by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Astrology Report for week of Jan 4 -11 2014. With Green Light Days
Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days
Green Light Days until January 31, 2014 are compromised by the retrograde motion of Venus, the planet ruling relationships and money, and Jupiter, the planet ruling opportunity and expansion. Venus and Jupiter are the two benefactors. Jupiter remains retrograde until March 6, 2014.
A Green Light to move forward with your goals can be somewhat useful on Saturday and Sunday however it is tainted by the opposition of Sun and Jupiter on Sunday January 5 at 4:11 PM. After that point you can expect better luck with matters that have no particular desire for the outcome other than a positive result that might equal a consolation prize or a lighter penalty. As always with a Pisces Moon you can expect a Pisces Moon to take you to a different place than which you expect through till 2:44 PM Monday January 6.
Begin a new Green Light Period at 2:45 PM Monday January 6 through Wednesday at 2:36 PM when the Moon’s final aspect is contra parallel Neptune. There are a few problems during the Aries Moon sign one of which there may be disagreements; between men and women or bosses and workers or any pair that is best when compromise is necessary; as the Moon approaches its First Quarter on Tuesday night at 10:39 PM. After that point you have better luck initiating something that will catch a spark however it may be doused with fantasy when you overlook or image that someone else or something other than your actions has an influence over your actions. Before the void of course Moon period at 2:36 PM on Wednesday there is a blind spot that you become aware of but charge ahead anyway expecting that the magical powers in the universe will carry you the distant. After all is said and done you must take responsibility for something that is tossed in your path even if you did not cause it. It is as if by your presence as a witness you are inducted you as a participant.
On a positive note the Mars and Jupiter square during the void Moon period has a spark of its own that can be the juice you are looking for to advance but don’t buy it. Hold onto the idea after you boil it down with a quart of reality and move ahead with it after 2:07 PM Friday through Saturday at 7:25 AM.
About the First Quarter Moon on Tuesday January 7 in Aries; Tuesday is ruled by Mars as it Aries so this is a hot-one/day. There is a high level of action on this day. It comes from a seed that was planted around the New Moon of April 10, 2013. And this First Quarter Moon is a member of that Moon Family. As is this was not enough to toss a match into the gasoline flames, the fire keeps burning for the next 9 months as the next family member in this Moon Family is the Lunar Eclipse of October 8 2014 at 15º Aries. Watch out. IF you are waiting to get something off the ground then this may be your chance to take action. By acting just after the exact moments of the lunar phase you are able to find greater options which include some compromise. If you need to find work you can take action on Tuesday. A rule of thumb for a first quarter and last quarter Moon is that something happens on that day. Whereas this first quarter occurs late at night in the US east coast time zone you may expect something on either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning.
Ongoing Dominating Aspects:
" Uranus square Pluto, last November 1, 2013 at 9Aries 9 Capricorn; next April 21, 2014; December 14, 2014 and finally March 16, 2015
" Saturn in Scorpio Retrograde March 2, 2014 at 23º Scorpio 19' until July 20, 2014 at 16º Scorpio 38'.
" Jupiter Retrograde 20º Cancer 30' November 7, 2013 until Direct Station on March 6, 2014 at 10º Cancer 26'.
" Neptune Direct November 13, 2013 at 2º Pisces 34'.
" Mercury Retrograde October 21 turning Direct November 10, 2013 at 4:12 PM.
" Mercury Retrograde February 6, 2014 at 3º Pisces 20' until February 28, 2014 at 18º Aquarius 09'.
" Venus Retrograde December 21, 2013 at 28º Capricorn 58' until January 31, 2014 at 13º Capricorn 33'.
(c) by Dietrech Pessin
Report Period: Jan 4 2014 to Jan 11 2014, Time Zone EST +5:00
The following is transcribed from the live radio report. If you scroll down below the double line you are able to read the written text in preparation for the live show.
