heavy Saturn aspects give a feeling of hard work, frustrations, shut downs of labor or passages, harsh rulings and difficulties gaining approvals. Judgments past during this time could be harsh. These planetary oppositions finish next Sunday May 5 with Mercury opposite Saturn. But the worst of this trying time appears to let up on Wednesday.

Jupiter quincunx North Node It is time to reassess your affiliations with individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. You may also need to adjust your expectations, letting go of outdated goals or ambitions. It is time to seek new experiences, particularly those which can add to your knowledge. Of course letting go of old friends and alliances is not easy. Neither is it a simple task to adjust one's expectations, but remember that as one door shuts another opens.
Saturday, April 27, 2013 Saturday, April 27, 2013- The Moon began in Scorpio until 7:31 AM then entered Sagittarius through Monday at 8:21 AM.
8:19:26 PM Moon 150° Sun. Clean up & make adjustments as a result of the Full Moon eclipse events this past week
Sunday, April 28, 2013 - The Sagittarius Moon allows for the best day to move forward until Friday.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
4:26:35 AM Sun opposition Saturn -This aspect occurs once a year employs an executive Sign cleaning day. Knees and joints are aching and weak teeth need attention. This aspect can act as "judgment day" for those in high positions. Positions ranging from head of family to head of state are being reviewed. Feelings of depression and frustration begin to break upon completion of this aspect in a day or two. It brings a low point in energy levels with roadblocks and problems that requires great effort to make corrections. Difficult decisions are made involving layoffs or abandoning lost causes. Major delays and obstacles. Cutbacks and cut off with minimal concern for others. Harsh consequences. The cold hard facts. Problems and limitations. Father issues and poor self esteem. The lowest day in the Saturn retrograde period which began on February 18, 2013 through July 8, 2013. Elderly and infirmed people require more assistance. Hard work.
For personal use: Take an honest inventory of your successes without diminishing their value. Give yourself a break today.
For business use: Share your burdens with trusted advisors. Expect some improvement in a couple of days.

7:57:54 AM Venus 45° Vesta spot something expensive that you might feel compelled to purchase.
6:50:15 PM Venus joins south node women in high places are brought into the limelight. Women gather for an important global message. Meetings or unions with others through necessity about money or family tradition. For some its about work. Socializing is strong. The best aspect for diplomacy and persuasion.

Monday, April 29, 2013 - Sagittarius Moon sign changes to Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon is difficult for moving forward. Continue to manage ongoing matters without formal commitments. You are best to wait for the Pisces Moon sign on Friday.
Monday, April 29, 2013
12:36:38 AM Void of course Moon begins at 12:36 AM until 8:21 AM.
8:21:11 AM Moon enters Capricorn through 10:20 AM Wednesday. Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 -The Capricorn Moon is difficult for moving forward. Continue to manage ongoing matters without formal commitments. You are best to wait for the Pisces Moon sign on Friday.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
3:19:26 AM Moon occultation Pluto - - Power plays and psychological games create anxieties. Release your fear and come to your center with a sense of your own power.
7:26:34 AM Sun 30° Uranus – sudden events emerge that seems lost.
Wednesday, May 01, 2013 - Capricorn Moon sign changes to Aquarius. The edges or a very rough beginning can be smoothed out with an act of unity.
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
1:11:44 AM Mars opposition Saturn -Rough spot - Sheer frustration. Progress that is cut off or blocked. A loss of jobs. An athletic challenge. Hot and cold reactions. The inability to act on a subject that has orchestrated a well prepared foundation. The end of a major battle. Objections to judicial rulings. Exhausting all efforts to avoid being shut down. To surrender or give up after a grueling battle. The topic of skeletal bone support. Broken bones. Persistent problems. Halts aggression. To comply to the rules with resentment. Meeting with a brick wall. A very hard task that feels like an uphill battle. Going on alone without support.
For personal use: Take stock, then take charge of your most fundamental concerns. Reinforce your supplies and foundations. Work on teeth and bones.
For business use: Utilize your best problem solvers. Look again in areas where you have failed in the past.

