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**************************Saturday October 11, 2014 ************************************
5:10 AM Venus opposite Uranus. Excitement around social events. Unpredictable expressions and emotions as if one can not contain themselves. Feelings attach affection without logic. Unconventional social behavior. Artistic displays are dynamic and unconventional. Relationships experience abrupt interruptions. Sudden distancing from loved ones. Loss of money or purse. Unexplained need to change decor or wardrobe. Rebellious expressions between partners. A rare find of money, love or friendship. Sudden emotional excitement.
11:51 AM Moon enters Gemini. Begin a Green Light Period until Monday at 1:58 PM.
Call again. You may get lucky this time.
For two days this Gemini Moon sign is in excellent shape for any repeat action that involves seeking a new route to an older matter. (Sun at the lunar node) You may be surprised by the amount of help you receive for asking. The energy is higher than expected. (Venus contra parallel Uranus) Enlightenment is a gift of this eclipse season. There are openings and lights guiding your way with inspiration and answers to both newer and older questions. The older question may have been about why you do things the way you do. By enjoying an understanding of your process you are able to see that you have always possessed those qualities you seek outside yourself. As with match making we gravitate toward those that are most like ourselves even when they appear completely opposite. At times you experience somethings or some people who move on without you and you fill with regret. When you remove the regret you might realize that you may have designed it just that way.(Venus opposite & contra parallel Uranus) It is a time for letting go in a larger way of the things that have been holding you back. (Solar eclipse 0^ Scorpio). We may be more sensitive and vulnerable.
Sunday October 12, 2013
7:52 AM Venus contra parallel Uranus.
The Sun conjunct the lunar nodes at 11:40 AM makes Sunday a highly dynamic way.
1:57 PM Moon sextile Uranus. Lucky.
8:35 PM Moon sextile Jupiter. Lucky.
Monday October 13, 2014
The Moon is in Gemini with a Green Light period that will last until 1:58 PM when the Moon goes void of course.
The Moon enters Cancer at 7:30 PM and travels through this sign until Thursday at 6:29 AM.
The Cancer Moon sign is excellent after the Last Quarter Moon on Wednesday at 3:12 PM. Until them use caution when trying to move forward or close a deal.
Cancer Moon signs are for insiders only. If you have been invited consider yourself honored. You may be inside but not immune from being kicked out. Especially when the Moon will oppose Pluto on Tuesday then square Uranus at 11:07 PM Tuesday.
Tuesday October 14, 2014 - Happy Birthday Judith Gorgone, my cousin Cookie
4:33 AM Venus 60º Jupiter. Very lucky so plan ahead for it.
Moon opposite Pluto at 5:02 PM. The power struggle was demanding. Now go for it.
Green Light from 3:12 PM Wednesday until 6:29 AM Thursday.
3:19 AM Sun 60º Mars. See yourself winning this battle. There is an opportunity even while you sleep. Take advantage of anything that comes your way on Wednesday.
6:51 AM Sun 30º Saturn. You are more prepared than you think.
8:24 AM Mars 30º Saturn. Your path is attached to a previous goal. Sweep the road clear while passing through a heavy zone.
9:46 AM Moon square Venus. - It costs too much.
2:55 PM Moon 150º Mars. Upset. Accident prone.
Wait until after Moon square Sun for the best luck. 3:12 PM - This Last Quarter is attached to the matters that began in July of 2012. They budded to a robust beginning April 2013. You could see where this was going by January 2014. Here you are to reap the rewards of your efforts or paying back to those you have committed to in the past.
6:26 PM You have sentiment in your heart which could cloud your judgement. This aspect might convince you that you don't deserve what you are entitled to. Move forward anyway. Don't listen to the discouragement dictated by low self -esteem.
9:22 PM Moon is parallel Jupiter. Reach up and grab it. This is benefit that you are entitled to. It is the granted to you. Take it. Plan a trip to visit family you haven't seen in a while.
Thursday October 16, 2014
6:29 AM Moon enters Leo. There are many excellent aspects to Mercury which get you thinking in a different direction and for some things you will reverse your thinking about the plans you made. There is a caution to hold back your "GO Button" until Saturday 10/18 at 3:35 AM. But do collect all the information and introductions during Thursdays fine energy. Good for things you would like to stop or reverse either opposed protocol or against authority.
During the Leo Moon there is a Good time to advance. Best Green Light begins after 3:35 AM Saturday 10/18 until 4:19 PM.
4:40 PM Sun conjunct Retrograde Mercury. - Mercury is up to its old tricks. There is likely to be an important announcement about peace talks or a leg up in a tough situation.
8:05 PM See through a foggy facade with an eagle eye.
9:49 PM - Here is that opportunity you have been waiting for. Say yes with a reservation to review after Saturday morning.
******************Friday October 17 2014******************
Green Light with reservations which must be addressed when you change your mind about something or someone after you have been better informed. (Moon square Saturn at 3:35 AM next Saturday 10/18.)
12:19 PM Venus 30º Saturn. Measure your success by your ability to stick to the commitment you have made until the job is done. Money may be hard to find for some types of projects.
1:56 PM Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus. - Venus waits graciously at the door to receive those that want to meet others for long-term relationships. These relationships may be for love or business or family. Mercury appears to be returning in some cases with a divine quality that brings a sparkling quality to the introduction. Mercury is not quite who he/she says they are maybe because they don't know themselves yet. However Mercury and Venus share knowledge of people in the past or they come from a similar lineage. That lineage may include a path of interest or study. In any case this is a fine day to enjoy the company of someone you know or want to know longer. Visits are best with loved ones from your past. This is a happy time as this Mercury conjunct Venus is also 60^ to Mars in Sagittarius.
3:19 PM Mercury 30º Saturn reaches back to an older person who adds wisdom to a much needed perspective.
8:05 PM Moon conjunct Jupiter. Open your eyes and mind to a new way for an older matter.
10:01 PM Sun parallel Mercury. Here you can meet or align yourself with those that think the way you do or are going in the same direction. Things seem to come together. Health matters can be address soon with greater success. Wait until the Moon square Saturn passes - early Saturday morning Oct 18. During many times when Mercury is retrograde this day is more quirky. In this case you may see documents and message align in such a way that it just works.
Saturday October 18, 2014 *********Happy Birthday Naomi**********
Very good after Moon square Saturn at 3:35 AM right through until 4:19 PM especially for matters qualified as 2nd time around.
Moon trine Mars 7:18 AM Effortless success.
9:09 AM Moon 60º Sun. Opportunity galore.
Excellent opportunity to align yourself with like minded people. You may also find the money you need
4:19 PM Moon is void of course until 7:08 PM Saturday. Do not move forward with important matters until the Moon enters Libra at 7:12 AM Tuesday October 21.
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