Good morning and Happy New Year! Here we are again, 2014 - that is a very interesting number. The whole year is going to be extremely dynamic. It adds up to a "7" total for number in 2014. So this is one for doing a lot of personal insight, a lot of spiritual growth, keeping the focus on your self in a way that say is more introspective, and takes a look at what is my role in this. How can I change the things that I have finally learned year after year, that those mistakes that I am repeating are not working, and so it is time to make a change. And it is easier to change yourself than someone else.
So what we have here, we are first going to take a look at the week, as we usually do, and then what we are going to do is take a look at the year at 10:00 AM.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
So for today we have the Moon in the sign of Pisces, not until 11:58 AM, so we are still under the influence of this Aquarius Moon sign. And the Aquarius Moon is Void of Course now since last night at 8:56 PM. The Aquarius Moon for the rest of the morning is going to be more about friendship, bonding with others, just because of the desire to be friends or connect with friends. After 11:58 AM that Moon goes into Pisces. It will form a nice aspect to Venus on its way out of the sign in a couple of days.
The Pisces Moon sign has a couple of Sun Jupiter aspects, which is going to boost our optimism, and help us to broaden our perspective, and have an expanded awareness of some type of issue or matter. A Pisces Moon is about things like those that are locked away, those that are infirmed, people who can’t get out. So you want to check in on people, make sure that older people have what they need, especially during weather like this. Also it is about substance abuse, driving under the influence. People would be overly competent with a Sun Jupiter aspect that we’re having, and that certainly leads to disaster often. That Pisces Moon sign will also be with us right until Monday afternoon at 2:45 PM.
For the aspects that we have today: Mercury and Neptune are making an aspect at 3:16 PM. So this is a blind spot, confusion, there is distortion of the truth, difficulty diagnosing problems, and there is a lot of intuitive thinking. But you may be off kilter in someway about your thinking. Insider leaks may pop up, and you want to double check everything that you hear before letting other people know what it was. There could be upsetting stories. And what we also want to keep at the back of our minds is that Venus is retrograde, and has been retrograde since the 21st of December, and remains so until the 31st of January. The Sun is making an aspect to Jupiter. For today it will be at 3:36 PM, but it governs the entire day. It is a Contra-parallel, so the enthusiasm and optimistic responses are big, upbeat. It certainly would make for a strong burst of self esteem or some type of expansion of your knowledge. For getting out and being with others it can be more fun that usual.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
For Sunday we still have a Pisces Moon. The Sun is opposite Jupiter. This is another over competent type of aspect. Now this opposition is not an ordinary opposition. It sets off that whole Grand Cardinal Cross that we have with the Sun and Pluto and Venus in the sign of Capricorn opposite Jupiter in the sign of Cancer – both of those in alignment are going to square Uranus and Cancer and Mars in Libra. So that means that there could be a greater chance of a social blunder that leads to a big problem. And with Venus retrograde, there could be a big push to a wrong end; lots of pie in the sky ideas. So if you think about doing something, going into some big business idea, it may fall. So that is for Sunday’s aspect of Jupiter for 11:00 PM.
Monday, January 6, 2014
On Monday we have still a Pisces Moon. The Moon’s final aspect is 4:44 AM and it will make a 60 degree aspect to Venus. So that entire Pisces Moon is what I call a Green light which means move forward. But do it with caution, because Venus retrograde, even the smallest task seems to be needed to be done again. Everything seems to fail the first time, and a lot of what you do affects others in relationship. So there are a lot of things that you need to consider, the bigger picture here, how does it affect other people? That Cancer Moon does begin at 2:45 PM on Monday and it will continue right through until 9:24 PM on Wednesday. The Cancer Moon is another Green light period. It ends with an aspect to Neptune. So there is something about it that is not quite clear or you may have false starts or illusions about what it is that you are trying to advance or start up. Cancer is a start up sign, not a finish up sign – you need a Taurus to finish up. But the start up sign, there is something that is loose, a hole in the bucket, or something that you don’t see. So if you were to move forward and advance because of the Green light period, you might do so with considering how the end of this is going to affect you.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
And then also what we have is a Quarter Moon. It is a First Quarter Moon 10:39 PM, that is on Tuesday night. And that First Quarter Moon is accompanied by the Mercury and Venus aspect at 5:01 PM. It is a conjunction. And this leads to a lot of nice introductions. There could be appointments that are made that perhaps there were appointments that you wanted long before, couldn’t get in. This is your opportunity to get in. Even though these things happen in the evening, there is an influence throughout the day that will also impact how you get started. It could be a real sweet introduction for a romantic interlude with somebody, but I would hold onto your heart – this is retrograde.
