Dietrech Pessin's Weekly Astrology Report broadcast on WZBC Newton MA 90.3 Radio Saturday 9:30 AM.
Saturday Jan 18 - Green Light from 10:51 PM until Monday at 3:55 PM when the Virgo Moon ends very well with a 60ยบ aspect to Saturn.
The Moon is void at that time Monday through 7:43 AM Tuesday when we begin a Green Light Period.
Green Light period begins at 7:43 AM Tuesday – Thursday at 9:38 AM when moves matters quickly with many complications due to the Moon bumping into the Grand Cardinal Cross on Wednesday when it; opposes Uranus; square Pluto; square Jupiter and Venus then off to conjunct Mars all on Wednesday. Tuesday is not quite as challenging but avoid your final answer if you ca until the Moon catches up with Mars Wednesday night at 10:50 PM. The best Green Light period is from 10:50 PM – 9:58 AM Thursday.
The Libra Moon is void of course from 9:58 AM Thursday until 4:43 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio.
The Scorpio Moon is not suitable for anything that you wish to run smoothly. It is intense and dominated by the harsh reality cast by Saturn in Scorpio. Agreements end with an argument and stacks of unwanted paperwork and filings right through Saturday night, January 25, 2014 at 10:13 PM.
Saturday January 25 after 10:13 PM the Sagittarius Moon is in good shape for a couple of Green Light Days through Monday at 5:02 PM.
The Following script is transcribed from the Radio Report January 18, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014 – Saturday, January 25, 2014
Good morning. There are a few things that we should be reminded of astrologically speaking. One thing is Venus is still retrograde and will continue to be so until the 31st of January, when it turns direct in the afternoon. Venus retrograde period is a time when normally it could be a little more expensive. You could also find something expensive that you love and that you need to have. You could find also that relationships might take more work. A lot of people are finding new partners in their relationships, and those relationships will need to work through a lot of issues. Many times, finding relationships during this time, people are pretty heavily wounded from their past relationships, so have patience with one another.
And the other things that are going on, for right now, is that we have this Pluto and Uranus square that is behind absolutely everything (STOP 33:04). And that tends to mean that everything is far more dramatic than usual. We have great shifts and great changes: things that transform right from the bottom up, like things destroyed by geological events or even by just regular ordinary things are larger than life, larger than ever. A fire turns into a fire of a block, instead of a fire of a house, and something having to do with the transformation in government. There is a need to force some change for government as well, to change.
The retrograde planets at this time are only Venus. When Venus is direct at the end of the month it will be just a short span of time until February 6th before Mercury turns retrograde. And then Mercury will be retrograde turning direct at the end of February. And then March 1st Mars will go retrograde along with Saturn, so that is going to be a very dramatic time: February 28th, March 1st, and March 2nd, right in that period. So it will be very heavy duty. And then Jupiter will turn direct on March 6th. So there is so much drama going on with the planets at this time.
There is the Grand Cardinal Cross with Mars in Libra, Uranus in the sign of Aries. Mars is the action planet. This is the one that rules our drive, and our ability to work, and keep our focus, and move forward. And it also causes battles, and people to be fighting for things that they normally wouldn’t be fighting for, opposite Uranus, which is the planet of sudden abrupt change. And then both are square Pluto and Jupiter. Jupiter is in Cancer and Pluto is in Capricorn. Jupiter has the most to do with expanding conditions in the home, could be actually expansion of home projects or expansion of real estate. People buying /selling, it is held back a bit by being retrograde, but there is still activity there and Venus is also involved in that Grand Cardinal Cross. So it is, like a match, is just enough to set it off and then it all starts rolling. Cardinal signs, which those are, are very, very, very active and get things going like no other.
Saturday, January 18th
So for today we do have a Leo Moon. The Leo Moon is normally about things that are happy and fun, but also executive type of decisions or this is after everything has been planned out in the stars, shows up on the stage. These are the plans for the show, and also for any type of project. Say if you were selling something, this would be the time to present those things. Or if you were trying to buy something for future projects as well, this is not really the time to buy things. But all the cards are on the table. We are still under the influence of a Full Moon and that Full Moon has much to do with also family members, and the business of family as well.
