Monday, October 7, 2013

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days


Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Green Light Days this week are:
Saturday Oct 5, throughout the day until 9:35 PM. (last aspect Moon parallel Neptune).
Tuesday Oct 6 8:21 AM until Thursday at 6:10 AM (last aspect Moon trine Mars).
Not another until
Saturday Oct 18 7:40 PM – 2:34 AM 10/19. Then not another until Oct 24 & 25.

Ongoing Dominating Aspects:
Uranus square Pluto, next on November 1, 2013; April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015.

Saturn in Scorpio did form a 60 degree aspect to Pluto September 21, 2013. The next major event with Saturn is the conjunction of the Sun & Saturn on November 6. Another is the trine between Jupiter & Saturn on December 12, 2013.
Saturn 150º quincunx Uranus October 5, 2013.

Looking ahead Mercury turns retrograde at 18º Scorpio 23’ October 21 at 6:29 AM - November 10 at 4:12 PM. Total of 20.5 days.

(c) by Dietrech Pessin

The New Moon of October 4 2013 is a special seed to a major event in 2015 when a Lunar Eclipse will occur near the same point.

MOON CONJUNCTION SUN 11º Libra 56’ at 8:34 PM Oct 4 2013
The Dark Moon period ends very late Saturday and early Sunday October 6.

During the New Moon phase we are experiencing a period when you may feel as though you are "in the dark". There is a period of hidden or subconscious influence developing at the New Moon. New Moons activate the birth of new ideas, fresh starts, new developments, new beginnings and new people into one's life, but often the full meaning of all the new beginnings are not clear until the First Quarter Moon at the same degree and sign, approximately nine months later, in this case would be on July 5, 2014. With a Lunar Eclipse in its future on April 4, 2015 at 14º Libra 24’.
Now is not the time to initiate or launch a major project as there is no light from the Moon, symbolizing you are in the dark about important and critical information regarding your endeavors. However do keep track of current developments as they play a major role in the events surrounding the Lunar Eclipse season in the spring of 2015.
Now is a very good time to collect information, inspiration and set your intentions with meditation, prayer and other spiritual applications. By waiting a couple of days for the Moon to gain its light, you will be better informed and able to proceed intelligently.

Looking ahead to Friday October 11 for the next lunar phase at 18ºCp47’. This is a Moon family member of the New Moon that occurred Jan 11, 2013. A Full Moon will appear at this point on July 12, 2014. The Moon Family’s last quarter occurs on April 12, 2015.

Green Light period Saturday until the void of course Moon period at 9:36 PM.
Your intuitive sense is high with regard to partners and or others that you intend to engage in an endeavor. With only a slight snag at 10:00 AM when Mars & Pluto force an issue to resolve a problem you can expect to see the lines of communication open. This is due to Mercury in Scorpio perfectly aligned to the lunar node.

12:45 AM SATURN in Scorpio at 150º QUINCUNX retrograde URANUS in Aries
10°Sc27' 10°Ar27' R

Exact Oct 5 2013
Brief description: Break bad habits. A need to discard things that are outworn or designs that
restrict self-expression. Sudden abrupt change and reactions to stagnant conditions. Spontaneously break out of old molds. A time of evolutionary changes to the basic foundations in life. Big businesses take drastic measure to save a sinking ship. Radicals impose their agenda on others. Can be extremely violent. Use anxiety wisely perhaps as a motivator to make radical changes in your life. Earthquakes and other large geological releases and events.
For personal use: This could be an exhilarating time Take a radical look at how to renovate your life. Change your wardrobe.
For business use: Get a new look. Big business or government could tumble.

24°Le02' 09°Cp02'

Exact Oct 5 2013
Brief description: This is a milder steamroller aspect than the square but remains difficult. There is a sense that those in power are willing to mow others down for their own selfish needs. Paranoia runs high but is difficult to discriminate between reality and tricks of the mind. Annoying symbols of greed and misuse of others finances. The fear of being "raked over hot coals". Strong sexual urges. Annoying obsessive behaviors. Surgery. Strategic planning that fails to perform at peak. Speeding tickets. Over drawn bank accounts. Minor surgery. Irritable bowl. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. Powerful drives.
For personal use: Take a methodical approach. Allow others the speak their piece.
For business use: Deal with insurance matters.

