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DOMINANT ACTIVITY: Uranus square Pluto exact Monday May 20 at 7:02 PM.
OVERVIEW OF THE WEEK: This week is power packed with a First Quarter Moon that sets off the over bearing & abrupt changes delivered by the third Uranus & Pluto square, exact on Monday. Mercury travels out-of-bounds on Monday through June 13. The Sun changes from Taurus to Gemini also on Monday. Venus travels out-of-bounds on Thursday through June 18. The week finishes with the up & coming lunar eclipse next Saturday May 25 at 4ยบ Sagittarius at 12:25 AM which is visible at Moon rise only in the eastern US & Canada.
Saturday May 18, 2013 through Monday May 20 at 12:48 PM.
The next is Monday May 20 after 5:10 PM through Wednesday May 22 at 6:34 AM.
The next Green Light Period is not until May 27 after 5:28 PM during the Capricorn Moon sign.
TRANSITS: FOR THE WEEK OF May 18 – May 25, 2013.
Moon Signs for the week: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
This weekend begins with the Moon traveling through Leo which saw the final aspect of the Moon as the First Quarter square to the Sun at 12:35 AM. [When the last aspect of the Leo Moon is square the Sun at the First Quarter Moon you may have to decide to take action with your back up against the wall. Moving forward during challenging times is not the worst thing that could happen. It forces you to move one way or another. In the end you might be glad you did. This is about moving into the future and not about dropping something. A conflict with your partner or boss could be the catalyst. Maybe it's a deadline on an option that creates the stress to act now or miss out. You may be forced to make decisions based on money or the Taurus ruled traditions. Your talents must go out there whether you are ready or not. Even the conflict is not all bad although the challenges could be over taxing at the time. Ask for help from professional but be aware that they too are under an extraordinary amount of pressure.]
This quarter moon phase was the trigger of the ominous Uranus (in Aries) square to retrograde Pluto (in Capricorn). Even though the first quarter Leo Moon was yet to be exact until 12:35 AM Saturday, May 18, 2013 its presence was imposed Friday night on the AMTRAK train line from New York to Boston which injured 60 people, some critically at 6:10 PM 5/17/13. The approaching Mercury square Neptune describes a blind spot hiding a dangerous situation ahead. The exact time of the Mercury (travelers) Neptune (blinding) was a full nine hours after the train wreck however its concealment principals were well set in place.
Another story reported that North Korea continues to test missiles into the sea as reported by South Korea. Certainly the point is that a planetary aspect has a much longer range of impact and is most loosely active when it accompanies a weekly moon phase. Not only was there a pressing quarter moon for this weekend but we continue through a long eclipse season. The next eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse next Saturday May 24, 2013 and in the travel sign of Sagittarius.
During the Virgo Moon sign which began at 5:33 AM Saturday, May 18,2013, we have a couple of Green Light Days to move forward with our goals right through till 12:48 PM Monday. There are a few money aspects that might be associated with a half billion dollar jackpot for a winning Power Ball ticket. One that influences the entire day, Mercury parallel Venus. This aspect can bring good news and bring people together for pleasant events. Another money aspect is presented with Venus 60 degrees to Uranus at 12:40 PM today. This may be the luckiest time to purchase your lottery ticket. The outcome for most of your activities is excellent with an easy opening for your next steps for success included for Sunday May 19 as well through 12:48 PM Monday.
Saturday - Virgo Moon after 5:33 AM - Begin a Green Light Period through Monday at 12:48PM.
This is a working Moon sign. You may enjoy working outside with any project that can be taken outdoors or spend time in the garden.
Saturday May 18, 2013. Venus 60 degrees to Uranus at 12:40 PM. bridging art with hi-tech equipment. And there is a unique artistic twist. Sudden opportunity to develop romance or friendships are high. A time to share new and exciting experiences. There is a greater impulse to spend money. Expect high energy in social situations where sparks will fly. Creative expressions of love. Party time. Be available to be spontaneous in your close personal relationships. Or just go out and do something that feeds your creative desires.
In business, look for a unique way to cash in on an idea. Great for retail businesses. Have a sale.
Saturday - Sun contra parallel Pluto speaks of something huge and Venus 150 degrees to Pluto at 3:16 PM also indicates a large money event that requires some type of adjustment. Perhaps this invites an insurance adjuster or a need to mind tax matters. Also this aspect will impose the dramas of other people’s relationships into your own. There are those that attempt to dominate matters of money, sex and the designs of the relationship itself.
Saturday 7:33 PM Mercury is 150 degrees to Saturn. Critical thinking which leads to serious impromptu conversations.
Sunday - Virgo Moon- It's a Green Light Day. Go for it!
The Virgo Moon sign can be a very productive work period. If you need to ask someone to help with the tasks you have taken on then this is a very cooperative Moon sign. However with Pluto completely triggered by Uranus tomorrow you may find that you have engaged a control freak to help. Other may not be able to participate due to health reasons. You may decide to take some time out to help someone else.
