Saturday, May 11, 2013

Astrology Report May 11- 18, 2013 with Green Light Days

No, Mercury is not retrograde but there are plenty of events that bring the same & worse events. We continue along this month with a long eclipse season lasting throughout May. Matters that have been percolating will find their way into the open for further investigation the closer we get to the Lunar Eclipse on May 25th. Many matters reach back to Jun & July 2012. Specifically from Jun 15 to July 16.
There is great cause for caution this week as the red planet Mars is aligned with the lunar node which is exact on Monday but its influence is overplaying throughout the week. Fires, shots blasts and overly noisy surroundings. People have short fuses & accidents are more likely.
More is contributing to the currents of the times with Uranus in Aries closing in its square to Pluto in Capricorn. This is a huge force of changes culminates to exact on May 20th but is ever imposing now. For many of us we gain the type of change we need to grow beyond a lifetime of embedded issues.
For the planet, this is highly disruptive and eruptive. Expect volcanoes and earth moving events during this next two weeks.
If you want to move stuck energy and transform your life this is the time to create that big push. But be careful what you wish for.
Green Light Days are few. They are today Saturday May 11 through Sunday at 9:32 AM only. Not until next Saturday is there another Green Light period.
The Moon enters Leo on Thursday May 16 beginning at 6:38 PM. From that point on until the First Quarter Moon in Leo at 12:34 AM Saturday May 18 we will be under the influence of this Moon - Sun square. The rule is that we are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that began nine months ago, A New Moon last summer on August 17, 2012 is totally connected to the matters that surface this week. Also the bigger picture looks back to August 1998 at a solar eclipse at this point and to February 2008 when there was a related lunar eclipse.

When the Last Aspect of the Moon is Square the Sun
In Leo

When the last aspect of the Leo Moon is square the Sun at the First Quarter Moon you may have to decide to take action while your back is up against the wall. Moving forward during challenging times is not the worst thing that could happen in some cases. It forces you to move one way or another while you have been fixed or stuck that your one idea is the only one right for you. In the end you might be glad you were pushed to do something new or different. This is about moving into the future however it may require dropping something you were attached to. A conflict with your partner or boss could be the catalyst. Maybe it's a deadline on an option that creates the stress to act now or miss out. You may be forced to make decisions based on money or the Taurus ruled principals of tradition. Your talents must go "out there" whether you are ready or not. Even the conflict is not all bad although the challenges could be over taxing at the time. Ask for help from professional but be aware that they too are under an extraordinary amount of pressure. Practice meditation and yoga and talk therapy.

Saturday May 11, 2013. Today’s Gemini Moon is coming out of its dark phase which is
bringing more information into the light. Communication flows freely however you must
gather the facts before making final judgments or decisions. There is something that shifts the
wind in multiple directions whereas the center stage must make room for alternative views and
multiple stories. Siblings come out of their shell for important family matters.

12:29 PM – Take it easy with you mates today. Mars is looking for a fight with his partners.
From morning through 5:10 PM Saturday the Sun parallel Mercury then later Sun conjunct Mercury places the focus on the details of information. Currently there are grand investigations that will produce many facts. If you are connecting with family & friends there could be reason to be surprised by the developments. Maybe there are things about your family you never knew as time releases the stories that answer a lot of long held questions.

This conjunction between Mercury and the Sun occurs when Mercury is moving forward (not retrograde). But Mercury can still play the trickster creating misinformation and snags in your travel plans
Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing ones mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analyticalthinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multi tasking. Outlining contracts for agreements. Important introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network
Sunday, May 12, 2013 – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY -The Gemini Moon will be void of course all day. Unverified stories fly. People are likely to over react to what they hear. There are too may versions of the same story.

9:32 AM Sunday the Moon’s final aspect in Gemini occurs when the moon reaches Jupiter in Gemini. This begins a void of course Moon period until 5:57 AM Monday. During this time you would want to avoid purchasing communication equipment or for the office. Also new vehicles may have multiple layers of problems.

Monday May 13, 2012. Gemini Moon is v/c until the Moon changes to Cancer at 5:57 AM.
Your head may be spinning with more activity then normal. Take deep breaths & say a prayer to keep the all around peace. Saturn & Vesta = investments and real estate are showing signs of progress with openings for new deals. Choose the Virgo Moon to sign papers from May 18- 12:48 PM on Monday the 20th. During this Cancer Moon sign there are too many changes and information is dropped or lost to some other agenda. Someone spills the beans or is not completely honest about the particulars of investments or family matters. Protect your own interest by speaking to those closest to you only.

4:47 PM Venus is square Neptune -
Brief description: Overly sentimental and romantic. Emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. Could have an effect on dreams. Falls in love with a fantasy figure. Dissipating love interest and a desire to escape daily stress with fantasy. Illusion is the tricky part that leads to disillusion later. Keep close watch on your purse. Costume and fashion overdone. Make-up is too heavy. A tendency to overdo with color. Bad art. Bad taste. Weakened values or moral judgment. Frivolous spending. Indulgence with sweets and alcohol.
For personal use: Love could go either way. Great for movies, music, dancing. To start a romantic journey under this influence may leave one confused and alone.
For business: The temptation to create an artistic presentation may leave a hole in your budget.
7:54 PM Mercury 45° Uranus in Aries. Equipment is wacky and information springs up without regard to others feelings. Traffic jams in the shopping isle as well as the road.

More Mercury in its trickster antics as it connects with Pluto through the evening.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013. The Cancer Moon continues as Mercury is capturing our attention with stories that heat up already tense situations.
12:26 AM – Mercury is 45° Pluto - This can be a stubborn and difficult aspect with hidden problems. This aspect shows money problems in business or in matters with parents and issues of someone in a position of power who is holding the purse strings. There can be tension with management of organizations. This aspect can show stress in friendship and social or outer affairs. This aspect could draw one into community action with large groups organized for a common goal, such as a campaign effort. Annoying psychological twists and paranoid thinking are prevalent. Propaganda.
For personal: Try some thought stopping methods to slow the repeated circles in your mind. Write.
For business: Look for deep flaws in the system. Don't approach bureaucracies today.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2:54 AM Venus Quincunx Saturn
Brief description: Love hurts. Relationships make needed adjustments. Financial adjustments must be made. Difficulty in matters of insurance and banking. Representing how the financial matters may relate to cutbacks made by the government to social services, interest rates, gifting laws or bankruptcy laws. With the Moon in Cancer on this day it could indicate actions taken to make changes to policy while the public is looking in another direction.
For personal use: Try to step back from your emotional involvement and have an objective look at matters of love and money. Someone may disapprove of your choices.
For business use: Adjustments made due to a change in payroll, or the harmony of the workplace.4:41 PM Mercury enters Gemini to add even more letters to the cosmic alphabet soup. Mercury will be in Gemini for only 16 days.
Moon enters Leo and will square the Sun before leaving the sign May 18th. Make your projects ready for
Thursday, May 16, 2013 The Moon is in Leo with no major planetary activity.

2:49 PM Thursday the Sun checks in with the Uranus & Pluto square right through 9 PM. There may be yet more things brought to light that have been at the root of injustice.
Friday, May 17, 2013- The Leo Moon is displaying more than entertaining news.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
12:35 AM the First Quarter Moon occurs in Leo and is the energy burst for matters that were seeded last summer with the New Moon in Leo occurred.

5:33 AM Saturday May 18 the Moon enters Virgo and we begin a couple of Green Light days.

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