10:07:02 AM Moon is void of course 10:07 AM until 10:20 AM.

10:19:29 AM Moon enters Aquarius

11:37:04 AM Mercury enters Taurus until May 15, 2013. Think persuasion. Mercury is the thinking planet that relays information and travels about. When in Taurus, Mercury's winged feet tend to be grounded with slow and methodical thought processes. This is a period of addressing practical affairs and concerns of tradition and stability are the key focus. It may be a time to purchase a vehicle or upgrade communication equipment as Taurus is the sign of acquisition.
For personal use: A good time to work in the garden or organize your stuff.
For business use: When making agreements consider that all may have to wait until Mercury has finished its retrograde period before the details come together. Patience will serve you better than pushing.

1:35:48 PM SUN TRINE PLUTO Exact May 1 2013
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant.

Exact May 1 2013
Brief description: Secret meetings. Someone is spying. Information seems to be psychic. Misrepresentation is found in contracts. Information is unrealistic and confusing. The parishioner consults with clergy to find an outward display of faith does not address the core problems and only comfort the immediate symptoms. Poetry and music soothe the soul. Vivid dreams and intuitive thinking is strong during this aspect. Information may seem inspired.
For personal use: Share your secret troubles with a confidant.
For business use: Utilize the power of music to disperse negative pockets of energy.
Thursday, May 02, 2013 - Aquarius Moon sign is not good for formal agreements of any sort. Manage ongoing issues.
Thursday, May 02, 2013 -
7:14:10 AM Aquarius Last Quarter Moon Thursday May 2 at 7:14 AM at 12Aq12. This lunar phase reaches back to Feb of 2011 where the principals of this lunar phase were seeded. These ideas and principals gained momentum in early November 2011. All the cards were on the table with related events August 2012.
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with unpredictable expressions. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Exact May 2 2013
Brief description: The may be an abundance of information outlining problems that are difficult to access or resolve. Health issues take precedence and other pressing matters build up. An overload causes breakdowns. Travel may be complicated. Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting. The position may show information pointing to problems that are difficult to access with creative pursuits, children, speculation or gambling. Information seems out range or has an irresponsible tone or message. Those claiming to "know it all" may run into conflicts. Statements may be over inflated.
For personal use: Create a priority list.
For business use: Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting.

Friday, May 03, 2013
Friday, May 03, 2013- The early part of the day the Moon is void of course while in Aquarius until 2:25 PM then the Moon enters Pisces. The energy shifts to a time of service and compassion. Gathering details for serious tasks are indicated on Friday. Some of the methods once used are outdated.

12:24:29 AM Moon is void of course from 12:25 AM until 2:25 PM.

Exact May 3 2013
Brief description: A temporary resolve for a long-time data collection problem. Parties at odds think of something that creates some benefit so all is not lost. An opportunity presents itself so you may agree to disagree. A serious response to major insults may be harmful in the long run.
For personal use: Form you ideas and learn what you really want. Create a plan for a clean up or organizing project.
For business use: Get down to some serious problem solving.

2::25 PM Begin a Green Light period through noon on Sunday May 5. The bery best time is between 7:30 AM Sunday – Noon on Sunday. May 5.

May 3 2013
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For some they may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by Neptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the one who victimizes others. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. You can expect that not all of the facts are visible regardless of the Moon phase. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.
Saturday, May 04, 2013
Saturday, May 04, 2013
Exact May 4 2013
Brief description: This aspect is highly intuitive and imaginative or may bring help form divine inspiration. An opportunity to begin a meditation program. One ponders and then speaks from an inner wisdom. Information may be diluted, confused or misconstrued. A Martini lunch may have variable results. Feeling dazed or out of touch with reality or "off track". Afternoon lunch grogginess. This aspect can be present when you ideas are laced with a vision or a dream as it marks an idealistic perspective. The ability to tune out from unpleasant information.
For personal use: Listen to your inner voice and consult a mentor or advisor.
For business use: Consult privately. Use the creativity where fantasy enhances the image.

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