Then the Sun and Moon squares when the Moon is at 17 degrees of Cancer and 46 minutes. This is a Moon family member of a New Moon that began last April 10, 2013. And there was a New Moon of 20 degrees of Cancer that is when the seed was planted for the things that are going on now, that are just sprouting where you are actively involved in the process of getting on with things. This is a big deal Quarter Moon because it is associated with the Full Moon that we have on October 8 2014 and it is a Lunar Eclipse. So whatever is going on now leads to a very big deal in the Fall.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Wednesday we still have a Cancer Moon. That Cancer Moon has a couple of aspects. A big deal after the Moon is Void of Course at 2:36 PM on Wednesday. But just before that at 2:24 PM, the Sun and Neptune are Semi-square. So here is a blind spot, hit on the back of the head for wakeup. What is wrong with you? Why did you do this kind of thing? Also people trying to get away with something don’t necessarily get a way with it, because they too are overlooking the big picture. But it could be creative if you wanted to put your energies into the creative, especially the spark that we get from the Cancer Moon. And then at 9:23 PM that Moon is in Taurus, it starts the sign of Taurus and will be there right until next Saturday At 7:26 AM. And the Taurus Moon is about family, food first, anything having to do with tradition. It also is about bonding with others, things that are real. You are going to be attached to your people, to your materialistic notions. You may want to spend your money – Venus is retrograde remember that. Sometimes you can really find something that you never would have found before. And with that Venus retrograde, I once found a beautiful antique table for next to nothing, that is still have all these years later that is wonderful. So you can find something really beautiful.
Friday, January 10, 2014
On Friday we have a couple of things to note. Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect at 3:32 AM. If that is too early in the morning for you, it does have an influence over Thursday night, the night before. That would mean, that maybe it is a plan to go somewhere, to go take a trip, but it is a short trip. So the Contra-parallel between the pair is about things that you are considering: maybe writing about or studying, something new, short term, like a one day class kind of thing - it is a short term project. And then the Moon is opposite Saturn. Each time that the Moon goes into the sign of Taurus, I look for when that Moon Saturn opposition occurs. It is at 2:07 PM on Friday. After that then your feelings are lifted, you feel like you just got passed a hard thing. It is a Green Light period that whole Taurus Moon. So what you are going to do is make your best plan, take action after 2:07 PM. If you have to sign things be very careful. These things do involve agreements with other people, and relationships are ruled by Venus who is retrograde.
The Moon is never Void of Course while it is in the sign of Taurus. And I follow that rule which was established by William Lily, which he probably learned from who ever taught him. And he was an Astrologer back in the 1600’s. He says that the Moon is never Void of Course in Taurus because of the Seven Weeping Sisters. So if you want to use the last aspect to the Moon it is 5:58 AM to stop all things, but I would not. And then the Taurus Moon ends on Saturday at 7:26 AM and that Moon trine Mercury is also on Saturday morning next week.
So what we have for the week is a lot of activity, especially focused around that Quarter Moon that we have on Tuesday. If you want to get something going – that is a high action day. Something happens so it also can be difficult between people in relationship to one another, because it is going to involve all of those Cardinal Points that are so active now. As we see through the year it is going to be more and more and more difficult to get along with people, a lot of patience. Look at the big picture and see how it is that you are going to handle things in a peaceful loving helpful way. That is it for the week.
(STOP 51:16) I am considering a class on Sunday, January 12th. The focus will be this Grand Cardinal Cross that we have, the Venus retrograde that means in your love life, in your money, and anything else that you feel that is precious and you are attached to, that is Venus. If I get enough takers then we will hold the class.