With Mercury parallel Jupiter you find what you are seeking in the way of information. You can also enjoy learning something that allows you to work more smoothly. Mars is also a player as it is feeding information to Jupiter behind the scenes. This can set your path moving outside to explore to follow a lead.
Monday - Virgo Moon sign changing to Libra at 1:07 PM Green Light until 12:48 PM then again after 5:10 PM during the Libra Moon sign. The Moon is void of course from 12:48 PM until 1:07 PM.
Sun Changing Signs from Taurus to Gemini – Monday at 5:10 PM when Sun Changing Signs from Taurus to Gemini the indications are that the current situation changes significantly. Someone leaves the current plan or the plans completely change. If you would like to drop something, take that action between 1:07 PM and 5:10 PM. If you would like a new set of opportunities, wait to take action after 5:10 PM.
This week we have an example of what is called a refranation which is a term used in Horary (of the hour) Astrology. It occurs this week during the Libra Moon sign on Monday after 1:07 PM. Soon after the Sun leaves Taurus and transits into Gemini. Maybe you can apply this scenario to your situation on Monday, May 20. Imagine the Moon is you or someone that represents you who see the Sun at a Taurus conference. The Moon sees the Sun across a crowded room and chases after the Sun while it is in this Taurus conference. The Moon desperately want to enlist the help of this very talented Sun. Before the Moon catches up, the Sun walks out the (Taurus) door and moves onto to a new path of many (Gemini) avenues. Your situation may have lost the opportunity to address matters in the manor you have designed but on the bright side, you may have more options once the Sun enters Gemini.
The Sun leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at 5:10 PM Monday May 20th. In this case the view of the stagnant conditions improve as the lines of communications open up and many new options emerge. Some options may include an invitation to discuss the pressing problems of which you are pleased to be included.
The first appointment on this Gemini Sun’s agenda is to hold court for the intensely trying day which is dominated by the abrupt chaos of the Uranus & Pluto square which moves into its exact aspect at 7:02 PM. Begin a Green Light period from this point through Wednesday May 22 at 6:34 AM. Expect a multitude of breaking stories to push their way to the top but each demanding their own stage. Making this Monday a demanding day for all, keeping in mind that this entire week has a raw side due to the slow moving outer planets involved and the eclipse season. It seems the Libra Moon has all it can do to keep the opposite sides at the table for further negotiations. However, things happen. Big Things.
Another important planet event occurs in the morning on Monday; Mercury travel out-of-bounds until June 13. This means that stories will be out of this world. Your documents will be more uniquely composed and your statements can easily be taken out of context. Your travels may take you to unusual places or you may have a visit with a family member that has been away for some time. Look for chance introductions.
Tuesday - Libra Moon. Green Light Day
For Tuesday’s Libra Moon sign we have a Green Light to move forward with some of the pressure released by the exactness of the Uranus – Pluto square behind us. There are no major planetary aspects on Tuesday which enhances chances for success.
Wednesday - Libra Moon changing to Scorpio. Green Light period until 6:34 AM. The Moon is void of course 6:34 AM - 4:55 PM. Wednesday is "Not Good" for attempts to advance.
The Scorpio Moon sign ends badly with an opposition to Mars on Friday. This governs the activities for the next couple of days. It is argumentative and can be violent. If you need to go before a board of some type take a professional with you. This Moon sign is not meant for lightweights. You may do more harm then good by pushing forward. Tend to matters of bills owed, insurance, taxes and estates quietly.
Thursday - Scorpio Moon sign. "Not Good" for attempts to advance. The Scorpio caution is advised.
For Thursday the major event is Venus traveling out-of-bounds. This is a term used to describe when a planet travels higher or lower in declination than the boundary set by the Sun. This may allow for some extremely interesting opportunities with love and money. Venus travels in this "way out there" zone until June 18. During this time you could find the love of your life - again-! You might discover unusual paths to new money and enjoy a shift in your personal relationships (or not so enjoyable). In any case of love, money, talents, possessions, paring or parting it is different then your norm.
Friday - Moon Scorpio to Sagittarius - The Moon is void of course from 9:55 AM Friday until 5:59PM. "Not good" for attempts to advance. Even the Sag Moon has it pitfalls.
For Friday the Moon is in Scorpio changing to Sagittarius at 5:49 PM.
This is the time for deadlines. Complete your projects and engage others in your review but hold off launching if you can. You may be daring and shot for the stars during the void Moon period Sunday May 26 after 6:22 AM until 5:28 PM. You may find that your wildest dreams are possible. The Lunar eclipse is coming - look busy.
Saturday May 25, 2013 - Sagittarius Moon
There is a Lunar Eclipse at 12:25 AM at 4 Sagittarius 08.
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