Exact Oct 5 2013
Brief description: This aspect gives a reason to celebrate. Gather your support team and show your stuff. A lucky charm. A brief opportunity for joy of life and its precious gifts and wide open hearts. Gifts from an angel. A one-shot opportunity to strike a lucky break.
For personal use: Have fun. Expect a miracle. Try the lottery.
For business use: Gather a team to share a combined vision. Place talented women front and center, as they can be the winners today.

6:34 PM Mercury conjunct lunar north node at 7ºSc49’.
This event brings people together and not always under pleasant circumstances. Mercury is the great messenger here and will introduce you to others and help you find what & who you are looking for. Chaos on the road continues with this aspect as well as other means of travel. Your vehicles may have special problems and you can discover the issues looming in your technology equipment. Statements are blurted out and with the Scorpio influence it could be ruthless. Take care when speaking with others as your filters may be hard to contain.
People who are estranged from one another may reconnect. News of people passing might affect you deeply.

Oct 5 2013
The great money matters of the Scorpio Moon sign is compromised by both Mars and Venus. First wait for changes when Venus moves to higher ground when she leaves the dark low lands of Scorpio for the bright green hills of Sagittarius on Monday at 1:54 PM. Then she is able to be free of the restrictions and heavy feeling of Scorpio and be happy in a new space.
Before that expect that plans will be dropped especially those concerning money and estates, insurance issues and paychecks. This could impact the government shutdown as those who switch tracks make it known. In the end the Moon will square Mars. That gives this couple of days “thumbs down” for moving forward with your goals as there is likely to be trouble ahead. Matters improve with the Sagittarius Moon on Tuesday.

4:34 AM Oct 6 2013 MOON ENTERING SCORPIO until Tuesday at 8:21 AM.
Brief description: The focus is on deeper matters that concern significant others. Shared finances and other resources are Scorpio territory. Issues of guilt, shame and abandonment during this time. A good time to dig deep into the psyche and work with a professional to release your deeper issues. The heaviest matters in life such as mortgages, loans, estates, death sex, and taxes are the domain of Scorpio. Police are more vigilant.
For personal use: Go bravely into the deeper areas of life with an investigative mind.
For business use: Bringing experts in to assess and assist in areas of finance and business.

You are a passionate and intense individual. You may gain attention through creating dramatic situations. You may also be secretive.

Exact Oct 6 2013
Brief description: This aspect brings the opportunity to negotiate an agreement. If you are seeking advice this is the best aspect to gain knowledge from the tops in the field. Use your sharpest skills to when interacting with others. Stop talking and listen as this is a skill of the greatest value today.

9:57:15 PM MERCURY SEXTILE PLUTO 09°Sc03' 09°Cp03' Exact Oct 6 2013
Brief description: A deep penetrating conversation. Knowing ones mind while presenting a speech. The power of persuasion. Talk of change and sexuality. Psychological issues. Exposure of inner thoughts. Progress with therapies. Deep penetrating massage. Important messages of estates and matters pertaining to those who have passed away.
For personal use: Any amount of information adds to your resources. Learn deep response techniques that release embedded patterns. Deep meditation. Try deep and intense counseling. Write about issues.
For business: Get permission first. Speak to those with money and power. Write grants.

Monday October 7, 2013. Happy Birthday Dietrech. She will celebrate with a workshop on Venus next October 13 from noon to 5pm. Call to reserve your space at 617-924-0929 or email

1:53:54 PM VENUS ENTERING SAGITTARIUS until November 5, 2013.
Oct 7 2013
Brief description: Venus' principal is that of sharing, balance and joining experiences with others and ultimately happiness. While Venus travels through Sagittarius the focus will be on relationships that offer space and a sense of openness without heavy expectation of commitment. This lighter side of Venus is more interested in fun and adventure. The love principal may also indicate that partners may either be traveling together or be separated by a traveling partner. Spending time with friends from abroad or making new friends from foreign cultures enhance your social life. For personal use: Lighten up and give your partner a break. Take a romantic trip. Can be used in business for: Consider foreign business ventures.