Begin Written Text prior to show.
Saturday January 4, 2014. The Moon is in Aquarius changing to Pisces at 11:58 AM. Begin a low level Green Light at 11:58 AM until Sunday at 4:11 PM after which time matters improve greatly. What I mean by a low level Green Light is the “Pie in the Sky” ideas are running high until the Sun has passed the opposition to Jupiter tomorrow.
3:16 PM MERCURY SEMISQUARE NEPTUNE (10th Sign to 12th Sign)
Exact Jan 4 2014
Brief description: Confusion. Distortion of the truth. Difficulty diagnosing problems. Intuitive thinking. Relates information from vague sources. Insider leaks.
For personal use: Double check everything you hear before letting upsetting stories ruin your day.
For business use: You could have the advantage of leaked information but you could also suffer a disadvantage.
3:36 PM SUN CONTRAPARALL JUPITER (10th Sign to 4th Sign)
Exact Jan 4 2014
Brief description: Enthusiastic and optimistic responses. Upbeat. Success with short term endeavors. But high expectations fall short. Keep your expectations down to a minimum and enjoy this one-time event. New social situations. Celebrations for a significant other. Adventures are short term. Outside inquiries regarding publications. A great opportunity to expand your knowledge. Benefit from spiritual connections. Strong burst to self-esteem. Moderate your decisions while in an over confident state of mind. Something falls flat or short of your hopes. A major effort for too little reward. The promise was greater than the prize. Over inflated impressions. The event that is overpriced and over rated. Too little too late. A onetime opportunity. A disappointment in regard to a trip. Taking on more than you can handle. Someone reneges on their end of the bargain when they move onto greener pastures. You may not have a legal leg to stand on.
For personal use: This aspect works very well for short term endeavors as long as you do not have an expectation that are beginning something that will carry you into the future. Get a completely new perspective.
For business: Beware of entering into agreements with others of short association. Plans work well for the short run. Pies in the sky ideas come down to earth. Expand your knowledge.
other dates this year that hold positive Jupiter aspect with the Sun are:
When Jupiter is retrograde apply to plans that include an opportunity that was considered lost such as with education, travel or a marketing plan.
Sunday January 5, 2014. The Moon is in Pisces and a Green Light that is best after 4:11 PM through Monday at 2:45 PM. The Moon’s final aspect is sextile Venus at 4:44 AM Monday however the Moon is never void of course in the sign of Pisces. (This is a Moon sign that may include stories of horses.)
4:11 PM SUN OPPOSITION JUPITER (10th Sign to 4th Sign)
Exact Jan 5 2014
Brief description: Over confident. Something falls flat or short of what you have hoped for. A major effort for too little reward. The promise was greater than the prize. Social blunders. Over inflated impressions. The event that is overpriced and over rated. Too little too late. A missed opportunity. A disappointing trip. The speaker pontificated. Taking on more than you can handle. Legal issues may brew or fizzle out.
For personal use: It's time for a new perspective.
For business use: Pie in the sky ideas come down to earth. Don't push too far. There could be legal repercussions.
Monday January 6, 2014. The Moon starts off in Pisces then changes to Aries at 2:45 PM.
The Moon’s final aspect to Venus marks a lucky break may be what you are counting on for the first part of the day. During the Pisces Moon is actually a good time to take a chance on a hunch. Something could be a good deal but it’s hard to trust anything you will put your money on with Venus still Retrograde. After the Moon enters Aries you are full of get up and go and lots of ideas. With Mercury sextile Saturn you may have a good idea with some longevity.
MERCURY SEXTILE SATURN (10th Sign to 8th Sign)
Exact Jan 6 2014
Brief description: Sharper thinking returns in the evening when this 2nd aspect hits. You find much-awaited clarity returning, and your need for concentration and focus on practical matters is addressed.
For personal use: Put your more rational thinking into gear so as to clean up the mess from earlier in the day.
For business: You may find you work best alone.