The Leo Moon has a couple of things going on. There was an aspect between Mars and Neptune, which early in the morning at 4:55 AM this morning, had a lot to do with a hole in the bucket somewhere. And also things that are procrastinated, indecisiveness contributes to problems. Oil businesses, and energy, waste is also something that is under the influence of that. There is difficulty diagnosing, and fixing problems as well. so if you have a problem in your car or in your house that you need a professional , they may or may not be able to figure it out, and it may cost you a lot of money, because Venus is retrograde to figure out just what is at the bottom of it. It is also about sleepiness, that maybe you might have a hard time getting up. You might still be sleeping.
And then we have the Moon in aspect to the Sun at 5:56 PM. It’s a 150 degree aspect, I call it Life’s messy, clean it up. So there might be something that you need to adjust to right before that time, and it could be something that just stops you in your tracks. And you must deal with it. It is different from what your plan is. it is something outside your regime. It is one of those things like a boulder rolls off the cliff, off the mountain, while you are driving down a road and you have to stop because you can’t get past until a clean up crew comes along and removes it.
7:10 PM the planet Mercury and Pluto are in an aspect. It is a 30 degree aspect. This is about finding information from underground sources, talks with other people. Maybe you talk about someone who passed on, and you find out something that you didn’t know, something that might be useful. If it is a family member, it might be very useful. You could find hidden documents or secret information. Communications with those in a position of power can also lead to something profitable later, but weigh that all out, because this aspect has a lot of growth, a lot of maturity, before it actually really produces anything.
At 8:23 PM the Moon will enter Virgo. So there is a little Void of Course period from 5:56 PM until 8:23 PM. The Virgo Moon will have a Green Light period after the Sun changes signs, because we have the Sun late in the sign of Capricorn entering Aquarius.
Sunday, January 19th
So for Sunday, January 19th. My husband Mary White will be performing tonight at the Cantab with two other bands there is four great bands that are there in Central Square, Cambridge Massachusetts. That is where we will be, if you want to chase us down, and hear some good music.
For this Virgo Moon we have a couple of things to watch out for: the Sun and Pluto have an alignment at 5:23 PM on Sunday. So this definitely is the power of those, the force of the power. This is great for the Patriots Game with the Broncos. I will be following that very closely. I love football and I love the Patriots. This aspect has to do with aligning yourself with those in the position of power, or two forces of power that meet and help one another in one way or another. Of course the game is about opposing forces, but something comes along to help someone in a position that, where the star needs to be supported in some way.
At 8:02 PM there is an aspect between Mercury and Jupiter. And that aspect has a lot to do with plans around a trip perhaps. It could be information that leaks out of the blue, surfaces from another source that is last minute breaking news kind of thing. There are unrelated issues that demand your attention. There could be things about people calling out to you, needing to speak to you. So if you don’t want to answer the phone, don’t answer the phone. You could help others with their projects with that aspect, and you may also need to tend to matters that are not directly related to you whatsoever. You may also be called to travel unexpectedly, with an aspect like that as well. Try to keep the focus on what it is you need to keep your day in order, with that aspect.
Then we have a Green Light period that approaches at 10:51 PM. This is a time when the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius: that would be a time for friends to get together, lots of fun. People are joining for like minded matters, and supporting each other for (STOP 49:29) whatever it is that they are doing.
10:51 PM that Green Light will carry through the evening, right through until 3:55 PM on Monday. So that gives a good stretch of time until the Moon makes a 60 degree aspect to Saturn. And that allows for long term good results to whatever project that you are trying to work with, or whatever you are trying to find or get. So take advantage of that nice Green Light period. Not complicated by all of the cardinal square points. So that Void of Course Moon period is from 3:55 PM Monday, right through until 7:43 AM on Tuesday.
And there is an aspect between Mercury and Venus early in the morning on Tuesday. And that may allow you to have a sweet start to your day (STOP 43:27), if they allow you to have also some information about people or siblings that is useful. Or maybe try and get in touch later in the day, might work out really well, when that Libra Moon enters at 7:43 AM. And we have a Libra Moon with a fairly good ending, when it parallels Neptune on Thursday at 9:58 AM. so there is right through there, there is a Green Light. But remember while the Moon is in Libra, it hits all of those Cardinal Cross planets. So there is some difficulty, some bumps in the road that will occur.