2:01:23 PM MARS 25°Le21 SESQUISQUARE URANUS 10°Ar21' R
Exact Oct 7 2013
Brief description: Accident prone. Spirited innovations. An extreme need for freedom. Forced surprise. High blood pressure. Individuality. Spontaneous scientific invention. Stirs others up. Incites rebellion. Angry politics. Quirky technical problems and the engineering skills to make corrections. To draw others into one's "self-focused" cause. Rebel forces. Unplanned military action. Highly charged reactions. Electrifying. Spikes in rythms. Loud, obnoxious and outspoken. Action and immediate reactions.

For personal use: Invent and create. Curb your opinions to save your personal relationships. Become an observer to avoid being part of the problem.
For business use: What is the most unique service your business offers. Seek solutions.

Exact Oct 7 2013
Mercury trine Chiron can bring a healing message your way.
Exact Oct 7 2013
Highly creative and beautifully nurturing.
Tuesday October 8, 2013 Scorpio Moon is changing to Sagittarius at 8:21 AM to brighten you day. Begin a Green Light Period through Thursday at 11:17 AM. The Moon’s final aspect is motivated by a trine to Mars. Don’t let this good couple of days pass you by as the trine can let you feel satisfied with what you have and make you lazy about chasing what you want. Not that we shouldn’t be fully grateful but know that this is the last Green Light period for a few weeks then not a full Green Light day until October 24 – 25th. So pack all of your efforts into the Sag Moon period to advance your goals.

Oct 8 2013

3:10:38 AM MERCURY 10º Scorpio QUINCUNX retrograde URANUS 10º Aries.
Exact Oct 8 2013 – Watch out for this one. The east coast time zones are mostly sleeping.
Brief description: Plans are abruptly dropped for unexpected problems. Equipment fails and traffic could be an issue. Potential for verbal outburst without obvious cause and mishaps or haphazard conditions.
For personal use: Use caution when traveling. Brainstorm with a friend for something outrageously fun. Try alternative medical methods or investigate modern medical technique.
For business: Necessity is the mother of invention today. Enhance you work environment with a new technological addition or learn how you may modernize.

8:21:27 AM MOON ENTERING SAGITTARIUS Green Light through until the Final aspect is trine Mars 6:10:24 AM Thursday. Oct 8 2013

Exact Oct 8 2013
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Exact Oct 8 2013
Brief description: Serious thinking leads to commitment and scaling down waste to make room for a more solid structure. The ability to focus on detail. Good for scientific research. Myopic perspective. Matters or events including father and child. Serious letters or contracts. Sober thinking.
For personal use: Eliminate excess. Organize. Clear the way for things of value.
Can be used in business for: Create a solid plan.
Wednesday October 9, 2013. Sagittarius Moon is an excellent day with the Sun & Moon offering an opportunity. TAKE IT!!! This may allow you to seal the deal with a charm. You can feel well taken care of and all parties are in agreement.

Exact Oct 9 2013
Brief description: You have an opportunity to strike a deal even if you feel you have brought everything to the table you may find there is more to share or compromise about a serious matter.

Thursday Oct 10, 2013. Sagittarius Moon changes to Capricorn at 11:17 AM. There are a coupe of blind spots on Thursday. One passes early before sunrise. Venus Square Neptune which allows you to have a false sense of security. Don’t push that snooze button – GET UP. There is something important during this day that requires your attention.

Exact Oct 10 2013
Brief description: Overly sentimental and romantic. Emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. Could have an effect on dreams. Falls in love with a fantasy figure. Dissipating love interest and a desire to escape daily stress with fantasy. Illusion is the tricky part that leads to disillusion later. Keep close watch on your purse. Costume and fashion overdone. Make-up is too heavy. A tendency to overdo with color. Bad art. Bad taste. Weakened values or moral judgment. Frivolous spending. Indulgence with sweets and alcohol.
For personal use: Love could go either way. Great for movies, music, dancing. To start a romantic journey under this influence may leave one confused and alone.
For business: The temptation to create an artistic presentation may leave a hole in your budget.