MOON never GOES VOID OF COURSE in Pisces but will make its final aspect to Venus at 4:44 AM Monday
Jan 6 2014
Jan 6 2014
The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self-focused. There is a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either.
Tuesday January 7, 2014. The Moon is Aries with a First Quarter Moon to heat things up. Something happens to get things going. You may have an important meeting or even better a sweet introduction with Tuesday’s Mercury and Venus alignment.
Exact Jan 7 2014
Brief description: Progress toward peace talks or agreements. In support of others and a show of appreciation. Clarity about fairness. To apply a cure for simple ailments. Good for social settings and flow of conversation. Expressions of love. Charming and clever ideas. Love of animals and children. Playfulness. Parties and sweet visits. Beautiful settings. Nice trips.
For personal use: Easy breathing. Talk about emotions and create the bridge to intimacy. Support each other with praise.
For business use: Great for outreach. Make calls and contract.
Tuesday 10:39 PM First Quarter Moon at 17º Aries 46’
Wednesday January 8, 2014. The Moon is in Aries.
2:25 PM SUN SEMISQUARE NEPTUNE (10th Sign to 12th Sign)
Exact Jan 8 2014
Brief description: A blind spot that could be used for one’s advantage and another's disadvantage. A person wearing a veil, a disguise or hiding behind a facade. Cosmetic alterations. Music, poetry and meditation are a positive example of this aspect. A desire to escape. A difficult misunderstanding leads to a sticky web. Sloppy habits that lead to errors or misjudgments. Missing links and false support. Advisors may offer deceptive or bad information. Oil prices are an issue. Confusion. An annoying problem involving a friend. Group attendance is off and social support for a idealistic cause falls. Subconscious reactions set of addictive behavior.
For personal use: Stay clear of complicated entanglements. Music, poetry and meditation are a positive use of this energy
For in business: Unmask the vision. Check everyone's motives.
2:36 PM MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER Contra parallel Neptune
Jan 8 2014
5:36 PM MARS SQUARE JUPITER (7th Sign to 4th Sign)
Exact Jan 8 2014
Brief description: Pushing forward. Fiery and creative attitudes. Actions based on perceived ethics, philosophy and religious views. There is an attitude of prejudice with an aggressive spirit. Political and spiritual restlessness. To be driven to speed up recovery. Body building. Confidence and excitement to succeed with a competitive spirit. . The tendency to over-look or under estimate problems when motivated by a goal. Some actions attract legal issues or other obstacles with logistics. Motivate to publish or advertise. Risky behavior.
For personal use: Take on a big project but pace yourself.
For business use: Beware of over extending when advertising
9:34 PM Thursday MOON ENTERING TAURUS until Saturday January 11, 2014. S(2nd Sign)
Jan 8 2014
The Moon in Taurus is in its exaltation which normally indicates that there is a graciousness and honor of some sort. When the Moon is in Taurus, there tends to be a focus on finances, and often money comes through on these days. This is the Moon of tradition, concerned with matters of the family and gatherings. It is usually “food first” for Taurus Moons. Bonding is more apparent with loved ones. There is a need to get more grounded and find some peace and quiet. You may be carting about people or supplies. (Before automated vehicles, the bull pulled carts of supplies and people.) Taurus Moons can be lazier and more indulgent than usual. This can be a slow-moving couple of days with no rushing and lower blood pressure. The bull is more sensitive than they appear being also stubborn and not easily pulled off track. If there is a sense of being pressured this could incite rage especially if plans change without consulting the bull and then securing his/her approval. Don’t push, suggest. Find a way to make your pitch, sale or emotional plea politically palatable, practical and profitable to please and capture your benefactors’ attention. Remain sensitive and patient while watching the object of your attention become interested in your product. Making a pitch or sale with the Moon in Taurus can be tedious but you are often speaking to someone who has the means to fund your project or buy your products. If your can remember they don’t want to be pushed, they want to be seduced you will have much better luck. If you seem to be interested only in money you will lose their respect. When the Moon is in Taurus people like to buy things that are sensual to the touch. Fabrics need to be comfortable and relaxed but of high quality. Flannels, cottons and very soft wools are sought. Lots of food items, cooking and indoor/outdoor gardening are high on the activity list. This is a time to be nurtured and be nurturing. If the Taurus Moon occurs on an otherwise good day your powers of manipulation work strongly in your favor. Your ability to move to the head of the line or the top of the list if you step up and ask. Apply for a loan or mortgage. If you are a Taurus, matters tend to go your way.