First there is a very beautiful trine where things are allowed to happen nicely at 10:40 AM on Tuesday, when the Sun and the Moon are trine. And it is Wednesday that has all the Moon squaring off the cardinal points, that would be Moon opposite Uranus at 1:22 AM Wednesday: sudden abrupt change, things break off, things reverse. Now if you could go to bed early, that would be a good idea. The Moon is square Pluto at 6:53 AM: that is getting in to a power struggle with somebody. Moon square Jupiter: people being boisterous, trying to take charge of a situation they may not actually be in charge of. And then the Moon is square Venus at 1:05 PM, so both of those aspects, Moon square Jupiter at 9:19 and then Venus at 1:05 may not feel so bad. you may feel like partying, that may be something that is kind of contagious. You may want to take others with you to go have a good time. So that might be a fair thing to do. It could cause problems later for some other reason. But for all intensive purposes I think you want to wait until after that aspect has completed at 1:05, make it 1:06 PM on Wednesday to sign any agreements, if you wanted to.
There is an aspect of the Moon conjunct Mars at 10:50 PM: and that one is filled with a bit of conflict. So it is best if you waited until after the aspect is done, then do your signing, turn things in that are agreeable. You could have pretty good investments that you make, or real estate decisions that you make as well.
9:57 AM the Moon reaches its last aspect with a parallel to Neptune: that’s the fog and the confusion. But this one idealizes matters and allows things to move through smoothly, because you convince others that your idealized notions are a good thing. They believe you, they get behind you, and it works out well for that Green Light period. And then there is a Void of Course Moon from 9:58 AM until 4:43 PM, during which time Mercury and Saturn get together to retrieve information and bind it together. It is a supportive thing that allows you to pull yourself together, collect yourself, collect your thoughts, and also connect with reasonable counselors who can help you with problems. That is a very good hire, a counselor, for to help you sort things out kind of thing. Not so much about psychological matters, as it would be for perhaps business matters, or anything having to do with marriage or divorce, something like that.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio 4:43 PM. It ends badly when it squares Mercury in the sign of Aquarius. So don’t use the Scorpio Moon for anything, other than work alone. Be by yourself as much as you can, and comply. Scorpio Moons, you are often dealing with insurance companies, you are dealing with building departments, and the health department, and various offices that want paper work and signatures and that sort of thing. Try not to sign anything. Gather, come back later, do anything to stall. And that Scorpio Moon also has a Quarter Moon that occurs at 12:19 AM Friday morning that is at 4 degrees of Scorpio. This is related to a Lunar Eclipse that we had last April, so this is kind of a big deal. And it may involve matters where you are reaping the reward of your efforts, or you have to pay a debt from the past, something that seems to have piled up and is chasing you down in some kind of way. Scorpio is also a good time to deal with psychological issues. This is the time to talk with a counselor or work with a therapist: a massage therapist like Linda Clave or any type of body worker that gets the deep tissue work done, that would be a very good thing to do during that time. And Mercury and Venus are parallel during that Scorpio Moon sign that is excellent for communicating in a positive way, framing things in a way. If you are trying to frame a subject for somebody, work on it then, but don’t deliver it until later.
Mercury and Mars have an aspect, as well, 9:56 AM and that is on Friday. This allows you to speed up your communication, open your doors and let people in, or also go to places where you want to find someone that is helpful. Things may appear to move smoothly, but don’t sign anything. At the end of the road Moon is square Mercury, which says that contracts are bad, your agreements are bad, something is dropped or lost and difficult to sort out later, even though that day may seem to run fairly smoothly. Very often this is great for retail sales that retrograde Venus. If you have retail sales business you may find you do very well. People will spend big bucks with a Scorpio Moon and a retrograde Venus, so that will be good for that sign. That’s pretty much it for the week. That Scorpio Moon does run through until 10:12 PM on Saturday night, with a Void of Course Moon starting at 8:54 AM next Saturday, if you want to look ahead, because by the time we get on the air that information is kind of lost. Okay that is it for the week. (STOP 51:05)
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