Oct 10 2013

Oct 10 2013
Brief description: This is a time during the month when you look to "get real" about your life. Practical about money and work is the name of the game and people are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command this next couple of days. How you progress and your status in any given situation is a factor. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. What other people think seems more important. A cool judgmental tone is prominent. Happiness is found in stability and correct actions that produce success. Slow steady progress checking that all your ducks are in a row. Perfectionism is at its height. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during the Capricorn days of the month. Make peace with criticism by using it as a constructive asset and avoid the blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive then they let on and fear appearing thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness or an air of "all business". Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus.
For personal use: Use this season to set long range goals, clean up and become more resourceful. Eliminate wasted resources.
For business: Eliminate wasted resources. Remain practical when the desire is to dream big and understand your full potential is yet to come.

9:03:08 PM SUN in Libra is SESQUISQUARE retrograde NEPTUNE in Pisces.
Exact Oct 10 2013
Brief description: A blind spot that could be used for one’s advantage and another’s disadvantage. A person wearing a veil or a disguise. Cosmetic alterations. Music, poetry and meditation are a positive example of this aspect. A desire to escape. A difficult misunderstanding to sort through. Sloppy habits that lead to errors or misjudgments. Missing links and false support. Advisers may offer deceptive or bad information. Oil prices are an issue. Difficulties with addictions.
For personal use Music, poetry and meditation are a positive use of this energy.
For business use Check motives.

Friday October 11, 2013. The Moon is in Capricorn. This is a high action day with the 1st Quarter Moon in Capricorn calling the shots. There may be matters of big business or the government that have an effect on you. Something big may be dropped or out of reach. IF it is the government battles then there is help in the end but not to everyone’s liking.
18ºCp47’. This is a Moon family member of the New Moon that occurred Jan 11, 2013. A Full Moon will appear at this point on July 12, 2014. The Moon Family’s last quarter occurs on April 12, 2015.

Exact Oct 11 2013

Exact Oct 11 2013
Brief description: Oh no!! You are likely to suffer from an excessive desire to play and "party." For some it will be a welcomed reaction to psychological angst. Grand and extravagant surroundings that may lack good taste. Overindulgence at social events. Partners are overvaluing something but enthusiastic about coupling. The food may not be great but the company is.
For personal use: Allow your enthusiasm to level out a bit before overextending yourself.
For business use: Social settings and networking. Parties for those on their way out of town.

7:02:19 PM MOON SQUARE SUN 18°Cp47. Friday.
Exact Oct 11 2013
Inner tensions and imbalance. Conflicts between instinctive responses and honorable behavior. Blocked flow. Illness.

8:04:28 PM Capricorn Moon GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER OPPOSITION Jupiter however the Moon is yet to aspect Mars as it moves into the final degrees of Leo. That aspect from the Moon to Mars is 150º and it will have an impact on the nature of the end of these Capricorn matters.

Oct 11 2013

Exact Oct 11 2013
Help arrives for food & services on the wings of an angel. Children and small animals are vulnerable.
Saturday October 12, 2013.

Exact Oct 12 2013
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Exact Oct 12 2013
Brief description: Political rhetoric. Egocentric noise expresses an over inflated opinion of one's self. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. A day for photography and purchasing camera equipment. Journalism and publishing.

For Personal use: Plan a trip that includes education. Get out and play.
For Business: Consider critical reviews as a tool for growth.

Oct 12 2013
Brief Description: The Sun in Aquarius turns our attention to social principles and the need to form groups based on like-minded thinking. Friendships and camaraderie are strengthened. Social causes and the needs and rights of the people become important. The intellectual process is enhanced with the Sun in an air sign. Opinions become fixed and groups of people align with their ideas to push for change. Aquarius is the sign of revolutionary and unconventional thinkers. Freedom and liberties are sought at all cost. This is also the sign the inventor. Its electrifying nature makes this a perfect time of the year for inspiration, revelation and awakenings.
For personal use: Have parties focused around a cause or common interest.
For business use: Open up lines of communication from the top of the business, down to its foundation. A good time to let the innovative minds do their thing.

Sunday October 13, 2013.

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