Thursday January 9, 2014. The Moon is in Taurus. This is a Green Light Day through Saturday January 11 at 7:24 AM.
Friday January 10, 2014. The Taurus Moon is excellent to move forward but it is best after 2:07 PM Friday Moon opposite Saturn.
3:33 AM MERCURY CONTRAPARALL JUPITER (10th Sign to 4th Sign)
Exact Jan 10 2014
Brief description: A temporary meeting place such as conference for the exchange of ideas. To collect raw data from a variety of sources. Setting travel agendas. Connecting with school mates. Joining a writing group for a specific project. Submitting a rough draft. Advertising a one-time event.
For personal use: Reconnect and share stories
For business use: Conduct a survey for a future marketing campaign.
Saturday January 11, 2014.
5:44 AM VENUS SEXTILE SATURN (10th Sign to 8th Sign)
Exact Jan 11 2014
Brief description: The gift of patience. Mutual exchanges are the objective in all relationships. This is an opportunity to take a friendship to a deeper level of commitment. Create a solid relationship based on the relationship's history, shared affection and values. Solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off. Money stabilizes. Good business agreements. The desire to engage in relationships based on mature reasoning. Good business associates. Women motivated by success. Relationships established to stand the test of time. Long term agreements. This aspect is fond of stability in relationships and wide age differences. They could come together through work or relatives. The search for practical investments with long-term benefits. Whenever Venus and Saturn aspect there is a fear of emotional or financial loss.
For personal use: Consider the history in your existing relationships before starting a new one.
For business use: Invest.
Exact Jan 11 2014
Brief description: Love, money, sweets and rich foods. This day may have an air of fun and playfulness. A need to express your love, appreciation and affections are a priority with this conjunction. There is a desire to socialize and there are strong powers of attraction. Physical attractions; enjoyment of aesthetics; harmony, creativity, and the arts and a desire to take action in these areas. There is a receptive friendliness in the air. There is a promotion of positive emotions and expressions of love. There is a desire to join with others
For personal use: If you are single or want more in your personal relationships of both intimate or friendship, there may be more social opportunities for meeting new people that will become important you for many years. It is time to make esthetic choices. All choices come from the heart. Get exactly what you want.
For business: Choose this time to enhance your public and business relations. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive long lasting impression.
5:58 AM Saturday Moon’s Final Aspect is TRINE MERCURY (2nd Sign to 10th Sign)
Jan 11 2014
Jan 11 2014
The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or there may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say whatever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.
8:38 AM SUN SEXTILE SATURN (10th Sign to 8th Sign)
Exact Jan 11 2014
Brief description: A good plan to add positive structure to your life. Cooperation is likely with department heads and father figures. Creative pursuits gain recognition. Presentations on this day have a strong structure. Builds confidence and with good reviews and rewards. Steadfast and sound progress.
Solid endurance. The ability to practice patience.
For personal use: Use your past accomplishments to ask for more responsibility and gain what you are looking for.
For business: Come to the table and to structure a deal.
Jan 11 2014
Brief Description: The next couple of weeks will be full of unique ideas generated from Mercury's swift pass through the air sign of Aquarius. Many thoughts have time to percolate, as interference is at a low due to the few aspects to other planets in the first week when Mercury travels through the sign. Innovative thinking; attention to computer language and function; outreach and contact with groups, organization and friends. Mercury has the role of the connecter, bringing people together in social settings. Travel involving group activities or events dealing with social endeavors.
For Personal use: Zip through reading projects. Allow your friends to introduce you to new people.
For Business: Many ideas will add spark and spice to work over the next few weeks. Invent.
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