The Following has been transcribed from the audio version of the WZBC Weekly Astrology Report with Dietrech Pessin.
For comments or appointments call Dietrech at 617-924-0929.
Good morning. Well, as usual we’ve got a busy week ahead. And it is an eclipse season so we have the Solar Eclipse coming up on Thursday. Another Lunar Eclipse will happen near the end of the month on the 25th of May. So we have actually several little eclipses that are going to happen on Thursday - quite a day.
I’m going to give you the Green Light days. I’m calling you from the road. And I see that we have a Green Light day today right through tomorrow at noon. And that will be during the Pisces Moon sign. this one is particularly great for doing something spiritual, yoga, music and anything that you would want to advance as far as your hopes and dreams go In regard to the types of things that might help others.
The Aries Moon sign begins tonight at 9:03 PM. that begins another Green Light period lasting until 8:12 PM Tuesday night. So that is a good stretch. That final aspect is made from Saturn in one of those short term fixes – it is a Contra parallel - Moon Contra parallel Saturn. It means that there is a temporary fix to a sudden burst of problems. You are able to reach someone with the know how to fix what you just broke. And for start ups or big plans for the future its best to wait until the New Moon Solar Eclipse.
We are winding down and it is the time of the month in any case for cleaning up your desk, cleaning up old matters, fixing things, and getting ready for a new phase. And that means there is a dark phase of the Moon and that begins mid day on Wednesday through Friday. During that time you want to avoid taking any outward action and respond to on going matters. Then there is this very brief little Green Light period on Thursday after 8:28 PM. you might have some success with some new development that comes your way. But be extremely cautious because we are in the dark phase of the Moon and know that more will be revealed later. It’s more of that type of thing where you want to respond to things that come to you instead of taking all that outward action.
The last time we had a Solar Eclipse like we are going to have on Thursday, at the same point was in 1994. Another Green Light period begins with the Gemini Moon sign that starts at 5:21 on Friday evening. And it is a Green Light right through until next Sunday, May 12th, Mother’s Day morning.
For today we have Mercury and Neptune in an opportunity aspect. And this aspect is highly intuitive, it’s imaginative. This already happened this morning. Some people may have slept well; some people may not have slept at all. It definitely takes you kind of off track - lots of fogginess. Mercury opposition Saturn really makes the grogginess a little bit stronger. That aspect is tomorrow. I call this the Truth or Consequences Game - Mercury opposite Saturn. Sometimes it is both. And there is serious thinking which is challenged to be sure you want to research things very well before you quote somebody, written articles can come under scrutiny. Children have difficulty adjusting to what their parents are asking of them or what other authority figures seem to be asking as well. Traffic jams are likely. This is going to be right at traffic jam time - its 7:13 AM Sunday morning so sleep through that one if you can.
Think hard before you speak. Mars is trine Pluto also tomorrow May 5th - it’s at 5:25 PM. that is a strong drive to push beyond your limitations. And if you have plans for renovations or redesign or any financial structures for future, for big business this is a time when you are able to feel like the engine the motor gets going for that. A political machine also could get set into drive if there are political concerns that you have in regard to your issues. For the most part I usually see large earth moving equipment set into motion with a Mars Pluto aspect. Sometimes you get that steam roller quality where someone wants to over power another.
Venus is making an aspect to Uranus and that’s also tomorrow. And it’s later on at 8:22 PM. this one can present with minor irritation. Suddenly you may emerge with feelings in your relationship that are uncomfortable. You may need to just distance yourself. you may also find a sudden urge to spend money. Making fast friends may happen but sometimes it doesn’t last. Sweet treats, finding small treasures, sexual intrigue - All those things are fun with Venus and Uranus aspects.
The wacky and rebellious energy of Uranus square Pluto is going to be evident on Monday. And Pluto has that dominating posture where it wants to Lord over others. It’s been with us for the past 11 months. So a few days of the month it gets set off and in particular this is going to be on Sunday. And the Aries Moon joins Uranus at around 5:00??? 7:00 PM. And it holds that square going right through 6:33 PM. So I’d get off the road and not head out until after 6:35 PM or so on Monday night. Makes for a pretty dramatic day.
Venus and Pluto form an aspect and this one is on Monday and that creates lots of jealous reaction, strong sensual desires. The object of your affection may develop an obsession. Or you may develop an obsession. It could be money. It may not be a person. So you also want to be careful not to be paying too much.
The Sun joins the node of the Moon. It’s always a really big day that is May 7th. So we are kind of like having an eclipse every day is what it seems like.
Mercury is trine Pluto. That is also on May 7th – that’s on Tuesday. You are able to probe into deep mental problems, have penetrating talks, command. Your topic with manipulative??? . you can exchange ideas easily. And it’s a very positive aspect also for trying to communicate with those on the other side. If you even want to think what would my mother say, even though my mother is gone something like that. And you could actually have that train of thought and kind of get help from the other side. You may become aware of some type of secret that somebody important to you.
Mercury aligns with Mars. I call this the Foot in Mouth Aspect. You want to be careful. That is exact 8:33 PM but it is going to dominate the day pretty much. You want to be careful on Tuesday about speaking before you think. And also about setting up equipment you could be very mentally alert, verbally active, travel could be very quick and an impatience. There is a lot of aggression that is around as well. Be careful with animals they may fight/bite. And also look for animals crossing the road. Be very careful to listen to what kids are trying to say on the 7th as well.
For Wednesday, May 8th we have 5 planets in Taurus from 6:09 AM until 11:03 AM on Thursday. So Wednesday and Thursday we have an overdose of Taurus so that’s where persuasion works the best. If you want something, have the patience to be persuasive. Have a meal with whatever you are trying to do or change. Serve something sweet. show up in the office with brownies or something that is going to smooth the way . And we have also Mercury and the Moon will join in its little aspect making it a minor eclipse - that is on Thursday. 9:52 AM. The Moon and Mars have an occultation, that’s a little mini eclipse, and that means that some type of action is eclipsed or stopped by something else. There is also that embedded empty aggression that could be found with that. Then Venus changes sign 11:03 AM and it goes into the sign of Gemini. It will be there for 3 weeks and Venus likes a lot of things, a lot of variety. And then the Moon will align with Mercury at 3:06 PM also in a little mini eclipse called an occultation. Then there is the Solar Eclipse 8:28 PM - this all happens on Thursday. Like watch out. You know I would not do anything in a rushed way on Thursday. But do get up and be part of and see what comes to you.
Also we have another thing going on with Mercury. Mercury lines up with the node of the Moon so this is a time when the information field just opens up. It’s like being at an International Airport and absolutely everybody is coming through. So this is a time when you want to make your connections and that will be on Thursday. But make them in a persuasive way. The eclipse will not be visible in our area. It will be more Australia and the lower pacific area.
The Moon enters the sign of Gemini and that’s going to be at 5:21 PM Friday - that is a good day for moving forward. and we start to get a little light of the Moon on next Saturday. So that’s it for the
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